#please donttake this negatively
ribbit-zar · 4 years
Same violence, different place
The last few days made me realize how fucked up every single country is , and pay no mind I know that America ( the politics and government) is rotten since the day I was born, it’s something well spread in my country due to our horrible past experiences and ongoing struggle ( no, I’m not from Iran, the US fucks up more countries that just Iran ).
What I’m about to say may sound insensitive or triggering for some people, but please, try to think from my shoes , my perspective and consider it thinking out loud- because it is: I’m just sharing my thoughts since I felt this needed to be shared.
Ever since the BLM movement started I was shocked day by day at how fast it spread worldwide like a tidal wave, and I was happy yet at the same time concerned since if it spread so much that means that those protests in all of those countries stem from the same unfair treatment, take Brazil as an example, the president is slandering the protestors, threatening to prosecute them and calling them thugs just like Trump did, and what’s worse is that he’s dealing so badly with the corona pandemic he’s threatening to withdraw from the WHO . I mean wtf?
Yet what is making me write this is an incident that happened around the time George Floyd’s murder occured, it was the cold blooded shooting of an autistic young boy by police on his way to his special needs school. You haven’t heard have you? Of course. Again not that Back lives movements don’t matter , it’s just that there has been the same thing going on for the past 60 years, yet no one made a movement this big against it- not that I’m blaming anyone, it’s understandable since shamelessly Arabs who are supposed to be the first one to take action are not and if they are , it is only a small part of the arab world, and sometimes ironically non-Arabs are the ones who are protesting more that the actual Arabs, and I thank them.
I’m talking about palestini kid Eyad Al-Hallaq and many many others who are killed daily, young kids shot brutally by Isreali forces on their way or back from school. If you google ‘Palestinian kid shot’ you will get news upon news, all articles posted DAILY, which share the same injustice like black people all around the world. Don’t get me wrong , I’m very very happy that people are speaking up! Fighting for justice! And do you know why I’m happy? Since finally America’s government has shown to the world it’s real ugly face, the hate and violence it is built upon .
If you follow Palestinian news ( like I do) and then see the police violence happening in America, you would not be able to ignore the barring similarity between their movements and way of choking the protest, and turns out my and many others doubts were met with the truth that many police forces are actually trained by a HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATOR Isreal
If this link doesn’t satisfy you as evidence, search for your own source as this issue was brought up in 2017 then again today as police brutality and ‘knee-on-neck’ move was high-lighted as a signature Isreali police move against Palestinians.
The whole point from my train of thought that I’m trying to convey is that: it has always been two main great evils in the world :the Isreali and American governments, where one terrorizes the middle east and the latter the world. I’m not denying that Russia, China or North Korea are not great evils, but they are not the greatest. It all stems back to the hate culture which Isreal is built on and America supports ( again, as governmet) and so we have come back to the same two main enemies in the Palestinian and black lives case, I’m not denying that each country is horrible in it’s own territory, but when you look at the bigger picture and political forces leading the world, you can see that these acts of hate only exist since there are instigators , and big ones as well, which are two entire world forces that flaunt this. Again: China and Russia also have great racism against many immigrants and races, but they don’t flaunt it or publicize it, which is bittersweet in it’s own way : bitter since this injustice is hidden and it is then the worse kind of injustice and sweet since it is hidden this action doesn’t spread and isn’t ’normalized’.
I might have gone off topic and ran around in circles in the my rant, but I hope that at least you take the good stuff from this text and open your eyes to what is happening all around the world since, as hard as it is to believe ALL related.
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