#please cuban people get in the meme game
chiripepe · 6 years
My mom sent me this and my ribs are about to break.
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pinkstarbeam · 6 years
Plance Transfer student AU
The Holt’s had hosted a transfer student before back during Matt’s senior year, that’s how the family came to know Takashi Shirogane, or Shiro as he liked to be called
Come Pidge’s junior year her parents told her the news that or his senior school year they would be housing a Cuban transfer student named Lance
Pidge didn’t really think anything of this, as long as he didn’t touch her stuff they would probably get along just fine
Come pick up day Pidge stood next to her best friend Hunk who had asked to tag along since Lance would be in his class
“What do you think he’s like? Do you think he is fluent in english? What if he’s rude!? What if-”
“Hunk relax, i’m sure he’s just as nervous as you are.”
“You’re not nervous?”
“Kinda? it’ll just be nice to have someone my age in the house again since Matt left for college.”
As they continued to talk Pidge heard her Dad call out the transfer students name and watched as a admittedly beautiful guy hurried over to them
How were his teeth so white and straight? What was he a colgate model? and he had to be wearing contacts nobody’s were that blue!
“Pidge!” Hunk elbowed her
Pidge came back to earth blinking as she quickly realized she had been staring 
Didn’t help Lance or whatever his name was had a sly smirk on his face
“Lance this is my daughter Katie and her friend Hunk.” Her dad introduced them “Katie likes to go by Pidge though.”
Lance extended his hand to Pidge “It’s nice to meet you, I look forward to the school year.” he spoke clear english, but had a clear accent 
Pidge shook it and Hunk did afterwards
Soon the Holt’s and Lance arrived at their house and while her parents showed Lance the guest room Pidge went to her room and flopped on her bed next to bae bae
“This is gonna be a long school year,”
The next day was the first day of school and since Pidge was in charge of showing him around and helping him out at school she had to endure all the stares and flirting
If Lance told one more girl her eyes were his favorite color she was gonna puke
They finally arrived back at the start
“Okay, now you have my number so if you can’t fine someone to help you just text me.”
“Pidge come on, i’m nearly 18, I got this.”
He didn’t, He texted Pidge five minute after they separated because he couldn’t find his homeroom
Come lunch Pidge softly smushed her face into Keith’s shoulder, her other best friend
“Long day Holt?”
“You don’t know that half of it Kogane.”
“So I take it the new kid is who is living under your roof this year?”
Pidge nodded as she moved back so she could steal a carrot off his tray
“You can say that again.”
Next thing the two knew Hunk appeared with Lance beside him, Lance looking rather displeased at Keith’s existence 
“Mind if we sit?” Hunk asked
Both nodded and the other two joined them though Lance wouldn’t even spare Keith a glance
“What is this?” Lance as looking down at his plastic wrapped sub
“Oof you grabbed the tuna salad...” Hunk said and both Keith and Pidge mentally pressed F to pay respect
“Is it bad?” he asked
“Let’s just say the last kid that ate it was out sick for a week.”
Yeah Pidge had never seen a kid throw food away in his life 
“Here.” she handed him her bag of chips which he gladly took
Over the next few week Pidge and Lance began to actually get along and even hung our regularly with Hunk and Keith
The evening of Halloween Lance even dressed up as Frankenstein’s monster so he and pidge matched
Come Christmas Lance (with her mother’s help) made a traditional Cuban Christmas dinner
Matt and Lance were like a horrible meme nightmare together and Pidge was thankful his girlfriend was cool to hang out with
Present wise Pidge got Lance a figher pilot jacket which quickly came apart of his everyday look and Lance got Pidge a video game they coudl play together since they had bonded over them the most
On new years eve Pidge stood outside watching fireworks explode whilst a slightly tipsy Lance leaned against her
“Lance get off, if you’re tired go lay on Keith’s couch.”
“Quiero estar contigo..”
“Lance we both know I don’t know Spanish.”
He just grumbled and moved so he was hugged her from behind and rested his chin on her head
sighing pidge let him stay there as they counted down the minute to  new years when something unexpected happened
as pidge yelled 0 to herself she suddenly felt lips connect with her own
She wanted to chew Lance out but he has passes out after the kiss, how convenient for him
Pidge didn’t tell Lance or anyone for that matter what happened that night, not like it would matter, Lance had a crush on Allura, a girl in his grade who honestly was a walking goddess 
As time went on Lance noticed Pidge was distancing herself, however here recently he had got on Allura’s good side was hanging out with her
“Is Pidge mad at me?” Lance asked Hunk
“She hasn’t mentioned anything? Why?”
