#polin drabbles
indiaalphawhiskey · 3 months
“Perhaps that was another part of your planned… entrapment.”
Colin Bridgerton could live to be eight-and-ninety, and those words would forever be the nine he was most ashamed of. He had not known a moment’s peace since uttering them, his bones heavy with grief and regret as the words circled his memory, again, and again, and again.
Worse still had been Penelope’s response — soft and unbearably genuine; watery and honest. “I did not mean to entrap you, Colin. I love you.”
I love you.
He held onto that part of the memory fiercely, mind focused on her singular mercy, the use of present tense — love, not loved — fervently hoping it would drown out the rest. That it would make him forget the feel of her fingers, warm against his own, slipping the frigid metal of her betrothal ring back into his palm; forget the way he felt his heart split in two immediately, the crisp sound of its cracking masked only by the angry clack of his boots as he stormed after her, livid and ludicrously in love, because how very dare she?
How dare she think to leave him, as though that were even a possibility for two people whose souls were so deeply intertwined?
He said as much, though admittedly, not quite as well.
“Penelope,” he whispered the warning into her hair as he caught up to her at the bottom of the staircase. His fingers curled around her elbow, just firm enough to keep her in place. Gently, he spun her to face him, and implored seriously, “you cannot leave.”
Me, was what he meant. You cannot leave me.
Even the thought of it made the air leave his lungs, so he pushed it away, and chose instead to say, “the banns have been read.”
She scoffed in a way that was so easy, he felt another shard of his heart come loose. “As though we are the first pair to ever call off a wedding. Was not Miss Edwina already at the head of the altar? If anything, we are conscientiously early in our decision.”
‘Our decision’. Of all the insults. As if Colin would ever permit such foolish thinking as this, let alone contribute to it.
He narrowed his eyes at this sudden display of hardness he did not recognize in her. “We have been intimate,” he reminded her then — determined that she understand just exactly how inevitable they were.
He had uttered the very same excuse not five minutes prior, and yet this time, instead of her earlier sweet sorrow, he was met with a startling flash of anger, the blue of her eyes thunderous.
“No one need know that if you would only stop repeating it,” she hissed, quiet and angry. “Or are you to tell me you will stupidly aid in your own entrapment,” the word fell from her tongue like arsenic, heavy and poisoned, “by announcing it over and over until we are caught?”
It was infuriating how truly clever she was.
No matter, he was clever, too. Her soul’s perfect match.
“And if you are with child?” He snapped.
She rolled her eyes at him, derisive laughter in her tone. “My courses have come and gone, Mr. Bridgerton, you need not worry.” Somehow, her words left him stricken, a sharp pang of something akin to disappointment hitting him squarely in the chest. She, however, was unmoved, her expression as fiery as the auburn of her hair. “It seems even my body has graciously decided to relieve you of your most honorable duty.”
It was scathing and deserved, and yet all Colin could say in return was what he hoped was true, “You lie.”
“I do not,” she said simply, a near murderous smile playing at her lips now. “Or maybe I do,” she shrugged, unbothered. “It is not as if you can lift my skirts in an attempt to ascertain the truth.”
It was all he could do not to gape at her, his beautiful, sweet, gently-bred betrothed — for she was his betrothed still, make no mistake — speaking in such a manner to him.
“Penelope,” he chastised harshly.
“Miss Featherington,” she corrected, tone sharp as she tipped her chin up towards him, eyes stony.
It was the final straw. Colin had never been so angry, and so desperately in love. His fingers fell from her elbow to her wrist, and he yanked it towards him much less gently than he should have, before slipping the ring back onto her finger with the kind of finality that brooked no more argument. He watched as it found its rightful place again, before announcing, irrefutably, “Mrs. Bridgerton.”
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folkloresthings · 4 months
from the kiss prompt list maybe for anthony bridgerton the prompt "one is on the other's lap, holding their face between their hands, kissing them and instantly forgetting everything else in the room with them". mayhaps anthony x wife! reader?
i adore your work sm. 🩷
[ one is on the other’s lap, holding their face between their hands, kissing them and instantly forgetting everything else in the room with them ] with anthony bridgerton.
the reality of life as the new viscount and viscountess bridgerton had hit both you and anthony a few weeks after returning from honeymoon —— in italy, neither of you cared for responsibilities or business, too tangled up in newlywed bliss. every moment not spent exploring could find the couple under the sheets of their rented estate (or, rather, any other place they could find).
but now, settled back into a routine at bridgerton house, the business of every day had stolen you away from each other. other than the late nights and early mornings, it was rare to find a moment alone. anthony had many duties as viscount; an estate to run, bills to pay, messages to receive. and you — well, you had never been a viscountess before. there was everything to learn.
thankfully, violet was more than willing to pass on her years of knowledge. every day was a new lesson, from the running of a household to the planning of a ball. your mother-in-law was wonderful company, but day after day of taking tea with her only made you miss your husband’s company more.
one afternoon, when violet was preoccupied with francesca’s appointment at the modiste, you took the chance to sneak away upstairs. the floorboards creaked under each step you took towards anthony’s study, the door just a little ajar to the room. peeking around quietly, your eyes fall upon your husband bent over a stack of papers, quill etching furiously.
your knuckles rapp on the wooden door to catch his attention. “am i disturbing you?”
anthony’s lips instantly pull into a smile at the sight of you, fresh-faced and anxiously looking across to him. “not at all, dear. come in.”
clicking the heavy door shut behind you, your feet carry you across to the desk, stood just beside anthony’s chair. a hand rests on his shoulder, squeezing at the loose cotton there.
“much to do?” you query, peeking over his head to catch a glimpse of the records.
“too much,” he grumbles, slumping back in the chair, fingers coming to pinch the bridge of his nose before they rub over his tired eyes.
with a swell of your heart, you take the opportunity of his relaxed frame to slot yourself between the desk and chair, gently sitting yourself down onto his lap. like second nature, anthony’s hands slip around your waist, thumbs brushing against the soft silk of your dress.
placing a hand on each cheek, anthony’s eyes flutter shut as he relaxes into your delicate touch, his tense shoulders giving way to exhaustion. ducking your head down, you catch his lips in yours, soft in their pressing to the sweet taste of tobacco and whiskey. anthony melts into the sweet kiss, a small hum of contentment bubbling from the back of his throat.
“you really ought to—” you whisper, parting from his lips to try and coax him away from his work for a while. but the kiss was doing just enough to let him forget the mountain of work he had waiting for him, and he didn’t want to remember it all just yet.
a small gasp leaves your lips when he grasps onto your waist, tighter now, pulling you back down to the previous position of your lips atop his. he silences your advice with a simple kiss, knocking the breath from your chest, hanging onto the moment of peace your lips brings for just another moment.
when he finally finds it acceptable to part from you, he no longer has any interest in finishing the tasks of the day, only in you. his hands wander along your middle, eyes heavier when they graze along the bare skin of your neck.
