#pls dont make this flop i spent almost 40 hours on this
hyacinthecanard · 7 months
The traitor's daugther.
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"And there in the midst was Sansa, dressed in sky-blue silk, with her long auburn hair washed and curled and silver bracelets on her wrists. Arya scowled, wondering what her sister was doing here, why she looked so happy." AGOT, Arya V.
My own interpretation of Eddard Stark's beheading time. I know there are a lot of representation of it already, but I don't know, I had a composition in mind and wanted to do it, plus treat myself with cool fashion.
And to illustrate such a pivoting event for Sansa of course. I just love her character so much and relate to the way her narrative depicts girlhood trauma. She also often reminds me of my own older sister for some reason.
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