#pls appreciate my penguin tights they are real tights i own and i love them
eternal-brainrot · 2 years
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i cannot stress enough the importance of drawing yourself with your blorbos ITS HEALTHY ENRICHMENT anyway i desperately want head pats from XL he looks he gives good head pats to banyue in the donghua 
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jiracheer · 4 years
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!!! My very first request!!! 🥺 I was so happy to see this in my inbox!! Sorry these are a bit long, but I hope you enjoy nevertheless anon!! 💕💕 pls forgive any grammar mistakes! im p sure i wrote this around 2 AM LMAO
{ Haikyuu boys taking you out on your first date HCs }
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we all know he's rlly nervous about y'alls first date
he probably asks the boys for help about places to go, and how to ask you out!!
Suga, Daichi, Yachi, Kiyoko, Ennoshita, and Yams are super helpful!! They give him a lot of helpful tips, and even help him figure out a way to ask you out in the most perfect way possible!
Tsukki, Noya, Tanaka, Kags, and Hinta were little to no help. Their Ideas were... Good, but they weren't what he was looking for. He appreciates their help in the end 
you both tend to walk home together. It really depends though! Sometimes you're down to wait until practice is over, and sometimes you just wanna go home and do your own thing
so on one of the walks home, he stops you halfway and asks you if you wanted to go roller skating date with him over the weekend
his face is so red
and so is yours because you never would've thought he'd ask you out on a date
he thinks you're about to reject him because you're just standing there in silence
"Y-You don't- We don't have to go-"
"No! Wait! I do wanna go out with you!"
the rest of the walk home is really awkward, but there's a sweet smile on y'alls faces
when the day finally comes, Asahi picks you up from your house and you're 🥺
he's wearing a cute pair of jeans with a wooly sweater over a white button up, and converse
and you're like,,, omg, did i underdress?? i need to look as cute as that??? and you look like you're about to go back inside and change, but he stops you halfway and tells you that you look cute
last minute he pulls out a handful of flowers, and you're about to cry because he's so damn cute, but then he apologizes bc lowkey they're kinda crushed
but its okay
you put them inside and y'all start leaving
y'all chat about whatever and you walk close to him, and you hold onto his arm and lean against him
when it comes to the skating part? y'all are dying.
you both cling to the walls until you finally find the confidence to skate, and you're FERAL. You're zooming around, and Asahi is just watching you with big eyes and a blush
you try your best to pull him off the wall, and skate with you, and he was terrified! man almost peed his pants! but eventually you peel him off and he's SHAKING
this tall beefy man that could snap you in half, is leaning on you and holding onto you for dear life, and you're the only thing between him and the floor
it takes him a hot minute before he's finally able to stand without busting his ass, or shaking, so you take his hand and y'all are just vibing
when the couple song comes on? He's heading towards the exit and you tug him BACK into the rink, and you're like :) "let's skate!!"
he almost passes out
he never would've thought you'd want to skate with him during a couple turn 🥺
he holds your hand real tight, and you interlace your fingers with him. and it's just really nice
Asahi leans against you again but it's not as heavy, it's a good weight that you wanna feel all night long
y'all decide to split a pizza and an icee, and you're just hanging out at your table and you're just sitting close and 🥺🥺🥺
his face is close to yours when you talk, and you're hugging his arm and you just lay your head on his shoulder
im so fuckin soft
eventually, you get really tired and it's time to go home
Asahi takes you home and nervously takes your hand before you go in, and he kisses your knuckles and wishes you goodnight
the second you're inside? you're dying
Asahi is also dying
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you and Iwa are probably already pretty close, and you both knew how you felt, but neither one of you knew how to approach the situation
bc no cap?
Iwa was lowkey waiting for YOU to say something
while you were waiting for IWA to say something
and the whole team is sick and tired of it. Especially Oikawa
He just wants to see his two favorite people get together!!!
So he urged Iwa to say something after one of their matches
and thats when you both decide to finally make plans for a date, and you both suggested going bowling
and y'all just kinda looked at each other
and laughed really fuckin hard
You both decide to just meet up there since it would be easier for the both of you
he looks rlly cute in his usual attire of just a good pair of jeans, hoodie, and a jacket above it
and you're like. eyein that jacket. you want it by the end of the night
so you two go in, get your shoes, and start heading down to the lanes
on god, you're nervous. you're scared of your fingers getting stuck in the balls
you tell Iwa and he laughs at you, telling you that it won't happen if you're careful
you kinda eye him like uhmmm if you say so????
but you're still careful
y'all decide to name each other
Iwa is a gentleman, so he makes your nickname 'Sunshine :)'
sadly tho, you decide to be a lil shit, and his nickname is 'Oikawa's whore'
he punches your arm and you're in tears from how hard you're laughing
y'all decide to place a bet at the start since you wanted to add some spice to the date
you make a bet that if iwa wins, you're paying for the food, and if you win, he pays for the food
eventually you start playing and he's way ahead of you, and you're hitting his back jealous that he's winning
iwa is laughing in your face and he reaches for another ball. you have a feeling that this is gonna be the ball that makes you lose
you just watch in horror as he lifts the ball
he's preparing to throw it...
he's sent forward, collapsing onto the ground with a double heavy thud
you blink.
