#player: ian robb
I’ve checked whose on the cast for heroes vs villains, so these are some of the players that aren’t on there that I want to see back, ordered by season in reverse
-Shambo, Dave
-Stephen, Taj
-Ace, Kenny, Matty
-Natalie, Erik
-Yau-Man, Dreamz
-Penner, Yul, Ozzy
-Rafe, Danni
-Coby, Ian
-Scout, Chris
-Cesternino, Christy
-Brian, Robb
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ptcgdecklist · 4 years
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ADP Zacian - Ian Robb (US) - Top 8 - OCIC - February 2020 - Standard
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portectorisms-a · 7 years
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Our story brings us to the year 2017. We've come together for the Triwizard Tournament, held at the ever famous school of Hogwarts. However, we come for a different result than the years of past. With the fall of Voldemort and the rise of bringing the wizard community together, the Tournament has new rules and new players in it's match. This year, Hogwarts will have a champion from each of it's four houses, Beauxbatons will have it's four and Durmstrang, it's four, the twist? The American school, ilvermorny, has entered the running, also having four champions that will compete, all of which must be the age of 16 or older, no one younger will be accepted into the tournament. In the minds of those involved, there's nothing more dangerous than each task that's been placed before them. Nothing more dangerous than the Tournament itself, but little does the wizarding world know, the Death Eaters have regained their ranks, bringing in new believers of their cause, and soon, their Dark Lord may be on the rise again.
OOC dram stays out, IC drama will be allowed. If OOC drama happens, come to an admin and we'll help work it all out.
Please stay active. There will be activity checks.
After you've been added to the list, please post a small headcanon/bio.
If your fc is already taken, ask about twins. There won't be a lot of twins but it is allowed if the other person agrees.
Every fandom is welcomed!
Track the tag: gv. a new tournament and gv. antooc
For this verse, students start at 13 instead of 11 and finish at 20 instead of 18.
No one under 16 can be champion.
All players are allowed up to two muses.
Please submit your app to either Hale or Bellamy.
Have fun!
Name: [OOC] Discord: [won't be publicly posted] Name: [Character first and last] FC: [Muse Face Claim] Year: [Only if student] House/School: [Only if student] *Champion: [Please note: each school has four champions.] Student/Faculty: [List the school which you choose to attend or work at] Subject: [Only if teacher] *Prefect/Head Boy/Girl: [Two prefects per house, must be 5th or higher, 1 head boy and 1 head girl, must me 7th] Quidditch Position: [Only if your muse plays] *Please note that all Hogwarts Champions are officially taken! *Head boy and head girl are taken!
Champions: Hogwarts: Bellamy Blake - 7th Year - Gryffindor - 20 - Beater - Bob Morley: @portectorisms. Jessica Jones - 7th Year - Slytherin - 20 - Beater - Naomi Scott: @inferium. Simon Lewis - 5th Year -  Hufflepuff -18 - Seeker - Alberto Rosende: @remembcr. Rosette Everwood - 7th Year - Ravenclaw - 20 - Tinashe: @confaediction.
Beauxbatons: Nebi Saona - 5th Year - 18  -  Ombrelune - Beater - Samantha Bascarino: @cupcakemonwrites. Teresa González - 6th Year - 19 - Astrid Bergès-Frisbey: @mcgicveins.
Durmstrang: -
ilvermorny: Emma Carstairs - 6th Year - 19 - Thunderbird - Alexis Ren: @quipfcst. Malachai “Kai” Parker - 6th Year - 19 - Horned Serpent - Seeker - Chris Wood: @devilwithabrokenmind.
Students: Hogwarts: Clary Fairchild - 6th Year - Gryffindor - 18 - Chaser - Prefect - Kat McNamara: @seraphblvdes. Jeremia Gilbert - 6th Year - 19 - Gryffindor - Victoria Justice: @hauntedgilbert. Robb Stark - 7th Year - 20 - Gryiffindor - Head Boy - Beater - Richard Madden: @revixiism. Jace Herondale - 6th Year - 19 - Gryffindor - Chaser - Dominic Sherwood: @goldtouched. Wylla Manderly - 5th Year - 18 - Gryffindor - Nicola Peltz: @lostflares. Hale Ashwood - 7th Year - 20 - Slytherin - Casey Deidrick: @runedsoldier. Mack McKnight - 6th Year - 19 - Slytherin - Keeper - Matthew Daddario: @acquiredcraving. Damen Hera - 7th Year - 20 - Slytherin - Ryan Hawley: @viirid. Isabelle “Izzy” Lightwood - 5th Year - 18 - Slytherin - Seeker - Emeraude Toubia: @heartwhipped. Elizabeth “Betty” Cooper - 4th Year - 17 - Slytherin - Lili Reinhart: @serpcntadjacent. Teagan Byrne - 7th Year - 20 - Hufflepuff - Head Girl - Cintia Dicker: @blightcd. Jeyne Westerling - 7th Year - 20 - Hufflepuff - Prefect - Shay Mitchell: @inferium. Etta Martinez - 7th Year - 20 - Hufflepuff - Gina Rodriquez: @jvstoldnews. Karen Page - 7th Year - 20 -Ravenclaw - Deborah Ann Woll - @youcantknowthat. Alec Lightwood - 7th Year - 20 - Ravenclaw - Prefect - Joe Collier: @heartguided. Clarke Griffin - 6th Year - 18 - Ravenclaw - Prefect - Eliza Taylor: @destroysworlds.
Beauxbatons: Aurora de Martel - 7th Year - 20 - Ombrelune - Prefect - Rebecca Breeds: @ladamedemartel. Nikoline Kristofferson - 7th Year - 20 - Ombrelune - Anastasia Tsilimpiou: @xdragonsofavaloria.
Durmstrang: Nikolaj Kristofferson - 7th Year - 20 - Dyr - Prefect - Bradley James: @xdragonsofavaloria.
ilvermorny: Anthony Parker - 7th Year - 20 - Horned Serpent - Jack O’Connell: @negateswar.
Faculty: Hogwarts: James “Bucky” Barnes - 30 - Defense Against The Dark Arts - Head of Slytherin - Sebastian Stan: @hearterascd. Magnus Bane - 28 - Charms - Head of Ravenclaw - Godfrey Gao: @ofdemonicmagic. Camille Belcourt - 29 - Astronomy - Head of Hufflepuff - Kaitlyn Leeb: @fangedfatales.
Beauxbatons: Diana Prince - 30 - History of Magical Artifacts - Gal Gadot: @spiceandsugar.
Durmstrang: Niklaus “Klaus” Mikaelson - 28 - Headmaster - Defense Against The Dark Arts - Joseph Morgan: @originallymikaelson. Salem Saberhagen - 43 - Alchemy - Henry Ian Cusick: @denofvoices.
ilvermorny: -
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lifejustgotawkward · 6 years
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365 Day Movie Challenge (2018) - #21: Freak Show (2017) - dir. Trudie Styler (52 Films by Women 2018: #2)
Like another film I viewed recently, Penelope, Trudie Styler’s coming-of-age comedy Freak Show (based on a semi-autobiographical novel by James St. James) is the story of a misfit who asks members of a community to forget about their prejudices and to embrace their differences instead. While’s Penelope’s message is muddled, ultimately stating that a happy ending is only possible once the pig-snouted heroine has magically transformed into a “real” woman, Freak Show does a decent job of navigating comparable territory without copping out in the same way.
Alex Lawther, an up-and-coming British actor who impressed me with his heartrending performance as young Alan Turing in The Imitation Game and who currently stars on the Netflix series “The End of the F***ing World,” plays the center of Freak Show’s gravitational field, openly (and flamboyantly) gay teen Billy Bloom. Billy spent his formative years with his showbiz mother, nicknamed Muv (Bette Midler); he admires her zest for life and her total acceptance of his personality, although he overlooks other issues like her alcoholism, her flakiness and less than stellar parenting skills. When Billy turns seventeen, Muv abruptly dumps him at the Virginia estate of his estranged and very wealthy father, William Bloom Sr. (Larry Pine), forcing Billy to attend high school with a deeply conservative group of kids. Needless to say, the student body is unprepared for the drag queen in training who has entered their midst.
Unsurprisingly, Billy falls in love with the one male classmate who befriends him, Mark “Flip” Kelly (Ian Nelson). Flip is the school’s star football player, but secretly he longs to pursue a career as an artist; he and Billy bond over their rejection of so-called normalcy. (Billy also hangs out with Mary Jane, played by AnnaSophia Robb, whose name he doesn’t catch when they initially meet. He calls her “Blah Blah Blah” in his head for most of the film, which is more entertaining than anything her character gets to do.) To Freak Show’s credit, the connection between Billy and Flip is more than just the former constantly pining after the latter.
Despite the barrage of voiceover narration from Billy, the film’s portrait of him never scratches too far below the glittery surface. He wears makeup, wigs and costumes divinely, but otherwise the screenplay is thin on his character development. Still, Billy’s biggest hurdle - running as a candidate for homecoming queen against the school’s resident mean girl, Lynette Franz (Abigail Breslin) - is a compelling one. Additionally, the evolution of Billy’s camaraderie with his father’s housekeeper, Florence (Celia Weston), is touching and there are a bunch of amusing scenes with the town’s most determined reporter, Felicia Watts (Laverne Cox), who covers the prom royalty race with clear bias towards our hero.
I’m tempted to dock Freak Show a few points for Billy citing the eyeroll-inducing phrase “let your freak flag fly” during his eleventh-hour speech to his classmates before the final prom queen votes are tallied, but it’s probably the most emotionally involving part of the film. Praise also goes to the section of the film in which Muv briefly returns, drunkenly flirting and dancing with Flip and making a total fool of herself while still retaining a very Bette Midler brand of resolute confidence. In such a predictably feel-good and sentimental film, more moments like that are needed to shake things up. Trudie Styler (whom I think of first and foremost as Sting’s wife) made her solo directorial debut with Freak Show, but she also has decades of experience as an actor and producer under her belt, so I am curious to see what path her filmmaking career goes down next.
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hookysblog · 7 years
Festival Les Deferlantes, Perpingnan FESTIVAL LES DÉFERLA
Sorry about the lack of photos, but my phone ran out of memory;( However, here’s two beauties…
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A lovely drive though France to this gig. The traffic is horrendous on the last leg and even though the sat-nav says 3.5 hours ….. it actually takes 8, with us driving all over the place when we get there…bloody sat-navs!
This would be a beautiful spot, for any festival. High on a hill set in an old medieval castle. Their set up and organisation, food etc., is fantastic with Chemical Brothers headlining. We play really well and are received very well too, a lovely day out. Nice to see the Chemicals crew members and their Agent Alex Nightingale on the trip. Nice drive home with gorgeous weather.
  The Foundry, Sheffield Students Union.
After two weeks off I am very nervous. It seems like such a long time! We practice very well, and even though as soon as we start practicing, we wonder why we are? Because we know the songs so well;)
Using a new boy today, Rob on monitors. Rob is the bass player from The Cadavers, Part Time Band contestants, and it’s nice to have someone you know doing the fold-back. It makes life a lot easier.;)
Geek Alert: Foldback System – when you see a band perform live, the black speaker boxes facing the musicians at the front of the stage, are called ‘fold back’. Folding the music back to the performers, so each musician can hear what they and the other group members are playing on stage.
(Pottsy actually mis-heard this years ago and thought, until last week???… it was called ‘fallback’…how weird is that!)
We are out of term time so no students, and I wonder what will happen?
I needn’t have worried. It is HOT!  And packed with a very boisterous audience greeting us very, very warmly. The boys play fantastically, it is insanely sweaty and I am delighted to see Queen Vivien of Bedford Boys Club 1981 fame backstage with her beautiful grown up daughter, which makes me feel very old… God doesn’t time fly?;)
Y not Festival, Matlock, Derbyshire
Nice drive to picturesque Matlock, in Derbyshire. It is strange rounding a bend and seeing this huge festival site stretching out before you, in the middle of absolutely bloody nowhere. I go out in the tent to watch the band before us play, PRETTY VICIOUS, and very young and energetic they were too, with a great drummer.
As I’m watching there is one surreal moment when someone reaches over my shoulder and points to the back of the guy in front of me, who is wearing a Festival T-shirt, and points to Peter Hook and The Light on it. I think is he taking the piss? I look round and the guy who’s pointing screams, ‘Fucking Hell!’ he shouts, ‘Peter Fucking Hook!’ I beat a hasty retreat.
The tent is packed, bursting at the seams, and apart from this huge stanchion in the middle of the stage, everything is great. It’s a mixed audience but most are very young.
The gig goes GREAT! Starting with Joy Division, then moving on to New Order. The crowd and mosh-pit getting wilder and wilder. With crowd backing vocals for ALL of the songs. Then about halfway through the set a young lady at the front pulls her top up showing off her lady parts and Jack drops the most monumental bum note I have ever heard…God bless him! We finish with LWTUA and the audience are still singing it 10 minutes after we have finished!!!
A lovely drive home as the sun sets and I feel very happy, tired but happy.
Thank you to all at Y not! Thank you very much;)
Hacienda Classical, Rainbow arena, Birmingham.
