plinthpilled · 8 months
Do you think you could write something with like an angsty/angry love confession (Sej being the one confessing) pls ? <3
yes ofc!! here you go <3
Dr Gaul had just told you and Coriolanus to get sejanus out of the arena as soon as humanly possible. she told you the cameras were cut for a brief amount of time so the two of you needed to be fast. you had been so worried about him after he stormed out of the room after seeing Marcus in such a position. neither of you hesitated and immediately went to retrieve him.
coryo alongside yourself arrived at the arena. the peacekeepers opened the gates for you and told you to be quick, which you weren't going to disobey.
the both of you could see sejanus kneeling by Marcus's corpse, surrounding him with food. you ran up to him as fast as you could without making noise. you grabbed his shoulder and saw the panic spread across his face. "oh.. it's just you. what are you guys doing here." sejanus asked. "to stop you from ending up dead." Coriolanus said bluntly. the dark haired boy sighed. "I needed to do this coryo. it's a tradition back in 2 to give the dead food to make sure they won't be hungry in the afterlife." he said, his voice slightly cracking, an indication he had been crying. "I know you just want to help, sej, but we seriously need to leave. like right now before all of us end up dead." you whisper, seeming to be the only one that cares to not wake up the tributes. "I'm just doing what coryo told me to do. go where they can see me so I can make a difference." you glare at the blonde. "sejanus, Dr Gaul cut the cameras. no one knows you're here. if you end up dead, she's just going to blame it on the flu." he says in a rush. sej sighs once again and nods. "'kay. let's get out of here." he stands up but ends up moving rubble with his feet making a loud bang. almost instantly, tributes start walking towards the three of you. "run." you whisper. they listen and start booking it. unfortunately, so do the group of kids with an insatiable bloodlust.
you get to the turnstiles and jump over them. Coriolanus follows suit. sejanus and his big stature trip and falls hard on one of his knees. he lets out a pained groan, suddenly unaware of his surroundings. fortunately, you were and used your body and a shield against a sword one of the girls had. Coriolanus grabbed sejanus and hoisted him up onto his feet then basically dragged him out of the arena. you were left to fend for yourself against a group of angry tributes with weapons, all while you had a massive gash going from your shoulder to the middle of your back. you grabbed a piece of concrete and threw it at the main girl's leg and sprinted faster than you ever have before, barely making it out before getting hurt or even dying.
from there, everything felt a little bit like a blur. you and sejanus got rushed to the hospital to make sure you were okay while Coriolanus just went home. you couldnt help but be a little bit angry at sej as he had just gotten you into a life threatening situation where the two of you were hurt, more so yourself.
once both of you arrived, you sat in silence, not daring to look at each other. you let the doctors take care of your wound, only giving them the most simple responses. they assessed the cut and decided it would need stitches. they promised to be back soon and left gauze and antibiotics on it while you waited. you had overheard what the doctors told sejanus, that he'd be perfectly fine, that his knees were just badly scraped and bruised. they said it'd be painful to walk for about a week but after that, he should be good as new. this information relieved you to no end, but you kept in inside, still upset with the boy. you felt him staring at you but made no effort to look back until he started speaking.
"hey.. um. I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. if I had known it would've gotten more people than myself hurt I never would have went in that arena." he spoke quietly and you could sense that he was being sincere. "well.. it happened anyways." you responded, the words coming off meaner than you had intended judging by the hurt look in his eye. "I know, I'm sorr-" he tried speaking. "no sejanus, you don't understand. all of us could have died there. both of us ended up getting hurt. I know Marcus meant a lot to you but to do something this *stupid* is just unbelievable." you cut him off. you see him tearing up and immediately feel guilty about what you said, knowing you were way too harsh. "you don't understand. you weren't born district. you never had to deal with the bullying. you were born and raised capitol. Marcus was a classmate and a friend to me and to see him strung up, half dead, broke something inside of me." he raised his voice. "sej I didn't mean it like tha-" he cut you off. "but it sounded like it. I'm so serious when I say that I didn't mean to ever get you or coryo in any kind of danger. if someone was going to get hurt or die, I wanted it to be me." he spoke, tears slowly streaming down his face. "sejanus... I know my apology probably means nothing but I really am sorry. also, no one would want you to be dead, okay?" you say. "that's not what other people say. they seem to think everything would be better if I was dead. I'm just a district boy that ruins the prestigious atmosphere of the capitol." the tears get heavier and look to be never ending. it makes your eyes water seeing him like this. "that's not true and you know it! they're all just stuck up assholes who have nothing better to do with their lives than to hate on actually good and kind people." you speak, probably way too loud for this hospital setting. "why do you even care? it's not like you even like me anyways!" you can't help but stare in disbelief. "what are you talking about? you're my best friend!" he scoffs at that. "yeah.. friends." he looks you in the eye, no longer crying. confusion is plastered across your expression. "y/n I have been head over heels in love with you ever since we first met. I have never taken my eyes off of you yet you don't seem to notice, or even care for that matter. I just can't take it anymore. I couldn't let the weight on my chest suffocate me for any longer." he turns away from you.
