#pls know i would love to write u extra starters even if we already have some going.
dsrtrose · 1 year
who  wants  a  short,  little  thunderstorm  /  rainy  day  weather  starter  ??    🤍 
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knybits · 5 years
Baby from Two
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bc akiko and tanjirou can have kids even tho akiko is asexual :,,)
@thunderandrainclouds and @kny-writings have they own chiyuu and sanemiyu kids and that made me SO SOFT so i couldnt help but think up of taniko’s own kid :,,) more details on him soon, but here’s a quick thing of modern au and the lead up to how the taniko family came to be!
also thank GOD i wrote this whole thing before i broke my hand LMAO
“A child?”
Akiko looks up from her tablet, a finger hovering over the medical journal she was reading to look at Tanjirou. She thought he would be a bit nervous about bringing the matter up, but he looks focused on the task at hand instead.
Her feet are in his lap, and his eyes scrunch and his tongue is sticking out a bit as he tries to make sure that he doesn’t mess up painting her toenails a navy blue.
Tanjirou’s book lays face down on the coffee table, and the bright red nail polish that Akiko used to paint Tanjirou’s toe nails remain right by the book.
“Well, I mean yeah! Why not?” He’s finishing up, wiping some of the excess polish on the sides of the bottle.
Akiko’s face pales, “You mean you want me to birth a baby?”
This catches Tanjirou’s attention, and his head snaps up to quickly shake his head, earrings flying around his face.
“No! Oh my gods, no! I would never force you to birth a child or have sex! I meant adoption!”
Akiko can’t help the breath of relief from leaving her lips, shoulders loosening and heart slowing in pace. Tanjirou looks guilty, but when Akiko points her foot to have him resume his task, he knows that all is forgiven.
But she remains quiet, continuing to scroll through her tablet. The stillness in the air makes Tanjirou feel like he can’t breathe, but he can tell that Akiko’s mind is going through her usual pros and cons list.
For starters, Miyuki and Chiyo have already had their children. Miyuki first with Jin, who is already in her terrible twos. Then Chiyo had the twins, Tsutako and Yasu, a year later. And then the year after that Miyuki had Kousuke.
Akiko and Tanjirou aren’t too worried about being the only family without a child. Akiko could care less, and considering the fact that the two of them have to babysit so much, she already feels like she has four kids of her own.
But Tanjirou can’t help but care a little bit. Akiko doesn’t blame him. She knows that he’s wanted a big family since they were kids, and it’s mainly due to the fact that he himself grew up in a large family.
She’s just glad that Tanjirou is understanding of the fact that she isn’t comfortable having sex, and the idea of having children of her own isn’t very exciting.
But adoption doesn’t sound too bad.
“...Google says that there’s an orphanage about an hour’s drive away from here. Let me call the hospital to see if I can get a day off soon,” Akiko buries her face deeper into the tablet, shielding herself from Tanjirou’s radiant smile.
“Well, we should talk to our parents about this… And we have the spare guest room to use, so I don’t think space will be a problem. I’m sure I can ask my dad for money if we’re ever in a pinch, but we’re pretty steady right now…” Akiko’s mumbling grows quieter, and Tanjirou has to lean over to lower her tablet from her face to get her to look at him properly.
His smile is softer now, shoulders no longer tense and the feeling of his hand warm.
“We’ll figure this out together, Akiko. I know we can,” and then he returns to painting her toenails.
“We’re so fucked.”
Chiyo and Miyuki both extend a hand out to cushion Akiko’s face from slamming into the coffee table, and Mikyuki sighs under her breath over Akiko’s bad habit.
“Hit your head on this table any more and you might loose your medical brain cells,” Chiyo chastises, and Akiko gives her a look of pure, ‘It doesn’t work like that.’
“Besides that,” Miyuki waves off, “Why do you think you’re fucked?”
The two cradle Akiko’s cheek in their hands now as she tilts her head to look at the two. When Akiko finally sits up she takes a quick sip of her coffee, rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“I know I babysit for the two of you all the time, but I honestly don’t know how I’ve been able to do that so far. Honestly I think Tanjirou has been the one babysitting for all of us.”
Chiyo tilts her head, “Why do you say that?”