A quick trip down to Brum, turns into anything but quick when the motorway turn off is shut on both sides of the M6??? Who’s crazy idea is that???
Make it just in time as today has a 9p.m. curfew. We are playing an Electronic New Order set today all mixed together, just like the Classical in fact. We play well and for a support act are very well received. As we limber up for the main event the Arena fills up nicely. Then were on. The sound at the start is a bit ropey but soon comes together and after about 4 songs is rocking. Everyone plays great and nice to have Daz out of 808 State toasting tonight, as MC Tunes is busy. After we finish we drive to a hotel Gatwick ready for our early flight to Croatia. I have never been and am very excited.
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Splitzka Festival, Primosten, Croatia.
Nice flight, thank the lord, and before we know it we are in Croatia. Which on first glance looks a lot like an unspoilt Greece. We have a short drive and unbelievably it is pissing down. The driver says they have had no rain for over 68 days, but we are Mancs…it follows us wherever we go! There is at least two foot of water on the roads now and we are very worried about the Festival. The driver laughs it off and sure enough within two hours everywhere is dry as a bone.
This is a lovely place and we get picked up for dinner later and driven into the hills to a beautiful rustic restaurant on top of a hill overlooking the ocean complete with a beautiful sunset…told you!
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As we feast on home made bread, oil and olives, with a 8 hour baked lamb dish that is simply sensational, we are all sat they feeling really fat and realising we do not have long until we play….Oooops! There is nothing worse than playing on an overly full stomach…God we are getting old.  Then back to the Fessie which is gorgeous and before we know it we are off. Great gig and a great crowd, loads of Bootleg Croation Joy Division T-shirts greet me.
A wonderful time, is had by all!
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A lovely warm night makes for a lovely warm singer and I am wet through. Then a young lady approaches me asking for a hug,
I say, ‘I’m wet with sweat?’
‘It’s fine.’ She says.
Then as she hugs me she whispers in my ear,
‘I miss him.’  
‘I miss him too.’ say I.
And off she waltzes. Great night. One odd sight backstage is this one bloke just sat on his own in a corner, sniffing away. When I ask who he is, it seems he is the festival drug dealer, offering all the normal stuff and the lads say he has done absolutely no business all day and now all night? That is brilliant. The old me would’ve adopted him but now I am delighted that the old drug thing now seems totally out of fashion. Last week in Magaluf on the strip, I was watching this guy approaching all the kids passing by, me thinking he was promoting a bar or something, and the kids were nice to him with quite a lot of backslapping but none stopped. Then he sauntered over to me, ‘Hey signor…you want cocaine?’ I smiled, if only he knew. You’ve not got enough in that rucksack for me dickhead. Ha Ha! I decline obviously, but am very heartened by all these kid’s reactions. He must have approached about 80 and every single one said no. I am delighted.
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Nice late start makes for a lovely easy morning and is only ruined by my usual legal work that has occupied my life for too long now. In the words of Ian Curtis….’Where will it end?’ Nice trip home surrounded by kids on the plane, which was different. A cool, damp Manchester welcomes us with open arms. And….no queue at Passport Control? Which makes a lovely change;)
Rebellion Festival 40 years of Punk, Blackpool.
Lovely to be asked back and to be celebrating 40 years of punk.
I cannot believe it is 40 years ago I started!!! The crowd here are so nice and friendly it is an absolute pleasure to play. I do a Q and A with John Robb and get to meet Brix Smith after too many years. I love Brix, a great woman and let’s face it we all make mistakes don’t we? Eh Mark;)
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The old theatres in here are fantastic, with many old features still in place, including me, Hee Hee. I watch the Anti Nowhere League who are as mad as ever and then get told they are Nazi’s…eh? They are just like us…fat, old blokes singing bollocks. How could anyone take any of us seriously, anyway…back to the gig! We are playing in a 2000 seater and I am delighted to be told later that it was one in one out. We are the first band to fill out a venue in the festival. I don’t feel great tonight but have to admit it goes very well and we take roof off. As I drive home later past many of the places where I used to play as a boy, I sigh. I love Blackpool.
Rewind Festival, Cheshire.
Nice jaunt back to Cheshire with The B.E.F.
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This is a great Festival, loads of fancy dress and a real party atmosphere. Older crowd, but I fit in perfectly. Nice to be asked back by Martin and lovely to meet the other featured artists. Mari Wilson (who I had a mad crush on when I was a kid, saw her play loads of times in Manc, loved the beehive!). A lovely relaxed day ensues and some wild people about, Jason Donovan, Rick Astley. I feel quite grungy in comparison. B.E.F are a great group and have another great line up, as we practice backstage in the true punk tradition everything is so relaxed it’s fantastic. Then we are on….Everything goes great and I even spot Sally, my trainer in the crowd at the front, a lovely surprise.
Nice to be home.
Just to finish off a lovely picture of me from 1981.
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Thank you everybody, you’ve made an old man very happy.
Love Hooky ’16 xxx
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andreagillmer · 5 years
‘Rock Star’ Ian Stalker Applies His Expertise to Nexus’ Projects
Source: Streetwise Reports   04/16/2019
The noted engineer, who has a track record of building companies and increasing their value, is now focusing on Nexus Gold.
J. Ian Stalker, who has had a long—more than 45 years—and storied history in mining exploration, development and operations, including working in West Africa for more than a decade, has become the non-executive chairman of Nexus Gold Corp. (NXS:TXS.V; NXXGF:OTCQB), a gold exploration company with projects in Burkina Faso and Canada.
During his career, he has taken more than 10 mining projects through feasibility, development and construction phases, and has raised more than $500 million in capital investment.
His high-level positions in gold mining include stints as managing director of Ashanti Goldfields Co. Ltd., which later became AngloGold Ashanti; vice president of Gold Fields Ltd.; and CEO of Brazilian Gold Corp.
Companies under Stalker’s management have seen significant market cap growth. He was the CEO of UraMin, a uranium company that was acquired by Areva for $2.5 billion in 2007. As president and CEO of LSC Lithium, he guided that company to a recent $111 buy-out, a 30% increase in market price.
Alex Klenman, president and CEO of Nexus, told Streetwise Reports, “Ian has been on the Nexus board for almost one year, and is now stepping into a greater role as non-executive chairman. He has M&A success behind him, discovery success and development success.”
Ian Stalker told Streetwise Reports, “I was part of the team at Ashanti Goldfields when we went from producing 120,000 ounces a gold a year to over 1 million ounces a year by the end of 1998. We began to look at projects outside Ghana, where Ashanti was based, and we looked at Burkina Faso, Mali, a range of countries, so I got very familiar with that part of West Africa.”
“When the opportunity came up with Nexus, with a prolific exploration area under its control in Burkina Faso, I was very happy to take up the position of non-executive chairman with it,” Stalker explained. I was also attracted by the quality of the people; I am working with a really top-class group.”
“When Ian accepted my invitation to join the board,” Klenman explained, “Nexus was in the throes of a Howe Street death grip. We had 147 million shares out and the previous management had depleted the treasury. The share price was under $0.05.”
“The company has turned around. We have a little bit of money in the bank, we’re moving forward, we’ve had some success on the ground,” Klenman stated.
Ian Stalker’s “experience, knowledge and guidance will be of great benefit to the company, and of even greater importance as the next few years are critical in our growth cycle,��� stated Klenman. “Having Ian on board in a more prominent and active position with Nexus is something our shareholders can be excited about. His track record in helping to grow company evaluations is impressive.”
Stalker joins Nexus’ chief geologist, VP of exploration Warren Robb, who also has a long history in West Africa. “He was Roxgold’s chief geologist in 2011–12 when the company discovered Yaramoko in Burkina Faso; it is now an extremely high-grade mine,” Klenman explained. “That mine essentially made the company.”
One of Nexus’ goals, Klenman stated, “is to become a larger player in West Africa in exploration and development.”
Jurisdictional risk can be a concern for investors. “On security issues, Burkina Faso has had a couple of incidents, which was never an issue when I traveled there in the 1990s and early 2000s,” Stalker stated. “But we have chosen an area where security is very solid; it’s been a very strategically controlled area by the government, so security-wise, you can discount a fair bit of the risk.”
“Additionally, there are a large number of mining companies right around us, so in the area where we are working there are known deposits both of size and economies where companies can mine gold on a regular basis and produce it in an economic fashion. That adds a lot of value to the exploration environment we find ourselves in,” Stalker explained.
The company’s primary and most advanced project is Bouboulou, located in central Burkina Faso; it was once owned by Roxgold, and at the time was known as Bissa West. Roxgold did some work on the property, but after the Yaramoko discovery, the property became available, and Nexus acquired it.
According to the company, drilling confirmed five mineralized zones on the 38-sq-km Bouboulou property and three different trends that cross Bouboulou in a southwestern direction. “We felt those trends were going to cross the 250-sq-km Rakounga property, so we acquired it, which gives us a combined contiguous package of about 288 sq km,” Klenman explained.
“We established three drill tested zones on the western flank for Rakounga. In a subsequent soil program, we were able to connect them at least in terms on anomalous surface; it’s about a 16-km trend, with eight known zones. We’ve put about 50–60 holes down between the two concessions and are about a third or halfway to a resource estimate there, depending on how the next bit of work goes. We are hoping we can fill the gaps between the three zones at Rakounga and the five at Bouboulou.” Klenman stated.
Bouboulou/Rakounga is a typical West African open-pit, low-grade bulk tonnage project.
Nexus’ other two Burkina Faso properties, Niangouela and Dakouli, have a very different story.
“Warren Robb thought that the set-up at Niangouela, which is northeast of Bouboulou, was in his mind very similar to what he saw at Yaramoko, so we did a quick sample program, and came back with 2,950 g/t, 403 g/t samples, absolutely outrageous for West Africa,” Klenman stated.
Nexus then ran a drill program there, and got a 26 g/t hit over almost 5 meters. “More drilling showed us the nature of the beast, that it’s more of a spidery vein with high-grade shoots that requires a lot more money and a lot more drilling to get done, Klenman explained. “We like the grade there and will perhaps joint venture it out.”
Dakouli is the company’s latest addition in Burkina Faso, on which it obtained a nine-year mining lease. The property comprises 98 sq km just south of the Niangouela concession. The company was attracted by the artisanal activity on the property, miners digging down 40–50 meters with 400–600 meter strikes.
At Dakouli, Nexus conducted a very preliminary sample round and came back with “several gorgeous, beautiful visible gold in quartz chunks, very nuggety samples, which you don’t often see there,” Klenman stated. “They were 26–29 g/t, just grab samples, but certainly what you want to see as a phase one or two on the property.”
Klenman noted that the company just completed another 100 samples at Dakouli and expects the results soon. “We are trying to build our visual databases as to where we think the best drill locations. We are currently doing a soil grid program there; the more data we can build at Dakouli, the better because there really is no history there. We’re going to have to make sure we build our data methodically over the next few months before we start a drill program, but we really like the grade at Dakouli and at Niangouela. I think there is a higher grade opportunity there.”
“From an overview position, there has been a significant amount of work to identify targets on the ground, and these were followed up by preliminary and secondary phase drilling. So we have a pretty good database, one in fact that brought on the streaming company, Sandstorm Gold Royalties, that came to look at our data and gave us money to continue our work a year ago,” Stalker stated.
With the funding the company has been raising and completing on, “we will run another drill program this year, which will be underway very soon,” Stalker noted. We hope that it will add to the growing knowledge of the geology in the area and provide a confirmation of the quality of the targets.”
“We are optimistic that at the end of this year and into next year, we will have a 43-101 resource available to us,” Stalker stated.
“All in all, in Burkina Faso we have over 550 sq km of ground, a sizeable package, all in the Boromo-Goren greenstone belts,” Klenman stated.
“It is a dual narrative. The majors will keep an eye on the low-grade, bulk-tonnage situations at Bouboulou/Rakounga. When we come to market with the size of the compliant resource, that will get some attention,” he said. “The retail investor may not be as excited about that, but they would certainly be excited about the high-grade results at Dakouli and perhaps more at Niangouela.”
Nexus has also been diversifying beyond West Africa. In January, the company completed the acquisition of the New Pilot Gold Project in the Bridge River Mining Camp in British Columbia. A second Canadian project, the McKenzie Gold Project in the Red Lake region of Northwestern Ontario, was acquired in February.
The Canadian properties provide year-round activity for Nexus. “We can work on the ground on the Canadian projects in the summer, when it’s rainy season in Burkina Faso, and the rest of the year in West Africa,” Klenman stated.
“The footprint in the Canadian camps, in a very steady, understandable and transparent part of the world, is balanced by the footprint in the Burkina Faso projects, which are hugely exciting from an exploration and potential point of view,” Stalker explained. “For investors, that makes for a very interesting investment decision and not just putting all your eggs in one basket.”
“I think there is the potential to grow Nexus not just into a Burkina Faso company, but to a much larger West African company, that adds a lot of potential value to the company and gives you that size one needs to have in order to get proper attention,” Stalker stated.
Nexus currently has 42 million shares outstanding, 61 million fully diluted. Sandstorm Gold Royalties is the largest shareholder, having taken a 17% equity stake in the first post-consolidation financing in May 2018, and it holds a 1% NSR on Bouboulou, Rakounga and Niangouela.
