jaimevega · 4 years
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INTRO  --  I am Ace. I’m 24. He/Him. GMT-7. I work at WalMart which I’m not alone in here so that’s nice :’) This is Jaime (pronounced with the H sound btw, not the J sound). Read on to learn more about him. 
Sad Rich Boy(tm) 
And when I say rich I mean he’s rich as fuck. Like rich as fuck. 
His parents don’t live in Elmridge. They’ve never lived in Elmridge. They only really ever stayed there during the weekends. Jaime always lived in Elmridge though, just with his nanny (who was like a parent to him). 
His parents have bankrolled multiple multiple things within Elmridge. Buildings in Downtown Elmridge. The swimming pool in the High School. They modernized the Hospital in town. People either love them for it all, or hate them and think they’re trying to show off their money, or pay people off to like them and their son (that’s Jaime). 
In fact ... Jaime kind of feels like he was only ever placed in the Advanced Classes because his parents got him into them. or on the Baseball team. Or the swim team. Or pretty much everything. 
He had some resentment for some of his classmates about that back in the day. But he realizes now it’s completely stupid, and really does care about the rest of the Big Fish a lot. He just always felt really inadequate around them all, because they all seemed so amazing, and he just felt like he was struggling to catch up. He still deals with some self esteem issues so.
His parents are still under the impression he’s pre-med, and do not know he is a Fine Arts major at Oxford. They have no idea. His friends do tho.
He just found himself able to ... be himself when he was introduced to Art. Like REALLY introduced to it. And he couldn’t give it up, but didn’t want to let his parents down. 
He might have some issues he’s trying to work out. 
He does all art, but he really is only great at Painting. At least that is what he believes. The rest is just for fun. He’ll paint you a portrait if you want him to. 
He has been in Oxford since graduating from High School, he hasn’t come back at all. But he HAS invited some of his friends, so if anyone ever wanted to take a trip to London to hang out with Jaime and his fancy art friends, he absolutely would have paid for your trip if you needed it. So, I’m not saying he’s NEVER seen anyone since he graduated. 
I don’t have WC up yet. But you know if you have any ideas. I’m up for it all. Friends, Enemies, Romances, Rivals, Whatever. Lets do it all. 
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tanqledweb · 4 years
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HEELLOOOO  !!  my  name  is  amanda ,  i’m  19  years  old  ,  in  est  +  use  she/her  pronouns  :~)  let  me  tell  you  when  i  first  saw  a  promo  for  this  rp  on  my  timeline  ....  i  was  immediately  so  excited  DFGJKH  i’m  looking  forward  to  meeting  you  all  and  your  muses  !  under  the  cut  you’ll  find  some  information  about  my  interpretation  of  the  library.  i  introduce  to  you   ....   mandy  labelle  ~
view  her  stats  page.
view  some  connection  ideas.
( a  proper  full  bio  will  come  eventually )
♡ — on the surface;
full name :  mandy aryn labelle.
nickname(s) : none.
age : 21 years old.
gender & pronouns :  cis female & she/her.
uni + major :  columbia uni + literature major.
neighbourhood : marigold park.
occupation :  employee at jimmy's pizza.
♡ — more in depth;
triggers : brief mentions of death, indicated with a **.
unfortunately for mandy , she was born to a well known prosecutor in the area, victor labelle; who is notoriously known within crime groups.
daddy dearest makes himself out to be a good guy who always fights for the right reasons --- but in reality ? he is quite corrupt.
when mandy was 12, she actually caught wind of one of her father’s sneaky underground “projects”; he threw every lie and excuse under the sun at her when asked about it but she knew what she saw.
her escapism started here; she did everything she possibly could to avoid being at home. looking at her father and knowing he wasn’t who mandy thought he was hurt beyond words.
she delved into different literature. she loved getting lost among different worlds, desperately longing to go there. she started getting into live action movies & shortly after, found a great love for performance.. and thus, came a fixation on performing arts.
it was her new way of forgetting about reality; with drama class came pretending to be a whole different person -- how could she pass that up?