“you really ought to take a break,” you finally revive your earlier words, a small smile tugging at your lips, thumbs still smoothing along the soft skin of his cheeks.
“you are right, darling wife,” anthony murmurs, rising from his chair and sweeping you into his arms in what seems like one easy move. it pulls a giggle from your throat, adoring nuzzling into the nape of his neck. “and i have something very enjoyable in mind.”
feeling his feet carry you both along the familiar path to your shared bedroom, his plan becomes quite obvious. and who were you, his sweet wife, to deny such relaxation?
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crescentcampbell · 4 months
After the proposal
Penelope Featherington: I feel like I'm going to throw up. Colin Bridgerton: I got you pregnant that fast? I'm good. Penelope Featherington: *swats him* No I've just realized we're going to have to tell your whole family...that is if Benedict and Hyacinth don't figure it out first. Colin Bridgerton: I thought you'd be most scared of Eloise finding out. Penelope Featherington: Eloise is all bravado. She talks too much but has no follow through. Benedict KNOWS things by looking at you and Hyacinth is a human lie detector. Colin Bridgerton: Should we tell your family first, then? Penelope Featherington: Absolutely not. My mother is a human bulldog. She'll know it the second we come in. Colin Bridgerton: Technically the carriage driver is the first person to know if that helps. Penelope Featherington: *swats him again* That's not funny! Colin Bridgerton: Right, how do you feel about Scotland, then? And we tell everybody after. Penelope Featherington: *swats him a third time* Colin Bridgerton: If you keep doing that, I'm going to start calling you Portia. And actually, I think that plan is rather brilliant. We can avoid the stress. Penelope Featherington: And deprive your lovely mother the chance to plan our wedding? No. Let's go. Colin Bridgerton: *grinning* I knew that would work.
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theycallmebecca · 3 months
Drabble: Sweet Delights (Colin & Penelope AU)
Hello! I have no idea how many people are going to see this. So if you've followed me for awhile, hi, I'm back. Sort of! And if you're new, hi!
It's been 8 months since I've written and posted anything due to too much stress and writers block. But yesterday I saw that @the-slumberparty was hosting a summer event and I looked at the prompts and it just seemed like fun.
I chose Cookie Dough (bakery AU) with Cherries (meet cute) and paired it with a modern day AU Bridgerton.
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Title: Sweet Delights
Fandom: Bridgerton AU & Modern
Pairing: AU Colin Bridgerton x AU Penelope Featherington
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: suggestive
Author's Note: The characters are the following ages, Colin - 33, Daphne - 32, Penelope - 28, Felicity - 21 (she's the youngest Featherington sister in the books)
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Usage Disclaimer: This work is for fans only. This author does not give permission for it to be shared, spoken of, referred to in any public manner (podcast, tv, online, etc.) that wants to either make a celebrity uncomfortable, mock fan fiction/fandom in any way, or the author themselves. Requests can be made, but it is unlikely the author will change their mind. If no response is given to a request then the answer is a solid no, not interested and the work cannot be shared, spoken of or even referred to, regardless of the manner or context.
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"The things I do for you," Colin Bridgerton mumbled as he walked down the street with his sister Daphne.
She shot him a peevish look before replying, "And who else was I supposed to ask to go with me to sample cake for mum's party?"
Colin considered that for a second before sighing. She was right, damnit. Of all eight Bridgerton siblings, his palette was the most like their mothers. Not to mention the fact that he was always hungry.
"Here we are," Daphne said, gesturing to a sign that read 'Sweet Delights'.
Ever the gentleman, Colin opened the door for his sister and let her enter before he followed.
A tall, skinny redhead was behind the counter and Colin opted to stand to the side, letting his sister introduce herself. He let his eyes wander around the shop, taking in the mix of modern and antique decor.
Spotting a frame with several news clippings, he wandered over to look at it. Learning that the shop had been in this building since just after World War II and the original owner, Penelope Thomas, had recently retired and sold the business to her granddaughter, Penelope Featherington. Both women were pictured side by side and Colin felt drawn to the younger one despite knowing he'd never met her before.
"Colin," he heard his sister call.
Colin turned and collided with someone.
There was a shriek and then cakes went flying.
Acting on pure instinct, Colin grabbed the woman, trying to steady them both, but then his foot slipped on frosting and he felt himself falling, the woman with him.
They landed with a crash, the woman landing on top of him as cake splatted to the ground around them.
"Oh my god," the woman said once everything was silent. "Oh my god. I am so -"
Colin opened his eyes and found the woman, Penelope, from the clippings, laying on top of him.
"Are you alright?" Daphne's worried voice reached Colin's ears.
"I'm fine," Colin assured her. "Are you ok?" His eyes met Penelope's and felt his heart skip a beat.
"Y- yes," she replied. Her eyes remained locked with his for a second before she shook her head, as if finally remembering that she was on top of him in the middle of the floor. "Oh my god."
"Careful!" the other redhead exclaimed. "There's cake and frosting everywhere."
Then she and Daphne were there and helped Penelope untangle herself without making things worse.
Finally, Colin sat up and rubbed the back of his head, only to pull his hand away and find red.
He tilted his head and studied the substance that clearly wasn't blood. Bringing his hand to his face, he sniffed it.
"Colin?" his sister asked, concerned.
"It's strawberry coulis," Colin and Penelope said at the same time.
Most of the time, Penelope Featherington felt like she was the owner of a bake shop. But there were sometimes when she felt anything but.
Today was one of those days. It felt like nothing had gone right all day.
Then, to top it all off, her younger sister, Felicity, had forgotten to tell her that she'd scheduled a last minute cake tasting for a new customer named Daphne Basset.
Penelope had had exactly twenty minutes before the appointment to scramble everything together, thankful that most of their flavor combinations were featured in their cupcakes, before the appointment.
She heard the bell on the door jingle as she put the last cupcake on the tray and breathed a sigh of relief.
She took a minute to clean herself up and then left the kitchen with the tray of samples.
Everything was fine for the first five and a half steps. She saw the woman talking to Felicity and then saw the man looking at the news clippings. She couldn't see his face, but he was tall and had gorgeous chestnut hair that she just wanted to run her fingers through.
"Colin?" The voice came out of nowhere and he turned unexpectedly.
She tried to avoid the collision, but it likely made the situation worse. Her overcorrection had left her unbalanced and he'd tried to save her, but it had led to them both ending up on the floor.
She'd landed on top of him, all her wobbly bits pressed against his solid body. His strong arms wrapped around her, still holding her close.
"Oh my god," she said, once the room had fallen silent. "Oh my god." She felt his hands drop from around her. "I am so -" 
"Are you alright?" the woman's worried voice asked, interrupting her. Penelope assumed she had to be Daphne Basset.
"I'm fine." She could feel the vibration of his words as he assured his companion before he asked her, "Are you ok?"
