#please i just wanna be able to scroll anything fallout related without radiation raider and his saggy nuts/Hj
k0dster · 5 months
I think if I see another ghoulucy shipper I might have to check myself into a mental hospital
Anyways, now that that's out of the way, ik you're not supposed to hate ppls ships, but what is there to like?
It's a 200 year old radiated ghoul with a girl who he waterboarded, watched chew his finger off, and then sold her organs to a robot for drugs bc he didn't give a flying damn about her! Ah yes, my favorite trope!
Did I mention his wife and kid whom he's looking for??
Not to mention Maximus. This is pretty self explanatory, I shouldn't have to elaborate, but I will anyways.
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Need I say more?
I feel like some of it might be race related (don't cancel me) but regardless of it is or isn't, not liking Max just bc he gets in the way of whatever tf vaultghoul is just feels midly wrong.
Like I understand not liking him for killing a knight, trying to kill thaddeus, ect. But not liking him simply bc he gets in the way of a non Canon ship leads to you guessed it! Discrimination, the pipeline to racism!
Don't forget the part where the ghoul was going to kill Lucy, no hesitation, if not for Max!
Anyways, I'm done complaining. I hate ghoulucy and ghoulucy shippers. I also hate that I have to ask where the fandom is for a CANON ship but where are all the vaultknight shippers at?
Side note/Edit: for shits and giggles bc yes, I do say more, and healthy relationships are cute and lovely
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Love that knight and his vault princess frfr
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