#please don't mind me I just really love Steve's wet cat look
lovecanbesostrange · 1 month
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Free Comic Book Day 2023 - Uncanny Avengers writer: Gerry Duggan artist: Joshua Cassara color artist: Marte Gracia
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Steve apologising to you for a small argument, you’ve both already apologised for. But he wants to go the step extra, so he surprises you with a puppy, one you’ve said you’ve always wanted.
Besides. Steve’s always wanted a home with his love and a dog. (Kids being the next step)
You wake up to a paw on your face, and that's odd. Because you don't have an animal, not a cat, not a dog, not a bunny, just a Steve. And the last time you checked, he had hands.
Before you can process your rude awakening something yanks on a strand of your hair and you grimace, then the thing on top of you is whisked away.
"Hey!" Steve hisses, "You're supposed to make this better, not worse!"
You blink your eyes open, ignoring the sleepy ache in them that begs to snooze again. You peer out from under the covers, finding Steve's face first, then oh, a squirmy puppy in his hands.
"Hey," He smiles sheepishly, holding the dog like it's a bomb that's about to blow. You don't blame him, because the little monster is frantically wriggling around for something to bite, and you wouldn't want it to be you, either.
"I bought a puppy," He informs you, like it isn't obvious, "I- um, I felt bad about the other night, so-"
"Steve," You mumble, rubbing sleep out of your eyes, "I forgave you for that, honey. Everything was fine."
"I know! I know," He nods, frantically shifting his hands around the puppy's belly when it realizes that one of Steve's knuckles is perfect for gnawing on.
"I just felt bad," He concludes drearily, "So I got this!" He brandishes the puppy, now yapping at being suspended in the air, "'Cause I know you've talked about having a dog before, and I tried really hard to remember the breed name you wanted, but you know my memory isn't great, so I just- I tried going by looks alone, and I think this is it! Right?" He looks apprehensively at you, eyebrows raised, "Please tell me my ankle isn't bleeding for nothing."
"That's right," Your face softens, and you feel a smile starting over your face as you watch the puppy squirm, "Here, Stevie, let'em go."
You hold out your hands and Steve is quick to plop the puppy back on your blankets, watching as the little thing races for you. You hear, 'careful, 's a biter', but you couldn't care less as the puppy's front paws hit your chest and its wet nose snuffles at your chin.
"Hi!" You croon, giggling as the animal licks at your jaw, then gnaws on it for good measure, "Oh! Sharp teeth," You redirect the puppy to your hand, not minding the razor sharp pinpricks of pain there as much as you to against your face. The puppy's tail wags in little circles, butt wiggling along with it as it collapses in your lap, content to slobber over your thumb with its two front paws wrapped around your hand.
"Do you like it?" Steve hums from the foot of the bed, looking anxious as his hands fiddle with each other by his waist.
You nod vigorously, holding your free hand out for him, "C'mere, Stevie."
He's happy to crawl over the mattress to sit by your side, and you thank him mere inches from his face. You slot your nose against his, soaking up the sweet gesture before you attempt to kiss him, key word being attempt because it's foiled only seconds later.
"Ow!" Steve jerks away from your lips, holding his earlobe with an astonished look towards your now grumbly puppy, "Hey! I can't kiss my own partner?"
The puppy barks, shrill and unintimidating. Then it lunges for Steve's face, nipping at his nose.
"Oh! No," You scold, rushing to push the puppy away and cupping Steve's jaw in your hands while smothering his reddening skin in kiss after kiss, "Sorry, Steve. We'll get some puppy training, it's just nippy."
"You weren't even mad at me," Steve laments, but really he's willing to take a thousand more puppy bites if it means you'll dote on him, "Next time I'm getting flowers."
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randominagines · 3 years
Omgomg hi can I request some Bucky fluff?
I want some good ol' fluff with this gentle giant :')
I read your prompt list, Idk how to really request with them, but I guess these are good haha;
1. Fuck everything, I just want to be with you
2. It's no secret that I would do anything to see you happy
3. My love? Honey? Or would you prefer my future wife?
For third prompt, maybe it could be included, but please with no proposal? Idk it's just kinda cheesy for me haha, but do whatever you want ❤️❤️❤️
I hope you like this.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Fem!reader
Setting: After Civil War events
Warning: fluff
P.s. if you find any mistake please correct me, English is not my mother tongue and I want to improve. Reblog, if you can, it helps a lot, thank you💕
P.p.s. gifs belong to the creators.