“Sandstorm will get its revenue when the projects go into production, so given that we are at the exploration and development stage in our lifecycle, that’s a tremendous vote of confidence,” Klenman explained.
Industry analysts have Nexus in their sights. Equity.Guru, in a February 12, 2019 update on the McKenzie project in the Red Lake Mining Camp, noted Nexus “will be active on at least five geologically prospective fronts this year. With 42.29 million shares outstanding and a $0.12 share price, Nexus has a market cap of $5.07M. That strikes me as a rock-bottom valuation for a company stacked with this much potential.”
Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold wrote on January 11, 2019, in an article titled “Nexus Delivers Gold,” the company “got approval for a new concession named Dakouli 2 in early November. The 100% owned Dakouli 2 property is contiguous with their Niangouela project that reported drill results of 26.69 g/t gold over 4.85 meters in March of 2017. If those numbers were for a project in the Golden Triangle, the stock would have tripled after the press release.”
“Nexus has quality gold projects in one of the most attractive countries in Africa with 3-4 million ounce potential. The company is so far off the radar screens of investors that it hasn’t even arrived at the airport. I don’t think the company is going up tenfold in the next month but if management can run a tight ship and plank the money into the ground, it has ten-bagger potential over the next year or so,” Moriarty added.
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Disclosure: 1) Patrice Fusillo compiled this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee. She or members of her household own securities of the following companies mentioned in the article: None. She or members of her household are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. 2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. As of the date of this article, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has a consulting relationship with Nexus Gold. Please click here for more information. Within the last six months, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has disseminated information about the private placement of the following companies mentioned in this article: Nexus Gold. 3) Comments and opinions expressed are those of the specific experts and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. 4) The article does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports’ terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of Nexus Gold, a company mentioned in this article.
Additional disclosures: Bob Moriarty, 321 Gold: Nexus is an advertiser. I have bought a fair number of shares in the open market. I am biased. They have a lot of information on their site and you should look at it. Do your own due diligence. Equity.Guru: Nexus Gold is an Equity Guru client. Disclaimer: ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and consult with a licensed investment professional before making an investment. This communication should not be used as a basis for making any investment.
( Companies Mentioned: NXS:TXS.V; NXXGF:OTCQB, )
from The Gold Report – Streetwise Exclusive Articles Full Text http://bit.ly/2IutbKv
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2V56kL5
0 notes
phaseinked · 5 years
‘Rock Star’ Ian Stalker Applies His Expertise to Nexus’ Projects
Source: Streetwise Reports   04/16/2019
The noted engineer, who has a track record of building companies and increasing their value, is now focusing on Nexus Gold.
J. Ian Stalker, who has had a long—more than 45 years—and storied history in mining exploration, development and operations, including working in West Africa for more than a decade, has become the non-executive chairman of Nexus Gold Corp. (NXS:TXS.V; NXXGF:OTCQB), a gold exploration company with projects in Burkina Faso and Canada.
During his career, he has taken more than 10 mining projects through feasibility, development and construction phases, and has raised more than $500 million in capital investment.
His high-level positions in gold mining include stints as managing director of Ashanti Goldfields Co. Ltd., which later became AngloGold Ashanti; vice president of Gold Fields Ltd.; and CEO of Brazilian Gold Corp.
Companies under Stalker’s management have seen significant market cap growth. He was the CEO of UraMin, a uranium company that was acquired by Areva for $2.5 billion in 2007. As president and CEO of LSC Lithium, he guided that company to a recent $111 buy-out, a 30% increase in market price.
Alex Klenman, president and CEO of Nexus, told Streetwise Reports, “Ian has been on the Nexus board for almost one year, and is now stepping into a greater role as non-executive chairman. He has M&A success behind him, discovery success and development success.”
Ian Stalker told Streetwise Reports, “I was part of the team at Ashanti Goldfields when we went from producing 120,000 ounces a gold a year to over 1 million ounces a year by the end of 1998. We began to look at projects outside Ghana, where Ashanti was based, and we looked at Burkina Faso, Mali, a range of countries, so I got very familiar with that part of West Africa.”
“When the opportunity came up with Nexus, with a prolific exploration area under its control in Burkina Faso, I was very happy to take up the position of non-executive chairman with it,” Stalker explained. I was also attracted by the quality of the people; I am working with a really top-class group.”
“When Ian accepted my invitation to join the board,” Klenman explained, “Nexus was in the throes of a Howe Street death grip. We had 147 million shares out and the previous management had depleted the treasury. The share price was under $0.05.”
“The company has turned around. We have a little bit of money in the bank, we’re moving forward, we’ve had some success on the ground,” Klenman stated.
Ian Stalker’s “experience, knowledge and guidance will be of great benefit to the company, and of even greater importance as the next few years are critical in our growth cycle,” stated Klenman. “Having Ian on board in a more prominent and active position with Nexus is something our shareholders can be excited about. His track record in helping to grow company evaluations is impressive.”
Stalker joins Nexus’ chief geologist, VP of exploration Warren Robb, who also has a long history in West Africa. “He was Roxgold’s chief geologist in 2011–12 when the company discovered Yaramoko in Burkina Faso; it is now an extremely high-grade mine,” Klenman explained. “That mine essentially made the company.”
One of Nexus’ goals, Klenman stated, “is to become a larger player in West Africa in exploration and development.”
Jurisdictional risk can be a concern for investors. “On security issues, Burkina Faso has had a couple of incidents, which was never an issue when I traveled there in the 1990s and early 2000s,” Stalker stated. “But we have chosen an area where security is very solid; it’s been a very strategically controlled area by the government, so security-wise, you can discount a fair bit of the risk.”
“Additionally, there are a large number of mining companies right around us, so in the area where we are working there are known deposits both of size and economies where companies can mine gold on a regular basis and produce it in an economic fashion. That adds a lot of value to the exploration environment we find ourselves in,” Stalker explained.
The company’s primary and most advanced project is Bouboulou, located in central Burkina Faso; it was once owned by Roxgold, and at the time was known as Bissa West. Roxgold did some work on the property, but after the Yaramoko discovery, the property became available, and Nexus acquired it.
According to the company, drilling confirmed five mineralized zones on the 38-sq-km Bouboulou property and three different trends that cross Bouboulou in a southwestern direction. “We felt those trends were going to cross the 250-sq-km Rakounga property, so we acquired it, which gives us a combined contiguous package of about 288 sq km,” Klenman explained.
“We established three drill tested zones on the western flank for Rakounga. In a subsequent soil program, we were able to connect them at least in terms on anomalous surface; it’s about a 16-km trend, with eight known zones. We’ve put about 50–60 holes down between the two concessions and are about a third or halfway to a resource estimate there, depending on how the next bit of work goes. We are hoping we can fill the gaps between the three zones at Rakounga and the five at Bouboulou.” Klenman stated.
Bouboulou/Rakounga is a typical West African open-pit, low-grade bulk tonnage project.
Nexus’ other two Burkina Faso properties, Niangouela and Dakouli, have a very different story.
“Warren Robb thought that the set-up at Niangouela, which is northeast of Bouboulou, was in his mind very similar to what he saw at Yaramoko, so we did a quick sample program, and came back with 2,950 g/t, 403 g/t samples, absolutely outrageous for West Africa,” Klenman stated.
Nexus then ran a drill program there, and got a 26 g/t hit over almost 5 meters. “More drilling showed us the nature of the beast, that it’s more of a spidery vein with high-grade shoots that requires a lot more money and a lot more drilling to get done, Klenman explained. “We like the grade there and will perhaps joint venture it out.”
Dakouli is the company’s latest addition in Burkina Faso, on which it obtained a nine-year mining lease. The property comprises 98 sq km just south of the Niangouela concession. The company was attracted by the artisanal activity on the property, miners digging down 40–50 meters with 400–600 meter strikes.
At Dakouli, Nexus conducted a very preliminary sample round and came back with “several gorgeous, beautiful visible gold in quartz chunks, very nuggety samples, which you don’t often see there,” Klenman stated. “They were 26–29 g/t, just grab samples, but certainly what you want to see as a phase one or two on the property.”
Klenman noted that the company just completed another 100 samples at Dakouli and expects the results soon. “We are trying to build our visual databases as to where we think the best drill locations. We are currently doing a soil grid program there; the more data we can build at Dakouli, the better because there really is no history there. We’re going to have to make sure we build our data methodically over the next few months before we start a drill program, but we really like the grade at Dakouli and at Niangouela. I think there is a higher grade opportunity there.”
“From an overview position, there has been a significant amount of work to identify targets on the ground, and these were followed up by preliminary and secondary phase drilling. So we have a pretty good database, one in fact that brought on the streaming company, Sandstorm Gold Royalties, that came to look at our data and gave us money to continue our work a year ago,” Stalker stated.
With the funding the company has been raising and completing on, “we will run another drill program this year, which will be underway very soon,” Stalker noted. We hope that it will add to the growing knowledge of the geology in the area and provide a confirmation of the quality of the targets.”
“We are optimistic that at the end of this year and into next year, we will have a 43-101 resource available to us,” Stalker stated.
“All in all, in Burkina Faso we have over 550 sq km of ground, a sizeable package, all in the Boromo-Goren greenstone belts,” Klenman stated.
“It is a dual narrative. The majors will keep an eye on the low-grade, bulk-tonnage situations at Bouboulou/Rakounga. When we come to market with the size of the compliant resource, that will get some attention,” he said. “The retail investor may not be as excited about that, but they would certainly be excited about the high-grade results at Dakouli and perhaps more at Niangouela.”
Nexus has also been diversifying beyond West Africa. In January, the company completed the acquisition of the New Pilot Gold Project in the Bridge River Mining Camp in British Columbia. A second Canadian project, the McKenzie Gold Project in the Red Lake region of Northwestern Ontario, was acquired in February.
The Canadian properties provide year-round activity for Nexus. “We can work on the ground on the Canadian projects in the summer, when it’s rainy season in Burkina Faso, and the rest of the year in West Africa,” Klenman stated.
“The footprint in the Canadian camps, in a very steady, understandable and transparent part of the world, is balanced by the footprint in the Burkina Faso projects, which are hugely exciting from an exploration and potential point of view,” Stalker explained. “For investors, that makes for a very interesting investment decision and not just putting all your eggs in one basket.”
“I think there is the potential to grow Nexus not just into a Burkina Faso company, but to a much larger West African company, that adds a lot of potential value to the company and gives you that size one needs to have in order to get proper attention,” Stalker stated.
Nexus currently has 42 million shares outstanding, 61 million fully diluted. Sandstorm Gold Royalties is the largest shareholder, having taken a 17% equity stake in the first post-consolidation financing in May 2018, and it holds a 1% NSR on Bouboulou, Rakounga and Niangouela.
“Sandstorm will get its revenue when the projects go into production, so given that we are at the exploration and development stage in our lifecycle, that’s a tremendous vote of confidence,” Klenman explained.
Industry analysts have Nexus in their sights. Equity.Guru, in a February 12, 2019 update on the McKenzie project in the Red Lake Mining Camp, noted Nexus “will be active on at least five geologically prospective fronts this year. With 42.29 million shares outstanding and a $0.12 share price, Nexus has a market cap of $5.07M. That strikes me as a rock-bottom valuation for a company stacked with this much potential.”
Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold wrote on January 11, 2019, in an article titled “Nexus Delivers Gold,” the company “got approval for a new concession named Dakouli 2 in early November. The 100% owned Dakouli 2 property is contiguous with their Niangouela project that reported drill results of 26.69 g/t gold over 4.85 meters in March of 2017. If those numbers were for a project in the Golden Triangle, the stock would have tripled after the press release.”
“Nexus has quality gold projects in one of the most attractive countries in Africa with 3-4 million ounce potential. The company is so far off the radar screens of investors that it hasn’t even arrived at the airport. I don’t think the company is going up tenfold in the next month but if management can run a tight ship and plank the money into the ground, it has ten-bagger potential over the next year or so,” Moriarty added.
Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-news
Disclosure: 1) Patrice Fusillo compiled this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee. She or members of her household own securities of the following companies mentioned in the article: None. She or members of her household are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. 2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. As of the date of this article, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has a consulting relationship with Nexus Gold. Please click here for more information. Within the last six months, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has disseminated information about the private placement of the following companies mentioned in this article: Nexus Gold. 3) Comments and opinions expressed are those of the specific experts and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. 4) The article does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports’ terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of Nexus Gold, a company mentioned in this article.
Additional disclosures: Bob Moriarty, 321 Gold: Nexus is an advertiser. I have bought a fair number of shares in the open market. I am biased. They have a lot of information on their site and you should look at it. Do your own due diligence. Equity.Guru: Nexus Gold is an Equity Guru client. Disclaimer: ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and consult with a licensed investment professional before making an investment. This communication should not be used as a basis for making any investment.
( Companies Mentioned: NXS:TXS.V; NXXGF:OTCQB, )
from The Gold Report – Streetwise Exclusive Articles Full Text http://bit.ly/2IutbKv
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2KKkddI
0 notes
internetsmoothie · 5 years
'Rock Star' Ian Stalker Applies His Expertise to Nexus' Projects
Source: Streetwise Reports   04/16/2019
The noted engineer, who has a track record of building companies and increasing their value, is now focusing on Nexus Gold.
