#plus the last two episodes have been literal roller coaster rides
isoobie · 1 month
queen of tears aka the most gut wrenching show
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Tribal went great! Well, for me anyways. DAISY was voted out, much to her surprise and anger. Honestly though, if you ask someone you've barely talked to all game to vote out their closest ally, don't be surprised when they don't vote with you.
Immediately after tribal, Josh messaged me and gave me a speech as to why I should vote with him moving forward. It's an interesting thing to consider.
Are Sam and Ned truly the threats people are making them out to be? I don't know. Am I willing to risk it? Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see how things turn out going forward
Ned won immunity. I would have definitely preferred to win it myself but oh well.
Josh has given me some pretty good reasoning to flip over to him, and with Carsons help, vote out Sam.
This decision breaks my heart because I love Sam. She's just awesome and I've had so much fun playing this game with her. But she's also a huge threat. Josh and Carson aren't threats and would not be able to win, unless the jury was super bitter.
I don't know if I'll vote Sam, I have a lot to think about.
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I kept meaning to do a confessional before last tribal but I forgot. I did however take the hosts on a roller coaster ride in my host chat so I'm gunna paste all of that here!
So earlier this week I was literally thinking to myself about how tame I've been during this game, like I haven't gone cracked super crazy bitch in my host chat or anything but I think I jinxed myself because now it's all coming at once and I am getting so paranoid and it's 2 in the morning and I can't sleep so obviously my mind is wandering and I have nothing better going on so I can't stop thinking about this game, but like I'm really hoping that Daisy and Ned aren't thinking about flipping on me, if anyone wanted to make a move against me they would need to run it by Ned or Daisy, I mean I guess they could pull Josh in for a tie but I'm pretty sure that Josh would tell Daisy so tomorrow I'm putting operation "save my ass even if I'm just a paranoid bitch and it's not really on the line" into effect, so I'm gunna talk to Daisy and she strikes me as the emotional player so I'm gunna pull on her heart strings and play up the whole "Logan brought us together they'd be so proud to see we all made it to the end together" blah blah blah, and I'm gunna try to talk to Carson a little more, and hope that Keegan will have responded to me by the time I wake up then I'll just keep reinforcing the whole Ned and I going to the end together thing. I'm really hoping that I'm just getting paranoid because frankly if I were in any of their positions I would totally take me out but I don't know maybe they won't, but let's be real I am the 6th place queen of one series why not start that trend in another?
Tomorrow I just need to be a social butterfly but not too social and make sure that no one wants to cut me right now because I would be so upset and I would let everyone who drafted me down But if I do get a hint of anything shady I still have the idol and I can play it and put everyone at risk
[2/27/2017 12:35:17 PM] Keegan: So, Daisy came to me last night saying she wanted to vote you out
[2/27/2017 12:49:59 PM] Drewbert: Before you sits a magic lamp on a table. You rub the lamp and a genie comes out and holds its hands out to you, silently telling you to pick one. Which would you like?
[2/27/2017 12:52:02 PM] Sam: left
but I'm happy Ned found the idol because Ned having it is like me having it
[2/27/2017 12:55:00 PM] Keegan: Alright, so I didn't actually plan on telling anyone this until I used it, but I have an advantage that gives me an extra vote
So during all of this Ned, Keegan, and I made a new alliance chat and decided that we would take out Daisy with Keegan's extra vote. It turns out that we didn't even need the extra vote though because like damn Daisy didn't think her plan through. She decided that Josh, Keegan, and her would all vote for me, Ned and I would vote for Carson and she would leave Carson out and vote for Josh. Even if she got Josh and Keegan to vote for me, Ned and I were probably going to try to flip the vote on Josh anyways so like oops we would have tied probably. But she was already acting sketchy like oops saw right through her. The vote did work out in our favorite but Carson was left out of the vote again fhsdlfkjsd I need to work on my relationship with him because honestly I think I'm going to need it. I think next time I'm really going to need to win immunity because if Carson and Keegan talk Ned and I may be in trouble. And I know that Ned could probably beat anyone left in the game in a challenge but like I really want to win the immunity because that would be better for him if it goes to firemaking.
