#poly cynonari is a whole ass series and poly kavetham is just cracked drabbles niceeee
Poly Kavetham (That Loud House) shenanigans but it's Alhaitham's turn to fuck shit up:
It's very rare for Alhaitham to mess up in the relationship*, especially when it comes to you, so when it does happen you get 100x more upset in comparison to Kaveh's shenanigans.
And stumped by how his attempts to apologize weren't good enough, good boyfriend Kaveh steps in to help, so long as he 100% trusts the process.
Fast forward to them dancing this for you to lighten your mood and baffle you with the sight of Alhaitham dancing as priming for his apology after. It works. He will have to find a good way to thank Kaveh, sadly.
*Not counting the arguments with Kaveh and his condescension when it comes to wits, they're just part of the relationship by now
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