J. Ian Stalker, who has had a long—more than 45 years—and storied history in mining exploration, development and operations, including working in West Africa for more than a decade, has become the non-executive chairman of Nexus Gold Corp. (NXS:TXS.V; NXXGF:OTCQB), a gold exploration company with projects in Burkina Faso and Canada.
During his career, he has taken more than 10 mining projects through feasibility, development and construction phases, and has raised more than $500 million in capital investment.
His high-level positions in gold mining include stints as managing director of Ashanti Goldfields Co. Ltd., which later became AngloGold Ashanti; vice president of Gold Fields Ltd.; and CEO of Brazilian Gold Corp.
Companies under Stalker's management have seen significant market cap growth. He was the CEO of UraMin, a uranium company that was acquired by Areva for $2.5 billion in 2007. As president and CEO of LSC Lithium, he guided that company to a recent $111 buy-out, a 30% increase in market price.
Alex Klenman, president and CEO of Nexus, told Streetwise Reports, "Ian has been on the Nexus board for almost one year, and is now stepping into a greater role as non-executive chairman. He has M&A success behind him, discovery success and development success."
Ian Stalker told Streetwise Reports, "I was part of the team at Ashanti Goldfields when we went from producing 120,000 ounces a gold a year to over 1 million ounces a year by the end of 1998. We began to look at projects outside Ghana, where Ashanti was based, and we looked at Burkina Faso, Mali, a range of countries, so I got very familiar with that part of West Africa."
"When the opportunity came up with Nexus, with a prolific exploration area under its control in Burkina Faso, I was very happy to take up the position of non-executive chairman with it," Stalker explained. I was also attracted by the quality of the people; I am working with a really top-class group."
"When Ian accepted my invitation to join the board," Klenman explained, "Nexus was in the throes of a Howe Street death grip. We had 147 million shares out and the previous management had depleted the treasury. The share price was under $0.05."
"The company has turned around. We have a little bit of money in the bank, we're moving forward, we've had some success on the ground," Klenman stated.
Ian Stalker's "experience, knowledge and guidance will be of great benefit to the company, and of even greater importance as the next few years are critical in our growth cycle," stated Klenman. "Having Ian on board in a more prominent and active position with Nexus is something our shareholders can be excited about. His track record in helping to grow company evaluations is impressive."
Stalker joins Nexus' chief geologist, VP of exploration Warren Robb, who also has a long history in West Africa. "He was Roxgold's chief geologist in 2011–12 when the company discovered Yaramoko in Burkina Faso; it is now an extremely high-grade mine," Klenman explained. "That mine essentially made the company."
One of Nexus' goals, Klenman stated, "is to become a larger player in West Africa in exploration and development."
Jurisdictional risk can be a concern for investors. "On security issues, Burkina Faso has had a couple of incidents, which was never an issue when I traveled there in the 1990s and early 2000s," Stalker stated. "But we have chosen an area where security is very solid; it's been a very strategically controlled area by the government, so security-wise, you can discount a fair bit of the risk."
"Additionally, there are a large number of mining companies right around us, so in the area where we are working there are known deposits both of size and economies where companies can mine gold on a regular basis and produce it in an economic fashion. That adds a lot of value to the exploration environment we find ourselves in," Stalker explained.
The company's primary and most advanced project is Bouboulou, located in central Burkina Faso; it was once owned by Roxgold, and at the time was known as Bissa West. Roxgold did some work on the property, but after the Yaramoko discovery, the property became available, and Nexus acquired it.
According to the company, drilling confirmed five mineralized zones on the 38-sq-km Bouboulou property and three different trends that cross Bouboulou in a southwestern direction. "We felt those trends were going to cross the 250-sq-km Rakounga property, so we acquired it, which gives us a combined contiguous package of about 288 sq km," Klenman explained.
"We established three drill tested zones on the western flank for Rakounga. In a subsequent soil program, we were able to connect them at least in terms on anomalous surface; it's about a 16-km trend, with eight known zones. We've put about 50–60 holes down between the two concessions and are about a third or halfway to a resource estimate there, depending on how the next bit of work goes. We are hoping we can fill the gaps between the three zones at Rakounga and the five at Bouboulou." Klenman stated.
Bouboulou/Rakounga is a typical West African open-pit, low-grade bulk tonnage project.
Nexus' other two Burkina Faso properties, Niangouela and Dakouli, have a very different story.
"Warren Robb thought that the set-up at Niangouela, which is northeast of Bouboulou, was in his mind very similar to what he saw at Yaramoko, so we did a quick sample program, and came back with 2,950 g/t, 403 g/t samples, absolutely outrageous for West Africa," Klenman stated.
Nexus then ran a drill program there, and got a 26 g/t hit over almost 5 meters. "More drilling showed us the nature of the beast, that it's more of a spidery vein with high-grade shoots that requires a lot more money and a lot more drilling to get done, Klenman explained. "We like the grade there and will perhaps joint venture it out."
Dakouli is the company's latest addition in Burkina Faso, on which it obtained a nine-year mining lease. The property comprises 98 sq km just south of the Niangouela concession. The company was attracted by the artisanal activity on the property, miners digging down 40–50 meters with 400–600 meter strikes.
At Dakouli, Nexus conducted a very preliminary sample round and came back with "several gorgeous, beautiful visible gold in quartz chunks, very nuggety samples, which you don't often see there," Klenman stated. "They were 26–29 g/t, just grab samples, but certainly what you want to see as a phase one or two on the property."
Klenman noted that the company just completed another 100 samples at Dakouli and expects the results soon. "We are trying to build our visual databases as to where we think the best drill locations. We are currently doing a soil grid program there; the more data we can build at Dakouli, the better because there really is no history there. We're going to have to make sure we build our data methodically over the next few months before we start a drill program, but we really like the grade at Dakouli and at Niangouela. I think there is a higher grade opportunity there."
"From an overview position, there has been a significant amount of work to identify targets on the ground, and these were followed up by preliminary and secondary phase drilling. So we have a pretty good database, one in fact that brought on the streaming company, Sandstorm Gold Royalties, that came to look at our data and gave us money to continue our work a year ago," Stalker stated.
With the funding the company has been raising and completing on, "we will run another drill program this year, which will be underway very soon," Stalker noted. We hope that it will add to the growing knowledge of the geology in the area and provide a confirmation of the quality of the targets."
"We are optimistic that at the end of this year and into next year, we will have a 43-101 resource available to us," Stalker stated.
"All in all, in Burkina Faso we have over 550 sq km of ground, a sizeable package, all in the Boromo-Goren greenstone belts," Klenman stated.
"It is a dual narrative. The majors will keep an eye on the low-grade, bulk-tonnage situations at Bouboulou/Rakounga. When we come to market with the size of the compliant resource, that will get some attention," he said. "The retail investor may not be as excited about that, but they would certainly be excited about the high-grade results at Dakouli and perhaps more at Niangouela."
Nexus has also been diversifying beyond West Africa. In January, the company completed the acquisition of the New Pilot Gold Project in the Bridge River Mining Camp in British Columbia. A second Canadian project, the McKenzie Gold Project in the Red Lake region of Northwestern Ontario, was acquired in February.
The Canadian properties provide year-round activity for Nexus. "We can work on the ground on the Canadian projects in the summer, when it's rainy season in Burkina Faso, and the rest of the year in West Africa," Klenman stated.
"The footprint in the Canadian camps, in a very steady, understandable and transparent part of the world, is balanced by the footprint in the Burkina Faso projects, which are hugely exciting from an exploration and potential point of view," Stalker explained. "For investors, that makes for a very interesting investment decision and not just putting all your eggs in one basket."
"I think there is the potential to grow Nexus not just into a Burkina Faso company, but to a much larger West African company, that adds a lot of potential value to the company and gives you that size one needs to have in order to get proper attention," Stalker stated.
Nexus currently has 42 million shares outstanding, 61 million fully diluted. Sandstorm Gold Royalties is the largest shareholder, having taken a 17% equity stake in the first post-consolidation financing in May 2018, and it holds a 1% NSR on Bouboulou, Rakounga and Niangouela.
"Sandstorm will get its revenue when the projects go into production, so given that we are at the exploration and development stage in our lifecycle, that's a tremendous vote of confidence," Klenman explained.
Industry analysts have Nexus in their sights. Equity.Guru, in a February 12, 2019 update on the McKenzie project in the Red Lake Mining Camp, noted Nexus "will be active on at least five geologically prospective fronts this year. With 42.29 million shares outstanding and a $0.12 share price, Nexus has a market cap of $5.07M. That strikes me as a rock-bottom valuation for a company stacked with this much potential."
Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold wrote on January 11, 2019, in an article titled "Nexus Delivers Gold," the company "got approval for a new concession named Dakouli 2 in early November. The 100% owned Dakouli 2 property is contiguous with their Niangouela project that reported drill results of 26.69 g/t gold over 4.85 meters in March of 2017. If those numbers were for a project in the Golden Triangle, the stock would have tripled after the press release."
"Nexus has quality gold projects in one of the most attractive countries in Africa with 3-4 million ounce potential. The company is so far off the radar screens of investors that it hasn't even arrived at the airport. I don't think the company is going up tenfold in the next month but if management can run a tight ship and plank the money into the ground, it has ten-bagger potential over the next year or so," Moriarty added.
Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-news
Disclosure: 1) Patrice Fusillo compiled this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee. She or members of her household own securities of the following companies mentioned in the article: None. She or members of her household are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. 2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. As of the date of this article, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has a consulting relationship with Nexus Gold. Please click here for more information. Within the last six months, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has disseminated information about the private placement of the following companies mentioned in this article: Nexus Gold. 3) Comments and opinions expressed are those of the specific experts and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. 4) The article does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of Nexus Gold, a company mentioned in this article.
Additional disclosures: Bob Moriarty, 321 Gold: Nexus is an advertiser. I have bought a fair number of shares in the open market. I am biased. They have a lot of information on their site and you should look at it. Do your own due diligence. Equity.Guru: Nexus Gold is an Equity Guru client. Disclaimer: ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and consult with a licensed investment professional before making an investment. This communication should not be used as a basis for making any investment.
( Companies Mentioned: NXS:TXS.V; NXXGF:OTCQB, )
from The Gold Report - Streetwise Exclusive Articles Full Text http://bit.ly/2IutbKv
0 notes
goldcoins0 · 5 years
'Rock Star' Ian Stalker Applies His Expertise to Nexus' Projects
Source: Streetwise Reports   04/16/2019
The noted engineer, who has a track record of building companies and increasing their value, is now focusing on Nexus Gold.
J. Ian Stalker, who has had a long—more than 45 years—and storied history in mining exploration, development and operations, including working in West Africa for more than a decade, has become the non-executive chairman of Nexus Gold Corp. (NXS:TXS.V; NXXGF:OTCQB), a gold exploration company with projects in Burkina Faso and Canada.
During his career, he has taken more than 10 mining projects through feasibility, development and construction phases, and has raised more than $500 million in capital investment.
His high-level positions in gold mining include stints as managing director of Ashanti Goldfields Co. Ltd., which later became AngloGold Ashanti; vice president of Gold Fields Ltd.; and CEO of Brazilian Gold Corp.
Companies under Stalker's management have seen significant market cap growth. He was the CEO of UraMin, a uranium company that was acquired by Areva for $2.5 billion in 2007. As president and CEO of LSC Lithium, he guided that company to a recent $111 buy-out, a 30% increase in market price.
Alex Klenman, president and CEO of Nexus, told Streetwise Reports, "Ian has been on the Nexus board for almost one year, and is now stepping into a greater role as non-executive chairman. He has M&A success behind him, discovery success and development success."
Ian Stalker told Streetwise Reports, "I was part of the team at Ashanti Goldfields when we went from producing 120,000 ounces a gold a year to over 1 million ounces a year by the end of 1998. We began to look at projects outside Ghana, where Ashanti was based, and we looked at Burkina Faso, Mali, a range of countries, so I got very familiar with that part of West Africa."
"When the opportunity came up with Nexus, with a prolific exploration area under its control in Burkina Faso, I was very happy to take up the position of non-executive chairman with it," Stalker explained. I was also attracted by the quality of the people; I am working with a really top-class group."
"When Ian accepted my invitation to join the board," Klenman explained, "Nexus was in the throes of a Howe Street death grip. We had 147 million shares out and the previous management had depleted the treasury. The share price was under $0.05."
"The company has turned around. We have a little bit of money in the bank, we're moving forward, we've had some success on the ground," Klenman stated.
Ian Stalker's "experience, knowledge and guidance will be of great benefit to the company, and of even greater importance as the next few years are critical in our growth cycle," stated Klenman. "Having Ian on board in a more prominent and active position with Nexus is something our shareholders can be excited about. His track record in helping to grow company evaluations is impressive."
Stalker joins Nexus' chief geologist, VP of exploration Warren Robb, who also has a long history in West Africa. "He was Roxgold's chief geologist in 2011–12 when the company discovered Yaramoko in Burkina Faso; it is now an extremely high-grade mine," Klenman explained. "That mine essentially made the company."
