#pls don't be mean i've never posted fic snippets before and im kinda nervous ngl
butdaddyilovehimmm · 5 months
a little snippet from ch 1 of Contra, said marvey secret identity BDSM club fic bc I can :)
“There, is that good,” Mike sighed, turning to Harvey, exasperated after his sixth time trying—and failing—to tie his bowtie. 
Harvey took a look at Mike, unable to stop the laugh that escaped his mouth at seeing the terribly lopsided bowtie. Unexpectedly, Harvey slid into the middle seat, closing the distance between the two. Reaching his arms out, he took the piece of fabric and worked his magic, fingertips brushing against Mike’s skin ever so slightly, sending jolts of electricity down his spine. Harvey expertly tied the fabric around his neck, Mike’s breath catching in his throat when he felt him tightening the knot around his neck. If he closed his eyes, it was almost as if Harvey was tightening a collar—
Oh fuck no. His mind was not going there. He shouldn’t be getting butterflies at Harvey doing something as simple as fixing his bowtie, but he couldn’t help but find it almost intimate. He was practically in Mike's face, clouding his thoughts, and he could feel Harvey’s hot breath on his face, a hint of mint and scotch in his breath. His lips were mere inches away and it was dizzying, but before Mike could do anything he might regret, Harvey scooted back into his seat. Mike was almost disappointed. For a brief moment, Mike wondered how Harvey’s soft lips would feel on his, how he’d taste.
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