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A New Beginning
Y/n had been waiting that moment for so long, dreaming about the precise day in which Bucky would have finally be awake and she could hug him again. It had been a while since he decided that the best decision for everyone was to be moved in Wakanda and being hibernated and, for as much as the whole situation was heartbreaking for y/n, she accepted his decision and decided to support him. She remembered that day as if she had just lived it.
"Babe, are you sure of this?" Y/n asked once again while squeezing her boyfriend's hand. He tenderly smiled while brushing a lock of her y/h/c hair behind her ear. "Doll, I'm still dangerous, I thought that my days as the Winter Soldier were over, but I still can't fully control my mind," he explained. She nodded and a tear ran down her cheek. "I'm doing this even for you, for us... what if I hurt you? What if I... I can't even think about it." He said and she caressed the back of his head. He wiped the tears away from her cheeks and caressed her lower lip with his thumb. "Please, don't cry, I can't see you like this... I'll be okay and we'll go somewhere far, we'll create a life." He promised. She raised her eyebrows and looked at him. "But, Bucky... What about the mission? the Avengers? What Steve said about those infinity stone connection found by Thor?" She asked, her tone nervous. He shook his head and cupped her face with his hand. "Fuck everything! I just want to be with you." He whispered while resting his forehead against hers. She cried, salty tears wetting her lips. He hugged her, his arms wrapping around her torso and his nose filling with her sweet, familiar and reassuring scent. They had been together for a while, since he managed to create some sort of normal life, with bad days in which his mind was filled with horrors and amazing days in which she was able to make him forget all of his pain; with the return of the Winter Soldier, he was convinced that he needed more time to fully recover from his past traumas and he didn't want to risk hurting her, that would have been something unforgivable for him. "I never believed I could be dangerous for you until now... I love you too much to expose you to such a risk." He said with a broken voice. She shook her head. "Babe, you're not going to hurt me..." she tried to confort him, but he stared at her with conviction. "The Winter Soldier could." He concluded and looked at her, pure fear in his eyes.
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She caressed the back of his head, her fingers playing with his long locks. "I will miss you so much, but I respect your decision." She said, her voice broken. He smiled and looked at her, his eyes getting watery. "I'll make it up to you: we'll buy a house and get a dog, and also a cat." He said, knowing how much she wanted that. She laughed and wiped away her tears, her smile warming his heart. "Would you do that for me? Domestic life?" She asked, her fingers caressing his shoulders. He nodded and pulled her closer. "Doll, it's no secret that I would do anything to see you happy." He said and he kissed her, a slow but intense kiss. Their tongue meet while Bucky caressed her back, his touch so familiar to her that she knew exactly how he was going to caress her. She smiled on her lips. "I love you, Sargent Barnes, I'll be here when you'll wake up." She promised and he smiled. "Good, you're the first thing I'll want to see." He said and she gave him another kiss, her lips crushing on his as if she wanted to print them on hers. She took a deep breath and turned, but before she could walk away he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him. "Wait, look at me again," he said and she stared at him, her watery eyes stuck into his. He smiled. "I just wanted to take the sight of how beautiful you are with me in this hellish freezer." He said and she chuckled, her cheeks getting red. She couldn't believe that he still was able to flatter her that much, after all that time.
Bucky layed down and gave one last look to Steve and to y/n before T'Challa finally closed the capsule.
Bucky opened his eyes, the light of the day making him squeeze them. He immediately brought the image in front of him into focus: a bunch of children with their faces painted were staring at him. He frowned and stood up, his body feeling heavy. He moved the tent of his little house away and stepped outside, the sunlight forcing him to cover his eyes. In that moment, he stared at the river in from of him and saw a figure standing against the light. He immediately recognised it. "Y/n?..." He called her, his voice a whisper.
She slowly turned and looked at him, the most radiant smile lighting up her face and her eyes filling with tears. "Bucky." She whispered, her voice sounding like heaven to him. He walked to her, his legs automatically moving, and she did the same. They crushed into each other arms, their bodies attaching and their heartbeats meeting. He smiled while hiding his face in the crook of her neck, his hand squeezing the fabric of her shirt. She looked at him, her fingers caressing his head. "You're awake." She said while he caressed her back. She believed her heart was pounding so fast that he could heart it loud and clear, she had missed his touch immensely. "Doll, you're here." He said while caressing her face, almost afraid that she was going to vanish. She tenderly smiled. "Where else would I be." She said and he nodded while looking at her, his eyes scanning her. "God, you're even more beautiful than how you were in my dreams, my love." He said, his thumb caressing her lower lip. That gesture was so familiar, so natural that she couldn't help but perceiving butterflies erupting in her stomach. "I missed being called my love by you." She said while looking at him, she wanted to remember every single detail of that moment. He smiled. "You like when I call you like that? My love? Honey? Or would you prefer my future wife?" He asked with a smile.