** it was a shock to a lot of residents when victor turned up dead in his bed one morning. the cause was suspected to be a fatal heart attack while he was asleep.
some rumoured his wife to have had something to do with it but it quickly died out at the realization of the damage it did to her and mandy.
despite it being a closed case, some people still think there was foul play involved. mandy is among these people, though she’d never admit it.
life was never the same after his passing. the mother-daughter duo weren’t making nearly enough money to stay in their mansion of a home and so, they moved to marigold part.
it wasn’t anything luxurious by any means but they’d eventually grow to love it.
his passing only made things worse for the girl. mandy’s life had been dedicated to trying to avoid her father, and their house in general, and now that he was gone, she never wanted to be in his arms more.
she felt like a bad daughter, a bad person. mandy was escaping for a different reason now. to run from her guilt. from her regret.
she’d put up a facade of sorts throughout school. she never wanted anyone to sense that something was wrong and so, she smiled. she laughed, cracked jokes; did whatever she could to draw the attention away from her saddened eyes.
she grew to become the type of person people wanted to be friends with ( or be, period ). they saw mandy as a dreamer, an adventure, someone who desires to see the world and everyone knows that one day, she will.
nobody knows her wanting to “see the world” really meant just getting the fuck out of elmridge. to escape her family’s misfortune; her mother’s expectations of her.
mandy became something of a changed person during university -- it was her first taste of real freedom. she came to believe that not everyone can be faking being a good person; that there are genuine people out there.
the facade mask she’d been hiding behind all these years has slowly started to peel back.
within this breakthrough, mandy now sees the world -- including elmridge -- in a whole new and brighter light.
♡ — other info;
bisexual  /  ravenclaw  /  chaotic good
she is quite the little rebel, honestly. she enjoys trespassing abandoned buildings to start little camp fires and smoke weed >:)
she has mixed emotions about going back home; she’s excited and hopeful yet dreading the fact that it’s their last summer before a life of uncertainty
a “swears in front of children by accident and then says ‘oh shit, sorry!’” type of person
she’s currently living with her mom again and it was surprise to see a little husky pup running around :’)) maggie is the cutest little bean
ANNNNNNND  YEAH  ~  i  hope  i  covered  all  the  basics.  i  am  always  down  for  plotting  and  headcanoning  or  just  chatting  so  do  hmu  @  any  time  of  the  day  or  night  if  you  feel  like  doing  those  things  :’)  my  dscord  is  coochpetals#3608  !
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verasitas · 4 years
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hi hello it is i, bee ( 22, she/her, the littlepond fiend that lives across the world, has a habit of marrying leah in every stardew save file ever ) and i’ll be writing the cafeteria a.k.a xiulan “vera” zhao!! sorta mouthed off in her bio/application a bit so this’ll be the tl;dr! ♡
you can find her bio here, stats page here, pinterest here, connections page still under co so just look away lmaoskjdlskj
her mother, victoria zhao, comes from a long line of businessmen, tracing as far back to the british occupation in singapore where the zhaos established a foothold in a lot of industries beginning with tea trade and eventually expanding to fashion/hospitality (restaurants, hotels, etc). on the other hand, her father, eric peterson, comes from a ‘new money family’. eric’s grandparents, by sheer luck, invested in land that turned out to be oil-rich. they were in love, once, but over time their relationship has grown strained because of the zhao’s disapproval and eric’s growing concern about not making as much money as victoria does.
they’re both staunch traditionalists, especially victoria (ironic, considering she married someone her parents found unsuitable). as an only child, vera was expected to bear the weight of all their expectations and was easily disheartened whenever she tried something new and wasn’t immediately good at it.
that being said, she found a lot of things she was good at a young age and refused to branch out anywhere else since.
(tw; assault mention) at age 5 she joined the onondaga county gymnastics team and started dreaming abt winning the olympics. she’s ridiculously good at it and was close w the rest of the team, but at age 12, right before the junior elite preliminaries, the other girl competing for the sole slot in the national team got attacked and everyone blamed vera and the zhaos since ‘they’re the only ones who had anything to gain from it’
despite her insistence that she had nothing to do with it, she was lynched from her friend group and since then, vera had to deal with the rumors on her own (victoria and eric are above the slander, and they assumed vera would be too)
vera quit gymnastics after that and instead, threw herself at her academics and the elmridge high cheer squad. no one has forgotten about the gymnastics incident and if asked, she plays it off and goes ‘fuck that noise’ but she’s p wound up abt it 24/7
eager to leave town, she quickly realizes she’s not Hot Shit outside of elmridge. she makes a name for herself @ parsons, majoring in communication design, but not without a bit of struggle. ( basically, she’s not good with big changes / changes in general )
at this point in time, she thinks she’s doing great and is pretty proud of what she’s accomplished thus far. still skittish about the old rumor and is constantly stressed by the pressure her parents put on her, but good! amazing! relatively!
