#please Affie and I are lonely
Daybreak Academy: Chapter 02
Rumors Among Friends
Summary: In which a rag-tag study group adopts Anora into their circle. Word Count: 1,237 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
“You're new around here, aren't you?”
Anora had been sitting alone in the cafeteria when someone had come up to her. She blinked for a moment at this new person, another girl dressed in white overalls and red pirate bandana around her head, with tanned skin, blue eyes, and long silver-like hair.
“You're the new kid everyone's talking about, yeah?” the girl then asked again, taking a seat across from Anora. “My name is Pyra. My friends and I were talking, and figured you looked pretty lonely, so we thought we could invite you to our study group!”
Anora blinked. She must have been giving an incredibly distrusting glare because Pyra gave a small, nervous laugh.
“You don't have to if you don't want to.” Pyra then sheepishly admitted. “There's only four of us now, so even if you aren't used to a lot of people, we're still pretty small. I remember when I first came and everything seemed to confusing, I just want to make sure that you don't feel the same way; you know?”
Despite herself, Anora gave a small smile and a nod. Pyra happened to see it and smiled right back.
“Here,” she then decided, digging around for something to write with, “Let me write down the building and room number. We'd have our meetings in our dorm rooms, but, you know, it's a tight segregation. No boys in the girls' dorms and vice versa. Not that I'm particularly opposed to it or anything...”
Once Pyra finished writing, she looked over it once more before handing it to Anora with an even wider smile. “There.” she said. But then she had an idea and pointed to a table not far from them. “You can also sit with us if you want to- we usually sit right over there.”
Anora looked at the paper before looking at where Pyra was pointing. At the other table were three other kids; one was dressed in what looked like a pink ninja inspired suit and pink frog hat, another with a large white afro, and one who an abnormally large moogle hat. The two of them couldn't hear what the group was saying, but judging by their laughter, it must have been something interesting. Anora looked up at Pyra.
“Can I?”
Pyra seemed momentarily surprised to hear Anora's voice. “Can you what?” she asked in a moment of confusion. When it hit her, she then asked, “Sit with us now? Sure! Come on, I'll help you bring your stuff over!”
Anora mumbled a humbled thank you as she and Pyra got her stuff together.
“Hey guys,” Pyra shouted at her friends once they were close enough to her friends, “The new kid wanted to sit with us!”
Immediately after her saying this, everyone at the table turned to look Anora dead in the eye. A moment after they started to shuffle themselves around so she could sit. Anora timidly took a seat across from the kid with the moogle hat, while Pyra sat next to her. With everyone's eyes on her, Anora could feel her face heat up from embarrassment.
“Hi.” she softly said to them. “My name is Anora.”
“Hiya!” the kid with the moogle hat immediately replied. “The name's Mog!”
The kid in the ninja getup gave a nod before saying, “Nin.”
“I'm Affie.” the kid with the afro greeted. “Nice to meet you Anora.”
“Hey Anora,” Mog quickly spoke up, “What house did they place you in?”
Anora shifted a bit in her seat, refusing to look at them for some reason. “Vulpes.”
“Really?” Affie wondered. “Seems like everyone and their brother gets saddled into Vulpes.”
“Makes sense though,” Nin mused. “Vulpes and Leopardus are kinda the junk drawer houses; it doesn't take much to get sorted into them.”
“Excuse you- you're talking to a member of Leopardus here!” Mog detested, slamming his fists on the table.
“Yeah, so?” came Nin's careless retort. “Are you super smart like the folks in Anguis? Or even physically strong like the Ursus people? Dude, your debate skills don't even hold a candle to the uptight ninnies in Unicornis!”
“Not all of us are uptight, Nin.” Pyra pouted. “Which is absolutely rich coming from someone in Anguis.”
Nin gave a small, callous half shrug in response. Pyra rolled her eyes at Nin before turning her attention to Anora. The new kid had only been half listening to the others and still seemed a bit overwhelmed. So Pyra decided to give Anora some context.
“You probably haven't noticed it yet,” she said, “But there's a bit of a rivalry between the houses.”
Anora gave Pyra a confused raise of her eyebrow. It went unnoticed by Affie, who then gave a sage-like nod before saying;
“Thankfully, not only are the dorms separated by gender, but house as well.”
“You do not want to see a fight between Ursus and Unicornus.” Mog then insisted, leaning in close to Anora. “They're brutal.”
At this, Affie jumped a little in his seat as he remembered something. “Speaking of; didn't one guy from Ursus send another dude from Unicornis to the hospital last week?” he asked in a hushed tone. “They said it was an accident during their fencing practice, but...”
“I thought it was just a rumor?”
Pyra shifted a bit in her seat before replying, “It kinda is? I didn't know either of them personally, but everyone in our dorm was talking about it. Some of the newer students had a harder time going to sleep that night. It was awful.”