Their eyes met and the anger that Penelope had suspected to see wasn't there. Instead, his eyes were filled with nothing but kindness and a hit of surprise. There was something else in his look, but Penelope wasn't sure how to interpret it.
"Y- yes," she stammered, unable to pull her eyes from his. There was something about him that seemed so familiar and yet different all at the same time. Then she remembered where she was. On top of him in the middle of her bakery. "Oh my god."
She started to push herself off him, but stopped when she heard Felicity call out, "Careful!"
Between Felicity and Daphne, they helped Penelope get up without causing more damage to herself, Colin or the bake shop.
Once she was on her feet, Penelope surveyed the damage. All of the cupcakes had been ruined and they'd managed to smash a few under them when they fell.
Hearing the concern in Daphne's voice, Penelope shifted her gaze to Colin who was studying something red in his hand.
Her eyes dropped back to the floor where they'd been just moments before and saw the chocolate cupcake with the chocolate mousse cupcake where his head had been. It was smashed and its filling had oozed out. 
"It's strawberry coulis," Colin and Penelope said at the same time.
"Are you sure?" Daphne asked, concern still laced in her voice.
"I'm fine, Daph," he sighed. Then, turning to the other women, said, "Sisters, am I right?"
"Older or younger?" the one that wasn't Penelope asked.
"Younger," Colin and Daphne echoed.
"Definitely a you problem then," the young woman said with a smirk. "Us younger sisters never do anything wrong, isn't that right, Penelope?"
Colin smiled when he saw Penelope roll her eyes at her younger sister. He chose to ignore what that might mean.
With his eyes on Penelope, he saw her straighten her shoulders and turn to Daphne. "I am so sorry about this," she apologized and gestured to the mess around them. "If you choose us to make the cake for your party, it will be on the house."
"That is very kind of you, but we insist on paying," Daphne told her.
"They're Eloise's siblings," her younger sister explained. "Bridgerton."
The unease in Penelope's stance all but vanished. "You're Eloise's siblings?" she repeated.
Colin felt her eyes on him as she studied him and then Daphne. Then she nodded and said, "Yes. I see the resemblance now."
"You know Eloise?" he asked. He hadn't known that, but evidently Daphne had.
"She and her sisters went to the school as we did," Daphne told him. "Eloise and Penelope were in the same year and were roommates at one point."
"Our last year," Penelope supplied. "We've lost touch in the years since, I'm afraid."
Her sister cleared her throat, forcing all the attention to her. "It's just that, if Mr. Bridgerton has coulis in his hair, he'll likely want to wash it out as soon as possible. It is quite sticky."
"She's right," Daphne said with a sigh. "And we drove together, too. I guess we'll have to reschedule."
"Actually, Penelope's apartment is just up the stairs," the younger sister said. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind if Mr. Bridgerton wanted to rinse off. Especially not since she, herself, needs to go upstairs and change."
If looks could kill, Felicity would be dead from the glare that Penelope shot her sister.
"Oh, that would be splendid!" Daphne exclaimed. "And while they do that, I can help you clean, Felicity."
Penelope blinked and shook her head confused. This was her bake shop, since when did her sister call the shots?
"Just go, Pen," Felicity said, waving her towards the kitchen and the stairs beyond it. "By the time you two come back down, this place will be clean and we can start over."
Penelope sighed and turned to Colin. "Come with me, I guess," she said.
"If you're uncomfortable, I can call for a taxi," he told her once they were alone in the kitchen. "It's no trouble." Then he tossed her a smirk and said, "After all, I have four younger sisters. I know how managing they can be."
Penelope studied him for a moment, giving herself time to decide. She knew two of his sisters, Eloise and Francesca, quite well and given everything that had transpired in the last fifteen minutes, she still felt comfortable in his presence.
"Come along," she said. "I think I still have some stuff my ex left here that you can wear." She paused and asked, "Assuming you don't have anything against wearing vegan, cruelty free clothing."
Colin paused and tilted his head, giving her a confused look. "Is there really such a thing?" he asked.
"According to my ex there is," she replied and then cringed. She and Alfred, never Alfie, Debling had been broken up for six months and here she was talking about him like a love sick fool. She stopped suddenly on the stairs and turned to face Colin, who was two steps behind her, but they were nearly face to face because of the difference. "I'm not hung up on my ex. I just like facts and facts are easy."
Colin tilted his head again and she wasn't sure if she found it adorable or annoying. "I like facts, too," he finally said.
Penelope took a breath, nodded her head and then continued up the stairs. She unlocked her apartment door and then stepped aside to let him in.
"The bathroom is right there," she pointed to one of the few doors in the apartment. "I'm afraid all of my stuff is rather girly," she apologized. "But you're welcome to use any of it."
"It's better than strawberry coulis, I'm sure," Colin said. "The clothes?"
"Oh right," she said and then, because it was established they both liked facts, added, "I know I said they were my ex's, but I bought them on sale and then we broke up, so they were never actually his. It was just too late to return them."
Colin tried not to look, but he found it impossible not to as Penelope got down on her hands and knees to pull a box out from under her bed.
She had a nice ass.
He'd noticed it on the stairs and had been caught completely off guard when she'd spun around suddenly. If she'd caught him staring, she hadn't said anything.
"I know they're here somewhere," she said, her ass in the air as she searched.
Colin opened his mouth to respond, but wasn't sure what one was supposed to say in such a situation.
'Take your time' seemed indecent, especially since his eyes kept going to her butt.
'I'm in no rush' was a lie, he could feel the stickiness on the back of his neck.
"Ah ha!" she exclaimed. "Found them!"
Colin watched as she shoved the box back under her bed. Then he quickly averted his gaze as she stood up and made her way to him.
"Here you go," she said, holding them out. "And you can just keep them. I don't have any use for them."
"Thank you," he replied. Then gestured to the bathroom. "I'll just…"
"Oh yes, of course," she said. "And I'll change, too. But over there." She pointed to an old-fashioned privacy screen. "Uh, enjoy your shower." Then she cringed.
"Thanks," he said before giving her what he hoped was a friendly smile.
He went into the bathroom and closed the door.
He gotten as far as removing his shirt when there was a knock.
"I, uh, have a bag for your clothes," she said from the other side.
Colin glanced at himself in the mirror and then decided 'why the hell not' and opened the door.
Penelope had expected him to just open the door enough to accept the bag, but when he opened it fully and revealed his chests, she visibly swallowed.
Her eyes traveled up from his trim waist, up to his toned pecs and, finally, up to his face. Where she saw a heated look staring back at her.
"Here's the bag," she said quickly and then hurried away from the door, wishing like hell that she didn't live in a studio apartment.
A second later, the bathroom door closed and she waited until she heard the water turn on before she made her way to the antique privacy screen.
There was a wicked part of her brain that told her to just barge into the bathroom and kiss Colin Bridgerton and give into the desire that was evidently building between them. But the cautious side of her brain, the part that had been ever present and nagged while she was dating Alfred, told her to proceed with caution.