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She frowned and widened her eyes, her hands shaking. "Bucky, what are you talking about?" She asked, her heart so full of different feelings that it was hard to process them all. He caressed her face. "I'm not proposing, I know how much complicated things are right now. I love you, y/n, you're the person I want by my side for the rest of my life. So many things happened and I never had certainties during these last seventy years, the only thing I'm sure about is my love for you. When this all will be over, I want you to become my wife, because this feels so right." He said, his eyes filled with hope. She smiled and caressed his cheek, her touch delicate. "We'll have plenty of time to create a life together, I'm not going anywhere." She promised, her smile melting his heart. He nodded. "Good, because I need you." He concluded and smiled while wrapping her arm around her waist before finally kissing her, and that kiss felt like a new beginning for the both of them
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yeahishipthatsowhat · 5 years
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Revenge [Billie Eilish X Marvel - Bury a Friend AU]
TRIGGER WARNING: This story has torture, death, manipulated suicide, slight gore, and psychological manipulation involved, please don't read this if you are affected or triggered by any of the above. This is your warning, this fic has been tagged accordingly.
Peter has been bullied for years, he's always the new kid when he's forced to move from state to state for his uncle's job. He had high hopes for Midtown High, but it all crumbles down after he becomes a target of a certain groups hate. His only friend came in the form of Bucky Barnes, a senior like himself, who had approached him on the first day with an offer of friendship.
But even Bucky can't save him in the end.
He was blindfolded, a gag in his mouth, and his hands bound behind his back. His head hurt, and he was being dragged somewhere, the cool air on his his exposed flesh, and the sound of fallen leaves being crushed in his wake.
. . .
He hurts, everything hurts, Steve had taken his time roughing him up, Tony watching with a smile on his mouth and a plethora of other ways to hurt him falling from his lips.
Nat had brought a taser. . . both her and Thor had a fun time using it on him.
Clint used him for knife practice, he had only brought three blades, but he was good shot, not once missing his target.
Wanda and Strange, liked to play games with words of malice. Telling him of all they would do to him and those he cared about. Hurting his mind more than his body.
But despite everything, the worse was when he came face to face with Bucky.
Bucky was bound, with a cut in his lips and beginning of a black eye forming on his face.
"I'm so sorry Peter, I tried to stop this, but I can't"
The tears leaving Bucky's eyes were real, and Peter knew it.
When they uncuffed Buck and gave him a gun. Peter knew what would happen next.
. . .
They talked about it, and for the first few days it was great, no guilt, no anger, just some good laughs about poor Peter Parker. But then the things started happening, strange and unexplainable things.
. . .
Steve's heart would race whenever he saw a flash of color. He swore he saw a blue sweater, that blue sweater, at the end of every hallway, but when he'd do a double take no one would be there.
Tony had a feeling he was being watched, his skin prickling when he thought he was alone.
Thor had been getting shocked all day, nearly getting electrocuted in Mr. Banner's science class.
Clint found himself missing things. Things he knew had been left in one place but weren't there when he came back.
Natasha had slipped during gymnastics, a tight lightning like pain shooting through her legs as she when to jump.
Wanda had nightmares that didn't seem to go away when she was awake.
Strange found it harder to focus, a splitting headache every time he looked at his books.
. . .
The small things got worse and worse every day. Laughs and smiles were traded in for baggy eyes from restless nights and the weight of suffering on every shoulder. Spring break might ease the tension they all felt.
. . .
Peter had been missing for a whole week before the first one cracked.
. . .
Tony had gone paranoid, eyes following him behind every corner and through every door.  He couldn't go to sleep, the eyes keeping him up at night, and when he finally fell into slumber, his dream were filled with the image of a beautiful boy and the roses that emerged out of the wounds of his rotting flesh. Inside each rose was an eye staring straight back at him, unblinking and crazed.
Tony could feel a gaze on his back, someone had to watching him, following him. And Tony could only take so much.
He darted past his parents calling out for him, straight out of his house, running and running until for the first time in a week he felt like he wasn't being watched.
To bad he wasn't paying attention to where he was.
The Medical Examiner said he was dead a few minutes after impact with the car, but Rhodey would guess that it felt more like hours.
Wanda saw him again today. The sweet boy with the soft brown hair and the pitch black eyes. He was always there, wherever she went. Sometimes he would be alone, and Wanda felt a sense of relief if he was by himself. But when he brought friends, that's where the true terror played out in front of her eyes.
One time he brought a man with horns on his head to her family dinner. She had to watch her family get slaughtered and served as she dined with the demons who ate the flesh off the bones of her loved ones.