One of Nexus' goals, Klenman stated, "is to become a larger player in West Africa in exploration and development."
Jurisdictional risk can be a concern for investors. "On security issues, Burkina Faso has had a couple of incidents, which was never an issue when I traveled there in the 1990s and early 2000s," Stalker stated. "But we have chosen an area where security is very solid; it's been a very strategically controlled area by the government, so security-wise, you can discount a fair bit of the risk."
"Additionally, there are a large number of mining companies right around us, so in the area where we are working there are known deposits both of size and economies where companies can mine gold on a regular basis and produce it in an economic fashion. That adds a lot of value to the exploration environment we find ourselves in," Stalker explained.
The company's primary and most advanced project is Bouboulou, located in central Burkina Faso; it was once owned by Roxgold, and at the time was known as Bissa West. Roxgold did some work on the property, but after the Yaramoko discovery, the property became available, and Nexus acquired it.
According to the company, drilling confirmed five mineralized zones on the 38-sq-km Bouboulou property and three different trends that cross Bouboulou in a southwestern direction. "We felt those trends were going to cross the 250-sq-km Rakounga property, so we acquired it, which gives us a combined contiguous package of about 288 sq km," Klenman explained.
"We established three drill tested zones on the western flank for Rakounga. In a subsequent soil program, we were able to connect them at least in terms on anomalous surface; it's about a 16-km trend, with eight known zones. We've put about 50–60 holes down between the two concessions and are about a third or halfway to a resource estimate there, depending on how the next bit of work goes. We are hoping we can fill the gaps between the three zones at Rakounga and the five at Bouboulou." Klenman stated.
Bouboulou/Rakounga is a typical West African open-pit, low-grade bulk tonnage project.
Nexus' other two Burkina Faso properties, Niangouela and Dakouli, have a very different story.
"Warren Robb thought that the set-up at Niangouela, which is northeast of Bouboulou, was in his mind very similar to what he saw at Yaramoko, so we did a quick sample program, and came back with 2,950 g/t, 403 g/t samples, absolutely outrageous for West Africa," Klenman stated.
Nexus then ran a drill program there, and got a 26 g/t hit over almost 5 meters. "More drilling showed us the nature of the beast, that it's more of a spidery vein with high-grade shoots that requires a lot more money and a lot more drilling to get done, Klenman explained. "We like the grade there and will perhaps joint venture it out."
Dakouli is the company's latest addition in Burkina Faso, on which it obtained a nine-year mining lease. The property comprises 98 sq km just south of the Niangouela concession. The company was attracted by the artisanal activity on the property, miners digging down 40–50 meters with 400–600 meter strikes.
At Dakouli, Nexus conducted a very preliminary sample round and came back with "several gorgeous, beautiful visible gold in quartz chunks, very nuggety samples, which you don't often see there," Klenman stated. "They were 26–29 g/t, just grab samples, but certainly what you want to see as a phase one or two on the property."
Klenman noted that the company just completed another 100 samples at Dakouli and expects the results soon. "We are trying to build our visual databases as to where we think the best drill locations. We are currently doing a soil grid program there; the more data we can build at Dakouli, the better because there really is no history there. We're going to have to make sure we build our data methodically over the next few months before we start a drill program, but we really like the grade at Dakouli and at Niangouela. I think there is a higher grade opportunity there."
"From an overview position, there has been a significant amount of work to identify targets on the ground, and these were followed up by preliminary and secondary phase drilling. So we have a pretty good database, one in fact that brought on the streaming company, Sandstorm Gold Royalties, that came to look at our data and gave us money to continue our work a year ago," Stalker stated.
With the funding the company has been raising and completing on, "we will run another drill program this year, which will be underway very soon," Stalker noted. We hope that it will add to the growing knowledge of the geology in the area and provide a confirmation of the quality of the targets."
"We are optimistic that at the end of this year and into next year, we will have a 43-101 resource available to us," Stalker stated.
"All in all, in Burkina Faso we have over 550 sq km of ground, a sizeable package, all in the Boromo-Goren greenstone belts," Klenman stated.
"It is a dual narrative. The majors will keep an eye on the low-grade, bulk-tonnage situations at Bouboulou/Rakounga. When we come to market with the size of the compliant resource, that will get some attention," he said. "The retail investor may not be as excited about that, but they would certainly be excited about the high-grade results at Dakouli and perhaps more at Niangouela."
Nexus has also been diversifying beyond West Africa. In January, the company completed the acquisition of the New Pilot Gold Project in the Bridge River Mining Camp in British Columbia. A second Canadian project, the McKenzie Gold Project in the Red Lake region of Northwestern Ontario, was acquired in February.
The Canadian properties provide year-round activity for Nexus. "We can work on the ground on the Canadian projects in the summer, when it's rainy season in Burkina Faso, and the rest of the year in West Africa," Klenman stated.
"The footprint in the Canadian camps, in a very steady, understandable and transparent part of the world, is balanced by the footprint in the Burkina Faso projects, which are hugely exciting from an exploration and potential point of view," Stalker explained. "For investors, that makes for a very interesting investment decision and not just putting all your eggs in one basket."
"I think there is the potential to grow Nexus not just into a Burkina Faso company, but to a much larger West African company, that adds a lot of potential value to the company and gives you that size one needs to have in order to get proper attention," Stalker stated.
Nexus currently has 42 million shares outstanding, 61 million fully diluted. Sandstorm Gold Royalties is the largest shareholder, having taken a 17% equity stake in the first post-consolidation financing in May 2018, and it holds a 1% NSR on Bouboulou, Rakounga and Niangouela.
"Sandstorm will get its revenue when the projects go into production, so given that we are at the exploration and development stage in our lifecycle, that's a tremendous vote of confidence," Klenman explained.
Industry analysts have Nexus in their sights. Equity.Guru, in a February 12, 2019 update on the McKenzie project in the Red Lake Mining Camp, noted Nexus "will be active on at least five geologically prospective fronts this year. With 42.29 million shares outstanding and a $0.12 share price, Nexus has a market cap of $5.07M. That strikes me as a rock-bottom valuation for a company stacked with this much potential."
Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold wrote on January 11, 2019, in an article titled "Nexus Delivers Gold," the company "got approval for a new concession named Dakouli 2 in early November. The 100% owned Dakouli 2 property is contiguous with their Niangouela project that reported drill results of 26.69 g/t gold over 4.85 meters in March of 2017. If those numbers were for a project in the Golden Triangle, the stock would have tripled after the press release."
"Nexus has quality gold projects in one of the most attractive countries in Africa with 3-4 million ounce potential. The company is so far off the radar screens of investors that it hasn't even arrived at the airport. I don't think the company is going up tenfold in the next month but if management can run a tight ship and plank the money into the ground, it has ten-bagger potential over the next year or so," Moriarty added.
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Disclosure: 1) Patrice Fusillo compiled this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee. She or members of her household own securities of the following companies mentioned in the article: None. She or members of her household are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. 2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. As of the date of this article, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has a consulting relationship with Nexus Gold. Please click here for more information. Within the last six months, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has disseminated information about the private placement of the following companies mentioned in this article: Nexus Gold. 3) Comments and opinions expressed are those of the specific experts and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. 4) The article does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of Nexus Gold, a company mentioned in this article.
Additional disclosures: Bob Moriarty, 321 Gold: Nexus is an advertiser. I have bought a fair number of shares in the open market. I am biased. They have a lot of information on their site and you should look at it. Do your own due diligence. Equity.Guru: Nexus Gold is an Equity Guru client. Disclaimer: ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and consult with a licensed investment professional before making an investment. This communication should not be used as a basis for making any investment.
( Companies Mentioned: NXS:TXS.V; NXXGF:OTCQB, )
from https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2019/04/16/rock-star-ian-stalker-applies-his-expertise-to-nexus-projects.html
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randomrpawards-blog · 7 years
CELEBRITIES OF RP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Acacia Brinley (Etnies Cocktail x8) Adeladie Kane (Gwen Briggs) Adam Levine Aileen Navarro (Kelli Berglund) Alex gaskarth (Parker Czar x2) Alicia Vikander (Scarlett Czar) Alexis ren (Paris Republic x14, Daytona Maine x6) Alexandria Daddario (Gwen Briggs) Ally brooke (Keilani Santoro x5) Amanda Stelle (Wolfie Lindes) Amanda Seyfried (Morae Verikov) Amelia Zadro (Ellis King) Ana Sophia Robb (Evelina Cocktail x4) Anna Kendrick (Tarae Ridette x3) Annie Clark (Tarae Ridette) Andrea russett (Logan Wantmore x4, Christian Republic x6, Kat Hutton, Manon King x2 ) Aren Rose (Aniroc Reese) Ariana grande (Austen Cocktail x8, Moon Tsukino, Luna Styffe x3, Sullivan Lomax, Candy Memory x2, Rezlynn Vercetti) Ashley benson (Rhylin Verikov x3, Paige Mayhem x2, Sage Reese) Ashley tisdale (Christina Korsica x2, Daya Verikov x2, Avita Shake, Julissa Belini) Aubrey Plaza (Gwen Briggs) Austin carlile (Austin Maine x7, Fox Korsica x4) Austin mahone Barbara Palvin (Suki Kudubek) Bebe Rexha Becky G (Keilani Santoro x5) Bella hadid (Giana York x9) Bella Thorne (Tally Jerzak x5, Stori Steele) Bethany mota (Sam Everett x6)   Bethany Joy Lenz (Kyle Reese x2, Alyssia Reese, Morae Verikov, Lily Gaia) Blake lively (Evyn Reese) Bri Larson Britt Robertson (Juliet Ridette) Britney Spears Bryana Holly (Orion Vera x2) Calum hood Cailin Russo (Adrian Palermo) Cara delevingne Candice accola Candice Swanpoel (Elodine Sixnine) Camila cabello (Ryan Korsica x4, Daxton Cocktail x5, Camila Kalottie, Alexis Morei) Camila mendes (Keilani Santoro x2, Lana Paravi, Arsyn Republic x3, Ciona Belini x6, Juliet Ridette) Cameron Dallas Carrie underwood (Cooper Mastubait x2, Cooper Ridette x3) Carlson Young (Cindy Republic x9, Scarlett Czar, Anna Ridette x2, Tarae Ridette) Cierra Ramirez (Koltyn Lacour x3, Naveah Ryza x2) Cindy Kimberley (Bonnie Korsica x6, Leia Nirvana) Claire holt (Elodie Sixnine) Claudia Tihan (Evie Kalottie x3) Chance Crawford Channing Tatum Chlow Bennet (Riley Bleeker) Christina Aguilara (Shelby Cocktail x7) Cristine Prosperi (Mattie Emerge) Chrissy Costanza (Evie Kalottie x2)   Chris hemsworth Chris brown Cole sprouse (Luke Lacour x3, Pax Trippy) Crystal reed (Paige