#pls do watch it its really awesomesauce
gio-goose · 6 months
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Based off Sin‘s last stand <- link to video ^^
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roxydrawskhstuffs · 6 years
“Shoutout to KingOfGamesYohgiMotto. Thank you for the donation, man. This means a lot to me and to my channel.” Riku says at the his microphone, punching buttons on his PS4 after seeing a notification that one of his subscriber just donated $10 in his Paypal account. Making sure he pronounced the the username properly or as much as possible got it right.
He also sneered a grin, remembering the name of the protagonist in that same card game he and Vanitas had played when they were playing “Strip and Drunk Duel” on Saturday dubbed as “Drunkterday”, This was their only leisure time aside from streaming their gameplays or casting official ESports games tournament.
They sometimes stream their drunk games where they only open an invitation link on  their private Discord channel for the first 200 people who wants to watch them lose their dignities. The last time they did stream their drunkard gameplay, half of their subscribers dared them that whoever loses should kiss the winner. The match was intense but in the end, Vanitas won making Riku lose his virgin lips as he kissed Vanitas for the first time.
His raven roommate laughed, his cheeks red from all the martini he dranked (both have different tastes. Their subscribers even asked if where do they buy their alcohol. The two said in unison that it was “classified information” and would never tell where they got it), he joked the camera asking their subscribers if he should wear lipstick so that the evidence of them kissing will be visible and fans would have proof that Riku whacked the raven’s for suggesting such embarrassing thought.  
“Come on, Reeks, hun, we homos. We’ve already seen each others dicks since high school.”
Another whack in the head, but this time, Vanitas was actually whimpering in his drunkard state telling that it hurts. “Fuck you, Vani. Don’t even give them more fanservices we’ve already doing.”  Riku grabbed a glass of homemade margarita. Drinking all of its contents as liquid courage for he was about to be doing. “You fuckers better not be recording this or so help me God I’ll delete my channel. Goodluck finding me on the internet!” Warning at the camera.
The kissed came and lots of the people in their discord channel died from their fanservice.
In behalf of the 200 subscribers who died after seeing VanReeks doing a torrid “Kissing Booth” kiss scene.
You will forever be in the hearts of the  VanReeks Pornsite Discord channel.
Riku’s phone pinged notifying him about that his pay from the gaming company have finally been transferred from his PayPal. Thank God, he can finally pay Vanitas for the rent of his room. He didn’t question why he was the last of the two of them who receives his pay from the XIII Organization Gaming Authority. Riku has two hunches: 1) The gaming company likes Vanitas or 2) The gaming company just hates Riku. The raven assured his silver-haired friend that they get the same amount from the company. Why Riku was always late, he had no idea.
Onwards to his gaming stream, he was so focused on the game he almost missed the stream’s chat.
daisu777: omg bruh the verum rex was totally awesomesauce! If it wasn’t for u, i never would encounter this beautiful gem of a game! More power to your channel
gamergurlhoe2k19: Reeks! You are so beautiful! I became a gamer bc of your channel. Pls notice me senpai ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
zoeeeeeV9: luv ur channel bruh, just wanna ask if what other games you going to stream? Would like you to see horror games like Fatal Frame and Silent Hill. TIA
delicsnakekuu: how’s it goin bro? Thanks again for the recommendation about Verum Rex. Game was overkill! If you want, I can get you a copy of Devil May Cry series. Just send your PSN account deets so I can prep ‘em.
More power to your channel, bro! Peace out.
GayForMastahTenebrae1234: Riku! OH my god finally caught up and joined one of your livestreams. You are such an adorable and cool streamer. I always watch your contents and your stream casting together with Vanitas.
I live for VanReeks so much I ship you with each other. Ajksdhasjkhdjaks plssforgivdisfujohoe
I got a source from one of your fellow followers that Verum Rex will be having its own anime adaptation and there was a fan gathering for it. Will u and Vani be coming in the event?
bitchachosnachoZ: WHAT?!
AXEwithanL: STFU!!!
S T A  H P
natsuckiss: bitch where did u get that info?!
dAth0EGAMING:  qsgywcsknwnshs fam.
AXEwithanL: LINK!
bitchachosnachoZ: for the love of Riku my King, give me the link!!!
The entire chatbox was in chaos, spamming chats about sauce, link, and some info that it was real that Riku almost totally forgot about the said event.