I'm really hoping that Ned passes me his idol for me to play on myself instead of him playing it on me because that could be bad for us at F4 if people think we're an obvious F2. We're most likely voting out Josh tonight and then Ned wants Keegan next. I love Keegan and I really don't want him to go but Ned thinks that we need to bring Carson as a goat. I don't really believe in bringing goats to the end. It's unfair to all of the people who actually played hard and the fact that we have 2 in the final 5 is just sad. But at the same time I'm the one who took out all of these good players ahflksfd oops. But I really think that I could win against Keegan because I really have played a great game. I really DID THAT this whole game. Plus I think that Keegan would be so mad if he literally saved me and then I just got rid of him right before the finals. Because I am just assuming it's going to be a final 3. No one has speculated anything else besides Drew who has mentioned "how many seats will there be?" but I also know that Drew has said before about seasons that if the hosts are the one hyping up the possibility of a final 2 and trying to cause paranoia it's probably because it's going to be a final 3 and they just wanna see what drama they can start. So that could really be it. I guess we'll see after tonight. If it's a final 3 then we'll get ROP tonight so I really hope we do. But also I'm going away this weekend and I'm really afraid that I'm not gunna have time to do the FIC. I really really need to win that because I've done too much this season to risk losing it all at firemaking. Especially if firemaking is an endurance challenge and I have to go up against Keegan.
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So i may hav e just saved my ass tbh like i may have convinced keegan to vote out sam so wooooohooo go me! i hope this somewhat proves i can stand on my own two feet
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Oh yeah, I found an idol. I'm going to give it to Sam and she'll play it on herself, and I'm already immune, so we're guaranteed to get through this round. We're voting out Josh because he's got Daisy's vote in the end, and we think we may be able to work with Carson if we new to.
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I'm a snake and an awful person and I don't deserve to win.
I'm sorry Sam.
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why are the people here so crazy?
like.... i have no idea where i stand the fuck
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WOOOOO I LOVE NED!! I've been so paranoid all of a sudden! I feel like something is happening tonight but I don't know what and I'm so glad that I have this idol for this protection! I know owe my life to both Keegan AND Ned so like whew we'll see how this goes! I don't know exactly what is going to happen tonight but I know that it won't be me and it won't be Ned and that's all I really care about.
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Okay I feel like I haven't even done a real confessional all season but I haven't had too much going on this whole game until now. I've been in a few alliances but every vote I've been part of has been a unanimous vote (even my poor Coffey cakes :( <3) then Logan quit last vote right as it was about to get messy. So basically right now Ned and I seem to be at the center of this tribe. He's my number one right now for the most part. I trust Ned 100% and I'm pretty sure the feelings mutual. We've both mentioned how we're each others number ones and stuff but I also adore Keegan. I seem to tell him a lot of stuff without even thinking about it and he could also be my potential number but I don't know where his head is at in terms of that. I think he trusts me since he told me about Darian's idol before Darian did and some other stuff that happened but like I don't think I would be his number one.
Okay so anyways! I'm in this alliance with Daisy, Ned, Josh, and Sara. Logan was there, too but they quit (which sucked because I love Logan and am literally only in this alliance because I adore Logan). And we came up with a plan to vote out Darian but he found out and was gunna play his idol. Then we decided that Carson would be the back up plan but then Carson found about that, too. After Logan quit, Daisy came to me telling me how she thinks that Sara is the one who leaked the info to Darian and Carson. Now let me tell you, I actually laughed so hard because I know for a fact that Sara gives approximately negative 12 shits about this game and I've seen her say that the only reason she won't quit is because she doesn't want to leave me, Ned, and Daisy alone. But obviously I didn't say anything because it was actually Ned and I leaking all of the info but now us three have our own separate alliance that we're part of that I actually really like.
So then Ned and I are over on the old Andaman alliance which I like because I love Keegan but I don't care about Darian or Carson honestly. But I want to keep Keegan safe and the best way to do that is just to keep that whole alliance safe. That's really hard because Darian is honestly one of the hardest people to work with. He can be a really nice guy sometimes and I think sometimes he means well but like I could tell him he has to pay me every time it snows and Maine and I'd probably be a billionaire. He literally believes everything everyone tells him. He thought that Daisy was going to flip and vote for Logan and he thought that Logan was going to vote for Daisy. Even AFTER I told him that I thought those two were really close and that they were basically best friends on Nicobar. But like of course he didn't believe it, he just told me that Daisy was on the bottom and desperate. Like no why believe someone who has been on a tribe with them and actually observed their behavior when you could just take the word of someone you've literally just met? Sounds about right to me (eye roll emoji).
