#please. i need a pixel artist good enough to work with mv
heartsmending · 2 years
An Update (Vent)
So I learned that no one on the dev team knows how to draw character sprites or design custom tilesets in MV. Least of all, me. And I signed up for the job title back when we were using VX Ace.
I tried purchasing every MV-compliant DLC under the sun, but I was completely lost as to how to install it. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry my eyes out, I wanted to piss on Ronald Reagan's grave.
3 other people have MV, but no one knows how to design characters in it. So as of 2 days ago, the team is officially without a Sprites and Tilesets artist.
This game is going to never see the light of day if I can't find anyone who can actually draw everything out pixel by pixel. And I can't even blame anyone in my team. Too many shades of one color is just not worth the psychic damage.
I'd ask you to pray for us, but something bad happens to me every time someone does.
- Vanessa
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