“Because I’m really bad with kids.”
There’s an odd pause between the three and Akiko shifts uncomfortably under their wide eyed gaze.
Then Chiyo and Miyuki look at each other, and then back at Akiko before chorusing, “Yeah, we know.”
“Wow alright I guess I’m not babysitting anymore.”
Miyuki shrugs, “Trust me hun, we’ve known since day one. I had to show you how to hold Jin, remember? Still a work in improvement too.”
“Please stop rubbing in the salt…”
Chiyo laughs, pouring Akiko her third cup of coffee of the day before setting a reassuring hand on Akiko’s shoulder.
“I know you have trouble connecting with kids, but a part of your job is to get along with kids, isn’t it?”
Akiko sips a bit, mulling over her thoughts, “Mmm, well, yeah. But I just wave a lollipop in front of their face and promise that they get it in the end if they’re a good kid. I can’t do that with my child every day, or they’ll get cavities!”
Now it’s Miyuki’s turn to laugh, and she claps Akiko’s back harshly. Chiyo laughs along and the two laugh even harder when Akiko’s face grows beet red.
“That’s exactly what a parent would say! See? You’ll be fine!” Chiyo lightly punches Akiko’s arm, but Akiko still rubs some of the pain away. Chiyo’s arms are no joke…
Miyuki then pipes in, her own cup of coffee lifted to her nose with the steam slowly warming up her cold nose. “And besides,” she starts gently, “you have Tanjirou. Raising a child is all about teamwork, alright? You’ll be with each other every step of the way.”
With traffic, the drive to the orphanage took an extra half an hour. Akiko’s leg bounces in the car and her eyes read the license plate of each passing car, her mind memorizing letters and numbers in an attempt to focus on something else.
When Tanjirou moves his hand to slip his fingers through Akiko’s, she calms down a little. And then she remembers that she should be more excited than scared of having a child.
“We’re here!” Tanjirou’s bright voice breaks Akiko out of her thoughts and she blinks, clearing her vision to focus back on the hands folded in her lap.
She and Tanjirou are dressed a bit more formally for the occasion, as Akiko is in blue pencil skirt and usual billowy poet shirt. Tanjirou is wearing black pants that cling to his nicely defined legs and he’s pulled on a tight white shirt tucked into his pants. Basically, walking eye candy for Akiko to look at.
When the two step out of the car, Akiko has the chance to look up at the building.
It’s big and daunting in Akiko’s eyes, and the plethora of windows look like eyes glaring down at her. Then, she sees a couple heads pop up from the windows, and the eyes of children light up upon the sight of a car with a couple adults.
She pales at the thought of disappointing a child, and there’s a guilty feeling within her stomach when she sees older children that know they won’t be adopted. The eyes of hopeful toddlers and twins that clutch each other tightly in fear that they will be separated one day.
Tanjirou smells smoke from Akiko’s head, and her tightens his hold on her hand to anchor her back down. Then, he offers her an excited smile.
“Are you ready?”
“I need an inhaler.”
She waves off his concerned look and assures that she’s just joking around, and the two climb the steps of the orphanage building. Tanjirou does most of the talking when they reach the front desk and he fills out most of the paperwork. They’re given little visitor stickers and someone steps forward to help give them a little tour.
There’s a small craft room where kids play with clay and popsicle sticks, and Akiko sees a couple older kids working hard at japanese calligraphy.
Most of the kids are in the back playing on the playground, cheering and screaming with each other. Upon seeing Tanjirou and she, a few start to crowd around them, and Tanjirou is tugged along to play.
He has a few in his lap when they go down the slide, and he pushes a little boy on the swings to the point where the boy almost goes flying away.
A few kids grow curious of Akiko, since all she’s doing is standing by awkwardly.
“Are those your real eyes?”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a doctor.”
“Are you gonna give us shots?!”
“That depends. Are you up to date on your vaccinations?”
She’s killin it.
She’s somehow roped into braiding a girl’s hair, and she’s struggling dearly. Tanjirou laughs when he sees how hard she’s trying, but she’s only making a mess out of the girl’s dark locks.
So Tanjirou steps in, guiding Akiko’s fingers through the girl’s hair and creating a beautiful braid.