Karma is a bitch! Iwa's fingers got stuck in the ball, and he's just laying there dumbfounded, and you're laughing
you have to help him up eventually, and you're trying so hard not to cry/shout in laughter. He's all red, but you help his fingers out and y'all sit down
you look over his hand and you're making sure his fingers aren't broken or anything
iwa just watches your tiny lil hand in his, and his heart is racing SO FAST
it isn't until you kiss his fingertips and tell him that you're gonna go get ice, that this man explodes
he takes your wrist and pulls you down so he can kiss your nose and he thanks you with a tiny mumble
you lowkey die on the spot and stagger away to get his ice, and when you come back there's a bit more pep in your step
you come back and his fingers seem okay, so you just decide maybe it's a good time to start going back home
the walk back is full of laughter and him eventually throwing an arm around your shoulder
you lean into his side and you hold his hand
when he drops you off the two of you just hang out in your porch
and he eventually leans down to kiss you 🥺 and he whispers good night against your lips
he waves you farewell, and you do too
and you know damn well you wanna go on another date with this man
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on god I struggled to think of a date idea for Tendou
Tendou decided to ask you out of the blue if you wanted to go to the zoo with him
you were kinda shocked to see that Tendou wanted to go somewhere with YOU of all people
because no cap, you thought u were pretty Lame, and not cool enough to hang out with him, but. 😳 um. you said yes! let's go to the zoo!!!
but you really didn't know if it was a date or not, because he didn't say it, but in your head its a date
you're a lil nervous about going to the zoo with him because you haven't hung around with him one on one
Leon, Semi, and even Toshi, were always with y'all when you two would hang out
so having alone time with him is KINDAAAA intimidating
but when he pulls up to your house so excited to take you out 🥺 all of your anxieties are GONE!!!!!
he does not HESITATE to take your hand. He holds your tiny lil hand in his much bigger one, and he just chats about whatever comes to mind
when y'all are on the train, he sits across from you just so he can watch you stare out the window and admire you AND the view outside
he chose a pretty good day to take you out. the sun was bright and warm, and you were wearing the cutest dress so he knew today was going to be pretty good
the second you get to the zoo he makes sure to buy tickets to ride the train around the zoo, and even access to the carousel
you're about to WWE bodyslam him to the ground for buying you your ticket!! like motherfucker I have the money!!!!!!
you're so close to beating the shit out of him, but he slips the access bracelet around your wrist and slips his fingers through yours and he's like
anger? gone.
serotonin? here.
your love for him? massive.
hotel? trivago.
you decide to get a map of the zoo so you two know where you're going, and you end up navigating the both of you around
Tendou is going feral over all the animals, and he tugs on you gently to point at whatever animal is doing something he finds exciting
He even goes as far as to pick you up if you can't see a certain animal because they're positioned somewhere high
when it comes to finally going on the small ass train, y'alls legs are basically twisted with eachother and your hip is pressed against his in such an uncomfortable position
its a tight fit!!! im pretty sure your leg is falling asleep
but you can't help but giggle and laugh when Tendou leans over you to see the animals, cheek pressed against yours since you turned your head to look too
ugh. fucker takes this chance to kiss your cheek and nose it, and when you go all red he laughs at you
when you go see the penguins he holds you really close to his side, and hugs you from behind to keep you warm
but also so he can see the penguins better. the penguin house was lowkey full
you have to hold him back from touching most animals that seemed close enough to be touched
y'all get a pretzel and split that shit, but then you're both screaming when a bird swoops down to steal it right from your hands
just as you're about to get on the carousel, there's a distant rumble of thunder and you both stop like ????? brother what??? the sun was OUT
the zoo announces that they would be closing soon due to the rain, and they urge the members to start heading to their cars or whatever other method of transportation
you just look at Tendou like 👁_____👁 wut da hell we gon do...... now?
Tendou looks back at you like queen don't ask me. i didnt think we'd get this far on god
you both decide to just start leaving so you don't get caught in the rain
but wow, what do you know, it starts raining as you walk to the train station
and you BOOK IT
you're screeching as the rain just hits you at full force, and you're holding onto Tendou's arm for dear life, and he's laughing so hard and just stops
but listen. This dude is vibing now. He just had such a good day with you, and the rain feels so nice on his hot skin, and he's never felt so much at once
and you kinda just stop and admire him for a bit. So you stand under the rain with him before it gets to be too much, and you take his hand gently and start walking to the station
y'all just hang under the tin roof the station provides
you're both soaked, but sit close to one another to share heat bc y'all kinda stupid for tryin to act out a hallmark movie scene
but hey
at least y'all had fun, right?
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