#poi 03x19: most likely to
themirokai · 1 year
POI 03x19: Most Likely To...
Ok, this one is pretty much for @spinner-sophie because she asked. 🥰 I'm doing this on desktop so apologies if the formatting is weird. (Yes I know that sounds odd. I almost exclusively use mobile.) I watched this episode a while ago at this point and GIF search is a disappointment but I did reblog a few things right after I watched and I have a few notes so here we go!
I generally hate mistaken identity plots with a fiery passion so the multiple women who thought Reese was this guy who had been awful to them had me squirming in my seat, and just a lot of the school reunion stuff was painfully awkward. BUT there was plenty that I really liked.
Case in point: tons of fantastic Reese & Shaw sibling dynamic. Mayhem Twins indeed. For example, flipping the coin for who went after the number.
And this unpacking scene!!
I really appreciated this moment:
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This was so great because we know that really not that long ago, if Shaw thought Harold was trying to punish her, she probably would have told him to go fuck himself and disappeared forever. But now she cares what Harold thinks! She's not happy about the idea but its more that she's remorseful that the number died! Love that evolution of their relationship.
I also really liked this Shaw moment. She's playing up the "I don't get it" thing. But she clearly gets it and she's calling them her friends.
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Speaking of evolving relationships... OMG give me all the Harold and Fusco!!
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Their odd couple vibe was SO GOOD in this episode. The per diem conversation! I love them both.
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And you need to go look at this whole gif set especially Harold's smile in the last one.
Finally, a word of appreciation for Evil Leslie Odom Jr.
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(Yes I know this GIF is from the wrong episode. I just really wanted one of him. 🤫)
I have a lot of appreciation for villains who have a very good point but take it too far. Plus... Leslie Odom Jr. is charismatic. And hot.
I overall liked this one! Thanks for the extra nudge to write it up, So!
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themirokai · 1 year
Watched POI 03x19: Most Likely To, tonight but my phone is currently opening tumblr links in Firefox and then sending me to download the app and the app gif search is not giving me what I want sooo episode reaction post may have to wait until I can do it on desktop. 🙄
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