#please RGG just let them talk longer than two minutes and give some semblance of tying up things with them
moophinz · 2 years
I swear to god if they don't do anything with these two in 8, I'll be so pissed.
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And I don't even mean it in a shippy way really. Sure, intense homoerotic subtext is prepackaged with these two no matter what, but I mean with their general relationship. Ever since 3 ended, it's like the team has taken careful measure to have them not interact with each other onscreen, face-to-face too much.
They share a single moment in 4 that leads to Kiryu being livid about Majima getting sold out by Daigo. Y5 has a whole plot about Kiryu threatening to kill over Majima being "dead," but they very strangely never reunite. Even when Majima declares no one would miss him when we saw Kiryu near to tears in his car and throwing himself back into the fray over getting answers on his "death." Y6? There's something crazy about how Majima- and Haruka- is the first person in his subconscious, how he says something really bizarre like them having shared fates for some reason, and the "love" and heart symbol on Majima's card- and Haruka's in the cabaret side stuff. What does all of that even mean?
Dead Souls even gives them a dramatic moment about how only Kiryu can kill him when Majima believes he's turning full zombie. Ishin gives them the MOST shared moments that they've seen in a while. What I'm trying to say is, I just want them to go back to their roots of longer onscreen interactions. I don't even know if Majima will be in 8, but if he is, I want this so badly. Just give me something solid between them instead of tearing them apart for the upteenth millionth time.
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