#pol offering to help next time lmao
tomfrogisblue · 6 months
but seriously -
I've like literally never seen such bad audio issues in my life
past a certain point in the livestream today it was just kinda impressive
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mooxnlights · 6 years
Never a Burden - Part Two
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Characters: Tommy x reader, Polly, Ada, Charlie, Karl
Warnings: none, swearing, pregnancy
Word Count: 1,788
Requested: Yes
Anon: Please do part two of never a burden???
@maddeecarter: I realllly liked the Thomas Shelby- Burden writing. Would it be possible to do a part 2? Or just a separate thing where the reader tells tommy she’s pregnant? If not, that’s ok! Your writing was really good and I could imagine the shock of the reader as Polly mentioned a baby so I thought it could be an idea!
@holdyourselfinmyhands: Loved your tommy Shelby fic! It Was so good. Was wondering if you were gonna do a second part to it? X
Plus a few of you even got in my messages lmao.
A/N: You have probably all forgotten about this because I’m trash and have taken so long to get this written but here is part two. You can read part one here. Also Lizzy and her kid don’t exist because I h8 her so with that let’s get onto the story.
y/n = your name
It had been two weeks since your incident at the betting shop, two weeks since Polly had come up with the ridiculous notion that you were pregnant, only it wasn’t so ridiculous. Tommy had given you the rest of the week off with pay despite your protests, insisting that you needed rest. Rest wasn’t at all what you got though as the day after you had fainted in your boyfriend’s office Polly had booked you an appointment to confirm her gut feeling. 
It has been two weeks since you found out you were pregnant with Thomas Shelby’s baby. Two weeks of keeping this secret to yourself. It’s not that you didn’t want to tell Tommy you were just terrified of what his reaction would be. What if he didn’t want another kid? What if Grace was the only woman he wanted to bear his children? You couldn’t say that the timing was the worst it could be, things with Tommy’s work had gradually started to slow down to a bearable pace and wasn’t so crazy, it had actually slowed down enough for him to do exactly what he had hoped, take a few days off a week leaving things in the hands of his brothers as he helped out with your siblings. Although in terms of what you had going on at home you had no idea how you would handle a pregnancy and eventually a child in the midst of everything. 
True to his word Tommy had trusted doctors looking after your mother in the nicest room of the closest hospital after she had been diagnosed with pneumonia, the doctors had reassured you that they had caught it in the early stages and she just needed some professional care and monitoring for a short while. Most of Tommy’s visits consisted of him bringing Charlie around, taking you and your brothers out to the pictures, or driving and accompanying you, your brothers and father up to the hospital to visit your mother. Thomas had also graciously been taking care of the bills and groceries at your home so that your father could have some time off work to help look after the kids, having one of the blinders take over his shifts at the factory that way he wouldn’t be sacked and could still get his pay check. To say that your family had become quite fond of Tommy would be an understatement. Your parents saw him as a guardian angel who had swooped in at the perfect time and were extremely grateful for everything he has been doing for you all. Your brothers very quickly became attached after the first full day Tommy had spent with them, ever since then they don’t seem to stop asking when he’s next visiting or telling you about how great he is.
You were currently bouncing Charlie on your knee as he babbled some unintelligible toddle gibberish to you while Tommy was in the middle of some type of chasing game with the boys, their shouts and laughs filling the house. Your father was spending the afternoon at the hospital with your mum, despite Tommy’s offers to drive him there your dad insisted that the 30 minute walk would be good for him. You stood up, holding Charlie on your hip at the sound of a knock on the door that you could have easily missed due to the thundering footsteps coming from upstairs. Walking to the door and opening it your eyes went wide at the site of Polly waiting at the threshold accompanied by Ada who had little Karl clinging to her hand. This couldn’t be good.
“What are you doing here Pol?” You questioned sternly.
She said nothing as she walked past you and towards the living room where you were just sitting, Ada smiled apologetically as she gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before following Polly in. You quickly shut the door and were right behind them, putting Charles down on the floor next to Karl who had discovered a pile of toys left behind by your brothers.
“I think a congratulations is in order,” Ada announced with a grin looking at you knowingly as she and Polly took a seat on the couch.
“Jesus Polly,” you groaned settling into the armchair across from them and resting your head in your hands, “I haven’t even told Tommy yet, you can’t just-”
“Haven’t told Tommy what?”