you are at an utter loss for words. he takes your silence for a no and starts to get up. before he could even stand you grab his arm. he looks at you, clear he doesn't understand why you're doing this. "sejanus plinth, I love you too. I'm sorry if it seems like I don't but I promise you that I do. with everything in my being I adore you. I care about you more than anyone else in the entire world. I'm sorry I got so upset at you today, the fear of something bad happening to you kinda manifested as anger and I'm so fuckin' sorry I took it out on you." you look down at your feet. after a few moments of silence you figured you had said something wrong, but it turns out he was awestruck, just as you had been less than a minute ago. you meet his gaze once again. "can i- can I kiss you?" he asks in a hushed tone, drenched with love and also uncertainty. you smile at him and cup his cheeks with your hands. "I thought you'd never ask." he leans into you, pressing his lips against yours. it was a small kiss but it would be good enough for right now. once you two broke apart, a flush arised on your face. "thank you for saving me. " he said. you grin at him. "I would do it over and over again for you, sejanus."
an: I hope this was good!! almost cried writing this bc of the angst 😭 anyways anon I hope you enjoy!
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plinthpilled · 8 months
I love love LOVE your bsf to lover stuff with sejanus it's one of my favorite tropes and with himmm?? 🫠
tysm!! here's more just for you anon <3
you and sejanus plinth have been best friends ever since he came to the Capitol from district 2. you were the only person who ever stood up to his relentless bullies that were your classmates and he couldn't thank you enough for that. things soon became conflicting, though. after being friends for years, you realized you really really liked him and wanted to be more than friends. you refused to say anything due to not wanting to fuck up a perfectly good friendship. this was your thought process until today.
you were walking down the elegant halls of the academy when you felt a hand grip your shoulder from behind. you turn around panicked, just to see it was sejanus. you lightly punch him in the arm in a joking way. "asshole." you giggle. "oh my god whatever will I do? my best friend just called me an asshole!" he said sarcastically while doing dramatic hand motions. you laugh at his silly antics and step closer to him, closing the distance between you two. "sej I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the park today? I know it's like really last minute so no worries if you can't!" you say. "of course I do. what else would I be doing anyways?" he smiles. "okay! meet me there in half an hour." you tell him, reaching the exit of the building. he waves to you and you return the gesture, excited to be able to see him. you get in a car that you called and make your way home.
when you arrive, you basically run out of the car to go get changed. you debate several different options before settling on your favorite outfit. while waiting for the appropriate time to leave came, you did some thinking. you decided today was the day to confess your undying love for your best friend. it was the perfect day, truly. not too hot, not too cold and at the park no less. it seemed like the stars had aligned. a wave of nervousness washed over you, realizing that if he didn't feel the same way, you would have no one. many of your classmates refused to talk to you because you were associated with the district born boy. you didn't mind at all though, as long as you had sejanus by your side, everything was perfect. you straighten up your outfit and perfect your hair before heading out to the designated spot.
you sit at you and sej's usual spot, a specific bench that overlooks the large and majestic lake. you were lost in your thoughts when you feel a presence next to you. you turn to see sejanus's beautiful dark curls and matching eyes. "hey." you smile. "hey yourself. you look nice." he returns the gesture and you can physically feel yourself fall more in love with the boy. "you feeling alright?" he asks, worry spreading across his gorgeous features. "oh- yeah I'm fine." you say. "you're not convincing in the slightest. what's wrong?" he puts his hand over yours, his touch addicting. you take a deep breath, knowing it's now or never. "I- uh- just wanted to tell you something." you say, nervousness and anxiety soaking your words. the second you say that you can see worry plastered all over him. you knew from his now rigid stance that he was expecting the worst. "shoot. you can tell me anything." he states with the kind and charming voice you have loved since you met. you take another deep breath, preparing yourself for the absolute worst. "I know this is going to sound completely out of nowhere and I'm so sorry but I'm in love with you. I've loved you since the day we met and every time we talk or even every time I'm around you I just fall more in love and I just needed to get this weight off of my chest." you say, words coming out at lightning speed. you look down in your lap, afraid to make eye contact after admitting something like that. you hear sejanus whisper a "wow" under his breath, not in a malicious way. you finally have the courage to look up at him. he looks at you with absolute adoration. "I love you too." he finally says and you can't help the grin that spreads across your face like wildfire. the man of your dreams just said that he loved you. you were convinced you were dreaming.
