sestina-reprise · 7 months
proudly and (by octobering flame
beckoned) as earth will downward climb,
so naked for immortal work
his shoulders marched against the dark
his sorrow was as true as bread:
no liar looked him in the head;
if every friend became his foe
he’d laugh and build a world with snow.
my father moved through dooms of love - e.e. cummings
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mollsmolls-blog-blog · 10 years
Tree Line
  We live above the tree line
If we stand tip toe we can Reach into the Milky Way and run our fingers Around the rim of that chocolate pot Others call the Black Hole
This night is made for walking Holding your hand having a crescent moon Laugh down on us
There are things flying around Even at this height where it should be So cold only ice and snow grow
Yet there is something evergreen About this love that I offer you
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loraulamber · 12 years
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I marked the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost
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