Another time the boy brought a small child with flaming eyes with him. They played and played and she had to watch as flesh melted and the world burned in front of her desk in Physics class.
The worse was when she saw her body decomposing, still locked in her head as her she brought her rotting hand to her face and watched she the flesh fell apart.
She couldn't bear it anymore.
"Stop this, please stop the things I see"
The boy simple looked at her and hummed before smiling and walking away.
"Come with me and I'll end the visions"
And so she followed the boy, tripping over rocks and roots, feeling the ocean breeze on her skin. He was the only thing she could see, his hand reaching for hers.
"Come to me and the awful things you see will be no more"
So she stepped forward, a leap of faith, and her foot felt no earth beneath her.
The newspaper read "Fatal Accident: High School Senior Falls Off Cliff"
Thor wanted nothing more than to lay in bed and sleep, but the blankets shocked his skin every time he moved. He'd never heard of static cling that hurt so much. Plugging in his phone to charge left him with either mild discomfort or a 2nd degree burn.
Nothing electronic in his house would work for him, everything automatically going haywire and shutting off the moment he got to close.
He probably shouldn't have been out in the rain. But sometimes a storm can move in when it's least expected.
And who knew lightning stuck twice? Or three times? or even five? Or enough that the all that was left was burnt flesh and the smell of a Christmas ham.
Clint knew where he put his wallet when he went to shower, it should have been in the same place as always. But lately he was missing things. Missing his bus when normally he's never late. Missing his notes he just took last class. Even missing a catch and breaking his pinky finger.
Clint knew he had put his phone on the wireless charger. He remembered it so clearly. So why did he hear his phone ringing down stairs?
Perhaps the worse thing he ended up missing was not his phone, but the first step on his way downstairs.
He tried to crawl to his phone, his head bleeding and body in pain, but for some reason when he reached where he had thought he had heard it earlier he saw nothing. But a familiar tune of his cell phone ringtone played from up stairs.
Its sad how many teens don't pay attention to where they place their things. You never wanna stick it somewhere you'll regret later.
Steve awoke in pain, blue and purple bruises covering his body. Perhaps the guys had been a bit to forceful during practice last night? Suddenly he felt dizzy, and then the feeling of something warm dripping into his chest.
Blood. Another bloody nose. He'd been getting them at least once a day every since. . .
No matter, he'd just have to make sure he was fully focused and in tip top shape for the game tonight.
Its hard. They're losing by one, a two point conversion would get them the win. Just before the play Steve sees the blue sweater, it's dirty and covered in blood. He can feel the pain in his chest and the start of a dizzying nose bleed only after its too late.
He's tackled and underneath two teams. By the time he's uncovered, well . . . let's just say the journalist and activist for higher standards of football safety have their martyr.
Natasha couldn't move. It's like she's stuck in place, her muscles tensed as if they're ready for a zap. It takes two whole minutes before she's able to move again.
It happens randomly, in the middle of class, at the beginning of lunch, at the end of dinner, even in the dead of night. Its never really harmed her much, except when she was running for a jump in gymnastics and suddenly her legs gave out.
The doctors say it's 2 weeks in the cast, and by day three she's has had enough of it. It's hard enough trying to get around the house, but her cat sees to have it out for her, dashing in front of her legs every time she tries to move.
Natasha just wants to take a nice bath, soak and relax. The cast's not supposed to get wet, but she's smart, setting up a ledge on the bath to place it.
The bedroom, the kitchen, and the living room, she checks everywhere but can't find her phone. Even from her home phone, but till there's no sound. She must've left it on silent, but there's no way she's gonna be able to relax in the bath if there's no music.
The silence freaks her out to much.
So she takes he dad's old two-in-one radio and cd player, pops in one of her favorite artist and gets the bath ready. Leaving the door open a crack so she's not suffocated by the steam.
When she's finally in, the warm water feels like heaven, her body sinking into the tub. It's nice even though the water isn't filled to the top.
She's too afraid of getting her cast wet.
Suddenly, amongst the sweet sounds of music coming through the cd player, the tub starts filling, water steadily coming through the spout. Natasha has a second to think 'I hate this stupid old house' before reaching to turn the water off. But her hand never touches it. Her body seizes, body fuzzy with static, and bolts of pain lacing through her body.
Her body is lowering into the water, and there is nothing she can do. Panic sets in as her head slowly sinks into the water, and she can barely breathe let alone hold her breath.
She opens her eyes in the tub, trying to stay calm, when she sees it. The familiar black of her cats tail.
Except when the cat turns to look at Nat, it's eyes aren't the usual green she's used to, but instead a stunning red. Maybe the lack of air has gotten to her?