“She barely talks to be anymore and at home she hides in her room.”
“Well spring break is coming up so maybe try to ask her to hang out then?”
And so he did
But Pidge seemed one step ahead with an excuse
However his chance came the last day of break because it was also Pidge’s 17 birthday meaning she couldn’t hide
The morning came early as Pidge’s parents followed by Lance came in carrying a plate of peanut butter pancakes and singing happy birthday 
Pidge, though half asleep, took the breakfast thanking them
“After you eat get dressed and we’ll head into town okay?”
she just nodded too tired to argue as she rubbed her eyes
Lance stayed in the room after her parents left “Any idea what you want to do today?”
“Why do you care?” Pidge asked as she ate her pancakes
Lance felt his irritation from the last few weeks rising “Because i’m your friend or I thought I was.”
Pidge just rolled her eyes “Oh please. the minute Allura texts you i’ll be invisible to you again, now please go away so I can eat in peace.”
grumbling Lance left the room, but he sat and thought about what she said
Was Pidge...Jealous of Allura? But, why? She didn’t like him that way...right?
The ride into town was awkward as Lance fought every urge to even just look at Pidge
arriving at the mall Pidge’s parents gave her $100 to spend on what she wanted and told the two o them to meet them back the front by noon
After they separated Lance pulled Pidge to the side “Are you jealous of Allura?”
“Excuse me?”
“Earlier you mentioned Allura, why?”
“Am I not allowed to talk about your crush?”
Lance’s cheeks burned as he looked away “Just answer my question.”
“No i’m not jealous of Allura.” she lied
“Then why bring her up?”
“i’m leaving.” Pidge walked off “Don’t follow me.”
Lance sighed as he slumped against the wall
A familiar voice caught his ear
Allura had just walked in the mall and Lance immediately realized what Pidge meant by invisible to him because when Allura asked why e was there it took him a minute to remember he was there for Pidge
He was the worst friend ever
“Lance it’s okay, i’ll help you find her okay?” Allura offered
Lance nodded still feeling guilty
As they walked Lance noticed Pidge’s backpack at a table in the arcade and quickly hurried in calling for her
He seen a crowd of people and headed over to see they were around a DDR machine where low and behold Pidge was dancing along die Keith of all people
except something hit him hard
Pidge was laughing as she hung out with Keith
And that
that made him jealous
he was the jealous one it seemed
When the dance ended Keith was the clear winner as Pidge laughed slumping against the bar
“That’s the last time you pick the song Kogane.”
“Gotta have you exercise somehow.”
“Hey I exercise!”
“Your fingers on your keyboard as you code don’t count Katie.”
Katie...He called her by her real name
Lance cleared his throat and Pidge looked over groaning before spotting Allura and her eyes darkening a bit
“Want a turn?” Keith asked
“Actually I was looking for Pidge, come on Pidge.”
“You’re not my babysitter Lance..”
Allura stepped forward “If I may..Pidge Lance has been looking for you for the last ten minutes.”
“And I told him not to.”
Keith sighed feeling annoyed and took Pidge’s hand pulling her along “Let’s talk about this without so many eyes and ears, you guys are making a scene.”
Soon they were in the arcade’s backroom seeing as Keith worked there
“Now what’s going on?” Keith asked
“Lance thinks i’m jealous of Allura.”
Allura looked confused “of me? Why?”
Lance explained the mention of her earlier this morning
“Pidge do you think Lance favors me over you?”
“I mean he does have a crush on you.”
Lance’s face paled as Pidge realized she had outted him
“Oh..So you have a crush on him?”
Pidge’s face went bright red “I didn’t say that!”
“But if he likes me and you’re upset he puts me over you then-”
“I’m leaving!” Pidge quickly tried to leave but Keith blocked her way
“Pidge just answer the question. Do you like Lance?”
Pidge looked to Lance and then to Allura before looking to the ground and sighing “Even if I do it doesn’t matter, like I said he likes Allura. Now can I go now, this is turning into the worst birthday ever.”
“You like me?” Lance asked
“I..” she sighed “You were tipsy and kissed me on new years eve.” she instinctively held keith back “when you didn’t remember I knew it was an accident, but after that I started to feel weird, especially when you brought up Allura or other girls..”
“Oh God..Pidge i’m-”
“Save it...Keith.”