“Oh crap. I forgot about the event,” he mumbled in his mic but his voice was heard and his fans speed-typing chats like “omfg”, “Riku did you mean…”, “omg shut up”. Riku really do loved his circle of fans and their creative language that sometimes, he adopt the words and expressions into his everyday life. Looking at the camera, he grabbed a white envelope showing it to his fans. A wax seal was present with a sigil of the The XIII Organization Gaming Authority visible. “Yeap, me and Vani are definitely invited in the press conference of the game.
It’s going to be hold on tomorrow at Radiant Garden Hotels & Casinos,” his channel’s chatbox went wild. Incoherent fangirling, fanboying chats spam him. Congratulating the game streamer how successful and worth playing Verum Rex. They even praised him for not giving up in playing the game that half of the gaming community went wild, quickly buying the game. Every gamers was hooked into the storyline spreading it like a virus.
He also added that no additional information was enclosed in his invitation aside from the trailer reveal, casts, animation studio, etc. “But hey guys, they might dropped the second installment of Verum Rex pretty soon seeing after that cliffhanger ending. I’ll inform you guys about it. I wouldn’t put that in my channel but you can follow me on Twitter @tenebraeriku for anything. I also have an upcoming giveaway raffle if I reached 300k followers. The prize would be a Platinum Edition of Verum Rex. Me and Vani will be signing the CD case itself so goodluck. Mechanics will be posted soon.” Riku gazed at his wall clock, it was almost dinner time and he hadn’t cooked anything yet. Hovering his character, Riku moved his game persona towards the nearest save point, calling it a night and rest. He also assumed that Vanitas is almost done with his cram school. Riku had no idea what he was studying but he supported Vanitas in whatever plans he does.
Saying goodbye to his followers, Riku shut down his desktop, camera and PS4. Stretching his arms, the silver-haired walked towards the kitchen to make dinner. Vanitas would likely want something that will make him be awake since he streams at midnight.
“Fried rice and chicken curry then.” Riku says, gathering the ingredients needed in the fridge. All necessary ingredients gathered, the silver-haired started chopping everything.
A few minutes passed by, the entrance door flew open announcing Vanitas’ presence. “God, I’m beat. What’s for dinner, Mom?” Vanitas jokingly says flopping his body on the couch, face buried in the throw pillows. Riku laughed at the Mom joke saying that it was fried rice and curry. With a speed like lightning, Vanitas was already at the table, utensils in his hand waiting for Riku to put his food on the table. Clasping his hands likes a prayer, Vanitas uttered a Japanese word “itadakimasu” before digging into his food. Vanitas was a pureblood Japanese while Riku was half-Italian, the two of them just clicked when they were put together as roommates when they were still in college and now successful and professional adults, the two still share the same rent space as they did, saying that it was their memento to each other but they were still plan to find a penthouse that the two of them will share, hence their shared bank accounts.
“Speaking of events,” Says Vanitas stopping his eating. A sauce dripping in the corner of his mouth. “Reeks, do you have anything to wear for the upcoming gathering?” Shaking his head, still have no idea on what to wear. There was nothing fancy in his fashion wardrobe aside from the suit and tie he wore on graduation and it was the remembered that fit the fancy category.
It was so outdated, Riku would never wear the same clothes for a gathering full of rich people. “No.” He replied, digging on his own plate of food. Confessing that he needs to buy clothes for the event. His raven roommate propositioned that to come with with him to go shopping along with Vanitas’s “Venty Wenty”.
“Ah. The mysterious boyfriend I presume?” said Riku with one eyebrow raised. Vanitas pointed the stabbed chicken skin in the fork at Riku, defending the accusation. “He’s real alright. The idiot’s already pestering me to meet you. God,” remembering the way Ventus (‘that was his full, I just gave him a dumb nickname which in turn he actually liked it and the name got stuck’ the raven explained) had asked him so many times about Riku and when will he met him. “I’m his boyfriend and he’s more interested in meeting you. Talk about a stab in heart.” Riku laughed assuring him that there was no way he will take Venty Wenty away from him.
“But if he is, what you call, adorable, then I can’t promise anything.” jokingly retorted and the raven scowled. The raven gasped saying “Bitch, that idiot is mine.” to Riku but knew that it was only a joke. After dinner, Vanitas offered to wash the dishes ushering to go to sleep already. It was almost time for the raven to do his livestream gameplays and his followers requested NieR: Automata. Riku hadn’t played the game but will definitely add into his list to play/stream.
The giveaway!
“Oh.” Riku exclaimed, he told Vanitas that he was going to give away about the signed copy of the platinum copy of Verum Rex. Vanitas nodded. “Just give it to me a week before prior.” and Riku went towards his room. Scratching the back of his head, the silver-haired yawned, he grabbed first his phone to check onto his twitter page and turns out the followers he’d received just went tripled!