There was no unease, she realized as she changed clothes. When she'd dated Alfie, as Felicity loved to call him these days, there had been a sense of unease at every turn.
They'd only dated for less than a year, but he'd constantly been asking her to change herself and her world while expecting her to accept him exactly as he was. The turning point had come when he'd all but demanded she abandon her grandmother's tried and true recipes and convert the bakery to an exclusively vegan and gluten free one.
That's when she had realized that she would never be good enough for him. There would always be parts of her life that he'd expect her to change to please him. That she wasn't good enough just being herself.
Stepping out behind the privacy screen, Penelope studied the bathroom door. While she'd only just met Colin, she knew about him and his family. While Eloise hadn't spoken a lot about her family, per say, they'd been classmates from the ages of 11 to 18 and she could recall a story or two about the Bridgerton older brothers.
Strawberry coulie free, Colin stepped out of the bathroom wearing the gifted joggers and hoodie. They were a little loose on him, but otherwise were comfortable.
Feeling eyes on him, he looked up and caught Penelope looking at him. When her cheeks started to redden, he tilted his head and studied her.
"Why do you do that?" she asked him. "Tilt your head when you look at me?"
"I dunno," he said. "I didn't even realize I was doing it. I guess, I just find you intriguing."
"Is that a good thing?" she asked him. She hadn't moved from her position about ten feet away from him.
They stood silently for a moment before she gestured to the stairs. "I suppose we should go help our sisters."
They made their way back down the stairs, but instead of finding their sisters, they found a note on the workbench.
Penelope read it and then handed it to him.
Daphne forgot she had dinner plans with her husband tonight and I have a date. You and Colin will need to finalize the flavors tonight. The party is next week.
"This has Daphne written all over it," Colin accused. "I'm sorry about this. My sister is happily married and thinks everyone else should be too."
"Don't blame your sister entirely," Penelope said, shaking her head. "Felicity isn't innocent in this."
"Younger sisters, am I right?" Colin echoed his sentiment from earlier, which had the desired effect, making Penelope smile. "Tell me how I can help."
"Tell me how I can help," Colin's voice reverberated in her mind.
Alfie had never offered to help. Not even when the shop was in a rush and he was waiting for her to close for the day. He'd just sit at the table in the corner and read.
Propelled by some source within her, Penelope closed the difference, wrapped her arm around Colin's neck and pulled his face towards hers and kissed him. It took a second, but soon his arms were around her and he was kissing her back.
It was the first kiss she had always dreamed of and more.
She saw fireworks.
She felt sparks.
But more than anything, she felt wanted.
When they finally broke apart, Colin rested his forehead against hers and they stared at each other while they caught their breath.
One Year Later
"Colin!" Penelope shrieked as he dipped his finger into the strawberry coulis. "That's for your mum's cake!"
"She'll never know," he replied before he licked finger clean.
He knew that Penelope knew that he knew she was watching his tongue closely as he cleaned his finger.
"Colin," she said in a faux warning tone.
"Penelope," he replied in a mocking tone.
Then he grinned and dipped his finger again, this time he held it out to her.
Her eyes met his and he tilted his head, daring her to join his game.
His mother's party was until tomorrow evening, which meant he could help Penelope decorate the cake, and make more coulis, in the morning.
"Penelope," he said in a seductive tone.
"Colin," she replied in the same tone. Then she took his hand and licked the strawberry coulis off his finger, swirling her tongue in the devastating manner that she knew would completely undo him.
"You have five minutes to clean up," he told her once she released his finger. "And then I'm either taking you on the workbench or carrying you upstairs."
She only needed four and they left a trail of clothing going up the stairs.
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thewordsleep · 5 months
Polin Hunger Games AU
drabble • my brain wouldn't let the idea go...
The lights on her face were bright. Colin watched on the screen as Penelope wrung her hands. Her firey, fitted dress cascaded beautifully as she sat down, sparkling in the lights. Her curls were carefully styled and framed her face. She looked stunning, and her easy, deprecating humour with Caesar was quickly making her a crowd favourite. Even so, in her eyes Colin could see that Penelope felt just as uncomfortable and out of place as he did.
"Now, Penelope," Caesar said, leaning forward. "Tell me, is there someone special waiting for you back home? A certain beau, perhaps?"
Penelope blinked at him, flustered. "Oh, n-no..." She laughed awkwardly. Her eyes darted toward the screen and to the side of the stage. "I mean, not... not really..."
"No?" Caesar looked amused and grinned, like a shark circling his prey. "I don't believe it for a second! Look at that face, huh!" The crowd cheered and wooed. "A gorgeous girl like you, Penelope. Come now, you can tell me!"
"Well, um." She bit her lip and her lashes fluttered. A curl fell into Penelope's face and she tucked it behind her ear. She looked so soft and beautiful, and Colin was sure the audience had already fallen in love with her. When Penelope looked up she stared straight into the camera, and Colin could almost pretend as though Penelope were looking at him directly. "I suppose... there is someone."
"This boy who I've..." She ducked her head again, trying to hide her blushing face. "Well. I've had feelings for him for quite some time..." She smiled wryly to herself. "But I don't think he's ever really noticed me. Not until the day of the reaping..."
The crowd awwed and Caesar shook his head. "Oh, now that's a shame." He set his cards aside and reached for her hand. "But I'll tell you what, Penelope. If you go into the arena, and you win this whole thing? Once you get home, he'd be crazy not to go out with you! Right everyone?"
The crowd cheered uproariously.
"Thank you, but... I don't think winning would help me at all."
"And why is that?"
"Because," she paused and swallowed, then lifted her chin as her eyes cut to the side of the stage. "He came here with me."
The audience fell into a horrified hush. Colin’s eyes widened in shock, his heart thudded painfully in his chest. He felt the stares of the other tributes around him, watching for his reaction. Anthony narrowed his eyes at him and the screen as he pulled out his flask and took a swig.
His mind raced, why would Penelope say that? Why would she lie?
"Well..." Caesae squeezed her hand, his grip looked almost bruising. "That certainly is a shame."
Penelope looked down. "Yes. It is."
"In any case, we here wish you all the best. Penelope Featherington, everybody!"
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productofbridgerton · 2 years
Quick little something. Cause I do believe Colin is so taken by pen that it makes him, quite literally, an idiot. :)
“She won’t dance with me anymore, Benedict ” colin pouted as he stood next to his older brother, wounded that his dear pen denied him of a dance.
“Thats because she already danced with you 3 times tonight. Real suitors might want a turn brother.” Benedict rolled his eyes and he took a swig from his flask. Bored of having to show face at yet another ball this season.
“Do you think I did something? Maybe I stepped on her foot. I should probably bring her a lemonade and apologize. You think she’s bored of me? Maybe it was something I said, I should go ask…” Colin rambled on, only half listening before realizing what Benedict said.
“Wait……did you say REAL suitors?” He scoffed glaring at him.