Mayhem) Danielle Campbell (Kennedy Czar x3) Dave Franco Demi lovato (Indi Kendrix x8, Ciona Belini x9, Melzey Everett x2, Jude ???? x5) Debbie Ryan (Indi Kendrix x8) Diana agron Diane Guerrero Dominic Deangelis (Christian Republic) Dove Cameron (Razlyn Styffe x4, Kamari Navarro) Drake (Kyra Nirvana) Dua Lipa (Vexa Wasabi, Sage Reese x2, Suki Kudubek, Stori Steele) Dylan o brien (Eric Lacour x3 , Styles Ryzette x5) Dylan sprouse (Luke Lacour x2) Ed westwick Ed sheeran Elizabeth Olsen (Sawyer Korsica x8, Rowan Palermo x2) Emily Ratajkowski (Arsyn Republic x3) Emilia Clarke (Dany Kastner) Emma Roberts (Jazzy Lacour x3, Stori Steele x2) Emma Stone (Delilah Reese, Paige Mayhem) Emma Watson Emmy Rossum (Elodie Sixnine) Emeraude Toubia (Starlie Santoro x6, Daytona Maine) Emily Osment (Cooper Ridette) Emily VanCamp (Paige Mayhem) Evan peters (Joel Korsica x9) Gigi Hadid (Arsyn Republic x9, Noura Reese) G-Eazy (Parker Czar x3, Tony Tate) Grant gustin (Alex Amell x4) Grace helbig (Shelby Cocktail x3) Gregg sulkin (Colt Exottic x3) Hailey Baldwin (Ayla Republic x5, Addy Devyne x5) Halsey (Colson Czar x2) Harry styles (Monty Everett) Hayden pannettiere Hilary duff (Cooper Ridette x4) Holland roden (Libby Verikov x5, Piper Reese x2, Dany Kastner) Ian Somerhalde (Jude ??? x5) Jack gilinsky (Taber Lacour x7, Scotty Herbs x2, Leo Neymar) James Franco Jasmine Villegas (Delilah Everett x10, Christina Korsica) Janel Parrish (Kristen Sprizell) Jenn Im (Ivie Luna) Jennifer Lawrence Jensen ackles (Adrian Palermo) Joe Jonas (Wes Baker x2) Jojo (Alyssia Reese x2) John Cena (Poncho Maine x3) Josh Dunn Julianne hough (Keely Czar x2) Justin Bieber (Monty Everett x3, Ronan King, Maksyn Ganja x3, Nathan Cruz, Kaleb Wong) Justin Timberlake (Alyssia Reese) Kanye west Kat graham (Alyssia Reese) Katie Stevens (Anna Ridette x2, Tarae Ridette) Katy Perry (Evyn Reese) Kaya Scoldelario (Piper Reese) Kellan lutz Kelsey Ballerini (Keely Czar x5) Kelli Berglund (Aileen Navarro x4) Kendall Jenner (Kendi Republic x4, Layla Zaveri x2)   Kian lawley (Luca Cocktail x3, Nyles Marullo, Jensen Korsica x2) Kim kardashian Khloe kardashian Kourtney kardashian (Piper Reese x2) Kristen Stewart (Frankie Carter, Suki Kudubek) Kylie Jenner (Dover Korsica x14, Payson Kendrix x3, Maggie Wasabi x2, Alana Reese) Lady Gaga (Channing Wantmore) Lauren Conrad Lauren jauregui (Adele Palmer x3, Kova Kalottie x6, Adah Belini, Alyssia Reese, Shay Bazara) Lea michele (Evyn Reese, Amberle Burke, Sage Reese) Leighton meester (Piper Reese x2, Lily Gaia x2) Liam hemsworth Liam Payne Lili Reinhart (Starlie Santoro x3, Paige Mayhem, Elodie Sixnine) Lilly Collins (Bronte Genji x2, Shayla Ridette) Liz Gillies (Tragedy Dylan) Lucy hale (Georgia Styffe x4, Pace Mayhem x2, Morae Verikov) Louis Tomlinson Luke Hemmings Machine gun Kelly (Colson Czar x2, Declan Devyne) Madelaine Petsch (Binx Lacour x6, Piper Reese) Madison beer (Paris Republic x10, Raelynn Neymar x4, Kyra Nirvana, Nova Scotia x2, Isla Zaveri) Maggie lindemannn (Jazzy Lacour x11)   Maia Mitchell (Dover Korsica x12, Dixyn Wantmore) Margot Robbie (Audrey Maine x5, Alaina Kendrix) Megan fox (Gabrial Jerzak x3, Evyn Reese, Elodie Sixnine) Melanie Martinez (Paige Mayhem) Melissa Benoist (Maci Gump) Meredith Mickelson (Aurora Korsica x6) Mia Zidane (Kehlani ??) Mila kunis (Evyn Reese) Miley Cyrus (Shelby Cocktail x5, Stori Steele) Miranda Kerr Molly O Malia (Delilah Everett x9, Brinklae Wakefield) Naya Rivera (Alyissa Reese) Neels visser (Mattis Republic x7) Nina dobrev (Blair Cocktail x2, Adele Palmer x2, Mars Exottic, Evyn Reese, Shayla Ridette, Keely Czar x2, Lani Casinas) Niall horan (Sawyer Bowman x3) Nick Jonas Nicki Minaj Nicola peltz (Ryan Korsica x2, Chey Lacour x2) Niki Demartino (Ciona Belini x3) Noah Cyrus (Jo Manhattan) Normani Kodei (Ayla Republic) Olivia holt (Alexandria Mansfield x6) Paris Hilton (Paris Republic x2) Paul Wesley (Luke Lacour x3) Perrie Edwards (Jack Verikov x2, Piper Reese) Phoebe Tonkin (Paige Mayhem, Parker Zaccuri) Rachel bilson (Evyn Reese, Elodie Sixnine, Piper Reese) Remy ma Rihanna (Sophia ??? x2) Rowan Blanchard (Morae Verikov) Ryan gosling Ryan Reynolds Sabrina carpenter (Morae Verikov x2, Tragedy Dylan, Vixen Mustebait) Sammy Wilks (Max ??? x2) Saddy Roberson (Ashtlyn Exottic x3) Sailor Mars (Adele Palmer x3) Sarah hyland (Bronte Genji x2) Sasha Pieterse (Rhylin Verikov) Savannah montano (Evah Korsica x6, Ocean Republic x4)   Selena Gomez (Khrys Republic x2, Dom Legacy x7, Aveah Wantmore x2, Lucy Zaveri x4, Khrys Republic, Daniella Belini, Sage Reese, Millie Bourbon X3) Scarlett Leithold (Maia Lindes x5) Shay Mitchell (Kori Royal x4, Skyler Ryzette) Shawn mendes Stella hudgens (Savannah Belini x2) Shelley hennig (Paige Mayhem, Evelyn Bleeker x2) Sophia Bush (Evyn Reese, Julit Ridette, Aniroc Reese) Tana Mongeau (Baylor Styffe x2) Taylor Hill (Arsyn Republic x3) Taylor momsen (Tally Jerzak x2) Taylor swift (Colson Czar x4, Drew Reese, Evyn Reese) Tom Holland (Skyler Ryzette) Travis mills (Fox Korsica x4) Troian Bellisario (Amberle Burke, Piper Reese, Libby Verikov, Adele Palmer, Gwen Briggs) Tyler joseph (Calvin Pacer x2) Tyler posey (Devon Nirvana x4, Kyle Reese x2, Max Fallon) Vanessa hudgens (Christina Korsica x10, Isa Cocktai x2, Isa Belini x8, Morae Verikov x4, Pace Mayhem, Bri Verizon) Victoria Justice (Kami Zaveri)   Wesley stromberg (Parker Czar) Willa Holland (Suki Kudebek) Zac Efron (Gavin Baker, Decklan Shake x2) Zayn malik (Fox Korsica x3, Keilani Santoro) Zendaya (Stori Steele) Zoe sugg (Mattie Emerge x3) Zoey Deutch (Paige Mayhem)
FUN CATEGORIES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COUPLES Best couple orp (Jazzy Lacour & Joel Korsica x4, Dover Korsica & Fox Korsica, Taber Lacour & Paris Republic x5, Brielle Verbeck & Gavin Baker x5, Binx Lacour & Mattis Republic x4, Giana York & Jensen Korsica x5, Max Santoro & Cindy Republic x4, Poncho Maine & Ayla Republic x2 )   Worst couple orp (Jazzy Lacour & Joel Korsica x8, Paris Republic & Taber Lacour, Mykel Zaveri & Hadley Zaveri) Who should be dating (Silas Santoro & Brooke Korsica x4, Colson Czar & Austin Campari, Etines Cocktail & Austin Campari) Who shouldn’t be dating (Taber Lacour & Paris Republic, Jazzy Lacour & Joel Korsica, Audrey Maine & Calvin Pacer) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FAMILY Worst family ( The Korsica’s x6, The Republic's x2, The Cocktails x3, The Wantmore's, The Belini's x2) Best family (The Cocktail’s x4, The Korisca's x5, The Lacour's x2, The Republics x2, The Santoro's x2, The Verikov's x2, The Maine's x3 The Belini's, The Vigalitore's (are they still around??), The Excottis 's, The Reese's, The Ridette's) Most underrated family (The Exottic's x2, The York's, The Santoro's x3, The Verberks, The Belini's, The Ridette's, The Mayhem's) Most popular family (The Republic's x4, The Cocktail's x3, The Korsica's x4, The Wantmore's, The Palmer's, The Kasner's) Most fakest family (The Korsica’s x2, The Cocktail's x4, The Republic's x2) Most kind family (The Maine's x3, The Belini's, The Korsica's x5, The Cocktail's) Most realist family (The Korsica’s x4, The Ridette's x2, The Republics, The Verikov's, The Reese's, The Mayhem's) Most Annoying family (The Cocktail's x2, The Korsica's, The Lacour's) What family needs to leave rp (The Cocktail's, The Maine's x2, The Belini's) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BIGGEST Biggest player orp (Silas Santoro x2) Biggest player (female) orp (Kat Hutton x2) Biggest bully orp (Dover Korsica x8, Paris Republic x2, Mike/Julie Korsica, Mattis Republic x2) Biggest catfish orp (Lola Fountain x3, Cindy Republic, Ryan ????, Megan Lee Barrett) Biggest liar orp (Aaron Republic x3, Shay Maine, Loki Untouched) Biggest “feud” starter orp (Paris Republic x3, The Korsica's x2) Biggest Heartbreaker orp (Brooke Korsica) Biggest Sweetheart orp (Brooke Korsica x7, Koltyn Lacour, Daxton Cocktail x2, Binx Lacour, Mattie Emerge) Biggest mouth orp (Monty Everett x3, Dover Korsica, Paris Republic, Arsyn Republic) Biggest Shopper orp (Dover Korsica) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORP King orp (Taber Lacour x5, Joel Korsica x4, Mattis Republic x3, Jack Verikov) Queen orp (Paris Republic x4, Jazzy Lacour, Shelby Cocktail x2, Anna Ridette, Binx Lacour, Dover Korsica, Morae Verikov, Adele Palmer) Realist person orp (Binx Lacour, Tally Jerzak, Shelby Cocktail, Ivie Luna, Piper Reese) Fakest person orp (Shelby Cocktail, Brooke Korsica, Monty Everett, Austen Cocktail, Austin Maine) Funniest orp (Arsyn Republic, Khrys Republic, Colt Exottic, Dover Korsica, Dom Legacy, Mattis Repubic, Paige Mayhem) Most genuine orp (Joel Korsica x3, Mattie Emerge, Giana York, Binx Lacour, Morae Verikov x2, Ciona Belini, Isa Belini, Shelby Cocktail) Noses person orp (Dover Korsica x3, Willa ???) Quietest orp (Giana York x3, Starlie Santoro x2, Binx Lacour, Libby Verikov) Worst typer orp (Brooke Korsica x2, Khrys Republic) Soupiest orp (Brooke Korsica) Dustiest orp (Christina Korsica x2) Trashiest orp (Dover Korsica, Tarae Ridette) God orp (Silas Santoro x2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER Favorite friendship (Dover Korsica & Fox Korsica x3, Bonnie & Poppy Korsica, Anna Ridette & Mattie Emerge, Victoria Minky & Kat Hutton, Paris Republic & Mattis Republic, Aurora Korsica & Brooke Kosica x2, Pace & Paige Mayhem, Piper & Alyssia Reese, Kyle & Delilah Reese)   Favorite “feud” (Monty vs Everybody x3) Worst Friendship Best defaults (The Lacour's, The Republic's x2, Paris Republic, Sweet Peach Palette (really? lol), Paige Mayhem) Worst defaults (The Belini's x2) Best resource site (Scream Sources x2, Messy Sources) Best premade site (Flynpngs, Minxmades, Peachysrc) Best confession site (roleplayrumors x3, vicious secrets) Worst confession site Best Singer (Maksyn Ganja, Razlyn Styffe) Cutest rl pictures (Alix Chaysin x2, Pace Mayhem, Piper Reese, Paige Mayhem, Austin Maine) Cutest layout (Ivie Luna x2, Dover Korsica, Shelby Cocktail, Paige Mayhem) Ugliest layout (Jack Kalottie)   Professional Cry Baby (Fox Korsica, Monty Everett) Always has the best songs on their profile (Paris Republic x2, Skyler Ryzette) Who needs to delete (Monty Everett x4, Everyone x2, Eric Lacour, Loki Untouched) Who needs to stay deleted (Reyna Richie, Aaron Republic x2, Luna Fountain) Most Annoying (Hazel Korsica x5, Natalya Richie) Most Likey to cough during skype (Maksyn Ganja) Most Like their face claim (Maksyn Ganja, Paris Republic, Shelby Cocktail, Ciona Belini, Morae Verikov, Ivie Luna, Skyler Ryzette, Piper Reese, Paige Mayhem) Most Heroric (Evah Korsica, Dover Korsica)
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portectorisms-a · 6 years
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plot ::
Our story brings us to the year 2017. We’ve come together for the Triwizard Tournament, held at the ever famous school of Hogwarts. However, we come for a different result than the years of past. With the fall of Voldemort and the rise of bringing the wizard community together, the Tournament has new rules and new players in it’s match. This year, Hogwarts will have a champion from each of it’s four houses, Beauxbatons will have it’s four and Durmstrang, it’s four, the twist? The American school, ilvermorny, has entered the running, also having four champions that will compete, all of which must be the age of 16 or older, no one younger will be accepted into the tournament. In the minds of those involved, there’s nothing more dangerous than each task that’s been placed before them. Nothing more dangerous than the Tournament itself, but little does the wizarding world know, the Death Eaters have regained their ranks, bringing in new believers of their cause, and soon, their Dark Lord may be on the rise again.
rules ::
OOC dram stays out, IC drama will be allowed. If OOC drama happens, come to an admin and we’ll help work it all out.
Please stay active. There will be activity checks.
After you’ve been added to the list, please post a small headcanon/bio.
If your fc is already taken, ask about twins. There won’t be a lot of twins but it is allowed if the other person agrees.
Every fandom is welcomed!
Track the tag: gv. a new tournament and gv. antooc
For this verse, students start at 13 instead of 11 and finish at 20 instead of 18.
No one under 16 can be champion.
All players are allowed up to two muses.
Please submit your app to either HALE or BELLAMY.
