#pom pom the cat🐾
mrvlbimbo · 2 years
When I was thinking about Eddie X bimbo reader! I was imagining her having an evil white Persian cat. Like Eddie and this cat are sworn enemies. The cat treats Eddie bad, but never in front of the reader. She thinks the cat is the sweetest. The cat feels threatened by Eddie and vise versa, but they eventually warm up to one another.
I feel like Eddie would be so sad bc he likes the cat and he wants her to like him too but she just doesn’t.
It’s not even his fault bc all of her past bfs have been rlly mean to the cat so she’s on high alert, like she just does not trust him.
When her owner is there she’s chill but when they’re alone she’s super standoffish.
He tries to be sweet, always bringing her treats and trying to pet her. Eventually she starts to trust him a little but she’s stubborn.
Until one time he comes over and he’s just so sick. Moping around his gfs room until she coaxes him to lie down. He’s out like a light instantly, one arm wrapped around her shoulder.
He’s sweating with a fever, whining in his sleep from discomfort.
When he wakes up his girlfriend is nowhere to be seen because she’s in the kitchen working tirelessly to heat up bowl of soup for him in the microwave.
Instead of her presence her cat is cuddled up on his chest, licking his face and purring.
She steps in the room and almost drops the soup when she sees the adorable sight of them. Instead she sets it on a table and practically skips over to the bed, stroking the cats fur with one hand and her boyfriends hair with the other.
“Hey baby,” she murmurs, kissing them both of the head one after the other.
“You taking care of my boy?” She cooed, smiling lovingly at the two.
The cat meowed in response, nudging his chin with her nose. “See I told you she likes you.”
This is how I imagine the cat looking btw
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Eddie x bimbo!reader masterlist
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poetryforcoyotes · 1 month
whitelist for requests ! 🐾
these are things i am mostly likely to complete or complete quicker in requests as i am familiar with them! please note, i will definitely accept requests that aren't these! what i will never accept is on my Blacklist.
in no particular order.. 🐾
Therian/Alterhuman/Otherkin (basically Animals and Creatures!)
The Lion King/Guard
Warrior Cats (including OCs and Clangen)
Night At The Museum
Watership Down
Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel in general
Shakespeare (especially Macbeth/Much Ado About Nothing)
Dead Poets Society
The Looney Tunes
The Lego Movie(s)
Kung Fu Panda
Ice Age
Shelter Generations
The Isle/Path of Titans/Jurassic World/Dinosaurs in general
Minecraft (please check Blacklist.)
Rain World
Kids Media in general
Games/Books (especially Animal-based)
Musicals (please check Blacklist.)
DND (is that a moodboard thing? Idk)
Alt/Indie/Rock songs
Self care/Positive affirmations
General themes like the beach/forest/city/sky/stars/space/etc.
subject to update !!
please also see my Blacklist before requesting.
updated: 29/4
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mogai-infirmary · 2 years
i want to see your overly long list of neos
here they are
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
How about Eddie during one of Hellfire meetings bring Pom Pom with him and she sleeps on his lap during his campaings?
I imagine getting her in the car would be a nightmare thou :(
Like he just comes into her house and scoops the cat up. She’s sleeping peacefully curled up on the bed.
Lookin like this (so cute 🥺)
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How could anyone disturb this adorable thing? She looks so peaceful <3 Eddie doesn’t give two shits about that, he has somewhere to be
He scoops her up and cradles her like a baby against his chest.
She’s not happy about this, making some kind of indignant snorting sound. “Shh shh shh. Your mommy is running some errands so you are coming with me tonight.” He pets her head with his other hand, whispering an apology for waking her up.
His girlfriend was going to get her nails done and she was worried about getting cat hair stuck to the newly dried polish. He offered to take Pom Pom on a little vacation for the night to keep both of them out of harms way.
She ducks her head against his chest and tries to go back to sleep.
She practically attaches herself to him the second the car starts moving, gripping onto his arm with her tiny paws. She’s meowing very angrily, hesitantly climbing on the dash to try and see where they’re going.
She’s relieved when the car stops and they pull into the schools parking lot. “You’re going to meet some very cool people today,” he announced, picking her back up and bringing her into the school.
She meows in response (obviously)
He replies to her like she had actually said something “not as cool as me and your mommy though.”
She sits with him the whole session, crawling around on his lap and onto his shoulders. Eventually she gets interested in the dice, jumping on the table and smacking them around.
“Pom Pom, no!” He groans, picking her up and setting her back on his lap.
Needless to say, dnd ends early that night. Pom Pom was a huge hit though, they want her to be a new member of the party.
As if the night couldn’t get any better, he comes home to his girlfriend waiting for him on the porch, her nails a cute sparkly pink color.
“Hey baby!” She yelps, running down the steps and wraps her arms around them both, squishing Pom Pom between them a bit.
He still isn’t sure which one of them she’s talking to when she says that. “Did your dad take good care of you?” She coos, giving the cat a little scratch behind the ears.
She purrs happily, licking her hand as the girl giggles.
Eddie x bimbo!reader masterlist
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
What about Pom Pom being territorial over bimbo!reader when Eddie the first months of when they met and then letting her guard down and starting to warmed to him
Yeah… that’s what happened I wrote abt it here
But I’ll expand on it
Pom Pom legtierally sits on her lap and just glares at Eddie.
They have no chance at any intimacy when Pom Pom is there. Like the second Eddie even tries to get within feet of his gf she’s meowing at top volume.
And she’s like “uhoh, I think she’s hungry.”