She can feel the pain leaving her body, for a moment she thinks she's in the clear. But then the cat brushes against the player, and she watches as it makes its decent towards the tub.
She screams, the air leaving her lungs, bubbles coming to the surface as the player makes contact with the water.
Was Natasha really so upset about her injury to do this to her self? She seemed so distant the past couple of days. How could they not have seen this coming?
Stephan thinks little of wasting a day away by doing nothing but watching tv. But lately he can't focus, his head erupting in pain when he starts to study. Even documentaries are off limits. So he's stuck with children's shows and mindless classics.
Stephan figured a few pills might help the headaches and the sleepless nights. And they do, but only for an hour or so.
One day Stephen ends up staring at a book for a solid hour, unable to focus and read more than a sentence before it becomes too much for him, slamming the book shut and practically running to the bathroom.
Just two pills he tells himself. But it doesn't last as long the second time around. One more pill won't hurt. Two more will make it better. Maybe one blue one and one green one might make it easier. Add in a sleeping pill for when he can't make it through the night. Two sleeping pills might make the nights dreamless.
Every time he takes them it he feels like himself again, but the effects never last long, he needs more and more every time.
Stephen really should be paid attention to the warnings. He was practically chugging the blue pills, green ones sprinkled in, and the red ones, well, he used those more often than he liked.
He's reading one day, yeah that's right, actually reading, when his vision starts to go blurry, his mind drifting, NO, he can't stop now, this part is the climax, the part where all his questions get answered.
He tries to get up to get more pills, but the moment he's off the chair his vision blacks out and he falls on the ground. It takes a second to regain his train of thought, when he abruptly throws up, the taste of bile on his tongue.
When was the last time he ate, really ate, not just a snack? Had he been that focused on reading, on finally being able to connect with the world again that he skipped meals? What day was it? When was the last time he drank water, besides to wash the pills down? How many had he taken?
He questions himself till his head pounds with pain and his vision goes spotty. He sees movement in the corner of his eye, but his head is foggy, he can't tell what it is.
A second later his book falls near his head, it's pages open, but Stephen can't make out anything. He looks over the page, yearning to be able to read the ending before he's gone.
He eyes are heavy, his chest hurting, he wants one last glace at the page. Then he sees it, the one line he can make out, 'A delicate thing like you will be fun to break, Peter', and the blood in his veins run cold. He said that once, to a boy, a boy in a blue sweater, whose blood had stained his shirt.
He's almost out when a thought crosses his mind. 'I don't remember a character in the book named Peter.'
Poor Stephen Strange, so absorbed in his books that he missed the world around him. What a shame that in the end all be had were printed words on a page.
. . .
Bucky arrived at school after Spring break, his heart and head just a heavy as before. He had been away for the entire week, his friend Sam inviting him on a trip out of state.
He kept his head down, focused on getting to class a making it through another day.
He was shocked to enter homeroom and find flowers on seven desks. He looked around trying to find answers when he over heard a conversation.
"Can you believe it?"
"They're all dead."
"Scott said that they were all accidents, but the way they died . . . and all during break, there's no way that all seven of them died by accident."
"Could it have been a suicide pack?"
"They all had good lives, why end it short?"
"I don't know man, but did you hear about Peter?"
The bell rang and The conversation ended as both students took their place in class.
Peter? Bucky's chest tightened. What about Peter? Did they find his body? His poor body broken and bloody, tear tracks down his soft delicate skin. Bucky never did know what they did with his body.
He was nearly over taken with guilt and pain, the beginning of tears prickling in the corner of his eyes.
"Hey there Bucky. I missed you."
Bucky froze, the air around him stilled, his heart nearly stoped before pounding loudly in his chest.
The boy walked in front took of him, took the seat before his own, say down, and turned to face him.
Peter was the same as before, but not. His soft brown curls framed his face, he rich brown eyes staring straight back at Bucky's own. His lips just a pink and pretty as before, the smile that rested on them kind but guarded.
The thing that had changed, wasn't his body, but the air around him. He wasn't as weak and small as he seemed before. The feeling of vulnerability gone, replaced with a strength Bucky never knew Peter possessed.
Bucky's hand reached out to touch the boy's cheek, stopping right before he touched him.
"Peter" the reverence in Bucky's voice was palpable.
Peter moved his cheek to Bucky's hand, eyes closed and a gentle breathe leaving him.
When Peter looked back at him, Bucky couldn't help but smile.
He should be afraid, scared, frightened by what Peter is, or what he can do. Not in this moment he feels nothing but peace.
One by one they all fell. Justice or Revenge? It doesn't matter, it's done now.
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