#please lemme know if you spot any inconsistencies or something that doesnt add up!!
dailybrandonrogers · 6 months
A Summary of Bryce Tankthrust's Timelines within the BRCU
The intention of this post is to review all major events involving/centred on Bryce Tankthrust across the BRCU timelines. Following the conclusion of BRYCE, a lot of considerable changes have been made to the overall nature of the pre-BRYCE Timeline theory that have immense and confusing implications. This will be a hopefully more concise attempt at deciphering the current state of the Timeline by only investigating one character, albiet a very significant and important one, and how her personal life as played out so far to our understandings.
As always, here's my BRCU Timeline reference!
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Before the list commences, there's a few things that need to be explored.
Bryce Tankthrust's Birthday
Utilising her the publication date of the first video she featured in, her fanon birthday has been declared January 12th. Her birth year however, isn't as a clear anymore. The previous widely accepted assumption was 1971. This was initially inferred in Blame the Hero where in Episode 3, Bobby Worst mentions he is 7 years old. Later, there is a jumpcut that informs 40 years have passed, implying he is now 47 years old in the year 2033. However, the 1971 assumption operates under the impression that Bobby is 47 in the 2018, not 2033, throwing another spanner into the works. Otherwise, he'd be born in 1986.
Approaching this from a newer angle, Bryce is at least 10 when she meets Bobby, and 20 when she begins working for CallCo Phones. Utilising this logic, she has to be 20 or older by Episode 3, in which we see a 1990 NYE party being celebrated
The Current Timeline
Late 1960s
Bryce Tankthrust is born.
Bobby Worst is born.
Late 1970s
Bryce Tankthrust begins learning the Double Diva Diversion.
Bryce Tankthrust meets Bobby Worst at school. She cuts out her heart for him, and after a seemingly random and unprecedented interruption by Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler, she grabs a dropped book about dictatorship and decides to run away with Bobby. Initially discarding the heart in a trash can, she retrieves it 20 minutes later.
Bobby Worst becomes an orphan after his father disowns him, and gets thrown into an orphanage.
Late 1980s
Bobby Worst is released from the orphanage at age 18.
Even Later 1980s
Bryce Tankthrust meets Donovan.
Bryce Tankthrust and Donovan begin seeing eachother.
Donovan dies after falling off a cliff.
Tammy Tankthrust is arrested and thrown in jail.
Bryce Tankthrust begins working at CallCo Phones
Bryce Tankthrust's heart (her own, that had been surgically reimplemented at age 10) fails. Gloria transplants an experimental mechanic heart into her; it is successful.
Bryce Tankthrust and Bobby Worst Reunite.
Bryce Tankthrust commissions Gloria to make a robotic reconstruction of Donovan.
After he was fatally injured by X, Bryce Tankthrust gives her heart to Donovan, so that he can perform surgery and give her his murder victim's heart.
Bryce Tankthrust murders the CEO of CallCo and his wife, and assumes his position as CEO of the company, now revamping it into Thankthrust Tellies.
Bryce's heart (the one she got from the Accountant) fails, and she suffers cardiac arrest on New Years Eve.
Bryce Tankthrust moves offices.
Bobby Worst murders Delorio and the majority of Tankthrust Tellies' workforce and harvests their hearts to create a stockpile for Bryce. In the process, he undergoes a metamorphosis of sorts.
1990 - 1995
Bryce meets with the Angel Investment Firm, and declines their offer to take on 50% of her company.
Bryce Tankthrust rekindles with Gloria Goopty.
Bryce Tankthrust meets with the Angel Investment Firm again, and this time signs the contract with them.
Bryce Tankthrust moves offices again.
Tammy Tankthrust is released from prison. Bryce and her mother also rekindle.
1996 - 2016
Bryce Tankthrust kidnaps the son of previous Tankthrust Enterprises employee Donna Phitts, and preserves his youth to make countless clones with hearts readily available for harvesting and utilising.
Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election, and Bryce Tankthrust finishes her tenure as president of the United States of America.
Joe Biden is inaugurated into office, and Bryce Tankthrust undermines the course of the election by initiating a capitol riot on January 6th.
News gets out that Bryce Tankthrust staged the incarceration of Bobby Worst when footage of the two of them conspiring is hacked and released to the public. As a result, all the stocks for her company plummet, and she is rendered bankrupt.
Queen Elizabeth II, who still holds a vendetta against Bryce, kidnaps Bobby Worst knowing it'll cause her significant grief and heartache.
Bryce Tankthrust and Donovan team up with the Mingeworthies to save Donovan, and defeat Queen Elizabeth II.
A heart begins growing inside of Bryce.
Bryce Tankthrust revitalises her company endeavours and continues business as per usual.
Bryce Tankthrust and Bobby Worst get married.
The Angel Investment Firm terminate Bryce's contract upon learning she is no longer heartless. This also entails killing her directly consequently.
Bryce Tankthrust, Tammy Tankthrust, and Gloria Goopty initiate their contingency plan, and murder all the Angel Investors in a scheme involving Bobby Worst and Donovan.
Current Day.
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