#plus leonidas isn't canon
sentient-stove · 8 months
Fuck it,
A non-comprehensive- and better- list of names containing the root word Leo that are better than what the wiki says for Leo Valdez. Because Leonidas is stupid. (no offense[full offense]) (my credentials: i have over 56 percy jackson/heroes of olympus wips and am chronically allergic to using the same name for leo more than a few times. plus leo is my oc)
-Leonidas. The og, the one that everyone seems to think is the canon name. If it was, why didn't Hera or a monster or Gaea never call him it? Anyway, the first Leonidas was a king of Sparta and claimed to be related to Hercules. The modern Leonidas is a chocolate brand.
-Leoni. Just means lioness. It's a female name (a few on this list are) but it still gets the job done of being a longer Leo name but still unique.
-Leocadius. Bright, shining. If you're looking for something vaguely greek-y, this is usually what I go for ngl. Sounds cooler than Leonidas anyway.
-Galileo. Famous inventor/astronomer. Also the only name on this list that doesn't start with Leo, but instead has the name at the end. Does this ruin the lion motif? Maybe! Do I care? No!
-Leora. Compassion, light. Also a more female leaning name, but look me in the eyes and tell me you won't write trans Leo with him just making his birth name more masc, you won't. Or transfemme Leo lengthening her name to Leora.
-León. Meaning lion. Spanish/French/Italian origins. There's a guy on TikTok that calls Leo León exclusively instead of Leonidas. I've had him blocked for months cause I don't like his content but he did have a valid point not calling Leo Leonidas.
-Leota. 'Of the people.' German roots and origins. (I'm actually using this for an au rn where Leo's an oracle/seer lol. Cause, cause... get it? Nevermind.)
-Leonardo. Another famous inventor/astronomer. Need I say more? Also don't tell me Esperanza wouldn't name her baby after an inventor.
-Leonora. Another name meaning light/brightness. You'll notice that Leo can either mean lion/lioness or light. Which I think is fitting for someone who burns so brightly as Leo Valdez.
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