#please keep sending misspelled asks into my inbox though. waste your time on me instead of more worthy victims
this is the website of people writing walls of text about how someone else doesn't like a show the right way like it's normal here to have overwhelming feelings about a character that doesn't exist. don't tell me to not post about this massacre like it's not happening like blorbos are more important. especially on this stupid fanblog about Uncharted.
Druckmann crowbars his zionism into every Naughty Dog IP and the Lost Legacy is no different. The beginning of the game despite being set in India has Chloe sneak aboard an aid truck to get into an active warzone; wandering around the market we notice families arguing with soldiers about their relatives who are still there. we see its driver later getting beaten by Asav's thugs while he cries out that it's aid for the civilians (that that are stealing) while she runs away muttering "why are they still here? get out while you still can". We see her get groped by Asav's henchmen at a checkpoint and then see the city being bombed "by the indian army" from a roof.
Asav is Druckmann's stand-in for Hamas. He almost cartoonishly dies trapped beneath his own bomb. Current events being what they are, I can't look past this, and I can't unsee it when I replay the game. Knowing what I now know, it's an entirely different game to me.
Art is not created in a vacuum. Uncharted by and large is a racist series full of caricatures and stereotypes of entire people groups and a mighty whitey protagonist. The last two games giving more humanity and backstory to the characters does not change that.
I can't tweezer out my two beloved characters from a steaming pile of genocide apologism so yes, I am giving space on this blog to the real issues the story pretends not to say out loud. and i have like 5 real followers anyway nobody sees this shit. get a grip
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