#point at the commentetd and say
sapphic-woes ยท 1 year
Dude im going to be honest with you, some people may disagree but i think you actually write too fast ๐Ÿ˜… or maybe im too used to people taking longer to deliver things, bc i know sometimes people don't feel motivated or have yk a LIFE! but good god some people, I'm telling you dude, i can't speak for everyone but me, personally? Im grateful for what and when you share your writing with us, like i said before ignore the ones who apparently can't read about boundaries and just vibe with the rest. ๐Ÿ–ค
Uh I genuinely don't know why I write so fast, I think it's a mixture of just being the type to, having a fair amount of experience writing to formulate shit easier, and just, got a fair bit of time on my hands nowadays. So like, on one hand ik I jump from fandom to fandom posting a shitload all the time. I actually try to keep it cool but lmao. I'm just rlly fast for some reason??
Honestly that person annoyed me but ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฟโ€โ™€๏ธ I do be getting those comments often, no matter how fast I post or how often I say "haha plz don't no rlly it's not fun :(" so ik I gotta just ignore but;;; sue me I'm so hot headed lmao. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
And thanks for saying this frfr!!! Like, I write for myself, but it's SO fun to see a comment or ask just making commentary abt what I wrote. Like fuck you're having thoughts??? Abt my little words??? Huh??? So rlly the good outweighs the bad. I'll def keep going, just probs will lose my politeness Abt those comments every chapter lmao
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