But for this next vote as long as Alex doesn't win I think he's gone because frankly who is he? Like the first night we merged I tried to talk to him and he just said "hey its been a long day I'm heading to bed but we'll talk later" and then proceeded to talk in the tribe chat so that right there makes me not want to talk to him again so I didn't. And he hasn't reached out to me at all so like whatever. Him going is the best possible scenario for me especially since it could break up anything Keegan and Darian have. I don't know how close they actually are but he does agree that Darian's gullible and says stupid things sometimes. I think that he would eventually want him out because he could be bad for our games. So yeah if Alex doesn't win Daisy, Ned, and I are going to get Keegan to vote with us which he's on board with even after I told him that Darian isn't too hot on the idea. Apparently Alex doesn't like Keegan so I think that's why he wants him out so bad. I want him gone because Alex is the only person I'm not aligned with. But yeah so if Ned, Daisy, Keegan, and I vote for Alex, Darian, Carson, and possibly Alex all vote together (probably for Daisy), then Sara and Josh vote for Darian then it'll be a 4-3-2 for Alex and it'll be awesome. I do think that I'll go to Sara last minute and say 'hey Daisy wanted to leave you out of the plan because she thinks you're spilling stuff to Darian but you should vote for Alex' so I can get Sara on my side. But this whole plan is contingent on Alex not winning immunity so if he wins again I'm gunna scream. I'm also gunna cry and laugh because how can he know the answers to any of this if he literally doesn't talk to anyone?
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Well, the reward was given out to someone from the other alliance so that's nice! But luckily Logan walked so we didn't have to have that messy af tribal. I still don't trust daisy after her lying to my face!
How dumb do these people think I am. I might have been messy as FUCK before but after immersing myself into multiple games I'm here to play for real. There is only 9 people left and I'm still sitting pretty with a damn idol from DAY ONE! Ok soooo this is my game to lose. Let's see if I can ride this thing to the end
Ok ok ok ok
So remember how day one I found an idol. Well I've kept it in my little pocket all this time. And now I've still got it. AND THE MERGE IDOL!!!! That's right baby two idols!!! This is going to be lit
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We just did Touchy Subjects, and I got some pretty good results. People voted me as "too nice to play this game" and the person they'd most want to take on a romantic date, which tells me two things: everyone likes me, and everyone underestimates me. Perfect. That's exactly where I want to be. I've been in a season where I voted out my #1 ally and won every immunity until the end, sweeping the jury. If these people knew how I played, they would have gotten rid of me before we even swapped. Buckle up, everyone- this roller coaster is about to take off.
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Touchy Subjects was just as fun as I expected it to be. The only answer I was majority for was "Playing for second". If that's how people perceive me, awesome. I'm not a major threat to win and it seems likely people will want to take me to the end as a goat. Jokes on them, I'm way more than that.
Apparently Alex won the reward though, which gives him an advantage that lets him challenge someone for their spot in the game if he's voted out. I'm sorry but that's ridiculous and unfair.
That also throws a wrench into our plan of voting him out. So now the votes are shifting onto Josh and Sara. I guess.
We might have to keep Alex until the F4, which means two of the OG Andaman crew aren't making the F4. That sucks.
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god daisy's fake ass gets on my nerve so much and i want her gone but! i'm just gonna go with the flow rn bc i'm on vacation
Also @Daisy why do u put me as the fakest and the one who mistakenly thinks they're running the game when youre the one who lied to my face and spread my name last round?
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[6:44:09 PM] Drewbert: what you think might happen tonight
[6:45:06 PM] Daisy Sheps: um well we're hoping to blindside alex by getting keegan to flip and vote w us, but we think alex might have an advantage that could save him so its a risky move
[6:45:27 PM] Drewbert: what's the advantage?
