#please don't well-meaningly at me about online lakhotiyapi classes
If you could magically acquire two additional languages and become a fluent or at least C2 level speaker, which ones would you choose?
Chinuk wawa and Lakhotiyapi. The first for land-acknowledgement reasons, the second for heritage reasons, and both for language preservation and indigineity reasons.
I did have some command of chinuk wawa for a while, but I've lost most of it from disuse, now that I've graduated and no longer spend time at the Native Student Center nor go to language nights at the local tribal offices. It would be nice to be able to magically keep what I've once learned, even as I acknowledge that a language is inextricable from its speakers and their culture, and that it's kind of cheating to want to keep the language when I'm not making weekly opportunities to speak it.
I've never had a opportunity to learn Lakhotiyapi. And I just. It's a hole in my life and my identity, a thing that was taken away from us by colonialism, and I fucking want it back.
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