will soon find out her parents bribed her way into parsons though so idk how long that’ll last!! sksks
her entire life post-gymnastics is just her questioning her worth and figuring out what it's rooted to: family obligations? personal achievements? reputation? because she's spent so long working towards the goal of winning the olympics, it threw her off to be so directionless so suddenly. the self-doubt never leaves, only wanes in and out of her system and will escalate v abruptly once she catches wind of the parsons admission thing.
as for the big fish, she would never admit it but it’s obvious she has a soft spot for them. probably the only people she’d genuinely go out on a limb for. a small group of kids being subjected to such big responsibilities and expectations from such a young age is bonding through shared trauma lakskjdslk otherwise, vera’s just really good at manipulating what people think about her.
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q-dean · 4 years
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yo, yo, yoey, vote for zoey. it’s ya girl, ariel. queen of bad references and angsty plots.
i’m going to give you the short and sweet. q was nice lil kiddo and then she got sad n lonely when her dad “died”. she like didn’t connect with the other kids and mainly wanted to hang out with herself ( ayyy )
her fam jam has a propensity for drama and scandal so can be a bit of an outcast around town
q spent early high school avoiding school basically to read books under the bleachers but was still an ace in class. she showed up more in the later years.
she found out her dad was Not Deceased in senior year and her life imploded a little. she stopped hanging out with Presley ( awkward am i right ) and before graduation moved out of her mum’s place.
she went to j-school and has been trying to be a writer since, she’s a little obsessed with ““““truth”””” now
she’s also a little pan demon rebel who’s ready to drink and party bc she’s a Writer™ so she just needs to live life. she definitely dropped off the radar for squad though and she’s not hella excited about being back
quick wc
the person who told her to write the essay about her dad for college papers
the person she lived with before she moved to new york
new & old hook ups
anyone who wants to maybe have had a moment with q unexpectedly in new york one time, idk could be fun & funky
alright that is all my sweaty butt can manage for now. once i find ac i’ll do the full pages for these things oop.
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lucasgarrido · 4 years
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                           Hello hello! I am Sarah! And this here is Lucas. The Science Lab. He's an 'insufferable genius' as they say. [ Stats ] [ Wanted Connections ] [ Pinterest ] [ Playlist ]
[ mentions of abuse ] The Garrido Family is poor as hell. They live in Marigold Park (the actual trailer park thank you), and got by on his mother’s salary as a children’s librarian because his father is a deadbeat drunk, who was more likely to smack his son around, and hurl insults at them both than he was to make money. Lucas will have nothing to do with the man anymore. But he loves his mother very much. 
He is attending Harvard University, and majoring in Chemistry. He’s a big Science Nerd. For all sciences but chemistry is really his main thing.
He loves it there. He hates the people there. 
Over the summer he is going to be working at The Scarlett Inn taking check-ins, as well as tutors middle school and high schoolers. 
He’s Gay
He calls people darling~ (eg: “Grow a fucking brain, darling.” )
He has more feelings than he lets on. But he’d never admit that. He would rather die. 
He will not ask for help. Ever. In anything. He will not. He will never. How dare you even try to offer help. He doesn’t need it. He’ll do it his own damn self. Lucas would rather work himself to the bone – which he regularly does – than ask for help. Whether that be with school work ( he doesn’t need it don’t make him laugh ). Whether it be with money ( he’d rather die ). Whether it be with emotional problems ( fuck you for even bringing it up ). Nope. Don’t ask. Don’t offer. He’ll hate you.
