#please excuse my potentionally bad spelling I am high on pain meds rn
wikagirl ยท 9 months
last wip of the day
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like I said this is a wip so nothing about this is final. These are just the bare bones of the bots, no silicone skin, no rubber attached to the metal bones to simulate the strech and flex of muscles under the skin, just the bones, hydraulics, joints and wires.
I know that from an engineering standoint putting all of the wires in the thighs or arms into the bone would probably be smarter but I feel like showing some wire makes the design more interesting since I'm planning on masing a character off of these that would be a bot gone rogue with selfdestructive tendiencies.
I don't think they'll need additional plating on places like the upper arms or their thighs because those are made from the same material as the face plate anyways, the material of the main skull is a bit less sturdy and a more rubbery/shock absorbant coating over a very sturdy vinyl type material to protect the finger hardware for sensory stuff. The chest mainly houses the processors and their cooling systems which I'd imagine to function mostly via cooling fluid that gets pumped into the limbs to carry away the heat and cool off, kind of like a water cooling system. Might add some tubes to the arms and legs for that but idk yet.
With the skin over top the wired of course would not be flapping about like they are here but be secured via something called a shrink tube which is a little rubber tube that you thread the wire through and then heat up so it shrinks down and holds them tight. Normall irl this is used to cover up spots where the rubber coating of a wire is damaged so you won't have to replace the whole thing to minimise the risk of shocking your self, in the case of these bits they'd be bigger and go over top of the bone and the wire and hold everything together like these leg warmer sleeve thingies.
Over all I'm pretty happy with it, the only thing that really bugs me rn is the chest/ribcage. I want it to look sturdy and mechanical because these bots are supposed to be equipped to deal with potentionally violent patients or visitors which is also why the top of the face has like a double plating kindof? right now it looks too much like a flattened phase 1 clone trooper chest plate but if I make it bulkier it will be too big and make the whole thing look even more like revenant than it allready does and if I make it a legit ribcage I will go insane from having to draw that shit.
I'm also not happy with my solution for the shoulder blades, all of the joints are covered in a kind of fabric sleeve to protect them and I just kind of extended the sleeve of the shoulder joints over the shoulder blade too but it honestly looks like shite and I gotta come up with something else for that.
I like the one rib below the main torso because it mirrors the hip handles and I'd like to keep that aspect somehow but idk how so I'll just let it marinade until tomorrow and then see if I can come up with something better.
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