“Yes brother,” Ben sighed, “real suitors. You know, distinguished gentleman with the intention to propose and offer her a proper and respectful life and all that nonsense.” Benedict tried to explain, dramatically waving his arms as he took another sip from his flask.
“In earnest brother,” his voice then sincere noticing the confused look on Colin’s face, “if you truly care for her friendship the way I know you do, then it be best to not ruin her opportunity in finding a man who will give her a good partnership and a fulfilled life. You are no longer children, the ton will talk. It is the greatest kindness you can give her” Benedict advised with a soft but sad smile, “and..”
Before he could continue Colin then pulled out a small leather pouch from his inner coat pocket, “I knew I forgot to do something important.”, he said more to himself with a wicked grin on his face.
“I beg your pardon” Benedict proclaimed eyes wide and jaw dropped. There’s no way that could be…
“Anthony let me choose it this morning. I forgot to give it to her after our first dance. She looked so stunning…I got distracted.” Colin beamed as he pulled out a beautiful diamond from the family collection out of the pouch. Showing it to Benedict, and admiring its beauty.
“You have to be joking”, Benedict groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose in disbelief, “there is no actual way you’re that dense.”
“Wish me luck,” Colin smiled, ignoring him. He grabbed his brother’s flask, “a sip for courage.” was the last thing he said before scurrying back to Penelope on the other side of the hall.
Ben groaned again in disbelief before hearing a set of footsteps stop at his side.
“He forgot didn’t he…” Anthony sighed.
“I’m honestly surprised he didn’t lose it.” Benedict mumbled as he offered his flask to Anthony, who only gave him a disapproving look.
“Attention everyone,” Colin boomed from the other side of the room, “I have an announcement to make!”
Anthony groaned, “Give me that” as he took the flask from his younger brother.
“Will be rather amusing to see how mother and Eloise will react” Benedict chuckled.
“Indeed” Anthony nodded with a slight smile creeping on his face as both elder brothers watched as Colin embraced the newest member of the Bridgeton family.
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apinchofm · 11 months
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Always Swore It Was Platonic
M, Fluff, Modern AU, chaos!
In which Eloise accidentally slept and fell for her brother's girlfriend - a meloise misadventure
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urchintoast · 5 months
Good news! One of my muses has apparently returned from the war and I’ve had the tiniest bit of inspiration to write again finally 🥳
Bad news… the inspiration is not for any of my current works in progress or any of my already planned fic ideas. So everything I’ve excitedly talked about or worked on before and then put on hold because writers block is still blocked. 😔
But at least there’s something flowing again?
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maefansblog · 2 months
Calm before the Storm Post
I have an ungodly amount of things in my drafts set to reblog soon.
So I'll share my opinions on this season and the next season that nobody asked for. It's ok if you don't agree. Don't take this too seriously 🤣
Part 2 was better than Part 1.
I don't skip any scenes in Part 2.
Part 2 follows the spirit of Romancing Mister Bridgerton better than Part 1.
Penelope could have been harsher in Lady Whistledown and would have been in the right by doing so.
I wish Penelope fought a little harder with Colin.
Colin is a certified loverboy. What a hungry horny himbo.
Lol I've skipped the brothel scenes so much that they are simply *not canon* for me. 🤣
(Again, my opinion ^)
I love to see that he's canonically Demisexual though!!! 💕💕
I don't care if they share who Sophie is until Season 4 as long as we get Sophie.
In fact, don't tell us any of the plot.
Promo Benedict, Francesca, John, Michaela, Eloise and Polin.
Keep Sophie a Secret. Go for the dramaaaa.
Have Benedict explore his loving nature with Everybodyyyy
(Potential Book Spoiler Below)
But when he meets the Lady in Silver, have him frantically search for her
Challenge his idea of being madly in love with this Lady in Silver, then falling again for Sophie.
Reinforce the idea that Love is not Finite
Bring the angst when he realizes that they're the same person!!!
Have him ponder what it will be like to marry someone outside of society
Remember, Sophie is the illegitimate child to the Earl of Penwood 
Oh I really want Sophie.
I'll be just fine if they genderbent but I really deep down want to see Sophie as the Lady in Silver. How cool would it be if she Mulans the plot and hides as a man?!?!?
Hope you enjoyed these out of pocket thoughts. Please don't hate me. I'm going to go share my drafts. I love this community! I love the creativity and everything everyone brings! 💕💕💕
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indiaalphawhiskey · 3 months
“Perhaps,” Colin said, and the word itself tasted so bitter on his tongue, it was as though he was compelled into spitting all the others out of his mouth, just to finally rid himself of the poison of them, “that was another part of your… entrapment.”
His regret was instant — hot and blinding — his mind playing out the memory of her wide, curious, shining eyes as she had laid bare and vulnerable beneath him, all bashful innocence, and asked him, so earnestly, ‘Is there more?’
The sweet lilt of it echoed in his head as his pitiful lie burned through his body, shaming him. But he could not bring himself to look at her now, because he knew he could not take the accusation back — knew no apology would suffice.
“I did not mean to entrap you, Colin.” Her gentle words were pained — small, and tearful, and so full of truth. “I love you.”
Out of his periphery, he caught the shape of her lips as she said it, sweetly downturned in their devastation, in their distress.
He loved those lips.
He loved her. His Pen.
It was on the tip of his tongue, his heart steadfastly pushing it forward like a boulder through a dark cave, desperately urging the confession out of him. Only—
“I loved you enough to save you from entrapment,” she said. And maybe, had he not been so focused on the way the earlier devastation in her voice seemed to turn determined, he would have seen it sooner: seen her slip off her ring before her warm fingers met his — the touch he had so missed, had so agonizingly craved for days, finally coming back to him in its most heart wrenching iteration. She pressed the cold metal into the palm of his clenched hand, the curves of the small pearls smooth against his skin. It might as well have been shards of broken glass.
“I love you enough,” she repeated, though it was not lost on him, the sudden change of tense — from past to present, “to save you from entrapment.”
His gaze shot to her the very moment the true meaning of her words hit him, dread solidifying at the bottom of his belly.
No, he thought, panicked.
Again, the right words had failed him. She was gone.
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pensbridge · 1 year
Bridgerton x Pride & Predjudice Drabble
[Colin after holding Penelope's hand when failing to apologize from their encounter, as she looks ill over the Lady Whistledown secret and all unfolding around them]
"He supposed he should have deemed the evening a failure for that reason alone. But in all truth, he couldn't quite bring himself to do so. After all he'd spent the better part of five minutes holding her hand." [RMB~Ch. 11]
Once Penelope pulled away, against his own jurisdiction nor any reasoning he could conjure in a moment's notice, Colin shuddered longing for a touch he'd never really known. He missed the consistency of her presence, this deep-seated reliability..perpetual like a singular promise in this uncertain world. It was a constant and an unfamiliarity in all the years of them knowing each other. Instinctively, something occurred at his very side—the unconscious flick and twitch of his forelimbs. Without knowledge nor any autonomy of his reflexes, he adjusted his hand, flexing in a manner that one could not differentiate between re-longing, subconscious intuition of something that's always been there, or an attempt to rid this newfound urge he'd detected. Perhaps it could have been all three; not even Colin could articulate the chaos running through him. Was this a feeling he's always acquired? Was this feeling anything at all or was it something destined to fade as the weeks come to pass? The unrestrained part of Colin seemed to want to remember the feeling, not that he would have any choice of the matter; he would have that engraved for a long time and surely it would be the only thing he would be able to think about for the next few days.
