#pmdhk au
psi-kings-sensorium 3 years
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More pmdhk au stuff. This time starring mostly Hornet, ideas for Ghost, Markoth, and Beach Party! And 1 (one) Grovyle.
First time drawing a couple of these pok茅mon so it was. difficult.
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What is Quirrel in the PMD au I need to know right meow please it鈥檚 urgent
Quirrel is an oshawott! I have a drawing, but it is a little old.
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I do need to update it because I didn't remember what oshawott faces look like and the legs need to be shorter, but this is what I got for now. Actually I'm gonna reblog this with a quick doodle, stay tuned.
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psi-kings-sensorium 3 years
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Hornets, but something isn鈥檛 right.
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hiii everyone, this post is relevant again because guess what my latest hyperfixation is. That鈥檚 right. Pok茅mon Mystery Dungeon.
I鈥檓 gonna try and keep this short until I reach the cut (which will go into spoiler territory so DNI if you haven鈥檛 played the game. PLEASE. it鈥檚 a really good game) but watch out for the incoming infodump!
This started because I kept making jokes about how Partner (a mudkip in my playthrough) was similar to Lemm because they kept talking about relics, and that Hero (a torchic in my playthrough) was similar to Quirrel because they lost their memory.
And then we kept going from there. Really the only major character we don鈥檛 have a role for is Dusknoir. We have no clue who will have his role. Anyway.
Quirrel: Hero, and he鈥檚 an oshawott
Lemm: Partner, and he鈥檚 a lillipup
Hornet: Grovyle, and she is a raboot (my choice) or a sneasal (my friend鈥檚 choice)
Ghost: Celebi probably, and they are a shiny phantump
Mato: Now, Mato is complicated because we changed the lore a bit. He鈥檚 the guild master, but he used to be one of three before Oro left the town completely and Sheo decided to focus more on painting so now he has to do this alone. No ideas for who Chatot is.
Monomon: Uxie, because fog. Also the rest of the dreamers are going to be those 3. However, there was another choice for Monomon. More on that later.
Herrah: Mesprit
Lurien: Azelf
Myla, Cloth, Tiso, Zote, Bretta, and maybe more: other guild members
And now, spoiler time!
The other choice I had for Monomon was Grovyle of course, since she and Quirrel would have known each other in the past. But ended up deciding on Hornet in the end, since the 3 dreamers as the ones guarding the time gears also worked.
And Dusknoir, I have no clue whose gonna have his role. He鈥檚 a complicated character. And I do not want to default to Lace again like with the Hollowsong AU. But yeah. I have no idea who. Even after playing special episode 5
I really like Hornet as Grovyle, even if she didn鈥檛 know Quirrel in the past in canon, I still think it works.
Also thinking about all the situations with some of these characters that happens in pmd... >:)
If anyone wants to add any more ideas or just talk about this, let me know!
Oh and for extra, Markoth is a shiny decidueye, Thistlewind is a dartrix, Myla is a shaymin, Marmu as a caterpie maybe?, Hive Knight as a beedrill, Vespa as a vespiquen (come on, it鈥檚 literally in the name), Tiso as a sandshrew (inside joke, other option is riolu), and that鈥檚 all I remember off the top of my head. I鈥檓 gonna take a look at the pok茅dex later.
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I popped in for two seconds from the discord and oh my god Team Skull but Grimm Troupe just fills me with joy.
Grimm really "chaw-haw-haw"ing it up here.
Okay but if they were Team Skull, I like to think that they aren't doing it for money or treasure, Grimm just wants to fuck with people and Quirrel and Lemm just happen to be those people. Like Grimm is probably gonna be a mythical so he's just messing with the guild for funsies.
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HELP its lemmquirrel lursday and the day is almost over
Alright, I'll use this oppurtunity to talk about LemmQuirrel then!
...but they're pokemon. That's right. It was a trick. I tricked you into hearing me talk about pmd again.
It's canon in the au for sure but they probably don't confess their feelings for each other until after the whole event is over because 1) they were busy saving the world and 2) do you really think Lemm would be the one to go first no way I think he'd die. And that would be if he even realizes Quirrel likes him I mean have you seen my earlier lemmquirrel posts.