“I’ll let you practice on me when we get home,” Tanjirou promises, and Akiko lets out a sigh of relief.
Some time later, Akiko finds herself watching Tanjirou with love filled eyes as he is turned into the playground. He easily holds a few children in his arms with another on his shoulders. When he turns around to show Akiko, the proudest smile on his face, Akiko smiles back twice as wide.
The kids laugh when they see Tanjirou turn red, suddenly shy in the face of his beloved.
“Kids look good on you,” Akiko says softly, patting his chest before the two are taken back inside to see the nursery.
Most of the babies are sleeping when the two quietly step inside with the guide. But there’s one playing by himself with a couple legos, and Akiko rushes over to wrestle a brick out of his grubby hands when she realizes that he’s about to shove it into his mouth.
“Choking hazARD-“
Tanjirou places a finger to his lips to shush her but she opens his mouth to peer inside his mouth, checking to make sure there isn’t anything else lodged into his throat.
Akiko really isn’t in the mood to have to flip this baby and slap his back.
“U- Uhm, ma’am? Please be gentle with him…”
“I’m so sorry! She’s a doctor, so she’s just doing a part of her job,” Tanjirou laughs weakly, bowing a bit to the guide before turning his attention back to Akiko.
When Akiko deems the baby okay, she sets him down. He’s a little fussy after Akiko handled him roughly, so Tanjirou steps in to pick up the baby and rock him to calm him down.
But when Tanjirou notices something, his eyes widen in surprise.
“Oh! Akiko! Look! His eyes!” Tanjirou beams, and Akiko finds the baby stuffed into her arms.
She’s holding him under his arms, blinking owlishly at the sudden predicament, but nonetheless she leans in a bit to look the baby in his eyes.
The same ginko leaves, the same molten gold, the same sunrise blend.
Akiko looks into a carbon copy pair of her own eyes.
Zenitsu’s eyes are close, but they’re a bit different. His are brighter, most hopeful, and they don’t change like Akiko’s does.
This baby has eyes that flicker between topaz and autumn leaves.
The baby tilts his head when he looks at Akiko, and Tanjirou comes closer to brush some of his inky black hair out of his face.
“He’s so cute!” Tanjirou gushes, and Akiko can’t help but smile the least bit.
“Yeah, he’s pretty cute I gues- OW?!”
Out of pure curiosity and wonder, the baby decides to shove his chubby little fingers into Akiko’s eyes.
This. Little. Fucker.
“Yeah and then we adopted you I guess.”
Hiyoshi, now 16, looks at his mom with a tired expression.
Tanjirou is in the kitchen, making breakfast for the family while Akiko pets Shyoutan in her lap.
Hiyoshi looks at his mother through his thick frames, eyes no where near as blessed as his mother’s (as ironically enough.) He’s fiddling with his fingers, and Akiko sighs at his habit to hide his face behind his hair.
“And, uhm… What about Shyoutan? How did we get Shyoutan?”
The great big golden retriever has been with the family for as long as Hiyoshi can remember, and he doesn’t really know the full story as to how his parents got the dog when she was still barely been born.
Tanjirou laughs, setting a bowl of rice for each member of his little family before returning to the kitchen. Akiko chuckles under her breath as well and Hiyoshi can tell that there’s a funny story behind Shyoutan, but Akiko mercilessly stands from her spot on the couch and Shyoutan moves to let her leave.
Then, she strides over to her son and smothers his cheek with kisses, Hiyoshi trying to push his mom away from him and whining in protest.
“That’s a story for another day, Hiyoshi,” Tanjirou says, finally laying out the miso soup and the fish for his family. Everyone moves to take their seats, but Akiko turns a 180 on her son and swipes his chopsticks away.
“You know the drill young man,” she narrows her eyes. “Go feed Shyoutan before you eat.”
Hiyoshi groans, “Sometimes I feel like you guys treat the dog better than me.”
“Oh? So you don’t want to spend the day with your uncle Inosuke?”
Hiyoshi bolts to the cabinet after that, quickly filling Shyoutan’s bowl (and making it overflow, much to Akiko’s annoyance) before sitting cross legged on his chair and eating his food as fast as possible for an always early arriving Inosuke.
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