#please be civil I'm scared and just want to learn πŸ™
taking-your-hand Β· 1 year
What exactly does "proshippers dni" mean? /gen
I'm not doing a semantics thing and I won't "correct" anyone's answer, I genuinely just want to know what type of person most antis are referring to when they say "proship/proshippers dni".
Because at first, I thought it was just... anyone with any type of dark kink or ship, or who believes that fiction does affect reality but just not on a 1:1 scale, but I think I've been mistaken about what antis generally want to avoid.
So I wanna know, because I want to respect people's dnis and I want to understand antis more!
The antis I have spoken with have given me the impression that while they may disagree with milder proship stances, what they REALLY hate is stuff like "Fiction never has an impact on people in any way!" or "If you don't like my kinks, you're inherently sex-negative!" or "MAPs should be accepted and trusted uwu" or whatever other frankly awful and untrue things they might say.
And it's like, if an anti hates those things, but is okay with milder or neutral stances, I would like to know. Because unfortunately I've been led to believe that most antis would consider anything that's not aggressively anti-proship to be just fully proship, so I just completely stay away to avoid causing any discomfort or trouble.
Anyways, feel free to reblog or reply with your personal feedback, and please be nice to each other. ^^ I don't intend to try and convince anyone of anything in this post, I just want to understand people with different perspectives. :)
Thank you!
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