#please take care darling and i hope you're having the BEST weekend ❤️❤️❤️
hey murphy!! i saw that you’re still accepting or going forth with your 3k celebration, so curiosity struck me…
could i order a rum with bucky barnes?
(i wanna hear some headcannons you got for this man. i can’t help but ask! but ofc if you’re too busy with honey girl chapter 5 i totally get it, i hope all is well and take care of yourself darling ❤️)
Bucky Barnes Headcanons.
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warnings - sexual content.
my love, thank you for this!! if anyone agrees/disagrees or has any thoughts on these, please feel free to discuss/send them to my inbox. <3
3k celebration post here. 3k masterlist here.
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- I think Bucky wants a simple life. Definitely appreciates the little things. I think he'd thrive in a 'regular' job - working weekdays, weekends off, probably something physical/manual. Maybe a small town, away from the city. The man needs a break.
- The most observant lover/partner. Because he's always kind of 'on guard', he notices everything. Can and will read you like a book.
- Would definitely use/benefit from therapy eventually. I know he didn't like it in TFATWS, but I think after those events, his eyes open a little. Learns the importance of communication and tries his best.
- Doesn't want children. Between the whole super soldier age thing and the trauma, I don't believe he's ever going to want kids. Marriage is definitely on the cards, though. He'd look handsome in a tux.
- He'd definitely benefit from a pet of some kind. I know he has Alpine in the comics, but I do think a dog would benefit him. Not a puppy, but a rescue. Something he can focus his attention on, it offers comfort, gets him out the house a couple of times a day.
- It'd take some time, but once he lets his guard down again, his love language is touch. Touches you all the damn time. His hand on your back, your hips, in your back pocket. Linking his fingers with yours whenever you're close enough. Fiddling with your hair. Kissing your temple, your cheek, the corner of your mouth whenever you give him the chance.
and now onto the sexy stuff...
- I have a firm belief that this man is filthy. Fucks like he's feral. Sweaty, dirty, we're-definitely-going-to-hell type sex.
- I think after he's worked through some of his trauma, he's using that metal arm. The temperature play? He's into it. He likes to watch you gasp. Shiver. Shake.
- He's a grabber. He's so strong, he's leaving bruises wherever he's got a hold of you. Hips, ass, wrists. He'll apologise, at first. Later, he won't.
- Likes his hair pulled. Hard. Likes to toe the line between pain and pleasure. He likes that edge. Likes it when you bite him. Loves when you scratch your nails down his skin.
- Thrives on intimacy. Loves to be skin to skin with you. Wants every part of himself to be plastered to every part of you. Presses your foreheads together, swallows your moans straight into his mouth. Puts his mouth next to your ear so you get a front row seat to the delicious sounds he makes.
in conclusion, he's perfect, your honour.
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please feel free to send me any opinions on these!! agree, disagree, expand.. if you send me a thought (feel free to get dirty ;)) I'll always expand and maybe write a little for it... <3
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baby-yongbok · 8 months
Hi my sweetie pie❤️how are you? how have you been? how was your day? Please tell me everything and if someone/something made you upset then I'm going to bite them
Oh and how was the start of this new year? I love January cause it's the month of my birthday lol I just turned 21 and omg let me tell what happened like 2 days ago
So I'm literally a social butterfly, I'm friends with everyone and I talk with everyone easily cause I'm playful and I'm always trying to make people around me laugh and recently I met this girl at the gym she's 13 and it's a sweetheart so we were talking and she mentioned how school was hard last year and I jokingly said "Oh don't think about it cause it only gets worse at college" and she turned to me so fast with wide eyes and mouth agap like I just said the most incredulous thing then she managed to ask me how old I'm when I told her that was about to become 21 she gasp looking me up and down saying "Girl I thought you were 15" lol that's how I realized I have a baby face
But anyways tell me about you love❤️have you been taking care?
Hey there, Sunshine! I'm alright, I think. Things have been okay, but today was a bit harder. It's alright, though! I hope that you had a good day and that you're been good and that you had the best New Year. ❣️
Happy Belated Birthday, my darling! 21 is such a wonderful milestone! I hope that you had the best birthday that you could 🥳🎂🎉.
That sounds like such a sweet and funny interaction. lol you clearly do have a baby face, huh 😭 I'm the opposite, I definitely look my age 😭😭
I've been taking care of myself the most that I can right now, I guess. I'm trying to be more optimistic this year, I think that's going well so far, I'm not sure 😭 but I'm just alright. I'm trying to relax before things pick up for me next week. This is my last weekend of peace for a while. 🙃
Anyway, I'm super happy to hear from you! ❣️💓💗💘💝💘💝💘💝❣️❣️💝💗
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ficsforeren · 2 years
KANA! YOUR TUMBLR LOOKS BEAUTIFUL!!! I LOVE THE NEW DESIGN. and im super excited about the new chapter of the spiderman series!!!
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CAMIIIII BABY HIIII ❤️❤️❤️ Ah I'm glad you like the new theme! hehehe i'm not really good with technical stuff so i'm sure there's still a lot of stuff to fix but I'll try to spend some time to improve it later
AAAAAHHH THANK YOU FOR READING THE NEW CHAPTER!!! So happy to know that I made you laugh hahaha i wasn't sure if it was funny or cringe but i really hope my readers had a fun time reading it
next part will be eren and yn's first date!!! i've already written it down, i just need to find some time to edit it (i'm too lazy to do it now cause i'm trying to finish Ice & Fire at the moment hehe) AND YES I LOVE YN IN THIS ONE TOO!!! she's so fun to write about. I wish i had her level of confidence omg lol
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
I wanna know how the Lords would react to their S/O being a virgin and wanting said Lord to be their first
My first post back and it's tangentially ho*rny.