Have fun!
application ::
Name: [OOC] Discord: [won’t be publicly posted] Name: [Character first and last] FC: [Muse Face Claim] Year: [Only if student] House/School: [Only if student] *Champion: [Please note: each school has four champions.] Student/Faculty: [List the school which you choose to attend or work at] Subject: [Only if teacher] *Prefect/Head Boy/Girl: [Two prefects per house, must be 5th or higher, 1 head boy and 1 head girl, must me 7th] Quidditch Position: [Only if your muse plays]
*please note that all hogwarts champions are officially taken! *head boy and head girl are taken! *We are no longer accepting Hogwarts students!
players ::
           CHAMPIONS :
→    Hogwarts:
Bellamy Blake - 7th Year - Gryffindor - 20 - Beater - Bob Morley: @PORTECTORISMS.
Jessica Jones - 7th Year - Slytherin - 20 - Beater - Naomi Scott: @INFERIUM.
Simon Lewis - 5th Year -  Hufflepuff -18 - Seeker - Alberto Rosende: @REMEMBCR.
Rosette Everwood - 7th Year - Ravenclaw - 20 - Tinashe: @CONFAEDICTION.
→    Beauxbatons:
Nebi Saona - 5th Year - 18  -  Ombrelune - Beater - Samantha Bascarino: @CUPCAKEMONWRITES.
Teresa González - 6th Year - 19 - Astrid Bergès-Frisbey: @MCGICVEINS.
→    Durmstrang:
→    ilvermorny:
Emma Carstairs - 6th Year - 19 - Thunderbird - Alexis Ren: @QUIPFCST.
Malachai “Kai” Parker - 6th Year - 19 - Horned Serpent - Seeker - Chris Wood: @DEVILWITHABROKENMIND.
           STUDENTS :  
→    Hogwarts:
Clary Fairchild - 6th Year - Gryffindor - 18 - Chaser - Prefect - Kat McNamara: @SERAPHBLVDES.
Jeremia Gilbert - 6th Year - 19 - Gryffindor - Victoria Justice: @HAUNTEDGILBERT.
Robb Stark - 7th Year - 20 - Gryiffindor - Head Boy - Beater - Richard Madden: @REVIXIISM.
Jace Herondale - 6th Year - 19 - Gryffindor - Chaser - Dominic Sherwood: @GOLDTOUCHED.
Wylla Manderly - 5th Year - 18 - Gryffindor - Nicola Peltz: @LOSTFLARES.
Octavia Blake - 5th Year - 18 - Gryffindor - Marie Avgeropolous: @kcmuses.
Hale Ashwood - 7th Year - 20 - Slytherin - Casey Deidrick: @RUNEDSOLDIER.
Mack McKnight - 6th Year - 19 - Slytherin - Keeper - Matthew Daddario: @ACQUIREDCRAVING.
Damen Hera - 7th Year - 20 - Slytherin - Ryan Hawley: @VIIRID.
Isabelle “Izzy” Lightwood - 5th Year - 18 - Slytherin - Seeker - Emeraude Toubia: @HEARTWHIPPED.
Elizabeth “Betty” Cooper - 4th Year - 17 - Slytherin - Lili Reinhart: @SERPCNTADJACENT.
Teagan Byrne - 7th Year - 20 - Hufflepuff - Head Girl - Cintia Dicker: @BLIGHTCD.
Jeyne Westerling - 7th Year - 20 - Hufflepuff - Prefect - Shay Mitchell: @INFERIUM.
Etta Martinez - 7th Year - 20 - Hufflepuff - Gina Rodriquez: @JVSTOLDNEWS.
Karen Page - 7th Year - 20 -Ravenclaw - Deborah Ann Woll - @YOUCANTKNOWTHAT.
Alec Lightwood - 7th Year - 20 - Ravenclaw - Prefect - Joe Collier: @HEARTGUIDED.
Clarke Griffin - 6th Year - 18 - Ravenclaw - Prefect - Eliza Taylor: @DESTROYSWORLDS.
→    Beauxbatons:
Aurora de Martel - 7th Year - 20 - Ombrelune - Prefect - Rebecca Breeds: @LADAMEDEMARTEL.
Nikoline Kristofferson - 7th Year - 20 - Ombrelune - Anastasia Tsilimpiou: @XDRAGONSOFAVALORIA.
→    Durmstrang:
Nikolaj Kristofferson - 7th Year - 20 - Dyr - Prefect - Bradley James: @XDRAGONSOFAVALORIA.
→    ilvermorny:
Anthony Parker - 7th Year - 20 - Horned Serpent - Jack O’Connell: @NEGATESWAR.
          FACULTY :  
→    Hogwarts:
James “Bucky” Barnes - 30 - Defense Against The Dark Arts - Head of Slytherin - Sebastian Stan: @HEARTERASCD
.Magnus Bane - 28 - Charms - Head of Ravenclaw - Godfrey Gao: @ofdemonicmagic.
Camille Belcourt - 29 - Astronomy - Head of Hufflepuff - Kaitlyn Leeb: @FANGEDFATALES
→    Beauxbatons:
Diana Prince - 30 - History of Magical Artifacts - Gal Gadot: @SPICEANDSUGAR.
→    Durmstrang:
Niklaus “Klaus” Mikaelson - 28 - Headmaster - Defense Against The Dark Arts - Joseph Morgan: @ORIGINALLYMIKAELSON.
Salem Saberhagen - 43 - Alchemy - Henry Ian Cusick: @DENOFVOICES.
→    ilvermorny:
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auburnfamilynews · 7 years
Tigers ran wild in this one, last season.
     War Eagle, everybody! It’s time now for another Auburn football preview! On October 22nd Auburn will travel to the state of Arkansas to take on the Razorbacks. My initial reaction is that this is very much a “trap game” on the schedule, and it will be a difficult gig. It will be Auburn’s 8th game in a row without a break, and it comes on the heels of a tough road trip to LSU.
     The perception is that Auburn always struggles on the road at Arkansas, but that’s not really true, up examining the results from the past. Auburn actually has a winning record in Fayetteville, at 6-5, since the Hogs joined the SEC. Arkansas was very fortunate to hold on in overtime the last time Auburn visited, with a very mediocre Tiger unit in 2015.
     This year, The Auburn Tigers will have opened the season with Georgia Southern, then traveled to Clemson. Auburn will then enjoy an early homecoming game against Mercer, before traveling to Missouri, prior to a home clash with Mississippi State. The Rebels follow at Jordan-Hare Stadium, the following week, before a road trip to LSU. Auburn then travels to Fayetteville to fight Arkansas. Arkansas opens in Little Rock against Florida A&M, then hosts TCU in week 2. Then, Arkansas has a bye week, to get ready for Texas A&M in Arlington, Texas. Arkansas then closes out September with New Mexico State. October is not kind. Arkansas plays at South Carolina, and at Alabama, before hosting Auburn. Both teams may be pretty beat up, for this game.
     Last season, Arkansas had streaks where they were pretty good on offense, but the offensive line had real problems protecting quarterback Austin Allen, who was sacked more than any other SEC quarterback, and threw the most interceptions. Arkansas returns 4 offensive line starters, but loses star left tackle Dan Skipper. Arkansas also loses nearly every pass catcher with experience, as well as star tailback Rawleigh Williams, who hung it up a couple of months ago after his second scary injury at the Arkansas spring game.
     Arkansas was pourous on defense last season, and sent defensive coordinator Robb Smith packing. The Razorbacks then hired former Auburn defensive coordinator Paul Rhodes (2008), and he is tasked with installing a 3-4 defense. That’s a tough deal usually, in the first year. Adding to the woes is that Arkansas had trouble fielding 3 capable linebackers last season, much less the 4 that this defense needs. Arkansas lost 6 starters on defense, including 5 in the front 7, to graduation.
     Arkansas was respectable on special teams last season, and should be again this year, although the Razorbacks will have to find some kick returners. Kicker Cole Hedlund should be solid, punter Blake Johnson should have a strong leg, and punt returner Jared Cornelius has experience.
Auburn defensive line vs. Arkansas offensive line: Auburn brings a big, athletic defensive line back this season. Likely starters at tackle are junior Dontavius Russell and sophomore Derrick Brown. Sophomore strong-side end Marlon Davidson was a beast on A-Day. The buck side will likely be manned by a combination of junior Jeffery Holland and senior transfer Paul James III. Auburn has a good bit of depth behind the starters, as well. From left to right, the starting offensive line for Arkansas should be sophomore Colton Jackson, junior Hjalte Froholdt, senior Frank Ragnow, junior Johnny Gibson, and junior Brian Wallace. These guys had their hands full last season, even against the Auburn backups. They’ll figure to have difficulty again this year. Advantage: Auburn.
Auburn linebackers vs. Arkansas backs: The Auburn Tigers have a good cross-trained quartet of upper echelon SEC-caliber linebackers. Junior Deshaun Davis, senior Tre’ Williams, junior Darrell Williams and junior Montravious Atkinson can play all three positions, and we might see any combination of these players out on the field at a given time. With the retirement of Rawleigh Williams, Arkansas turns to sophomore Devwah Whaley, and freshman Maleek Williams to tote the rock. Whaley did have 602 rushing yards off the bench, last season. Arkansas runners averaged just 0.8 yards per carry against Auburn, last year. Advantage: Auburn.
Auburn corners vs. Arkansas receivers: Auburn has a fairly good combination of starting corners, in junior Carlton Davis and sophomore Javaris Davis. The Tigers are hoping that Jamel Dean will be healthy this fall, as he is one of the fastest players on the team. Sophomore Jeremiah Dinson could move over from nickelback, if needed. Senior Jared Cornelius headlines a young Razorback receiving corps. He’ll likely be joined by junior Brandon Martin in the starting lineup. Cornelius caught 32 balls last season. Advantage: Auburn.
Auburn safeties vs. Arkansas secondary receivers and quarterback: Auburn’s starting unit features seniors Tray Matthews and Stephen Roberts at safety, and sophomore Jeremiah Dinson at nickel back. There’s not much depth here, beyond senior Nick Ruffin, who’ll probably see as much playing time as the starters. The Tigers are solid here, as long as no one gets hurt. Sophomore Austin Cantrell moves into the starting tight end spot, after catching 13 balls as a freshman last season. Arkansas only completed 3 passes to fullbacks last season, and 21 to tailbacks. Quarterback Austin Allen had a big year last year with 25 TD passes, but also was sacked quite a bit, and threw 15 interceptions. He’ll likely be better, but the cast around him looks young. Advantage: Even.
Punting: Sophomore Ian Shannon will likely get the nod as Auburn’s starting punter, after a couple of years of waiting in the wings. Shannon has looked good on A-Day a year ago, in warmups. The Tigers gave up only 19 punt return yards last season, on 6 punts, for a stifling 3.2 yards per return. The Tigers are still auditioning for the punt returner job. It’s thought that senior Stephen Roberts has the inside track, after returning 6 punts last season for 100 yards. For Arkansas, sophomore punter Blake Johnson steps into the starting lineup, after booting 2 punts for a 47 yard average last season. We didn’t get to see him punt this spring, as the Arkansas spring scrimmage was basically just an indoor practice session. Arkansas gave up 5.6 yards per return last season, and return man Jared Cornelius had 12 returns for 85 yards. Advantage: Auburn.
Kickoffs: Daniel Carlson was very good kicking off last season, notching 57 touchbacks on 72 kickoffs. When Auburn did allow returns, opponents averaged only 18.0 yards per return. Junior Kerryon Johnson is Auburn’s most experienced return man returning, and he averaged 22.2 yards per return last season. Sophomore Conner Limpert will reprise his role kicking off for the Razorbacks again this season, after hitting 9 touchbacks on 43 kickoffs last season. Arkansas allowed 20.6 yards per return last season, while averaging just 18.6 yards per return, and they’ll have to find some new return guys, this season. Advantage: Auburn.
Place kicking: Auburn sophomore Daniel Carlson is the man for Auburn. Carlson was 28 of 32 on field goals, and perfect on extra points. One of Carlson’s misses was a block by Vanderbilt. For Arkansas, junior Cole Hedlund hit on 5 of 7 field goals, and all 25 of his extra point tries. Advantage: Auburn.
Auburn offensive line vs. Arkansas defensive line: It’s still not settled who’ll start for Auburn on the line, although the starters looked pretty good on A-Day. It seems the tackle spots are set, with seniors Darius James and Braden Smith. Senior Austin Golson will likely start at center, although Auburn is bringing in senior transfer center Casey Dunn from Jax State. If Dunn starts, Golson could move to guard. Also transferring in this fall is former Florida State starting guard Wilson Bell. Bell is expected to start at one of the guard spots. If Dunn does not beat Golson out, the other likely starting guard would be sophomore Mike Horton. Arkansas expects to go with a rotation at nose tackle, between senior Bijhon Jackson and sophomore Austin Capps. Ends should be sophomores McTelvin Agim and T. J. Smith, with junior Armand Watts getting significant playing time as well. I just don’t see these guys matching up with what Auburn has, up front. Advantage: Auburn.
Auburn backs vs. Arkansas linebackers: Auburn features junior H-back Chandler Cox blowing open holes. Running behind the big H-back will be massive junior Kamryn Pettway, and the shifty junior Kerryon Johnson in reserve. Arkansas was still trying to put together a starting lineup at the end of spring drills. Our best guess is junior Dre Greenlaw and sophomore De’Jon Harris inside, and junior Randy Ramsey and senior Karl Roesler outside. Advantage: Auburn.
