#pls write somethin if ra reblog cus i spent a lot on time on echo n shou help😭😭
rurifangirl · 3 years
chile ya shoulda told me i missedd the oc asks🙄✋
imma just send in a few not to heavy on ya💃💃
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with recieving affection from others?
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them
🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
🌠 On a scale of 1 - 10 how Baby is your OC? BONUS when asking this question rate the OC yourself as see if the reply matches up!!
I'm sorry bestie, but I was prepparing for our 20th marriage 😔💔
It's not rare It needs space for himself, but even when he'll later on join the dumbass trio, It does have a soft place where it goes to, especially when stressed.
Any places with water nearby Is perfect for him. Which Is a reference from when he got cursed, and It Is kind of ironic. But since it got cursed, It found the sound of water..oddly soothing.
Not that he enjoyed it that much, but more because It was so tempting, that made him forget about all doubts and much about the outside world.
When with the gang, it will spend less time there, which Is understandable, since they will travel in many places.
If there isn't that place, it would panic, and decide to kick themselves out of everyone else. Hoping It can resolve this by itself. Most of the time, he forcefully does so, but there are times when only crying could help.
HE'S THE DEFINITION OF AN HUGGY BEAR OF COURSE HE'D LIKE THEM!! Litteraly anything physical related, as long as It ain't sexual, Is absolutely great for him. He himself does to others some surprise hugs, even tho to the only ones he's close to. And Ruri too naturally. I miss adding the boys to shit so here, Ruri finnaly has been mentioned.
He'd give the world n beyond to anyone if they'd want to, he's doing his besttt💜💜
Abldkdkaldk as with the other Shou's asks, I'll try😭😭
"Such classyness and worth, in yet such a rough body. The flowing beauty, with a fierce spirit, easly feedable. Through compentent fights. Hands, as though used, were pleasing to look at. And understandably warm. With such soft eyes, you could almost be lost in them. The liliac, almost ethereal lights did help, too. Such, inky and flowing hair made me remember of one of a lion."
1- His design obviously. I just, really love It, and might be my fave overall, even if I really like Rui's and Myst's quite a lot too. His hair Is something that just makes me go brrrrr.
2- His development, even more than personality. I know I didn't use this as much, but I love how he goes from a shady, "villain", trying to murder Lyva and Rui out of jelousy and rage, to a far more understanding, and trying for the redemption he never knew he needed, until he met Qiran. Which Is why Id like to Say that, of he didn't meet him, he would've become more and more villanous with time. He's not a villain, nor an hero, even now. He doesn't know that too. And that's something i really, rEALLY like in his character.
3- His past, and how he can't let go out of It, even if that severly hurt him. But he couldn't understand that, even until now he doesn't. He still portrays his mother as someone who didn't deserve such pain, completely ignoring and not understanding how that still hurt him.
4- His wording abilities. Most times he's so sneaky, and even oddly teasing, in subdule ways, as if that could help him, in any way. No matter if it's morally wrong or right, if that's what he belives in, that's his decision. Will he regret It? Perhaps. But that's a risk he knowingly always takes. Even if that would mean doing the same for Qiran.
A big 7.5. Ya can't convince me otherwise. The reason why I'm not giving them an 8 Is because of her,, moments. But even then, he's a big bimbo and i love him so fucking much toooo😩
Also id overall rate em an 8.5/9, Idk either. I think he's really great too, but probably goin for the 8.5.
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