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liziana · 1 year
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A collection of drabbles/one-shots inspired by the Polin Week 2023 prompts! One for every day of the week.
Day 2: And They Were Roommates “So,” Benedict asked the group, raising an eyebrow mischievously. “They’re definitely banging, right?”
Chapters: 2/7 Fandom: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Colin Bridgerton & Penelope Featherington Characters: Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington, Eloise Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Bridgertons Being Bridgertons, The whole gang is here, Chaotic Bridgerton Family (Bridgerton)
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crescentcampbell · 5 months
the carriage
Penelope Featherington: *in the carriage* No. Colin Bridgerton: No what? Penelope Featherington: No, to all this. You don't get to sit there and look all smoldery and Bridgertonish with THAT LOOK after I have gotten engaged, talking about my virtue and wedding nights, and if we should practice and---- Colin Bridgerton: Consider it a dress rehearsal. *leans into kiss her* Penelope Featherington: Oh Colin I---oh no. Oh yes. Oh, oh... Colin Bridgerton: You realize I've now compromised your virtue entirely, right? You'll have to call it off with Debling. We can get a special license in the morning. Penelope Featherington: Colin, I made a promise. Colin Bridgerton: I mean it, Penelope. The only wedding that is happening for you is happening to me. Penelope Featherington: YOU ABSOLTUELY, COMPLETE--- Colin Bridgerton: You're lovely when you're angry. I think I'll enjoy being married to you. I'll get to see how many times I can make you blush in a day. Penelope Featherington: Now I understand why Simon is always yelling BRIDGERTONS! BRIDGERTON! I mean it--- Colin Bridgerton: So do I. Good night, Penelope. Penelope Featherington: *gets out of carriage* Good for nothing, spoiled, arrogant Bridgertons, always getting everything I just---good night, Mr. Bridgerton. Colin Bridgerton: Colin, dearest. You always call me Colin. Penelope Featherington: It is MR. BRIDGERTON when I am thinking about ways to kill you for compromising my virtue. Good night, SIR. THIS IS NEVER HAPPENING AGAIN. Colin Bridgerton: On second thought, I rather like you calling me sir. And it is going to happen. Again and again and all of our lives. Good night, future Mrs. Bridgerton. Penelope Featherington: BRIDGERTONS!!!!!!!!!!! *storms home in a huff*
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silverhallow · 2 years
Hiding, Colin and Penelope
Word count: 298
This is set in my A Work of Art AU… and I don’t normally do Polin requests for reasons but this came to me so I’ve indulged it…
How they ended up in this position she would never know…
Actually she did…
Colin was physically incapable of leaving sweet treats alone and when Sophie had come in with all the cakes from her nonna, Penelope had heard Colin’s stomach grumble from across the house.
He was like a bloodhound when it came to Sophie’s baked goods. If they were a classified substance he could replace the drug dogs at the airports.
Colin had appeared out of nowhere a box under his arm and grabbed her hand and dragged her away from everyone “quick! I need you to hide me so I can eat these!”
Penelope looked at him like he’s grown a second head and as she saw the cake box she shook her head “oh no! No! Not a chance! I’m not! Colin! You can’t steal the cakes from Sophie’s nonna!! Sophie vowed to kill You if you stole them again!”
“I know but I cant help it!!! They’re too good!! Come on, I know you want one…” he said lifting the lift to the sweet Cannoli’s
Penelope felt her mouth water, “no! Don’t you dare!!” She said backing up feeling her strength going
“Come on you know you want to!”
“No! No! I’m not… she’s scary when she angry! She tells in three languages!” Penelope said “if you wanna hide… on your head be it!”
Before Colin could reply the air was turned blue… French, Italian and English swearing along with Colin’s name
“Fuck! Busted!” He yelled shoving the box into Penelope’s arms and running away as fast as his legs could take him.
Penelope panicked, dropped the box on the floor and took off after her boyfriend to go hide.
God she was going to kill him… if Sophie didn’t do it first…
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gleefullypolin · 3 months
Stacy's Tipsy Musing's - Colin Bridgerton Hot Takes – Bonus Question
Ok boys and girls, we need to have a little chat about Colin Bridgerton.
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Part 2 has been out now for a couple of days and there have been a lot of hot takes to come out of the season. A LOT of hot takes. I’m going to break this down into 4 parts. 4 questions that I'm seeing really bad hot takes about Colin.
Now none of this is new, I gotta say before Season 3 aired Colin was a hot button topic anyway. He seemed to be the Bridgerton brother that lots of people love to spew hate takes on anyway. But damn I gotta say its painful seeing the Polin fandom have so many bad takes falling from their lips.
So, I figured...having a little drink tonight, sitting down for Father’s Day (Happy Father’s Day, Colin) I’d give you the opinion on some of these takes that you didn’t ask for...Mine!
Last time we talked about Colin’s entrapment statement to Pen and if he truly meant it.  Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, Question 4, now lets get to the bonus question:
I can’t believe Colin was going to just take 20,000 pounds from the Bridgerton funds, he doesn’t even have a job to take money from the family?
I had to hit on this one because I see it so often, this BS about Colin not having a job and taking all the family’s money to travel.
Well first off, at the end of the season, he published a book. Sooooo, that’s his own money coming in now. Also, his wife is Lady Whistledown so I’m pretty sure they are just fine.
But at this point where the conversation comes up, he talks about how he’s going to go to Benedict to get the money (Because Anthony has already left town to go to India for God knows how long). I’m just going to say this once. He is not asking to take the Bridgerton Family money, he is asking to take Colin Bridgerton’s inheritance money out. However, because it is such a large sum, he has to ask Benedict to do it. It’s his money. NOT the family’s money.
I’m just sick of hearing this. SICK OF IT!
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Thanks for listening to my musings tonight! I hope you learned something from all my drabbles, whether you agreed with me or not. If you think of any other questions, my ask box is always open!
Happy drinking!
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
Polin Fic : Twenty-Four Moments
A/N (Summary): Unsurprising to no one, I'm sure, I finally wrote my first Polin fic. A lot happens to Penelope in the infamous 24 hours within Episodes 4 and 5, and I wanted to explore everything she went through. I also wanted to challenge myself by writing some shorter/drabble like moments. (unbeta'd cause I just wanted to get it out into the world) So, here ya go! I hope you guys enjoy it!! :)
Rated: M for some light smut and a whole lot of feelings <3
The warm light of evening stemmed through her window.  Her bedroom remained still and quiet.  For a moment, time felt frozen, as if the entire world was on pause, holding its breath in anticipation for that evening.  
