#playpen park
sourtoasterstrudel · 11 months
For playpen Tweek, an episode idea you might've already thought about is anxiety/mental health? Like "hey kids sometimes you or a friend may have scary thoughts! Make sure you always remember you should go to a trusted adult about these!" That typea thing?
Maybe Tweek telling Craig and Craig not knowing what to do?
I’ve admittedly not thought much about tweek and craig apart from how their personalities shift in Playpen park. My original idea was for tweek to teach viewers about healthy eating habits, but i think that’d be it’s own separate episode.
For a full episode i think it’d be something along the lines of one of stan getting really anxious over an upcoming test, his friends and family give him solutions (Kenny telling him he should go scream at the top of his lungs somewhere, butters tells him doing chores might help, and kyle telling him to study), but none of them work. He finds out tweek has similar issues after finding him using his own coping strategies, which seem to be quite successful. this is when he starts realizing all the kids around him have troubles too, even if they’re not as obvious. for instance Craig has anxiety because he doesn’t know how to help tweek, bebe’s worried the other girls are maturing faster than her, butters is scared of snakes, all of the kids have these little fears, whether rational or not, so he groups them together and they all share their issues and use some of their coping strategies together. By the end of the episode even though everyone else is feeling better, stan still just doesn’t feel right. He finally tells his mom and the episode ends with a hug and Sharon saying she can help him study and once he’s done writing the test the two of them will go to the toy store and he can pick out anything he wants.
The ending obviously would still leave things unresolved but i think for a kids show that’s pretty par for the course. It’s for like 8-12 year olds in my mind so i think them just inferring that if you tell someone you love they can try and help you through your problems would work instead of outright saying that trusted adults can help.
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sourtoasterstrudel · 11 months
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I’m a little out of it right now because of personal stuff so these aren’t my best creations but i had fun with them
@lets-all-calm-down-a-bit suggested Scott malkinson so of course i had to draw him. I think he’d be a lot more confident and chaotic in the kids show, chasing other kids around with needles without reason.
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sourtoasterstrudel · 1 year
I notice Playpen Marjorine still has a scar. Is it connected to anything in the au or ??
All of the kids designs were based off of the real kids (ie the kids Gerald watched run around South Park), but when she was first introduced marj never had that scar. Once the kids became aware that they’re just characters in a cartoon they began gaining features of the real kids, most of them are just related to their personalities but for marj, she gains that scar.
I’ve considered that she gives herself the scar once she gets the ninja star memory and awareness of how she’s supposed to look but that part is undecided. For now the scar just appears
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sourtoasterstrudel · 1 year
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Tweak and craig playpen park edition! My friend suggested i draw them and it was very hard not to give in. If you want any context on what this au is I have some more info in the playpen park tag
I can’t really think of a big social issues episode for them so I think the episodes that focus on them would be about normal kid stuff. Tweak in the world of playpen park is addicted to sugar and is seen constantly drinking soda with pixie sticks poured in.
Craig is still an asshole to the main group but his role is more to balance out tweak’s excitement and anxiety. While I don’t think either of their roles in the show itself would be that big, they come into play more once Kyle and friends become outcasts and a risk to the show’s existence
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sourtoasterstrudel · 1 year
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Drawing more kiddies for playpen park! (An au I’m working on about a kids show written by Gerald brovlofski) These kids would be side characters used for social issues and some more important teaching moments.
Tolkien would probably be a reoccurring character before the episode that focuses on him (the episode that focuses on him is meant to teach the kids about racism. I think after that he’d become more relevant in otehr stories). He also shows up as a leading character in an episode teaching stan about jealousy and handling the idea of Kyle having friends, but other than htat stan and Tolkien are pretty chill and play sports together (soccer probably. Stan looks like a soccer kid)
I think marjorine would actually be a separate character from butters, like she’d be his cousin or something. Either way i like the idea of her showing up for an episode about destigmatizing trans people, even if marjorine herself isn’t trans (i haven’t decided yet so i drew her just as a feminine version of butters)
Wendy and Bebe both show up as reoccurring characters but as a duo one of their most important episodes is one teaching about love, and stan and wendy liking each other in a romantic way. Bebe shows up because she’s Bebe and she just needs to be there. I think maybe Kyle would feel pressured into being with Bebe so he can feel like he still has stuff in common with stan.
Jimmy shows up for an episode about disabilities. Like in normal South Park everyone loves him and his jokes and upbeat personality (and beacuase he’s an easy target to make fun of. Cartman has to get taught that even if he doesn’t think his jokes are harmful, they can be). I think that would also be one of Kenny’s first main episodes, as jimmy takes over his place in the main friend group
I realized Shelly would be perfect for an episode of being bullied at home, stan feeling like he can’t tell anyone because the person bullying him is his big sister (i swear there was an actual cartoon with a plot like this i just can’t place my finger on what it is). Even the other kids start getting bullied by Shelly, when they visit the marshs’ house.
Gerald started working on playpen park when Kyle and the other kids were still 8-10, but by the time the show was picked up by a tv station and stuff the kids were in their late teens. He definitely asked the kids for their consent on having their likenesses in the show (especially Shelly since she’s portrayed as a bully), but i think they’d be chill since once stan reaches his teenage years and starts rebelling against randy he and Shelly become friends.
This entire au came to my mind because both a kids show and South Park are made with the same building blocks, so it was really easy to switch it around and make it genuine learning moments for kids instead of edgy jokes for adults. I’ve been having fun thinking about this little au and learning the art style that goes along with it (which I’m still figuring out so yeah the art is a bit off)
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sourtoasterstrudel · 1 year
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so this is part of that au idea i was talking about yesterday. It was like them being stuck in a kids show but they become sentient? I dunno i kinda lost interest in the plot but i loved doing these little overly cartoony drawing. Very inspired by camp camp’s style
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