#pokemon reborn saphira
ghostchanuwu · 1 month
as the local saphira enjoyer i feel compelled to ask for a saphira doodle...
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One of her eyes is covered up in her sprites so my brain pretty much went "hey you know what would be cool?Heterochromia but the miscolored eye is blind" and just went from there jfhdjdjdb
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zakura-ss · 8 days
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Man she's amazing
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primacuey · 4 months
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happy pride month to these 2. I want to put them in an oven and bake them for 34 hrs
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aliasorwebcomics · 5 months
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This is my very personal Pokémon Reborn headcanon
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owlhead650 · 11 days
i feel compelled to ask for anything of Saphira, if that is okay
That is more than okay, a predictable yet pleasant request coming from you. Rather than a drawing I chose to write a short story about Saphira. It's about 1329 words long. I meant to make it shorter but I lost track of time and just kept writing. Enjoy.
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Pokemon Reborn - Saphira Belrose & Her Culinary Ventures
Saphira was slouching on the couch and crushing her left arm in the process. Not at all a healthy sitting posture, but whatever, she’ll probably right herself in a minute. She was in that frustrating state where her eyes felt tired but her body had lots of energy, she commonly felt this way in the morning. Maybe this wouldn’t happen if she just slept longer and woke up at a better time, she was in the habit of staying up till midnight every day and waking herself up for something at seven.  
As much as she hated the orphanage her nighttime curfew was largely good for her, if nothing else about that place. 
Okay, she forced herself to sit up on the couch. She was home, the Belrose Household hidden in Tanzan Cove. She had to stop thinking about the orphanage at every possible opportunity, she had to stop. 
But how could she?
Her childhood suffering had largely defined the course of her life. She didn’t feel safe so she became strong, the strongest gym leader so she could make her own safety. She was never able to protect herself from what Sigmund did to her, so she just obsessed over protecting others instead. Just yesterday herself, Charlotte and Decibel all went to Labradorra city so that Saphira could plan how to build that youth shelter she was going to commit her career to. 
She hated the place Sigmund built so she was going to build her own place that hopefully would feel to children and teens like the place she wishes she had growing up. Labradorra was even the city where Sigmund died, would she ever truly be rid of him?
She had to stand up and do something. Stop brooding. She went into the kitchen. Neither Laura nor Charlotte were awake yet, it was a Saturday at half seven in the morning. Saphira had meant to also sleep in, but she just couldn’t.
She looked at a pot in the sink that someone was going to need to hand wash. This was the one she used to burn water. Twice.
Yesterday Charlotte had said: “You may not exactly be the motherly type, but we all know you well enough to know you’ll do a way better job than the good Doctor ever did.”
Again with the fucking Doctor. But ignoring Saphira’s own inability to put him behind her, there was something about what Charlotte said which still bothered her. Wasn’t Saphira able to be motherly?
For the better half of her life Saphira’s main love language was violence directed towards The Enemy. If she killed anyone who tried to hurt her sisters then they would feel safe and loved. When she ran out of enemies to kill then she would feel safe and loved. Honestly now that Saphira had the introspection skills to put her previous philosophy into words, it was totally insane. Saphira now realised how mad she once was, and as she sorted the kitchen knives into their drawers, she actually felt relieved that she never used one of them to end Sigmund. It’s possible that killing him would have scarred her so permanently that she would never be able to heal.
Now that Saphira knew that killing people wasn’t a healthy way to express love, she needed to find some other way. Her sister Laura was quite adept at this. Laura had so many different little ways with her words and actions to make others feel better. Saphira decided that learning to cook was a good practical way to start. If she could always make a good meal then in that sense people would trust her and depend on her.
Only issue is that she sucks at it.
After Charlotte had teased her about the whole cooking thing, Decibel had actually said something really sweet to her:
“...Saphira might need to practise some skills like cooking and organising herself, but she already has the caring heart needed to be considered ‘motherly’. That’s the most important part, the rest will come with time.”
That was the first thing Decibel had said in hours. Charlotte was left speechless. Saphira found it both mortifying and gratifying to hear.
So Saphira decided that she would make rashers and sausages for Laura and Charlotte to enjoy when they got up. She put them in the griller and waited, enjoying the smell and the sizzling sounds. 
She checked them. The colour had definitely changed, but were they hot enough? She didn’t want to risk serving them raw. Just leave them a little longer.
A ‘little longer’ turned into ten minutes of her scrolling through funny dragon type videos on her phone. She didn’t look up until she smelled smoke. “...Oh crap.” She flipped up the lid and saw that of the three rashers and three sausages, maybe two rashers were still edible albeit with a crispy flavour. She turned off the griller and put all of it onto a plate. After examining the meat she found that large parts of it weren’t burnt. 
She sliced up the sausages and in the end there were two plates with unevenly sized chunks of meat that were black around the edges, but tasty. At least that’s what she thought from her singular bite.
Charlotte and Laura had come down stairs. “Oooh boy, did you enter the kitchen again?” Charlotte was wearing a vest and shorts this morning. “Well of course I did, we’re both in the kitchen right now.”
“Uh huh.”
“I made breakfast for you and Laura.” Saphira tried to match Charlotte’s apparent nonchalance.
“I can see that.” Charlotte walked around her and took out a bowl to get some cereal.
“Thank you for making food Saphira, it was very considerate of you.” Laura gave Saphira this little pat on the shoulder and ate a sausage which had been cut at some weird seventy two degrees angle.
