#please never think im a femme i know so fucking little about skincare
mejomonster · 2 years
It's a good thing my family looks older slowly because I have no idea what the fuck retinol and collagen are for, I'm looking it up now and still don't quite get which one is supposed to help and why. Also vitamin c maybe? But it dries skin so maybe not?
All I know is my face likes oil (I use rose oil on my face daily because actual oil doesn't break me out or clog pores and is moisturizing enough to actually help me before the eczema breaks out, but lotions all of them give me acne and need to be applied like 3-4 times a day to keep my skin from getting too dry). And I don't have to wash off oil. And my face likes water, and hates soap and cleansers and pretty much any makeup remover I've ever tried (though micelar water is okay, and I have an oil based cleanser for when I wear makeup that's not water soluble which my skin mostly tolerates). So like... I pretty much only use water soluble eye area makeup (while some coverups/primers etc whatever the fuck they all are do come in water soluble varieties, my skin pretty much breaks out in painful acne no matter what I try... when I must wear cover up for some specific reason I use water soluble so it comes off better but I'm still going to have worse looking irritated skin once it's off), and my rose oil for moisturizer, and water to wash my face. I'm a simple person. I tried that 7 step skincare routine once so I own some toner now (aloe Vera and water based so it's water soluble and moisturizing but it still gives me acne and dry skin), some oil cleanser (which cleans off stubborn makeup like non-water soluble kinds but my skin is iffy about). But like I'm not made for priming, coverup, cleanser, toner, moisturizer, cover up, setting spray, powder, whatever else exists. My face skin can't even tolerate lotion (Aveno it tolerated best but still got painful acne from), so like. Emulsions and oils go well on me cause they're liquid and absorb and never need to be washed off the next day. Water soluble lighter stuff like eyeshadow works okay (since I rarely get acne on my eyelids and it comes off easy with water). But I'm not ever doing layers of anything on the face skin overall unless it's just absorbed and meant to (like face oils).
Which brings me to retinol, collagen, and vitamin c. I've got all 3 from sales. They're in bottles like my rose oil - so they look like a oil or emulsion I can just slap on then leave on. But retinol I think you may have to wash off the next morning or else you sunburn??? Collagen I don't know if you can leave on. Vitamin c you can leave on fine but I know i need oil afterwards since it is drying on the skin. And I know collagen and retinol are supposed to be anti aging/good for wrinkles but I'm not sure how. I just know somrtimes my face is dry and probably less elastic at those times so I'd like somrthing to help? Usually I just use rose oil, which works sometimes, but when the environment is drying my skin out constantly (I have eczema) my skin peels super easy on the face and flakes off and my skin creases up more and is less plump/elastic. I'm guessing it's some vitamin I'm missing in combo with skin predisposed to being super dry anyway. I know my skin Can be plump though and very smooth and soft to touch though because in weeks when my skins not getting super dry it glows and feels smooth and doesn't tend to settle into creases (since it's not dry as hell).
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