[6:45:50 PM] Daisy Sheps: the ability to challenge someone else if you get voted out and have them take your place
[6:46:23 PM] Drewbert: if you think he has it and he uses it, who do you think he would use it on?
[6:47:42 PM] Daisy Sheps: we're hoping its josh and it would make sense if its josh because he flipped and hes not v strong in challenges, but I think it might be me since I'm directly on the other side and I'm not super strong in challenges either
[6:48:22 PM] Drewbert: do you think it's worth the risk?
[6:48:57 PM] Daisy Sheps: i think it is. we're not even 100% sure he has it, and i think it'll be riskier if we wait bc then there'll be less of us for him to pick from
[6:49:18 PM] Daisy Sheps: plus he could just keep going and getting immunity after this so this is the best plan
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So the plan for tonight is Sam, Ned, Daisy and myself all vote for Alexander. If he uses his crazy advantage, it's better for it to be gone now than played later in the game where it can make a bigger difference. If he was lying or doesn't play it, he goes and everything is peachy keen.
The downside of this plan is that we're bringing Daisy in and pushing out Darian and Carson. We'll have to work out some major damage control if the plan goes smoothly.
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Okay so the vote tonight might be Alex but I'm spooked it's gonna be me like bye no one really talked to me so I'm like hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm but oh well we will see wat happens
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Daily reminder that I can't believe I'm still here. Anyways tag yourself im Darian thinking I'm with daisy and daisy thinking I'm with Darian.
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Okay, so this round didn't really seem as a shock with the Touchy Subject, I knew I'd feel like I'm pretty out of the loop (because spoiler I am)
Darian told me he has the idol and I'm like 100% okay with that and working with him. I'll let him think I wanna work with him to the F3 and then boot his ass for being a threat, not gonna lie.
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I'm so nervous for tonight's tribal. Alex didn't win which is awesome so we set our plan into motion. Keegan is on board with voting Alex with Ned, Daisy, and I. I told Sara and told her how everyone thinks she's on the other side and wants to leave her out of the loop but I wanted to make sure she knew the vote was for Alex. Hopefully that doesn't bite me in the butt but whatever. The thing that could screw me over though is ALEX'S DUMB ASS ADVANTAGE!!! Apparently he has some advantage that gives him the ability to challenge someone for their spot if he's voted out. That's like some big brother round trip ticket shit which sucks. I know it's a little different because he has to challenge someone but STILL! I'm afraid that he's gunna challenge me just based on the touchy subjects results (which totally outed me as running the game and as the person people want to win if they can't and other ones like that which is nice but damn please don't expose me). Plus Darian might be mad when we voted out Alex so he might tell Alex to challenge one of us. When we first found out we thought about changing our votes to Josh but Daisy doesn't want to. She obviously thinks that he's in her pocket which may be true? Darian says that Josh is voting for Daisy but we'll see when the votes come out. If there is more than one for Daisy it'll be from Josh and we'll know he's a #fake. She made the argument that it may be better to vote for Alex now while there are more people he can challenge like Sara and Josh who aren't as active or good in challenges which actually does make sense. I talked to Keegan about it and he agreed that it would make the most sense that way, too. But something about this whole plan seems to easy and it's making me so nervous. Not easy in the "I know this is all going to work out" type of way but the "we got all of the votes together despite the fact that we know an advantage is probably going to be played" way and that doesn't make sense to me. I feel like something went terribly wrong and I'm about to be voted out. So I just wanted to get one last confessional in if I'm right just say a big fuck you to everyone who flipped on me. But if I'm just being paranoid then fuck you Alex for your stupid advantage. And if I'm wrong about the advantage, too then oops fuck me for being so rude huh?
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Our plan went flawlessly. Alex was voted out and used his advantage to challenge Sara, who was not in any major alliance. If he wins, he'll be back in the game, still on the bottom. And he's pissed at Darian for telling me about the advantage. So he'll be out for blood if he makes it back in the game.
This is good and bad for me though. Good because going forward, Daisy and Josh now want to work with me, Sam and Ned. I've got options out the wazoo. But I'm pretty sure I lost Darian as any sort of ally or friend. And if I make it to FTC and he doesn't, I'm unlikely to get his vote.
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