She was not hungry
Needless to say Pom Pom has been eating a lot more lately just to keep Eddie away from her owner
She’s like, I will not let this gross man touch me and I will not let him touch my favorite person either
But then he starts bringing her treats and he’s always gentle and kind even when she’s mean to him and she can sense how happy he makes her owner
He’s not like the other bfs so eventually Pom Pom decides he’s not all that bad
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
Pom Pom purring and head butting Eddie 🫠cuz he’s totally alive
More Pom Pom content bc y’all seem to love her (I do too)
Eddie with Pom Pom is the most perfect thing, it makes his gf’s heart explode when he’s sweet with her.
After Eddie’s sick day Pom Pom is rlly nice to him, always purring and rubbing on his legs when he comes over.
He’s over the moon because Eddie is totally a cat person and Pom Pom is just the cutest cat.
She’s such an attention hog like they’ll be trying to sleep and she’s head butting Eddie and purring right in his ear.
One time he woke up and she was sleeping on his neck.
She’s like one of those super affectionate cats that would crawl inside of their owners skin if they could.
But she can and will climb inside of his shirt. Or perch herself on his shoulder. Or wrap herself around his leg.
Basically Pom Pom is the number one Eddie enthusiast and the feeling is mutual.
Sometimes he goes to his gf’s house earlier than she’s expecting him just to hang out with the cat.
He’ll just sit on the floor petting her, she loves all the attention.
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This is so totally them!!!
Eddie loves to cuddle I can totally imagine all of them cuddling. Eddie’s gf is resting her head on his chest and the cat is curled up on his stomache.
Before they have kids, Pom Pom is like their child. (Thank god bc they needed the practice)
Speaking of the kids, Pom Pom would be so sweet with them. At first they were worried abt the kids being rough at pissing her off but she’s so smart and she knows she has to be gentle with them.
She likes to sleep in their crib (she’s the unofficial 4th baby)
When bimbo!reader was pregnant Pom Pom could tell before anyone else. Like she would lie with her head on her stomache purring really loudly all the time and no one could figure out why.
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She has a little bow 🥺
She probably doesn’t like the outfit itself but she likes the attention and being pet. She loves being fussed over by her favorite ppl so she’s cool with wearing a stupid bow if that’s what It means.
Eddie x bimbo!reader masterlist
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
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this remind me of bimbo!reader and her cat <3
Yesssss 🥺
She leaves little lipstick kisses on Eddie and Pom Pom all the time.
He has to clean up her mess, licking his thumb and rubbing the red print off the kitty’s white fur.
Eddie x bimbo!reader
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
i may or not have just spent an hour making outfits for bimbo!reader because she is the cutest ever🤭<3
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AAAAAAAAA I love this and I love u
And loooook everyone Pom Pom is there too!!!!
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
imagine pom pom meeting uncle wayne for the first time and she just falls in love with him. she’s purring, constantly trying to get his attention, laying in his lap and eddie is jealous as hell bc he had to earn that from pom pom and his uncle didn’t
Cats love old men
Idk y
But my (very mean) orange cat named cutie legiterally hated everyone except for my grandfather
Like whenever he visited (which is not often my grandparents live in NJ or FL depending on the time of year and we’re like 10/12 hours from both) my cat would sit on his lap and take naps with him
Like she was obsessed idky
But I can totally imagine Pom Pom being that way with uncle Wayne
Like she lets him pick her up and tote her around and hold her like a little baby
He thinks she’s the sweetest too and he always gets her treats when he’s out
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
Bimbo!Reader 100% brings Pom Pom with her to dnd sometimes as her “mythical companion” and Eddie likes to sit in his throne with the kitty like a James Bond villain lmaoo
I’m vibrating rn omg I love this
Sometimes he lets her on the table to knock things over as part of the story.
(Because she loves crawling on the table and swiping everything off)
She’s so precious 🥺
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
Bimbo reader talking to underclassmen [HERE]
Also side bar: I love Pom Pom sm
That’s her lecturing the kids in hellfire
Like Eddie leaves her alone with them for like five minutes and she starts giving them life lessons.
Sidebar: I would die for Pom Pom
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
Ik they probably weren’t invented until recently but imagine Eddie putting Pom Pom in a cat backpack 🥲
Yes yes yes
They might not have had official cat backpacks but he would put Pom Pom in a baby carrier on his chest and carry her around like a baby.
She’s very fussy at first, wiggling around and meowing at him.
She’s a very dignified lady and she does not agree with being strapped to him with her paws dangling in the air.
She eventually comes to like it when she realizes how much attention she gets being toted around like that.
She loves attention.
Is this just a Pom Pom appreciation blog now? Maybe 🤷🏼‍♀️
Where’s the Pom Pom and Eddie fanart? 👩🏼‍💻
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
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bimbo would totally dress up pom pom in this <33
I was literally abt to post this and say it reminded me of Pom Pom
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
It's not bimbo!reader x eddie anymore, it's pompom and eddie
imagine Eddie demanding join custody of Pom Pom is the reason they move in together
Like he wants to keep Pom Pom at his place and she wants to keep her at her place and they’re arguing abt it
And they’re like well the only solution is to move in together
Maybe it’s a bit rushed
But Pom Pom is very happy to have even more time with her two favorite people
Eddie x bimbo!reader masterlist
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
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Pom Pom 🥺
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
Where are my bimbo!reader series lore enthusiasts at?
Bc tbh if you didn’t know her cat is named pom-pom r u even a real fan?
(I’m joking obv)
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