#plushie: Honey Graham
plushie-lovey · 7 months
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Thought some of my plushies were looking pretty in the light of dawn
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Nabisco #HoneyMaid #NabiscoHoneyMaidGrahamCrackers #FlavoredGrahamCrackersReview
This is part 2 of the Nabisco Honey Maid Graham Crackers and these are the rest of the images.
Part 1
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr
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hoshi-neko-hikari · 4 years
New Muse
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Meet Anzu Kuma.
She’s a 3 year old baby bear cub. Her birthday is July 24th
She’s very sweet and kind, but tries to look intimidating to strangers. It ends up failing because everyone sees her as a tiny teddy bear.
Her favorite plushie is a kangaroo named Hoppy
Her favorite animals are wolves, bunnies, pandas, kangaroos, hippos, and raccoons.
Her favorite tv shows are blues clues, pooh bear, and bear and the big blue house.
Her favorite foods are berries, apricots, peaches, cream puffs, honey nut cheerios, honey graham teddy bear crackers, peanut butter and nutella sandwiches, and meat.
She’s a big cuddler and very clingy to those she loves.
Feel free to interact with her or send her asks
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thetwojamies · 6 years
The Doplhin House
This is based on a friend's cute childhood story. No actual idea if there are dolphins at Edinburgh's Zoo, so it's based it in the zoo the real story happened (Madrid, Spain). Even the names of the dolphins are based on the ones there were back then (mid 1990s)
Spring had arrived at Edinburgh and the Frasers had decided that a visit to the Zoo was exactly the right thing to do, a last family outing before the new baby, due in three weeks, arrived.
The wee Fraser sisters adored to go to see the animals. Faith adored the giraffes and the penguins while Brianna loved the bears and her mother's uncanny ability of make them wave in exchange of pieces of honeyed bread they sold in the place.
'Ye're a witch Sassenach, ' Jamie joked with her wife after the third group of tourists asked Claire to use her magic on the bears in order to take a better photo. 'They love ye more than their keepers.'
'They doing it for the food, Jamie.' Claire answered her husband, 'There's nothing else in it. They want food, they answer to get it.'
'Always the scientific mind, a ghraidh.' Jamie said, while taking Brianna from her m other's arms, 'we prefer magic, isna it, Bree?'
But there was something amiss, Faith, who had inherited her mother's glass face, seemed not enjoying the day out as much as the rest of the family. They were walking to the Dolphin House to watch their show when Claire had the need to use the toilets and send her family to get nice seats instead of wait at the door. Once in the Dolphin House, still empty, as the show wouldn't start in another 20 minutes, Jamie decided it was a good moment to ask Faith what seemed to be worrying her.
''Tis everything OK, mo chridhe?'
'Aye, Da' She sighed.
'I ken 'tis no,' He answered his daughter, 'ye ken ye can tell us whatever it worries ye, Faith.'
''Tis just...' Faith started to said but shrugged, Jamie held his four years old daughter tighter to encourage her to talk, 'if the new baby is a lad, are ye goin' to stop lovin' us?'
'What?' Jamie said, surprised by the question, 'what makes ye thing such a nonsense.'
'Graham for school told me that if the new baby is a lad ye'll stop lovin' Bree and me because Das only like boys, like his Da loves him more than his sister.' Faith explained to Jamie, tears almost coming from her eyes.
'Faith, that's no true, whatever the new baby is, I'm no goin' to love ye and yer sister any less.' Jamie told Faith as he made her sit ion his lap. 'Do ye think Grandda Brian loves Aunt Jenny less because he has me and yer uncles?' Faith nodded. 'Or Uncle Willie loves Sophie less or Uncle Ian, Maggie and Kitty, because they also have the lads? Faith, Das love all their children the same whatever they are, and if they dinna, then they're wrong. Now, can I have a wee smile from ye, ye love dolphins.' Faith smiled and Jamie's heart lighted up.
'Excuse me.' A female voice called for them. 'I'm Sarah, the dolphins' keeper, 'I dinna ken if ye ken this, but we ask for a young spectator to come with us to participate on the show. We use to ask the first bairn in come and ye're the first today. Would this wee lady interested in meet the dolphins in person?'
'What do ye say Faith? Do ye want to be on the show?' Faith nodded gleefully and the keeper told them to wait for her signal and walk to the stage on the other side of the dolphins pool.
'Whatever the baby is I can assure you that it has future as a professional footballer.' Claire told her family as she rejoined them at the Dolphin House. 'It's been using my bladder as a football for the whole day.'
'Mam, mam, I'm goin' to meet the dolphins.' A excited Faith run to her. 'Like, for real.'
'Aye, our wee lass has landed a role on the dolphins' show.' Jamie told Claire proudly.
'Oh, that's wonderful, Faith.' Claire said to Faith.