Keith moved and let Pidge out but blocked Lance from chasing her
“Keith move!” Lance growled
“She needs space right now Lance, if you keep pushing her like this she is gonna hate you.”
And so come noon Pidge  sat at the front with some stuff she bought as she waited on everyone
she kept telling herself she had a little over a month left and Lance would leave and she could sever ties even though it hurt to think about not talking to him ever again
“Hey.” Lance walked up
she didn’t reply as she sipped her coffee
“So..Allura doesn’t like me that way.”
no response still
“But I think I have a new crush..”
“Don’t pity me McClain..”
“Pidge i’m not pitying you..give me a week to prove to you that i’m serious..”
she sighed “Only because if I don’t agree you’ll drag Hunk into this.”
After dinner that night Pidge and Lance went on a walk, Lance giving Pidge his jacket when she shivered
“You do realize you’re going back to Cuba next month right..’?”
“I do, I just..I like being with you..being near you.”
“..You told me the same thing on new years eve in Spanish, at least I think, I googled what I thought you said.”
“Well drunk Lance had that part right, though I shouldn’t have forced a kiss on you, that was wrong.”
she nodded as she pulled the jacket closer to her “...I didn’t hate it..”
“The kiss, I didn’t hate it..”
“..Could I kiss you for real?”
She gave a small nod and the two shared their first kiss under a streetlamp that was turning on above them
The next month was full of cute sappy date things that they squeezed in between studying or final and Lance sending in college applications
However come summer it was time for Lance to return home to Cuba where his family was eagerly awaiting his return
Pidge stood quietly aside Matt and her Mom as she watched her Dad help Lance load his luggage into the family car
Lance looked to Pidge and immediately noticed she was ready to cry the moment nobody was watching
He walked over and pulled her into a tight hug “This isn’t goodbye Katie, I promise.”
tears ran down her face as she hugged him tightly “You better come back you jerk..”
he wiped her eyes before kissing her head “Of course, can’t let Keith beat my DDR score.”
She glared about to say something when Lance knelt and whispered in her ear
“Te amo.”
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huntypastellance · 6 years
I'm sorry I'm trying to figure out what the frick "Shaladins" are? I tried scrolling through the tag and I'm still really confused and you are one fo the main people I see posting in the tag? Can you please explain to me what exactly is going down rn and what exactly a Shaladin is?
I gotta set up a glossary page for the vld fandom too at this point. Half my inbox is literally “what does X mean?”.
Too many terms being slung around……
Shaladin: any shipper who ships Shiro with one of the other paladins* (Keith, Lance, Hunk or Pidge). 
*Allura’s in a weird grey area because she was considered to be Space Mom & an adult up until her VA confirmed that she was a teenager. The Shiro/Allura shippers are heavily split between Shallurantis (antis who make excuses to ship it despite Allura being an “underaged teenager”), Shitllurans (a subset of shallurantis who are the worst of the worst & turned on any shaladins who tried to help them after Allura’s “age reveal” happened & Shallura became a “problematic ship”) & the actual Shallura shippers.
Anti: self-proclaimed name for fans who use social justice terms & a facade of fighting against online abuse/predators all so their favorite ship can win a ship war. Often harasses the staff of the canon or encourages harassment of the staff. Never calls out the abusive maniacs in their own community even if they commit actual crimes. Favors an overly fluffy sparkly pastel aesthetic for their blogs, trashy memes & sucking up to minor celebrities completely unrelated to the canon’s production in order to boost their own ship. Basically a fujoshi stereotype who accuses other shippers of being fujoshi stereotypes & refuses to acknowledge that they themselves are fujoshi stereotypes. Accuses other people of sexualizing minors while they themselves consume/create porn of their own ship (even if the characters are minors).
Klantis: antis who specifically ship Keith/Lance, aka Klance. They manage to keep their ship at its #1 spot on Fandometrics by spamming Klance & crosstagging it everywhere. Every time a rival ship creeps up the rankings, they double down on the spam & start a new wave of anti-ship harassment to discourage those shippers.
