sqvirtlesqvad · 6 years
( @poisonedpeaches )
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“Its called a thirst trap Instagram, Uncle Brody. I post that stuff then people view my page and I get sponsored. So I make money and get to help out mom, what’s wrong with that exactly?” Justice asked with a raised eyebrow. “I’m of age, you realize that right? Or do you just not think I should be allowed to show myself off?” she asked, taking a long sip from her glass of wine. “That’s misogynistic.” 
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atmcspheres · 7 years
( @poisonedpeaches )
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“Did father give you the requirement of five friends by Friday as well? Or was that just me? Kind of childish, if you ask me. No one makes that many friends that fast.”
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divxrgentx · 7 years
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candice was used to early mornings. ever since she had opened her own book store, and even more so since she had had children, she was always up before the rest of her family. it was her way of having some alone time to drink her coffee and read the paper. sitting at the bergman kitchen table, coffee in front of her and newspaper in hand, she lifted her eyes as her son came into the room. “morning, b. come to keep your favorite parent company?”
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diamondsinwine-blog · 7 years
( @poisonedpeaches​ )
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the brunette's throughly enjoying eating the popcorn she's basically stolen from her twin's cupboard. middway through her routinary run, she's stopped by unnanounced and entered without much of a knock, a simple twist of her wrist enough to unlock the door to make herself at home. despite her sibling's absence, she's comfortable enough to move as if the place was her own, and she's gone straight for a snack to regain much necessary energy, knowing the other wouldn't mind if she did while waiting for her arrival.
dead before admitting it out loud, with all the uncertainty surrounding their town since the incident (aka, humans being allowed in town, much to her dismay), marilyn tries to check up on her younger twin every now and then. with no other plans whatsoever, she just lays on the couch with her now half-full bowl of popcorn to await her sister's return, not much entertainment other than her thoughts of the upcoming halloween night. not much time goes by, only a third of the bowl left when she senses her presence nearby, and she's quick to welcome her at the sound of the door opening."welcome home rosemary," her tone amused, happily using another of her made up middle names. "you ran out of popcorn."
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disruptedlogic-blog · 7 years
i want a baby
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“i’m sorry..what did you just say?” nadia looked at the boy with a puzzled expression. school wasn’t even close to being over and she still had college to think about. “a baby...right now? we haven’t even been together that long. also i literally work at the bakery that is still alive and well because your aunt and uncle feel sorry for us. also i want to get out of this town when i finally turn eighteen and graduate. how in the hell are we supposed to do that with a child? i don’t want to raise a family in this hellhole where kids are still getting murdered left and right.” she sighed and smiled a little. “not that i wouldn’t want to have a baby with you...this is just not the right time. after graduation we can talk about this again, okay? just a little while longer.” 
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hxziersarchive · 7 years
       Though she had been camping year after year, being so disconnected from other people became increasingly more difficult as the need to stay in touch grew. As soon as they were back within the cell towers’ radius, her phone pinged! to life and a sigh of relief left her chest - though if her dad’s hands tightened on the steering wheel she opted not to notice. Stopping at the bookstore first, she leapt out of car with a well-worn book in hand. Pushing past the door, Kid waited for Brody to finish ringing up his guest before bounding up to the counter and sliding him a copy of UFOs: What the Government is Covering Up?.  “Long time no see Brodster, I hope you don’t have this one already, the silhouette reminded me of you because you’re like 500 feet tall.” She said with a grin, “I marked all my favorite bits with flowers for you.” // 🌻   @poisonedpeaches
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queen3lf · 13 years
check out my blog?
omg, your blog is stunning!
followed x
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sqvirtlesqvad · 6 years
( @poisonedpeaches )
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Josie took another sip from the bottle, before looking over at her brother in law drunkenly. “Brodmeister, how’s it goin’ buddy?” she said looking over to him, bottle sloshing in her hand. “How ya been? Life good?” she asked, as if she hadn’t just seen him hours earlier when she was sober. “I sure hope so. You got your husband and kids and you’re all happy and shit. I wish me and my girls had that. The twins dad is dead and Justice doesn’t even know you’re her dad.” As soon as she’d said it Josie’s hand went to her mouth, her eyes going wide. “Ignore that last part. I didn’t meant that.” 
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sqvirtlesqvad · 6 years
( @poisonedpeaches )
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“You know they are sitting in the front row don’t you?” Moss asked Sherri as she stretched out, preparing for their show that was starting soon. “Cecily is hardheaded, if you tell them not to do something they’re gonna do it. For the record though----I know they’re really sorry about the argument you guys had.” she said with a shrug. “Their parents still like you too. They were just scared your brother would hurt you or whatever.” 
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sqvirtlesqvad · 6 years
( @poisonedpeaches )
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“Its called method acting you dummy.” Burgundy told Terrence, slipping the shades over her eyes. “If I live my role, I’ll better understand my characters motivations and thus will better be able to play them. Do you even know anything about acting? How are your moms so amazing at this stuff and end up with you? Speak of uh-where are they? Your moms I mean. Are they coming home soon or what?”
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sqvirtlesqvad · 6 years
( @poisonedpeaches )
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“Wait so you think we can actually get in there and break her out?” Sam said looking over at his little buddy Carmen as they made their way to help Reyna. “Don’t they have like guards and shit dude? Plus they can just pray and get god to give me a flat tire or something. Do you even think she’ll even come with us?”
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sqvirtlesqvad · 7 years
( @poisonedpeaches )
“Hey there Smurf, what’s goin’ on?” Reyna said, walking over to the boy and scruffing his hair. “How’d you like mass today?” she asked, taking a bite of her complimentary after mass donut. “Everything okay? I saw you crying yesterday with Sam Watson and wanted to make sure he’s not picking on you or anything.” 
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sqvirtlesqvad · 7 years
Text II Sabina D'Leo
Aurora: Hey sis, you and Soula should come over for dinner tonight.
Aurora: I made wayyyy too much food, even for my big ol' family.
Aurora: OH! And you'll never guess who I ran into today! :)
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sqvirtlesqvad · 7 years
Text II Grammy Bon Bon
Andrew II: hey granma r u made at me?
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sqvirtlesqvad · 7 years
( @poisonedpeaches )
Moss groaned, leaning back against the wall, rubbing her feet gently “God I feel like my toes are going to fall off.” she groaned. “I always hate recital season. Have I mentioned that? Dancing is so so fun, y’know until now when I have to do it 11 hours a day.” 
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sqvirtlesqvad · 7 years
( @poisonedpeaches )
“Carmen!” Andrew called hurrying down the hall after his best friend. “What’s up dude? Why haven’t you been returning my calls?” he asked, his brows furrowing. “Are you sick or something? Running a fever?” he asked pressing the back of his hand to Carmen’s head. “You always answer!” 
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