Auburn receivers vs. Arkansas corners: At the end of spring, it looked like Auburn’s two starting outside guys were sophomore Nate Craig-Myers and sophomore Darius Slayton. Both guys can fly, have good height, and great hands. Redshirt freshman Marquis McClain had a great A-Day, and is someone to watch out for on the outside, as well. Arkansas will counter with a veteran pair of corners who were pretty good, last season. Senior Henre’ Tolliver and junior Ryan Pulley will start. Advantage: Even.
Auburn secondary receivers and quarterback vs. Arkansas safeties: Auburn has potential threats here, starting with wickedly fast junior slot receiver Will Hastings. Sophomore Eli Stove can also fly. Tight ends Jalen Harris and Sal Cannella are expected to be a big part of the passing game as well. Auburn quarterback Jarrett Stidham is likely the starter in the opener. In 6 games as a freshman at Baylor, Stidham was electric. That trend continued during A-Day this spring, as Stidham was deadly accurate, and showed great mobility. Arkansas moves guys with experience up to start, this season. We’ll likely see senior De’Andre Coley and junior Santos Ramirez at safeties, and Kevin Richardson II at the nickel spot. Advantage: Auburn.
     I was quite worried about this matchup earlier this spring, as Arkansas has typically been pretty tough later in the season. I figured that the 56-3 beatdown Auburn put on this team last season was an outlier. However, my research this week was surprising. Arkansas will be a young team this season, and I didn’t see many answers during their spring practice. I do expect that defensive coordinator Paul Rhodes will eventually have a good product on the field, but the 3-4 isn’t the easiest thing to operate in year one, typically.
     Auburn decisively whipped this team up front on both sides of the ball last season, and Auburn wasn’t the only one. My biggest takeaway after watching a big chunk of the Arkansas spring practice is that I’d be really worried, if I was a Razorback fan. Those guys have a really tough road ahead, playing in the SEC West.
Prediction: I was thinking upset special here, earlier, but there is no way Arkansas wins this game unless Auburn has horrible injury luck next season. Tigers don’t play their best in this one, but it doesn’t matter. Auburn 37, Arkansas 24.
The post A Long Trip to Fayetteville. (Previewing Auburn at Arkansas.) appeared first on Track 'Em Tigers, Auburn's oldest and most read independent blog.
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andreagillmer · 5 years
'Rock Star' Ian Stalker Applies His Expertise to Nexus' Projects
Source: Streetwise Reports   04/16/2019
The noted engineer, who has a track record of building companies and increasing their value, is now focusing on Nexus Gold.
J. Ian Stalker, who has had a long—more than 45 years—and storied history in mining exploration, development and operations, including working in West Africa for more than a decade, has become the non-executive chairman of Nexus Gold Corp. (NXS:TXS.V; NXXGF:OTCQB), a gold exploration company with projects in Burkina Faso and Canada.
During his career, he has taken more than 10 mining projects through feasibility, development and construction phases, and has raised more than $500 million in capital investment.
His high-level positions in gold mining include stints as managing director of Ashanti Goldfields Co. Ltd., which later became AngloGold Ashanti; vice president of Gold Fields Ltd.; and CEO of Brazilian Gold Corp.
Companies under Stalker's management have seen significant market cap growth. He was the CEO of UraMin, a uranium company that was acquired by Areva for $2.5 billion in 2007. As president and CEO of LSC Lithium, he guided that company to a recent $111 buy-out, a 30% increase in market price.
Alex Klenman, president and CEO of Nexus, told Streetwise Reports, "Ian has been on the Nexus board for almost one year, and is now stepping into a greater role as non-executive chairman. He has M&A success behind him, discovery success and development success."
Ian Stalker told Streetwise Reports, "I was part of the team at Ashanti Goldfields when we went from producing 120,000 ounces a gold a year to over 1 million ounces a year by the end of 1998. We began to look at projects outside Ghana, where Ashanti was based, and we looked at Burkina Faso, Mali, a range of countries, so I got very familiar with that part of West Africa."
"When the opportunity came up with Nexus, with a prolific exploration area under its control in Burkina Faso, I was very happy to take up the position of non-executive chairman with it," Stalker explained. I was also attracted by the quality of the people; I am working with a really top-class group."
"When Ian accepted my invitation to join the board," Klenman explained, "Nexus was in the throes of a Howe Street death grip. We had 147 million shares out and the previous management had depleted the treasury. The share price was under $0.05."
"The company has turned around. We have a little bit of money in the bank, we're moving forward, we've had some success on the ground," Klenman stated.
Ian Stalker's "experience, knowledge and guidance will be of great benefit to the company, and of even greater importance as the next few years are critical in our growth cycle," stated Klenman. "Having Ian on board in a more prominent and active position with Nexus is something our shareholders can be excited about. His track record in helping to grow company evaluations is impressive."
Stalker joins Nexus' chief geologist, VP of exploration Warren Robb, who also has a long history in West Africa. "He was Roxgold's chief geologist in 2011–12 when the company discovered Yaramoko in Burkina Faso; it is now an extremely high-grade mine," Klenman explained. "That mine essentially made the company."
One of Nexus' goals, Klenman stated, "is to become a larger player in West Africa in exploration and development."
Jurisdictional risk can be a concern for investors. "On security issues, Burkina Faso has had a couple of incidents, which was never an issue when I traveled there in the 1990s and early 2000s," Stalker stated. "But we have chosen an area where security is very solid; it's been a very strategically controlled area by the government, so security-wise, you can discount a fair bit of the risk."
"Additionally, there are a large number of mining companies right around us, so in the area where we are working there are known deposits both of size and economies where companies can mine gold on a regular basis and produce it in an economic fashion. That adds a lot of value to the exploration environment we find ourselves in," Stalker explained.
The company's primary and most advanced project is Bouboulou, located in central Burkina Faso; it was once owned by Roxgold, and at the time was known as Bissa West. Roxgold did some work on the property, but after the Yaramoko discovery, the property became available, and Nexus acquired it.
According to the company, drilling confirmed five mineralized zones on the 38-sq-km Bouboulou property and three different trends that cross Bouboulou in a southwestern direction. "We felt those trends were going to cross the 250-sq-km Rakounga property, so we acquired it, which gives us a combined contiguous package of about 288 sq km," Klenman explained.
"We established three drill tested zones on the western flank for Rakounga. In a subsequent soil program, we were able to connect them at least in terms on anomalous surface; it's about a 16-km trend, with eight known zones. We've put about 50–60 holes down between the two concessions and are about a third or halfway to a resource estimate there, depending on how the next bit of work goes. We are hoping we can fill the gaps between the three zones at Rakounga and the five at Bouboulou." Klenman stated.
Bouboulou/Rakounga is a typical West African open-pit, low-grade bulk tonnage project.
Nexus' other two Burkina Faso properties, Niangouela and Dakouli, have a very different story.
"Warren Robb thought that the set-up at Niangouela, which is northeast of Bouboulou, was in his mind very similar to what he saw at Yaramoko, so we did a quick sample program, and came back with 2,950 g/t, 403 g/t samples, absolutely outrageous for West Africa," Klenman stated.
Nexus then ran a drill program there, and got a 26 g/t hit over almost 5 meters. "More drilling showed us the nature of the beast, that it's more of a spidery vein with high-grade shoots that requires a lot more money and a lot more drilling to get done, Klenman explained. "We like the grade there and will perhaps joint venture it out."
Dakouli is the company's latest addition in Burkina Faso, on which it obtained a nine-year mining lease. The property comprises 98 sq km just south of the Niangouela concession. The company was attracted by the artisanal activity on the property, miners digging down 40–50 meters with 400–600 meter strikes.
At Dakouli, Nexus conducted a very preliminary sample round and came back with "several gorgeous, beautiful visible gold in quartz chunks, very nuggety samples, which you don't often see there," Klenman stated. "They were 26–29 g/t, just grab samples, but certainly what you want to see as a phase one or two on the property."
Klenman noted that the company just completed another 100 samples at Dakouli and expects the results soon. "We are trying to build our visual databases as to where we think the best drill locations. We are currently doing a soil grid program there; the more data we can build at Dakouli, the better because there really is no history there. We're going to have to make sure we build our data methodically over the next few months before we start a drill program, but we really like the grade at Dakouli and at Niangouela. I think there is a higher grade opportunity there."
"From an overview position, there has been a significant amount of work to identify targets on the ground, and these were followed up by preliminary and secondary phase drilling. So we have a pretty good database, one in fact that brought on the streaming company, Sandstorm Gold Royalties, that came to look at our data and gave us money to continue our work a year ago," Stalker stated.
With the funding the company has been raising and completing on, "we will run another drill program this year, which will be underway very soon," Stalker noted. We hope that it will add to the growing knowledge of the geology in the area and provide a confirmation of the quality of the targets."
"We are optimistic that at the end of this year and into next year, we will have a 43-101 resource available to us," Stalker stated.
"All in all, in Burkina Faso we have over 550 sq km of ground, a sizeable package, all in the Boromo-Goren greenstone belts," Klenman stated.
"It is a dual narrative. The majors will keep an eye on the low-grade, bulk-tonnage situations at Bouboulou/Rakounga. When we come to market with the size of the compliant resource, that will get some attention," he said. "The retail investor may not be as excited about that, but they would certainly be excited about the high-grade results at Dakouli and perhaps more at Niangouela."
Nexus has also been diversifying beyond West Africa. In January, the company completed the acquisition of the New Pilot Gold Project in the Bridge River Mining Camp in British Columbia. A second Canadian project, the McKenzie Gold Project in the Red Lake region of Northwestern Ontario, was acquired in February.
The Canadian properties provide year-round activity for Nexus. "We can work on the ground on the Canadian projects in the summer, when it's rainy season in Burkina Faso, and the rest of the year in West Africa," Klenman stated.
"The footprint in the Canadian camps, in a very steady, understandable and transparent part of the world, is balanced by the footprint in the Burkina Faso projects, which are hugely exciting from an exploration and potential point of view," Stalker explained. "For investors, that makes for a very interesting investment decision and not just putting all your eggs in one basket."
"I think there is the potential to grow Nexus not just into a Burkina Faso company, but to a much larger West African company, that adds a lot of potential value to the company and gives you that size one needs to have in order to get proper attention," Stalker stated.
Nexus currently has 42 million shares outstanding, 61 million fully diluted. Sandstorm Gold Royalties is the largest shareholder, having taken a 17% equity stake in the first post-consolidation financing in May 2018, and it holds a 1% NSR on Bouboulou, Rakounga and Niangouela.
"Sandstorm will get its revenue when the projects go into production, so given that we are at the exploration and development stage in our lifecycle, that's a tremendous vote of confidence," Klenman explained.
Industry analysts have Nexus in their sights. Equity.Guru, in a February 12, 2019 update on the McKenzie project in the Red Lake Mining Camp, noted Nexus "will be active on at least five geologically prospective fronts this year. With 42.29 million shares outstanding and a $0.12 share price, Nexus has a market cap of $5.07M. That strikes me as a rock-bottom valuation for a company stacked with this much potential."
Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold wrote on January 11, 2019, in an article titled "Nexus Delivers Gold," the company "got approval for a new concession named Dakouli 2 in early November. The 100% owned Dakouli 2 property is contiguous with their Niangouela project that reported drill results of 26.69 g/t gold over 4.85 meters in March of 2017. If those numbers were for a project in the Golden Triangle, the stock would have tripled after the press release."
"Nexus has quality gold projects in one of the most attractive countries in Africa with 3-4 million ounce potential. The company is so far off the radar screens of investors that it hasn't even arrived at the airport. I don't think the company is going up tenfold in the next month but if management can run a tight ship and plank the money into the ground, it has ten-bagger potential over the next year or so," Moriarty added.
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Disclosure: 1) Patrice Fusillo compiled this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee. She or members of her household own securities of the following companies mentioned in the article: None. She or members of her household are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. 2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. As of the date of this article, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has a consulting relationship with Nexus Gold. Please click here for more information. Within the last six months, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has disseminated information about the private placement of the following companies mentioned in this article: Nexus Gold. 3) Comments and opinions expressed are those of the specific experts and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. 4) The article does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of Nexus Gold, a company mentioned in this article.
Additional disclosures: Bob Moriarty, 321 Gold: Nexus is an advertiser. I have bought a fair number of shares in the open market. I am biased. They have a lot of information on their site and you should look at it. Do your own due diligence. Equity.Guru: Nexus Gold is an Equity Guru client. Disclaimer: ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and consult with a licensed investment professional before making an investment. This communication should not be used as a basis for making any investment.
( Companies Mentioned: NXS:TXS.V; NXXGF:OTCQB, )
from The Gold Report - Streetwise Exclusive Articles Full Text http://bit.ly/2IutbKv
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ptcgdecklist · 6 years
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Zoroark GX / Golisopod GX - Ian Robb (US) (Winner) & Joe Ruettiger (US) (Top 8) - St. Louis Regionals - February 2018 - Standard
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