#pls blacklist if you a) like the reboot or b) don't want to see even my lowkey hate watch of it
paigemathews · 1 year
We finished episode seven (Out of Scythe) and thoughts:
my sister and I both think that Mel is fucking stupid. The fact that she doesn't want to be healed to "connect with her mother" is dumb AF and almost all of her decisions are dumb. Just. ugh.
I don't like Maggie that much, because a) I don't like her actress that much b) her sorority plotline bugs me (mostly bc I was really hoping that a show about sisterhood would do something more with the idea of Greek sisterhood instead of the cliche vapid party girl thing they're doing) and c) everything about her kissing Parker and what happened with her and Lucy afterwards (Kappa Spirit didn't fully fix it for me, especially bc I feel like this show has a really weird approach to cheating that I do not like.) My sister, however, actually does like her and I can acknowledge that I'm just biased against her.
We both like Macy. I find her storylines more interesting than the other two, and she doesn't make nearly as many outright stupid choices as the other two do. Despite the emphasis on her being logical and rational, however, I also feel like she's significantly more moral than her sisters, which is a good thing bc I personally feel like the other two aren't very likable.
I'm mostly familiar with Aleyse Shannon from Leverage: Redemption, but I did know tht she was in this first! I have no idea what her deal is, but she's very pretty and I like electrokinesis so I'm on board with this thus far.
I really hope that they're going to have a good reason for why the fuck Marisol didn't ever tell the girls that they were witches. Like the original had a reason, and I imagine that this one will as well, but between the Charmed Ones destiny and the potential that the sisters would've been responsible for their piece of the scythe as a sentinel... Idk, I know that's probably gonna be something revealed later but I am Impatient and also already think everyone in this show is kinda an idiot so.
Mel dropping out feels weird. She was so invested in the WGS department and nothing really built up to her only doing it for her mom, y'know? Especially bc she was a fucking grad student, that's not exactly easy. Also they definitely could've done more with it, man. I'd have to loved to see her show some softer/kinder edges with mentoring or helping undergrad students in her TA job.
Parker is so not Cole Turner, man. I don't even like Cole, but Parker gives off significantly more... what the fuck was that meme called, pathetic catboy vibes? I am so hardcore blanking on the actual phrase, fuck, but like y'all know what I'm talking about, right? Idk. That said, I'm not necessarily gonna be against him. Yet. He didn't kill anyone, which goes a lot farther for a redemption arc but also he doesn't really seem willing so ehhh. Idk, we'll see, I haven't made up my mind yet.
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