#please condi let Jay go apeshit more often she deserves it
mintydotdoodle · 10 months
*Spoilers for all jrwi episodes up to 114* This is lowkey a character study idk,
So I've been seeing a lot of that one audio from Isle of Dogs and I can't stop thinking about how that audio could apply to the albatrio when looking at it in different ways. So I want to break down the quote by how I think it would fit each of them because I'm so normal about these characters. Also idk if it was too long for tumblr or something so this got split up into separate parts. 
Now for absolute best girl Jay Ferin, light of my life. She seems like the least "violent dog" at first. Oftentimes she's seen mediating for the other two or keeps to herself tinkering. However she's just a different kind of "violent dog" "My friends"- Chip and Gillion, but also her family in the Navy. "think I like to fight" - I feel like this one is more seen in her family than with Chip and Gillion at first. To her family I feel like Jay was seen as a fighter, she was given an out of the Navy to an extent by living with her mother, but after Ava's death she fought for her sister. She went to the Navy and vowed to find who stole her sister from her, someone who not only she looked up to, but so many in the Navy looked up to as well. Though at first she's quiet, she's always willing to fight and if she doesn't start it she'll finish it. ",but it's just not true. Sometimes I lose my temper and blow off a little steam"- Jay looses her temper very few times that I can really remember, but it's most clearly seen when it's something to do with her past. She had the most clear anger when finding out that Lizzie knew what happened to Ava all along, and then again at a much smaller scale with Chip in episode 114 when Chip questions going through with being in the Navy stronghold. Both times her anger is directed towards having knowledge kept from her. I feel like her anger comes from being left in the dark all her life. Where Chip and Gillion's anger are more connected to their past experiences, Jay's come from her lack of experience due to secrets. She's an engineer and problem solver she likes to find the answers to things and know why things work and gets frustrated and angry when those answers she's worked for are kept from her. "But I never enjoyed it. I'm not a violent dog. I don't know why I bite."- Jay Ferin has a very calculated form of violence, she thinks, which is something the other two tend to forget about. Due to that I feel like her type of violence almost hits harder, Chip and Gillion's violence is impulsive. They both just have to get close slash swords or throw a spell. Jay has to take the time to angle herself, aim, and shoot all with a limited number of attacks. She can't just summon bullets like Chip and Gillion can just keep swinging. With all that thought process involved and the quantity of violence it may seem like Jay could find some sort of enjoyment in violence, but she never seems to. She has found it a necessity to cultivate violence for the sake of answers everyone else is too afraid to find. If Chip is a mutt, and Gillion is a trained guard dog, Jay is a hunting dog. She has senses bred for violence, but for the sake of either survival or sport depending on how she's raised. I feel like Jay could've been like Gillion even more in a way if she was raised more with her father than her mother, but since she lived with her mother and the stories of her mother she's herself. She's curious and sometimes in that curiosity she gets burned, and it's hard to not have a reaction to getting burned. To me her violence isn't enjoyment or survival (though sometimes it is survival due to just sea life in general) it's more so violence for the sake of discovery. However, within that need for discovery and answers she doesn't fully understand yet why those things are so important to her, which is where "I don't know why I bite" comes into play.
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