From five hundred followers to four thousands making him smile. “Seriously, these fans.” Riku then messaged Axel, the company’s Marketing head.
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Friday morning came and Riku got up. Preparing for his daily routine: wash up, bathe, do a run around the neighborhood, make breakfast and stream. Since it was the day of the gathering Riku announced to all his social media accounts that he could not go online and stream games. Leaving his room, he heard noises coming from Vanitas room, probably still streaming.
Creeping up inside, his raven roommate was in his pjs, D.Va headset and controller on hand. His room was almost as neat as Riku’s but more chaotic when it comes to designs: there were a lot of rock band posters pin up in his wall, a glass case full of saberfaces servants figurines from that series called Fate, his video-game console cabinet was also present on the view, there was also a corkboard beside his bed where a photo of two children with different hair color. He couldn’t make out due to its small size. On view, Vanitas looked up to Riku and nodded focusing on his game. Riku crossed his arms waiting for the raven to scold him to leave his room. “‘Vani, any thoughts if you’re going to put a tattoo on your shoulder blades like Eve does in NieR:Automata?’ Yeah no. I do think the tatts are rad but that is not my style, either I’ll choose something more tribal-ish or vintage.”
A chat question?, he presume. Riku mimed about the clothes shopping and Vanitas nodded. “Alright, this concludes today’s stream because,” ushering his silver-haired friend to come closer towards the camera. Riku obliged and could see his and Vanitas face on the monitor. The chat started going wild again. “Me and Reeks have a date with the mall for buying fancy clothes. Say hi to my followers Reeks,”
Annoyed, Riku decided to humour Vanitas and did what was told. “Yeah, so hello and good morning everyone. Sorry I had to take Vani away from you guys. We actually going to have a date.” and kissed the cheeks of Vanitas. The chatbox, went wild. Again. “Gross! Do not do fanservice stuff outside the porn discord channel”
3m0_k1d: wat?!
roxie31: reeeeeeeeeeeee
internal screaming
HokageSasukinks: Σ(||゚Д゚)ヒィィィィ
g a y
Korabendings: dude
//drips holy water to screen and eyes
awsawadsd: jwbsohjdhskndooh
sum1 hold me  
GamingGeekarooo: jesus my eyes.
Stop this im gonna unsubscribe you if you do that
“You are so so so dead, Tenebrae.” Vanitas says with death reflecting in his golden orbs. His silver-haired friend just grinned, amused at whatever he did that triggered Vanitas to show his other side.
“Bring it on, Vani.”
Vanitas was the first one who spotted place where they would meet Ventus. Riku just shrugged following him towards the center when a loud “Vaniiii!!!” screeched and looked for the owner of the voice. Vanitas wasn’t kidding about Ventus being adorable. The person in questioned had a very brunette-blonde hair with spikes with spikes much more ridiculous to Vanitas, he wore faded green tank top combined with a dirty-white trench coat, ripped jeans and black converse. The only accessory he had was a heart-shaped with four points on the lower part in his left ear.
Vanitas waved his hand as the boyfriend wrapped his hands on Vanitas’s waist and kissed his cheek. Riku’s inner thoughts were already laughing or maybe screaming for how cheesy the two were. The brunette boyfriend apologized for being late (not really but Vanitas likes to make Ventus feel bad about himself) saying that there was an old lady that needed help into getting to the bus station when she was carrying a large paper bag full of groceries.
The raven just rolled his eyes. “You never do say no to a help, aren’t you?” Ventus laughed  saying it was in his nature to help those in need. Ventus just realized Riku’s presence. “Oh! Sorry for leaving you out. I presume your Riku Tenebrae?”
Riku nodded. “And you must the famous Ventus Wayward aka ‘Venty Wenty’.” At the pronounced of the nickname, Ventus face reddened covering his face with his hands. Too cute. Embarrassed that Vanitas told him about the nickname. Vanitas raised his hands innocently. “Hey, don’t look at me like that. We don’t keep secrets from each other tho.” He put his hand on Ventus bottom lip, pleasing and cooing him the brunette that he shouldn’t make it a big deal.
Seeing the two of them being lovey-dovey was too much annoying the hell out of Riku. “Hey, if you two lovebirds done with your public display of affection. Can we go to the actual task at hand? You know, shopping? For clothes?”
Guilty at hand, Ventus apologized nudging his boyfriend to do the same thing. “Sorry for having a lovelife, Reeks. Never knew you were such a jealous type.”
“For once, Vanitas. Just shut up.”
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