Spoilers under the cut
After Quirrel comes back from being nonexistent and dead, Lemm is like "okay, i have thought about this during the time i was gone, i love quirrel and i need to tell him now that he's back, last time i never got the chance!" but he's too nervous to do anything. Despite having literally saved the planet with Quirrel, Lemm is still awkward about it.
But it's alright, because eventually one night while they're at Lemm's little house in Sharpedo Bluff, Lemm just sucks it up and tells Quirrel how he feels, and how he's so happy to have Quirrel with him, even if he doesn't return his feelings. But of course Quirrel does feel the same way so now they're dating.
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assuming that the pmdhk au is the pokemon thing, whos grimm in this outta curiousity?
He doesn't have too big of a role yet, but he is part of an exploration team with Brumm and Divine. I haven't decided on a pokemon for him yet, but I'm working on it. I'll get back to you about it.
Oh my god what if he was Team Skull.
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first off, sexy icon
second, i dont know anything about pmd or the au but tell me about lemm because <3
Anyway, you'll be pleased to learn that Lemm is one of the most important characters. He's partner! And he's going to be a lillipup.
He convinces Quirrel to join Mato's guild, and Quirrel becomes his closest and only friend. Before, Lemm was pretty closed off to everyone, only caring about solving the mystery of his strange relic fragment, but then Quirrel showed up and changed his life for the better!
PMD au Lemm has been through a lot by the way. Oh and also minor spoilers under the cut.
One thing I like is that in both this and actual hollow knight, Lemm is just some guy.
Quirrel and Hornet both are fixing the worlds problems and trying to complete their missions, and Lemm is just some guy- and in the au, he's some guy who gets caught up in Quirrel, Hornet, and Ghost's mission.
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i have no idea what the PMDHK au is but i deeply request for gay myla, so you may speak.
explain to me what exactly this au is.
~Archivist Anon
Well I do have a whole infodump that I typed up here, but it has MAJOR spoilers.
So here's the spoiler free version!
PMD stands for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon! In this au, Quirrel and Lemm have the role of Hero and Partner respectively, and are the main characters.
The general plot of the au is that Quirrel, an oshawott, wakes up on the beach with no memory except that of a name and that he used to be human. Lemm, a lillipup finds him, and together they form an exploration team!
So they join Mato's (probably a simisear OR one of the eeveelutions) guild, and meet all the other apprentices there, such as Tiso the sandshrew (its an inside joke), Cloth the growlithe(?), Myla the togedemaru (or drillbur), and some more I haven't decided yet like Zote and Bretta!
But someone is stealing time gears, a mysterious thing that keeps the world moving, and that pokemon is Hornet, a raboot. Quirrel, Lemm, and the rest of Mato's guild decide that along with the help of Lace, a braxien OR froslass, they'll catch her!
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what if zote took grovyle's place in the pmdhkh au
No gay Myla for you
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Honestly idgas of what the icon gets changed to (cause I don't usually mind a nice change), but for the sake of the folks of the server, what part in the pmdhk au do you like to think about? Like if you were listening to a song and a scene plays in your head, what scene of the au do you usually think of, if any?
Special episode five. I think about it a lot. Vague spoilers ahead.
Like. se5 with those 3 is such a good cast. I wish I could see it but I'd have to make all the content myself. I don't even know if Lace should be a braxien or a froslass!
But OUGH the ending with them is SO GOOD and also Hornet and Lace traveling together?
Yeah I think about se5 in the au a lot. Specifically the one where Hornet would be trapped between those ice crystals. Im trying to be as vague as possible. And she gives the speech. Yknow.
Anyway I also like to think of the scene where Quirrel and Lemm leave Temporal Tower or when Hornet leaves the party because haha ouch.
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does quirrel ever go to gay baby jail like most pmd protags
I've only finished 2 pmd games (im working on rt and gti) and I have a vague idea of what you're talking about but it is a guess.
The answer is yes, that thing at the end does happen.
And also yes, he goes to gay baby jail with Lemm when he gets ubered to to the future in chapter 14.
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what if. i infodumped about my pmdhk au again.
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I'll change the icon back to gay myla early if enough people ask me GOOD questions about the pmdhk au, or even make content for it.
This is a hostage situation.
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if fluke lurien was what got me to get posting again, then so be it.
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