#plus i have a severe weakness for father figures and if york/zach became that for her? i would have exploded /positive
the whole thing about york and zach not being a system is so stupid, i think dp1 is at its best when its just about the cycle of trauma and york and zach being forced to prevail- me and my friends watched dp2 and i hated how much it pushed for the magical side being 100% real. dp2 sucks. but the skateboarding was real
LITERALLY !!!!! like they so had something in dp1 with the cycle of trauma and like an actual story that had themes and meant something and everything but then dp2. ugh . like the directors cut for some reason hinted that york wasnt human but then it was fully made canon in dp2 where . it just went off the rails GOD i completely forgot abt all the stuff with emily in dp2 as well -_- can you tell i try to just skip through the old man zach segments as quickly as possible...
i just hate what they did with him... not only the fact that all his stuff directly is like oh hes got some magical force with him still but also hes sooooo . York. which like of course zach is going to have like some parts of him that are similar to york but its like they forgot they were separate characters, which you get a bit of a taste of at the end of dp1 (main reason i want that conversations page back, you can really see zachs personality as hes saying goodbye to everyone !! hes so much softer spoken and polite and wayyy less optimistic than york is ! not to mention the VA for york and zach literally sounds different than when hes doing yorks voice) and it just makes no sense not to take that taste and expand upon it
so much of dp2 sucks to me like all of its retcons for the service of lackluster substitutions but you are literally so right... the skateboarding was SO real... me and my friend would just have that on the bg as we talked so we had smth to watch and do with our hands and it was sooo fun especially with how much you can BREAK the game that way (if you ollie off of certain curbs you can launch yourself onto buildings and out of bounds!!! LITERALLY SO FUN TO DO)
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