Penelope glanced up from her desk, taking a long moment to observe herself in the mirror.  
Did she even recognize herself anymore?  
The new clothes, the style of hair, the make-up on her face, couldn’t cover the fact that in her heart, she remained that Featherington girl.  That poor Featherington girl whose dreams, whose ambitions, whose life was always deemed too impractical.  
It did not matter anymore.  In twenty-four hours, she would be engaged.  She would be the next Lady Debling.  She would have all that she could realistically ever ask for.  She would retain her privacy.  She could keep writing at her leisure.  She would have house and home and possibly even children.  
And yet….
Penelope’s heart sank as she tore her eyes away from the mirror. 
Lady Penelope Debling.  An esteemed name.  An honorable name.  She hated the sound of it.  
Her sisters once again squawked about babies.  The subject was always on the tip of the tongue in the Featherington household, and the entire carriage ride to the ball, it was the only topic of conversation.  It was as insufferable as it was horrifying contemplating them as mothers.  
Penelope stared out the window, her anxiousness overcoming any desire to bite back at their stupidity.  
Her mother placed an unusually soft hand over her arm and leaned in towards her ear.  “You’re so lucky that Lord Debling is so dashing, Penelope.  I fear what your children might look like had he been any lesser.”  She let out a satisfied laugh as she patted Penelope’s arm. 
The knot in Penelope’s stomach tightened.  
She could not escape her mother’s clutches.  Could not hope for a moment for herself.  There was no safety along the wall she so often felt comfortable against.  
Still, the haunting performance allowed her a moment to glance over the room. 
Violet Bridgerton stood on the balcony; radiating out the warm, motherly quality her own mother lacked.  
Benedict Bridgerton was in the far corner, snickering and giggling as he downed a drink with a lady hung on his arm. 
Francesca Bridgerton stood composed and calm, leaning slightly on her side towards Lord Kilmartin. 
Eloise… Well, she wouldn’t dare think of Eloise; even if she knew Eloise was an arms length behind her, too busy confounding her with her friendship with Cressida Cowper.  
She scanned the crowd as she always did -- yet no familiar eyes lit up in her direction… 
Of course he wasn’t there. She did not know what kept Colin away that night.  But of course he would be absent when she met her inevitable fate.  
The thing about Lord Debling was that he was secure in his dance.  He held her properly, confidently, and comfortably.  He was noble in stature, yet gentle in approach.  His smile was pleasing and his eyes kind.  A perfect gentleman.  A good match.  
He guided her around the dance floor with ease; even after she began to stumble.  Even after her resolve began to break.  Even after she could no longer truly meet in him the eye. 
Her life was about to be full.  And yet her chest felt hollow.
There were a lot of emotions she had felt for Colin Bridgerton over the years. 
Anger was new.  
How was it that he continued to find new ways to break her heart? 
“I did not ask if it was a possibility, I asked if you’d like it to be.” 
Words, sentences, thoughts, ideas, things she was so good expressing once again stalled in her chest.  If only she could get out the correct answer.  Yet, her body betrayed her. Her ever aching heart betrayed her.  The feeling deep in her soul that knew the shackles of that unrequited love would forever weigh her down reflected on her face.  She deflated in resignation.  
If there was any silver lining to the humiliation - it was the fact that at least she no longer needed to keep up the facade.  The only way Lord Debling could have been a reality was if she hardened her heart.  
Maybe this was the push her heart needed.
She didn’t make it to the carriage before breaking down.  
The ironic thing, she thought as the door closed, fully allowing her to sob privately, was that even though she would be forced to write about her foolishness yet again, at least she still had Lady Whistledown.  
At least she still had an escape.  At least she could still create her own refuge and retreat back into the shadows where she belonged.
She had, perhaps, looked into Colin’s eyes a thousand times before.  She had seen his kindness, his humility, his empathy.  She had seen laughter, she had seen sympathy, she had even dared to see fondness.  She had seen sadness and boredom and distraction and irritation.  She had seen his protectiveness and, on occasion, even his passion.  And on one particular afternoon long ago an amusing sort of humiliation.  
Colin’s eyes were comforting and familiar, in the way one grows fond of looking into the depths of the ocean after a storm has passed and feels safe and calm.  
But in his eyes tonight? There were things she had never seen before. 
Hunger, desire, longing, lust… love? 
It was as if she saw herself reflected in his eyes, and it shook her to her core.  
Her own eyes fluttered shut.  She was done looking.  She wanted more.  
Her body felt aflame.  
She felt him everywhere; his breath hot on her skin, his mouth hungry at her breast, his hand stroking fervently in places she never dreamed would feel so good.  They were connected in the most intimate of ways and yet even that didn’t feel enough.  She wanted to melt into him, like snow on spring grass.  
It was all overwhelming, all too much, and yet her body ached for more. 
She pulled him closer, nudging his cheek so that their lips could meet once again.  A groan escaped into his mouth as their tongues met.    
She wanted nothing more than to stay in that moment forever. 
The carriage may have stopped, but her world continued to spin.  
There was a burst of laughter between the two of them and even with the tangle of emotions, she felt grounded again.  He was still her Colin.  She would always be his Pen.  He was still her dearest friend.  
And yet now, as he tenderly put her back together again, something more.  
With a soft, mischievous look, he was out of the carriage, his hand held high - waiting for her.  She didn’t  know what it meant, but she would follow him to the ends of the Earth if he asked.  But what came out of his mouth next was something in a thousand years she would have never expected. 
“For god’s sake Penelope Featherington, are you going to marry me or not?” 
Walking into Bridgerton house felt like a hazy dream.  She felt as though she were floating, as if at any moment, she would wake up, and be in her own bed.  
Colin’s hand felt solid and firm in her own, the only tether to reality.  
She walked into the drawing room, terrified.  This house was once the home she wished had been her own.  And now she would officially be a part of it.  It did not feel real.  
She didn’t fully hear Colin’s announcement, nor Francesca’s kind words.  She could barely register Hyacinth’s embrace.  But it was Lady Violet that did her in.  Her acceptance meant more than the world.  She was finally home. 
It was Eloise who brought her world shattering back to reality.  Her words were like cold water thrown into her face, the iciness of which stung her very soul. 
She was not fully herself without Lady Whistledown.  She was also not fully herself without Eloise.  
She didn’t know how to reconcile being torn into so many pieces.  
He offered to walk her home.  She didn’t need an escort, not when she lived just across the way.  She had been alone in much more frightening places, but his insistence was endearing.  And, truth be told, she didn’t want to leave his side.  
She held his arm as they slowly made their way.  No words passed between them, only giddy looks and shared giggles.  