You tensed and remained still, you had missed the sudden silence that had come from upstairs that was the result of your boyfriend halting his antics with your siblings at the sound of visitors. You could feel his presence mere meters from you as he walked further into the room.
The silence was deafening before Polly spoke up, “that’s actually what we’re here about, why don’t you two go for a walk and we’ll watch the boys while you're out.”
“I really don’t think-” you began before Tommy cut you off.
“Great idea Pol, come on then y/n,” he responded, the agitation in his voice evident as went over to Charlie and gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting up and swiftly walking towards the door pulling on his coat.
With a sigh you glanced towards the two women still sat on the couch watching you carefully, both giving you a look that told you it was time. You walked over to where Tommy was waiting and called out to your brothers that you would be back soon and to come down and meet Karl. Pulling on your own coat you quickly made your way outside, paces ahead of Tommy who was still closing your front door.
Neither of you said a word as you walked, Tommy having caught up now and keeping a firm grip on your upper arm to slow you down, it took 10 minutes of complete silence before you came to a stop at the docks. There were people around, a lot of them Tommy’s guys that were loading up small and large boats, you took barely any notice of them however as you took a seat on a random crate that was out of the way of the workers.
“So are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on?” Tommy questioned lighting a cigarette.
You looked around at your surroundings scrunching your nose up as you pictured all the other more tasteful ways you could have told him, immediately regretting keeping this information to yourself for so long.
“Well?” He pressed at your silence, his irritation at this new found secrecy apparent, “what are you not telling me that for some reason my sister and fucking aunt already know about, hey?”
“Don’t be mad,” you muttered watching as he paced in front of you taking drag after drag of his cigarette.
“Why shouldn't I be mad? We're meant to tell each other shit y/n, what could possibly be going on that you're not-”
“I’m pregnant Tommy,” you interrupted looking away from him. Not wanting to see the look on his face when you told him, terrified of his reaction.
There was a long silence before you heard scraping against the gravel, you slowly moved your gaze and saw Tommy sitting down on another crate in front of you. You held his gaze as he threw his cigarette to the side and took your hands in his while clearing his throat.
“Are you happy?” He asked seriously, looking into your eyes.
“What do you mean?” You questioned looking down at your joined hands.
“I mean are you happy about the situation? Do you want a child?”
“I’ve always wanted to be a mum you know that,” you sighed, “but right now I’m more concerned about you. Are you happy about this? About this happening now?”
“There’s not going to ever be a perfect time to have a kid y/n but I mean, with Charlie still so young, it’d be nice to have another little one around his age running about.”
You noticed the smile tugging at his lips as he spoke causing a wave of relief to rush over you, but you still had to ask.
“So you are okay with all of this? You want to have a baby with me?”
“I want to have everything with you,” he said sincerely. “And I’m going to do it right this time, I’m not going to let anyone ever hurt you or the baby.”
You could see in his eyes the pain he felt when he thought about everything that happened with Grace and Charlie, but he was determined to never expose you to that life, because if he did and something were to happen to you it would be the end of him. You were his saviour, you taught him to love when he was so sure he’d never feel that way about another woman again. And now you’ve given him the greatest gift he could have asked for.
You stayed quiet as Tommy stood pulling you up with him and turning to walk, one hand in yours, tugging you along gently back towards your home.
“So, do you have any names in mind?” He asked with a smile.
“I’ve been so stressed about finding a way to tell you I haven't even thought that far down the line yet,” you respond with a giggle moving closer to his side and holding onto his arm with the hand that wasn't holding his.
He didn’t respond to this, obviously not liking the idea that you didn’t feel like you could come to him straight away with this news.
“What are you hoping for? Boy or girl?” You questioned changing the subject.
“I don’t mind, as long as everything goes smoothly with the two of you I’m happy with either.”
“Oh come on, surely you have a preference,” you stated calling out his bluff, to which he simply smiled and looked down to the ground. “Well I for one would love a girl, we have too many boys right now, plus they're so exhausting, I should know, I’m raising four of them.”
“Well yeah, my brothers, Charlie and you. With your behaviour and recklessness you're practically a child,” you teased looking over at him.
“A child am I?” Tommy mused grinning, letting go of your hand and wrapping his arm around you to pull you closer to him
“Mhm, I’m telling you its a good thing you've got me around to keep you out of trouble,” you joked as you leaned into his side continuing your trek down the street.
“It is a good thing indeed my love,” Tommy replied softly before pressing a long kiss to your forehead.
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