sej breaks you out of your trace by putting his hand on your cheek and moving his thumb back and forth over your skin. "I always thought you were the most gorgeous person in all of panem, you know." he says softly. your smile increases tenfold as you put your forehead against his chest. you giggle into him and he does too, his body shaking slightly as he does so, his angelic voice soothing you. you take your face away from his body and kiss him on the cheek. "you missed." he said. you tilt your head slightly and cock and eyebrow. "huh?" he grabs under your chin gently and gives you a soft peck on the lips. you lean into it, feeling at ease. the interaction unfortunately ends and you look up at him and flush red. you then face away and out your head against his shoulder as he wraps his arm around yours. the two of you watch the sun set as you praise each other, neither of you ever feeling so content as in that moment.
an: I hope you enjoyed! ik I say that every time but I really mean it. hope this lives up to your best friends to lovers sejanus idea 🙏
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plinthpilled · 7 months
Hii! Can you do some headcanons about sejanus x covey|Fem reader please? 🫶🏻
ofc!! here you go <3 (sorry for not doing this sooner I was losing it 😭)
❀ story based headcanons ❀
- you two would have met during the first performance that Lucy gray was back from the games. you met his eye in the crowd but didn't think much of it. you definitely thought he was cute but he was a peacekeeper so you let the thought slip your mind.
- Lucy gray of course noticed it and thought A LOT of it. she just thought it'd be the cutest thing if you and sejanus and her and coryo could go on double dates. she planned yall's future together in a matter of seconds (she's adorable I love her)
- after the show she went up to you and basically dragged you over to the two men, telling you the plan of what was going to happen.
"you already know who Coriolanus is, right? " she asked. "yes, of course. you won't stop talking about him!" you giggle. she rolls her eyes jokingly. "well his little friend over there, sejanus, I caught him looking at you like you were just the most stunnin' thing he ever saw. so y'all are gonna talk and it's gonna be great, okay?" she said, still grabbing your hand and leading the way. you sigh and nod, knowing there was no way to talk her out of this. you weren't mad at the idea of getting to know him either way though.
- all of you talked and introduced yourselves and all that. you couldn't help but stare into his big brown doe eyes. he was ravishing. from the way he was looking at you, you guessed he thought the same about yourself.
- Lucy gray made a plan to bring the two peacekeepers up to the lake with the Covey. you tried to conceal your excitement about getting to see sejanus without a shirt and wet hair but apparently it wasn't hidden that well.
you felt a tap on your shoulder. "stop daydreaming about seeing him topless, y/n!" Lucy gray whispered into your ear and you flushed. you didn't know you were being that obvious. "why are you blushing?" sejanus asked. "uh- no reason!" you stammered.
- the day had finally arrived. you were dreading and also dreaming going up to the lake. it was a scary thing to you but the thought of getting to know the brown haired peacekeeper excited you. you put on a hand made bikini in your favorite color and a flowy dress on top. you met up with the two boys at the designated meeting spot then started walking.
- the covey and coryo walked ahead of you and sej. you were thankful for the space but it made you nervous. thankfully, sejanus was doing most of the talking.
"it's real beautiful up here." he said. "yeah, it is. the view gets even better by the lake, though" you reply. "my view right now is perfect." he stated. you were confused for a minute but then realized he was staring at you. you averted your gaze, feeling heat rise to your face. he chuckled, knowing he made you blush. he stepped closer and brushed his hand against yours.
- you got to the lake and sejanus' body was even better than you could've imagined. you tried not to stare but couldn't resist. I mean, who could? he was also drinking in your shape, unbeknownst to you though. you were a tad bit oblivious to anything that wasn't his looks right then. you eventually ran up to him and pushed him in the water, jumping after him. when you resurfaced, he grabbed you by the waist, holding you close. you took your chances and kissed him. his lips were chapped but somehow unbelievably soft. he didn't pull away so you knew he wanted this too. you heard cheering from the covey and broke the kiss. from then on, you and sejanus became a couple. he came to every show and essentially worshipped you. you did the same for him in every way that you could.
-Lucy gray's dreams of a double date came true!!
❀ misc. headcanons ❀
- sejanus would love for you to sing the covey's songs to help him go to sleep at night. even if you didn't sing at the shows, you knew the songs by heart and he thought your voice was the most angelic thing.
- he would never ever ever miss a single show you guys put on since the night y'all met. he loved seeing you in your element and thriving.
- he'd always try to come up to the lake with the covey whenever he could. he rarely missed the chance to see you in a bathing suit ;) wink wink. but he also just enjoyed spending time with you in such a beautiful and secluded area where he felt so safe in your arms (or with you in his arms)
- he would write to his Ma about you, talking about your music and how it was heavenly. he wrote about you like you were a deity sent from above. he loved every single thing about you and made sure that his Ma knew that.
- he started learning the words to the songs you performed. you would be playing your instrument and he'd sing along quietly without even realizing what he was doing. you thought it was the cutest thing ever and engraved those memories into your mind. he has a surprisingly amazing voice too but you wouldn't mind even if he didn't.
a/n: hope you enjoyed anon!! again I'm rlly sorry for not writing anything for a while, I was going thru a rlly hard breakup 😭😭 I'm feeling better now though!! I'm gonna be back on my author shit soon I pinkie promise!
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