A long moment passed between them as they stood at her door.  He gently brushed the hair off her forehead, traced one delicate finger down her cheek.  
“I will see you in the morning?” How odd of a question, as if he was unsure of her answer.  
She nodded.  “Yes, of course.”  
He grinned proudly, taking a moment to look around to secure that they were alone before drawing in for a sweet kiss.  
It took her breath away.  He always took her breath away. 
Even home and settled, her mind remained abuzz.  She couldn’t sleep but she could write, and write she did, scribbling away as the evening slipped into early morning.  
Her quill scratched across the parchment, writing such delectable words.  
She only paused once, staring in somewhat disbelief at the words she had written on the page.  
…it may come to a surprise to all that Mr. Bridgerton’s rumored assistance in helping Miss Featherington find a husband has, instead, led to the two of them finding each other… 
She bit her lip, not helping the wide grin as she replayed Colin’s proposal in her mind.  
She wished she could see the looks on the ton’s faces when they read her column in the morning.  
It was the birds that awoke her, their happy songs in the golden sunlight bringing her from sleep.  In truth, she could have stayed in bed much longer, but for the first time in forever, she truly wished to be in reality more than the fantasies that often occupied her dreams. 
She cuddled into her pillow, thinking about how on this bright new morning, she was indeed about to become a wife.  But not just anyone’s wife.  Colin’s wife.  Colin Bridgerton would be her husband.  
An electric shiver ran throughout her body at the thought. 
She closed her eyes and once again traveled back to the previous night.  She once again could hear all of Colin’s honeyed words, feel his desperate lips on her skin, the sureness of his hand between her legs…
She let out a tiny moan.  How ever would she be able to function that day?
Her sisters were easy enough to avoid -- they were loud as they left, their doting husbands dutifully trailing behind them.  Her mother, on the other hand, would be a force she had to meet head on.  
Would it be too much to ask for her to be happy with the news? Could she not, for a moment, give out the same warmth, the same kindness, the same joy that Lady Bridgerton bestowed upon her just hours earlier?  Could she just for once accept Penelope for who she was?  Why was it - even when she was feeling on top of the world - there was always the fear that her own mother would be the one who toppled her over? 
She braced herself, taking a deep breath in and holding her head high as she entered the drawing room. 
She once again remained dazed as Colin escorted her into the small home.  Was there a limit to how much he could surprise her? Would there be an end to the utter shock she felt? Would she ever stop falling more and more in love? 
He defended her against her mother, a moment that would remain seared in her brain forever.  And now, he casually brought her into his home.  Into their home.  Into the house they would live in.  Together.  
She could have easily dismissed everything she had felt last night as a one-time fantasy.  Some dream she conjured up by her imagination only to be dashed away when she retained her sensible mind.  But that would not be the case.  
Because today, because now in the brightness of the early afternoon, it all felt real.  Too real.  Too raw.  So unbelievable that she could barely process it.  
What else more could he possibly give her? 
“I would like…I…”
“Anything, Colin.” 
“I am ready for you to touch me… Here, let me guide your hand.” 
“What…why are you laughing?” 
“It’s just that, you are so delicate in your touch.  You can be rougher if you like.” 
“Won’t I hurt you?” 
“You could never hurt me.” 
“Like this…is this good? I don’t quite know what I’m doing.” 
“It’s wonderful, Pen, just keep…yeah….” 
They continued to trade slow kisses, no longer hurried or heated, but calm and anchoring.  She relaxed into his embrace, feeling safer and more connected in his arms.  She had thought she had known what love was.  Thought she had known all its depths and all its intricacies.  But this new kind of love was surreal, as if it existed outside her plane of existence.  
His hand trailed over her skin sending a spark to her heart with each touch.  His fingers danced over her breast, stopping for a moment to be playful with a nipple.  She arched into him with a groan, raking one hand through his hair as she hiked one leg over his, lamenting the fact that he no longer was buried deep inside her.  His kiss deepened, and it was remarkable that she did not combust with ecstasy yet again…
“Penelope Featherington, you should not look at me like that.” 
She couldn’t help but stare as he rushed to clothe himself.  He had never seemed so handsome to her in that odd state of half undress.  If only she could be that fabric that clung so needily against his skin.  
“Isn’t a wife allowed to look at her husband?” 
A charming grin spread across his face.  “You are not yet my wife,” he gently teased.  
“No, but I long to look at you all the same.” 
His smile faltered as he looked at her with bewilderment.  
She was his.  She had always been his.  But it began to dawn on her that maybe he had always been hers as well.  They did not need to exchange marriage vows to belong to each other.  
The Queen’s notice was heavy in her hand.  Even as Colin snuck a tiny nibble to her neck, she could not stave off the sense of dread growing in her stomach.  
“It has been quite the day, has it not?” 
Colin helped her out of the carriage, ever the gentleman as he took her hand. It felt almost too simple a gesture for all that had happened between them, yet she took it willingly.  He kissed her hand and yet she couldn’t help but look up at him, wishing they weren’t bound by the rules of society.  How much she longed to kiss his lips once again.  
“Quite the day, indeed,” she managed to say.  
Colin moved in, whispering close into her ear.  “I love you, Pen.” 
She felt too dumbstruck to say it back.  But she felt it.  She radiated it.  He had to know, right? She was a writer of words, and yet she would never fully be able to express the depth of her love to him.  
“We’ll be together again soon.”  He dared sneak a gentle kiss to the top of her head.  
Somehow, the air around her grew colder as he left.  
The house she left was not the same house she came back to.  Something had shifted in the air.  Something had changed.  She had changed.  But she wasn’t the only one.  
Her sisters were one thing, with their pregnancies and their husbands and their uncomfortable commentary about Lady Whistledown.  They remained ignorant and occupied and could not sense that she was not the same person she had been just hours earlier.  
But her mother was different, too.  Her attempt at kindness felt troubling.  She did not trust it.  What scheme could she possibly be up to? It was doubtful that Portia Featherington could have actually found her heart.  But other improbabilities becoming realities had surprised her.  
The darkness of the evening light dimmed the room.  Penelope hardly noticed as she was too lost in thought to consider it.  She wrote away in her journal, wanting to document everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours.  What a whirlwind it had been, and she wasn’t quite sure all of it had happened.  
She happened to glance up and catch herself in the mirror.  She didn’t look any different.  She was still her.  Still Penelope.  Still Lady Whistledown, though she tried her best to ignore the unsettling feeling brought about by that title.  Still the girl who had hopes and dreams even if she now better understood how love can reverberate through your world and change it so fundamentally.  
She was still Penelope Featherington. And even if she was still, maybe, unsure of who that was, even if she was learning that a sense of self was no longer a stable thing, she no longer scorned that name.  
Besides, soon she would become Penelope Bridgerton.  And with that, a sense of hope stayed firm within her, even if she sensed a growing shadow in her world.  Yes, she would be Mrs. Penelope Bridgerton. A comforting warmth spread in her heart at the thought.  
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