A hush came over the group now. Anora felt herself shiver at the sudden silence- it was Nin who noticed and gave a small frown at Anora.
“Are we scaring you Anora?” Nin asked in a slightly worried voice. “Trust me when I say we're all sorry- it's just not school if things weren't complicated, you know? Most of us live on campus, and there are days when you can really feel the cabin fever setting in.”
But Anora shook her head and gave a small smile. “Tell me more.” she insisted. “About the school, please.”
Nin gave a small smile and started to open her mouth to say something, but was cut off my Mog.
“Man, where do we even start?!” he bemoaned quite loudly. “There's this whole rumor about Headmaster Ava and Headmaster Gula being together, and then there's that kid who's always hanging around Headmaster Ava, and that's not even going into how the whole Ursus versus Unicornis thing is because of Headmaster Aced and Headmaster Ira's absolute hatred of each other!”
“I think she meant about the school history, not the rumors.” Affie snorted.
“Same thing.” Mog argued with a wave of his hand.
“No, it's not.” Nin retorted before going into a small laughter.
Anora looked at the group before going into a spontaneous laughter of her own. They all looked at her for a moment in surprise, but it quickly melted away as they joined her. It had only been a little under 24 hours since Anora had arrived and now she had a group of friends to call her own. Even if she didn't feel like she belonged at Daybreak Academy, at least she had a group of good people to talk to. At this point in time while they were all happy, she even dared to question, what could possibly go wrong?
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libidomechanica · 3 years
Startled, the must, who please to keeps you  are dead? Wherein were affied. I  watch, its possible to record  with Sisyphus  he turned aside each hand lustings on  the pure and died and 
beautie is; it sucked in sweetness and  air! Fresh bleed. If you should be so boldly  he might to the iron nature  stir on the door in  my bonie Bell. Purple riband would die: who know me  lying clown, who pause, in individualities, 
but Phemie was stand in,  from the Bow of Revenged  on my bonier yet. And hid her  yestermorn how pretty sure time by  those terrible as a tomb! To  you, all the day when 
I speak not the stars drops of ground;  so he the gales that love, my spices,  torchlight, as freedomes be; while  ech think of the wind  sleep … tired. Harsh and lonely men in  height, and of sacred 
gloves; and bless The blood, “Come! that shears  their equal things matter the past by! I  blow the sandy shore! Or have dont feared  her, and the Lady  Mary, before. We die, vibrates interview  was 
girth, that right hand in the mute she brought  him, ‘Come! Dian, that heedless brood shall do  to swell a prophet, for fail  or three-deckers oaken spine athwart  thou being, and with myrrh, and  high Philosophy, less oath?’”
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nombordua-blog · 7 years
To the three of you
As I am typing this, I am actually very nervous about my operation on 29/Sep/17 cos I am not sure if its a wise decision to bring you out on the 29 Sept 2017. I hope you are happy with your Birthday being on the 29th Sept. You are a baby girl that Mama will always cherish and treasure. Remember that being a girl , we must at all times protect ourselves, our dignity , our confidence and our morale to others out there. As a girl and a women , strive to be the besg and never take ur gender as a weakness. You will always be my princess to both mama and abah. I love you since I know you and I hope you continue to pray for me till eternity.
To my mama baby aka Affie Baby aka Affie Mirza. You my dearest precious one, you are my joy and my soul. My heart goes weak knowing that you might get hurt or cry if something is not going to be done your way.You will soon grow up and understand why everyone must be firm with you so that you grow up to respect all Allah's creation. Be sure that you my love will be my favorite one. I love you. I love you and I will always love you. You MUST study smart and hard. Respect all mankind and be someone that can make mama and abah proud. Please pray for me , make dua for me and remember my love that I'll always be your fav fan in anything that you do. Dont eat nonsense stuffs and please enjoy reading allright.
To my Bobby,
the past 3 years hasnt been the best but we have to agree that we have had some joys through little wreckage that we have created . Thank you for the little and the biggest thing that you have sacrificed for our family and I hope you will continue to sacrifice for our children . I am sorry that it will be difficult soon but hopefully it will all be worth it . I love you dear . Bring our children up to the best of their capability. Put them into the best enrichments , schools . You name it, anything for the children. Please bring my mom along with you, as that will be one of my hopes to have her close to me and our family. She needs a companion and I hope our children can ease her lonely heart. Please make dua for me as you know I havent been the best that i should be. Thank you Abang,you were my true soul and I apologize if I have ever make you upset . If you ever find someone that can replace your heart, tell her to love my child like her own. Thats all I can ask for.Tell my parents that I love them & my siblings to continue to take good care of my parents especially my mom.
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