Warnings: 18+, NS*FW mentioned but not described, suggestive.
Alcina Dimitrescu
Is that so? A slow, catlike smirk crawls up her lips when you tell her this.
Alcina is very, very pleased.
Being your first feels like an honor. She appreciates the fact that you trust her so much, and the fact that you came to her for this makes her want to make this experience as special for you as possible. She loves you to pieces, after all, and (as is standard for your relationship) if she has the opportunity to make you feel special and loved she will take it.
(... She's also hoping to ruin you for any other partner. Not only is she happy to be your first sexual experience, but she adores you. Mostly, that manifests in the desire to really, really want you so fucked out that you can't even imagine being with another partner. Alcina takes first place in everything, and this might be her favorite "competition" yet😈)
She makes sure to talk with you beforehand. Alcina needs to know the things you are comfortable with, and the things you would be willing to try with her.
She doesn't want you to be stressed or to feel pressure to perform well. For Alcina, sex is something to be enjoyed by both parties. If you are hesitant in any way, about anything she wants you two to do together, it's a no go.
She also frees up a weekend to take care of you. Alcina won't take calls, ensures her daughters won't bother you, and makes sure that all her business is taken care of for the next few days. You're her partner, after all. Your first time should be an experience, not just one night.
...and with all that out of the way, join her in the bedroom, won't you Darling?
Donna Beneviento
Ah! Same hat!
Donna's introverted tendencies and social anxieties make it difficult for her to form meaningful connections, let alone find someone willing to ... erm... deflower the Lady Beneviento.
She was actually totally fine with that...At least until she met you, that is.
If you hadn't asked her, she would have asked you very soon. Donna loves you very much, and really, really wants to have sex with you.
I headcannon her as demi-- she doesn't feel desire unless she's already in love with you, but once she has that realization, she's all over you.💕💕
Your sexual relationship becomes one of mutual self discovery. Neither of you really know what you want, or what your boundaries are, because neither of you have really tried anything with another person.
Still, there's something thrilling about being each other's firsts.
Taking each other's virginity involves the occasional awkward moment, but mostly is full of laughter, love and enough passionate intensity that you find yourself almost addicted to the intimacy.
Donna has an interesting discovery too: kissing you during your first time together is almost better than the sex itself. It heightens everything, and when you're especially breathless and desperate it's so satisfying to steal that last bit of oxygen until you're both dizzy.
She loves you-- it's obvious in every touch and in every word. Your first time is very, very vanilla, but is so full of genuine emotion that it's hard to complain ❤️
Salvatore Moreau
The Lord of the reservoir is feeling a lot of emotions right now--he adores you (to an almost uncomfortably obsessive degree) but that emotion is currently leading to anxiety and stress.
He is hyper aware of the strangeness of his shape, and though his existence is full of pain and discomfort, his worries are about you.
What if he hurts you? What if he makes you cry? What if something about his body is so grotesque and unnatural that it makes you hate him? Moreau might actually die if that happens.
Despite your best efforts, unfortunately there's not a lot you can do to help him through this. You can have conversation after conversation about what you want and what your expectations are, but Moreau still has a thought in the back of his head that you will hate him if you have sex.
As stressed as he gets, though, Salvatore is a weak man when it comes to you. He is smitten with you, and so, so easy to seduce because of it. Pluck open the buttons on your sweater, straddle his lap, whine in his ear about how much you love him, and all of a sudden it's hard for him to remember why he was nervous, and even more difficult for him to have a coherent thought.
Your first time with Salvatore is a bit more animalistic than you were expecting, but I promise it's worth it in the long run. Even with your lack of experience, by just being yourself you manage to work him up into a thoughtless, desperate mess, and it's great. Not only that, but it managed to break though Moreau's insecurities enough to shatter the deeply engrained notion that he is unlovable.
...He definitely cries afterwards, though. Please be kind-- Fish man is having a lot of feelings ATM, so give him lots of smooches and cuddles afterwards. He needs it more than ever.
Karl Heisenberg
Magnet Man is down.
Honestly, he's a little too eager. If you don't stop him, he's going to try and set the mood immediately.
(Seriously---you'll need to slap his hands away a couple of times)
Heisenberg has had several sexual partners, but you're his first relationship. He's wanted to fuck you for a while to be honest, but now that you're openly discussing the subject and are comfortable enough to follow through it's really hard for him not to instantly jump your bones.
Karl's able to hold back enough (for maybe 5 minutes?) for you to let him know your limits or if you were planning on doing this later. Otherwise, well...
Let's be real: Your first time with Karl is probably on a floor, or a desk, or against a wall.
As fast as everything is though, it's... kind of vanilla? Sure it's messy and desperate and he does his best to make it really, really hard for you to think at all, but this is Karl's version of "easing you into it".
It's your first time, so as much as Karl might want to indulge in all the darker things he may or may not want to do with you, he's trying his best to make it as soft and memorable as he can---in his own way.
Look, him horny, but him love you???? It's still a lot for him to process, especially now that he gets the opportunity to be so close to you.
...But round 2 might help with that 👀
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