Leakira: AU made by klantis after s7 dropped & they realized that Klance would not be canon. It’s a “re-write” of Voltron where the supporters for Leakira actually believe that they can buy all the rights to Voltron in just 10 years. There is no plot or story, just an “lgbtq+ poc” version of the Voltron characters where they are “extra” POC & have “extra” POC names (Leandro for Lance & Akira for Keith). Broganes & Shiro/Adam are also things that feature in this AU & Pidge is “re-imagined” to be Jewish so she’s “more ethnic”, despite the fans accusing her Jewish voice actress to be a “white d*ke”. Shiro is re-named to be Hachiko & is now Keith/Akira’s adopted father & the only “straight” characters are the villains & the parents (because this is literally a strawman caricature of how life works). Akira & Leandro have nothing in common with Keith & Lance other than color themes & similar jokes. Their polar opposite personalities & relationship to their canon counterparts is another sign that klantis never truly cared about the characters or Voltron’s story in the first place.
Broganes: An AU where Shiro is Keith’s adoptive brother/father/uncle despite them having 2 entirely different families in canon. Named because of early fanon where Keith is Japanese & has the surname “Kogane” like in previous iterations of Voltron. Often buys into racist stereotypes regarding Asians & generic sitcom tropes regarding sibling relationships. Most often used to get Shiro away from Keith as a romantic interest so Keith can be shipped with Lance. Allura was paired with Shiro as “space mom”, but was later replaced with Adam. Keith is often characterized as a whiny emo younger brother who is bratty towards exasperated big brother Shiro & they pull pranks on each other (usually taken from lame Vines). They are also shown to be relatively uncaring of each other & distant, so that Lance can easily worm his way into Keith’s life as a boyfriend. AU first created by a 14 year old girl who’s obsessed with her sister, based the AU off of her idealized romanticized relationship with her sister & used to draw fanart for a R-18 Nitro+Chiral BL game (a company famous for games with gore, rape, bestialiaity, mechaphilia & general mindfuckery).
Dirty Laundry: the most popular & overrated Klance fic on ao3, often lauded to be the peak of Klance fics by klance shippers. Its popularity stemmed from popular klantis boosting it on their blogs only to shred it apart when DL’s Lance’s autistic brother appeared in it. The klantis ripped it apart for being racist, ableist, sexist, etc. & the author orphaned the fic after completing it due to the harassment she was getting from both sides (as shippers hated it too because of how hard the klance shippers were pushing it). Most infamous for a scene at the end where Keith & Lance danced to the song Gasolina, literally the least romantic song you could ever dance to. Popularized many of the tropes commonly seen in Klance fics. Was written before Lance was revealed to be Cuban, so DL has Mexican Lance instead.
There are more terms to be added, but I’ll make a proper page for it & add them later.
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So when I first started watching Vld a few weeks/months (?) ago I started to write down some of my headcanons that came to mind. Some of them are also inspired by a voltron chat room I have with my friend so please excuse the randomness. Oh and this is before S6 came out so... the castle's still alive and well
• Shiro is the undefeated champion in armwrestling - no matter what arm he uses (and he's embarrassingly proud about that). Second place belongs to Hunk of course
• Pidge and Hunk like to get together and talk about sciencey stuff. Often they do some cooking or baking while talking
• Keith doesn't really know his limits, especially when training. Shiro or Coran often end his training sequence for him before he breaks down of exhaustion
• Shiro has PTSD; Lance has slight ADHD and Keith has anger management issues
• Lances family is #goals. There are so many people in it and they welcome everyone like one of their own
• Shiro likes training with 'his kids'. He adjusts his speed and force to their own but never goes at them full force. He always makes sure to praise them for every effort they show and never lets them feel bad for any weaknesses they have
• Pidge was actually the first one who called Shiro "space dad", Lance and Hunk followed shortly and even Keith does it sometimes but only when none of the others can hear it (even though they have more than once when Keith didn't know they were just around the corner)
• Even though Shiro sighs every time they call him "dad" he secretly loves it
• Even though everyone thinks Keith loves his 'emo bands' he's actually secretly into country but doesn't let anyone know (not even Shiro), the only one who had heard Keith humming to country once was Coran who doesn't really know what kind of music that was but actually kinda liked it. When he asked Keith about it he just got cussed at in heavy earthly fashion
• Lance did Ballett in his youth; Shiro did gymnastics and was on the cheer squad for some time
• When Lance is sad (mostly because he misses his family back home on earth) he likes to be left alone. Mostly he doesn't even let the others know when he's really sad because he just finds himself a place where he can be by himself