“It’s not bad.” Laura was wearing a very soft long sleeved pyjama top and similar pyjama bottoms.
“Woah, really?!” Charlotte looked up from her bowl of cheerios.”Saph, your food went from ‘room for improvement’ to ‘not bad’. That’s momentous!” She proclaimed in mock awe.
“...It’s okay guys. Neither of you need to eat my stuff if you don’t want to.” Even if Saphira really wished she could do things to make them happy, it’s no good expecting them to pretend to like it. She didn’t want to be some nuisance to them.
“Wait, Saph. I’m sorry.” Charlotte had caught the sadness in her voice.
“What for?” Saphira had sat down at the other side of the table and ate some of the meat meant for Charlotte. It wasn’t that good.
“For being mean, I guess. I act a certain way to be funny or cool or something, it’s just how I am most of the time. I’ll work on it.”
“No, Charlotte. It’s fine. Really I’m fine.” Saphira’s idea of feeling ‘fine’ is warped due to her circumstances.
“Saphira.” Laura said. “We’re very proud of you and we love you. You’ve grown a lot and changed for the better in a very short amount of time, but you need to realise that you don’t have anything to prove. You don’t need to be the ‘provider’ or ‘protector’ just to be a good sister. You’re enough as you are, just do your best and take care of yourself. Please.”
“...What she said.” Charlotte added.
“J-jeez. I really don’t know what to say to that. Honestly I feel like I could practise cooking for another decade and I’d still be really bad at it.”
“Just do your best Saphira. That’s all you need to do.” Laura insisted.
“I’m with her on that, I think you’re the coolest person I know Saphira. I’m glad you're my sister.” Charlotte and Laura had somehow realised exactly what Saphira needed at this moment. She loved them.
“Yeah. I’ll just do my best then.”
And that's the story. I meant to make it short and funny but the more I thought about it the more I wanted to make it introspective and emotional. These requests have so far only been answered with short stories, with this being the second request I've taken, but depending on the ideas I get for the character requested I could do either. The previous request, the first one, was about Ace Featherstone. I know you might enjoy that one @gree-gon and also feel free to request a different character whenever you like. There's no limit on the amount of requests I can take from one person, just keep in mind that I won't always fufill them quickly or to a super high standard. The requests are more of a way for me to get prompts from people about ideas for what I should create. The inbox is empty so anyone can make the next request whenever, and obviously it doesn't cost you any money.
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korayvi · 1 month
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somebody please help me budget this the entire region is falling apart
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gree-gon · 2 months
happy 2 years of Saphira Belrose brainrot (help me)
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have some of my fav drawings of her (feat. ace in the bg)
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jazz-kitty · 11 months
i am sorry but i once again have to ask for my favorite little guy... the woman who can smell fear...
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an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye for an
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flowerveil02 · 9 days
i am obligated to ask for saphira pls ^^
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Oh boy, I was excited about this! One battle ready Saph, coming right up!
Honestly, this came out so much better than I thought it would! I hope you like it! (Considerate it my rent for drawing my bae, aka Adrienn Flores)
There's a little more rambling, but I'll separate it
We imagine she's BUFF. Not like roids or anything, but like, muscle muscle. All that rock climbing and hiking really worked her out! Big muscle to protect little sisters.
She lowkey looks savage af, now. This was a PRIVILEGE getting to work on this!! Thank you for asking! Stay groovy <3
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heretodefyfate · 1 year
saphira for the sketch requests? .w.
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Get you a girl who c solo an enormous Steelix and proceed to ride it afterwards, then casually punch through a wall, give you a ring and leave
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nommyzommy · 8 days
this is such a predictable request but i am asking for one saphira please.... :3
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She's enjoying a tranquil lil' breeze since I think she could really use the serenity
This was crazy fun to draw!!! Saph is one of my all-time FAV characters in the game, so this was a real treat, like a big chocolate chip cookie! :D
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ghostchanuwu · 2 years
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Day 5 Friends
Titania knows damn well that ramen is undercooked af and that Saphira is gonna either spit it out or nearly choak on it
(Also I HC that Saphira is short af)
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sharptacks · 10 months
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saphitoria 😁 happy birthday to @primacuey
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primacuey · 3 months
What if we hung out and talked about our buried feelings together for 4 straight hours 😳😳
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Got my wisdom teeth taken out today! I made this yesterday in an attempt to draw one last saphitoria piece before the operation as like, reassurance LOL
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aliasorwebcomics · 2 months
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rozetheeuwu · 8 days
Posted this in discord, but fuck it. Y'all get this too.
A bit of a long ramble about Saphira and Laura.
Since we're talking about Saphira I want to talk about her and Laura for a second.
Thinking about how Saphira and Laura are like, complete opposites in their views of people and the world.
Saphira doesn't trust anyone (besides her sisters) and doesn't think bad people will change. She believes the world is cruel, unfair and corrupt and she has to fight everyday of her life to keep herself and sisters alive.
Laura has faith in people and believes anyone can change when you give them the chance. She believes in a world where people can work together if we just give each other a chance.
The best part is that neither of them are wrong.
The world is cruel and unfair. There are people who misuse others for their kindness, there are people who use their powers and status to harm others for their own benefit. If you don't have power and status then you're a victim to those who do. If you're not careful you're going to get hurt.
Yet, there are people when given the chance *will *change. You can put your trust in others and they will have your back, blood or not, family or friends. If you look out for someone they will look out for you. When you give someone the chance to learn and grow they can become a better person.
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