Little by little the theatre at the Dolphin House filled up, five minutes before the scheduled time for the show, the keeper came for Faith, Jamie following them to film the show from a side of the stage, while Claire and Bree stayed sit at their second row sits.
'Good afternoon Dolphin lovers!' Said the male keeper receiving a moderate response form the public 'A wee bit more of energy would be nice. Let's try again. Good afternoon Dolphin lovers!' This time the response was louder. 'Good. I'm Keeper Duncan, me and Keeper Sarah are yer hosts today, but before we started, we need to introduce ye to our special assistant for today. There's Keeper Sarah with her.' He said as Faith and the keeper walked on stage, Claire tried to keep Bree as alert as she could on her sister. 'Tell us yer name, wee lady.' He said to Faith.
She shrugged a bit due to full theatre before her but after Jamie made her a signal from the side she finally answered 'My name is Faith.'
'Faith, that's a bonny name,' Duncan said to her, 'Whom ye've come here today?'
'My Da, my Mam and my sister Bree.' Faith answered.
'Ye're a lovely family. ' Keeper Duncan said, 'Everyone say hi to Faith and her family.' The audience cheered again.
'One moment, that's not correct.' Keeper Sarah said to his partner. 'If ye are Keeper Duncan and I am Keeper Sarah, she canna be just plain Faith, she must be Keeper Faith.' The lady went to retrieve a badge from one of her pockets to place it on Faith's flowery dress. 'Now is good. Are ye ready to meet the dolphins?' Faith nodded as the people cheered again, louder than ever. The door separating the inner and the outer pools opened, letting the dolphins to come out, jumping and twirling on the water before place themselves on a tidy line before Faith and the keepers.
'Let me introduce ye to our starts,' Keeper Sarah said, 'Ye're free to pet them if ye want Keeper Faith, but carefully.' Faith nodded and got closer to them. 'These are our sisters dolphins, Mary, Lissy and Wallina.' The dolphins made happy noises and splash their tails on the water as the keeper introduce them to Faith and the audience. 'And this is our male, Triton.' Instead of splash his tail on the water, the male dolphin jumped to give Faith a quick peck on the cheek, making Faith laugh. 'Oh, ye, Triton, cheeky lad.' The keeper told him as Triton the Dolphin made laugh like noise.
The keepers taught Faith how to make the dolphins do their tricks with a baton and a whistle, played with them a ball game, let them drive her on a small boat around the pool and directed them on a peculiar version of the Skye Boat Song. At the end of the show, the keepers gifted her with a dolphin plushie almost as big as her before return to Jamie, and then to Claire and Bree at the Dolphin House exit.
'Have ye filmed all of it, Da? Faith asked to her father.
'I didna miss a second of it.' Jamie answered Faith.
'You were fantastic Faith, everyone loved you.' Claire said.
'Can we go to Aunt Jenny's house today?' Faith asked her parents 'I want to tell Maggie and Kitty. And show them my dolphin.'
'Let me ask Aunt Jenny first,' Jamie said as they walked to the Zoo's way out, 'but I canna see why no'. But ye have to think a good name for yer dolphin before ye show it to yer cousins.'
'Triton!' Faith surely said 'His name is Triton!'
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latiibule · 7 years
Aesthetic of the Main Muses
Caleb John Norwood Dusty boxes of bittersweet memories you're not sure you should open. City skylines. Muscles twitching in desire to touch someone or something. The heartache that comes from wanting. Strings of mini lanterns. That spark of passion in your heart. Being enveloped with warmth and love through hugs. Late night conversations. The feeling of drinking something warm in the cold days. Having a lollipop in your mouth. A weight of victory settled into your mind and heart after winning a gaming competition. Hands lovingly rubbing against a dog’s furs. Flannel shirts. Pillow and blanket forts. Neon lights. Shades of blue in paints. Stars and planets drawn in various coloured pens on wrists and arms. Paper airplanes.  An arrow pierced into a tree from a bow. Holding in tears while smiling. Playing a dangerous game of curiosity in a causal manner. The “what ifs....” Lazy grins adorn on features. A mind resembling as a cloud that never stops pouring thoughts. Disney movie marathons. A drawer full of colourful bowties. A golden pocket watch. Running until you run out of breath. Laughing so hard that your stomach hurts. That feeling of five seconds, everything slows down around you. Wearing upper clothes from your friends’ whose size are bigger than yours. Crazy mismatched socks. Pins on your backpack. Giggle between kisses. Smelling the burning woods at dusk. Sending memes to your friend at 3 in the morning. Early morning in the woods. Splashing in rain puddles. Freshly baked cookies. Counting stars to your sleep. Crying alone on your bed late at night. Random acts of kindness. The reminder that everything gets better in the end.