• Keith loves watching the stars. He usually searches for a place in front of a big window where he can just sit at and stare out of it. On one of those occasions he stumbled across a very depressed Lance and actually comforted him (from that moment on Lance actually didn't want to only be left alone when sad)
• When Shiro is grumpy he sometimes mumbles to himself in Japanese and it's the funniest thing ever for the others
• Hunk sometimes cooks Cuban meals for Lance because he knows them from visiting Lances family on earth and he knows Lance misses them (hell, Hunk himself even misses them because it's just the greatest family ever)
• They all just like to chill in their lions sometimes, there even have been occasions where they fell asleep in them
• When someone actually manages to say or do something that even Keith finds funny and he can't hold back his laugh it's just the cutest thing ever
• Who has the cutest/best laugh? 1) Keith (very rare; many snorts and surprisingly high pitched); 2) Pidge (Who else would you expect? Kinda childlike with much cackling); 3) Allura (melodic but also with many many maaany giggles; she tries to hide her laugh behind her hand sometimes); 4) Lance (Sometimes it sounds a little bit evil? Many cackles, some snorts); 5) Hunk (very very loud and deep; his laugh seems to vibrate through his whole body); 6) Coran (also kinda loud; just the laugh you would imagine from Coran); 7) Shiro (it's just kinda dad-like, nothing special, a little too loud but all in all the lamest ever and everyone looks at him confused cause he sometimes laughs at the most boring shit in the world)
• Keith loves well-thought-out puns but sadly they only occur from time to time. He doesn't get bad puns; Lance is a sucker for bad puns; Pidge is the meme-master
• Shiro sometimes actually wears eyeliner just because he thinks it's funny? He thinks nobody notices it but all of them do
• Shiro gives the absolute best hugs; Keith is the best to be hugged (even though he doesn't like it most of the time)
• Pidge really enjoys wearing dresses but because she's a practical person she doesn't wear them as often anymore
• When training Shiro sometimes uses a weird hair elastic which kinda annoys the others cause he could just like get rid of his little weird floof?! (But he actually likes it and feels cool with it)
• What do they drink in the morning? Pidge: big cup of the blackest coffee; Keith: sometimes black coffee, sometimes Cappuccino, sometimes just milk; Lance: Latte Macchiato; Hunk: juice; Allura: water or tea; Shiro: espresso or sparkly water; Coran: some altean goo
• Shiro really likes being around the others, he likes their bickering, he just likes the noise. He actually can't stand constant silence but if it's too loud he gets irritated as well - just the perfect middleground
• Shiro hates all kinds of worms, caterpillars are fine
• Keith and Shiro sometimes make really dark jokes but only when they're by themselves; they can't let the others know
• When any of the kids feel anxious or depressed Shiro immediately goes into full dad-mode and starts talking to them in the softest voice, gives them hugs, rubs their back, makes them the altean equivalent of cocoa, whatever makes his children feel better
• Lance loves to see the others laugh. He always wants to make them feel good and gives them compliments and stuff. Sometimes the others turn their eyes or sigh but they actually really appreciate it
• Allura and Lance often get together to do face masks and stuff, Coran sometimes joins them too. Once they tried to put a mask on a sleeping Keith but he was awake as soon as they wanted to enter his room and they had to run for their lives
• Keith is actually really shy and awkward especially when it comes to affectionate stuff
• Keith is a cat-person; Shiro loves dogs, Hunk does too; Pidge likes fish or birds or other small animals; Lance likes almost all animals; Coran would prefer the altean equivalent of a dog probably and Allura the one of a cat
• They all LOVE Kalteneckers milkshakes
• They enjoy playing games together. They even have many many games they came up with themselves
• Shiro takes the absolute worst selfies. It's like he doesn't even know how they work. One time you only see the top of his head, the other there's just a wall on the picture. Pidge always tries to teach him the proper way how to take selfies but he just doesn't seem to get it. Maybe he just doesn't want to because he really enjoys it when Pidge explains it to him?
• Lance more than once 'accidently' flashed his dick to different members of the team when coming from the swimming pool because he only ever takes his towel with him and that is sometimes not that set on his hips
• Hunk loves all kinds of domestic activities like cooking, baking, knitting, gardening - he even often cleans something when he's bored or upset
• Pidge and Keith are by far the heaviest cursers on the team. They get a lot of frowning and complaining from Shiro. Allura would probably do that too if she understood any of these cuss words
• What do they do if they can't sleep? Lance: plays video games or wanders of by himself through the castle; Pidge: joins Lance sometimes in his games or starts working on some new tech; Hunk: knits or does some gardening (he's built a little garden for himself on the ship); Allura: drinks tea or plays with the mice; Shiro: works out or reads; Keith: visits his lion or just lies in bed and tries to push his thoughts away; Coran: works on the ship or just talks to it?
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