Valerius Schatz Water slowly wearing down a cliff face. Working to the point of exhaustion with a hand between your shoulder blades to keep you standing. The feeling of droplets against your skin. Your lungs filled with burning salt waters. Sculptures of Greek and Roman mans in a historical museum. Mind surrounded in heavy and thick mists. Standing at top of a waterfall and feel your own blood soaring in your ears along with the rushing waters and winds. Seeing your breath in the cold. Pair of feet inserted into a big pile of sands. Driving with the windows down. The smell of salt and sweats on your body. Falling asleep to the sounds of an ocean. Being fluent in speaking English and Sarcasm.  Foggy mornings.
Rhys Theodore Graham The freedom that comes from standing on top of a cliff. That drop in your stomach when you swing too high. Getting lost on purpose. Fully stamped passports. Fuzzy socks that keeps your feet warm. Written notes and doodles on a leather notebook. Eyes widening. Spending hours on researches. Oversized hoodies. Jars full of money. Forgetting about your surroundings. Ferris wheels. Cuddling with your partner on a bed at a cold, rainy day. Airports. Window seats. Train rides. Coming up with theories and conspiracies. Playing with your ukulele. Soft pillows, thick blankets. Exploring abandoned places.
Florence Ruby Lyall The smell of soils and seas. Gently brushing your hand against the grasses. Sleeping with the bones of a rabbit. Trees and grounds carved with a knife as to mark your territory. Flower crown being resembled as a halo on your head. Your cold skin being covered in vines and dirts. Nurturing a newborn baby. Teeth bared of the Alpha in a wolf pack. Thunderstorms clashing and rumbling in a human’s screams and shouts. Each word are coated with thick honey as they are stitched in silver serenity. First few days of spring. Wild flowers that grows at your backyard. Slight breezes that sways tall grasses. Comfortable silence. Relaxing on the top of a hill. Wind blowing through your hair.
Tobias Buckley Having that dumb grin after telling puns or jokes before hearing the groans. A clear, glowing path heading to heaven.
Alfred Sieger Trying to set equality between both sides. A parental figure who wishes happiness and safety to people. Stacks of  paper works on a table. Organization  list of plans and ideas. Always seeks justice in every circumstances. Office rooms. Brand new sets of pens. Scales. Having debates. Calligraphy. Peace signs.
Ferdinand Pax Gutermuth The pressure in your chest and mind from controlling the reality under your hands. The smell of newly paper printed books. Finger pads against the edges of paper books. Fingers pressing against keyboards. Plastic bags full of sweets.
Sigrid Pace Forsberg Surrounded in artworks and sculptures at an art museum. Shelters decorated with various of cactus pots. Hanging plants in rooms. Paints used on skins to express that there shall be wars coming from you. A glass cup of red paint mixed with blood. Fingers and hands strained from putting pressure on them for too long. Eye bags. Floral patterns. Walking barefoot on grasses as night falls. Messy Art studios.
Dianora Piccoli Silver glitters displayed underneath your eyes. Making your hair look perfect. A wardrobe full of outfits and dresses. Fairy lights. Scented candles.
Jaxon Parker Movie posters. Writing newsletters. Mind forever running with ideas and imaginations. Sharp teeth and nails pressing into a human’s flesh. A tang of blood in your mouth, but recalls no memories behind it. Sounds of clicking from a typewriter. Live performances. Musical theatres. Carrying a camera with you. Face masks.
Killian Having your back against a wall at an alley during night. A collection of various knives displaying on a wooden table. Scars covering the shoulders to back. Bruised knuckles bleeding as blood runs over hands. The strange exhilaration of being cornered. Lying in the middle of an empty street.
Bernard The weight of a world setting on your shoulder blades after a long day of work. The sounds of swords and shields hitting each other.
Timothy Norwood-Graham Playing at a playground during summer. A bed covered with animal and merchandise plushies. A castle made out of legos. Blowing bubbles. Haunted houses. Swirled icecreams with rainbow sprinkles on top. The happy laughters of little children. Charm bracelets. Shy smiles.
Kathleen Animal shelters. Medical equipments. Medic sign. Knitted scarves.
Kellie Feet pressing firmly against wooden surfaces. A glass beer bottle full of sands and small rocks.
Eidottnawi John Norwood The statics you start to hear in your head after being in the silence too long. Blood stained suits and ties. Feeling you're being watched but no one is where you are. Planets being pulled apart from the black holes. The time in digital clock, 11:34. Seeing the world in black and white. Seeing a reflection of yourself; copying your movements, staring at you, mocking you. The voices of those who you most loved and hated. A parasite located in your brain. Dread runs slow and heavy through your veins from standing in the complete darkness. Bullethole located at the center of head. A shattered clock.
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Walmart #WalmartGreatValueHoneyGrahamCrackers #StoreBrandHoneyGrahamCrackersReview
This part 2 of the Walmart Great Value Honey Graham Crackers and this is the rest of the images.
Part 1.
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr
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