Just because Lucas is very very focused on his future and everything that comes with it – the part time jobs, the studying, etc – does not mean that he is a goody two shoes. He is really not. He does not get into trouble, because he’s smart enough to know when it’s a poor idea, and he’s smart enough to know how to keep himself out of trouble. He isn’t a trouble maker, or mischievous. But he’s far from some sort of goody goody, or a shy meek person who always does the right thing, or doesn’t know how to stick up for themselves. That is not Lucas.
His favorite food is Strawberries :)
He’s not a bad friend. He’s actually a really good friend. Unless you’re the type of person who needs to be in control, than they’ll probably butt heads a lot. He is a bit of a control freak. Just a little bit. A tiny bit....
He’s more likely to roll his eyes, than engage in drama or gossip. ( Don’t you have anything better to do? I mean really )
He’s HELPFUL but he isn’t going to baby you.
Whatever you need, he probably doesn’t have time for it. 
Lucas is not only a science nerd. He is a regular nerd, he enjoys things like video games, star trek, D&D, etc etc. God can we start a d&d group with these guys pls.
Honestly countless other facts. But here are just some. Please check out my wanted connections and all of that. And we’ll plot! 
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presleysfm · 4 years
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what’s crackin, pals? i’m ally, this is my very first rp, i’m so fucking excited and nervous at the same time, but hey, that’s life ig. anyways, i present to you miss presley , your local absent-minded professor. this intro is a mess and a half but i. gotta wear my admin pantsuit on the main and i can change into my player leggings and sweatshirt here. 
SO the jamisons aren’t like. super Known in elmridge. but her mom’s side of the family, the tsuga’s, are. they own the local walgreen’s in downtown elmridge, three different car dealerships, and a pig farm on the property adjacent to presley’s own home. 
she has an older sister, dakota, and two younger siblings, her brother kennedy and her sister tatum. her mom is the middle child of her own family, and presley has like eight aunts and uncles and almost two dozen cousins that all live in the skaneateles hills and elmridge. so. yeah. everyone knows a member of her family, and any troublemaking she tries to do will get back to them. and also everyone is constantly comparing her to her siblings and cousins. 
her dad’s side of the family is russian and scottish (even though i said blackfoot in the sample app uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just recently learned booboo stewart just deadass lied about that so thats no longer canon to presley), though her surname was adapted by her russian grandfather after fleeing the soviet union in an attempt to hide from the kgb. he is, to this day, incredibly paranoid. either way, it’s quite a bit smaller, with only her father and her aunt, no cousins. and yet its her grandfather that haunts her in school. great. 
ANYWAYS enough about the family life lets get to presley herself 
she’s a weirdo. she’s weird. she doesn’t “””””fit in”””””” and she doesn’t (dramatic pause) wannafitin. 
because fitting in means being easily comparable and only identified with how good she is in relation to others hahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahha
she was literally the most cartoonishly goofy child you can imagine. like, she was already pretty cheerful and imaginative, but she also loved how much attention she would get by being weird and cute. it was a part she played very, very well. every day as a child she wore her big yellow rain boots and her duck hat, and she always tried to find the joy in everything. not for herself, of course, but for everyone else. to be associated with joy. 
at home, she was too likely to be forgotten. she never wanted to be forgotten.
she used her same happy, imaginative self to try and befriend all of the big fish. she never much cared about earning respect, she mostly cared about earning affection.
always naturally bright, she discovered her knack for computer science at age eight. at first, she didn’t see what was so great about it, but then her older cousin explained to her that programming could be used to make everything from computer programs to video games. that’s where her imagination really shined through. 
video games were like the ultimate games of make-believe, that you could make for others. either way, her parents were thrilled by her new fascination with coding, and assumed she would grow out of wanting to make games. 
she.... didn’t, though. it’s still what she wants to do to this day. but her parents convinced her in high school that software engineering would be a better use of her time. so, she applied to software engineering at mit, and got accepted. her parents threw a congratulations party for her, and she couldn’t picture them being any more proud. she cried a whole lot that day. 
the problem is that mit fucking SUCKED. it was just the definition of a grind, and it was hard for presley to pretend she was okay, to be her normal, cheerful self. sure, she’d had issues with anxiety before, but being so far from her family, so isolated from everyone, and so overwhelmed, she was just... drained. but her family was so proud of her, and all the big fish had gone off to their fancy programs, and here presley was, unable to take the heat. 
(anxiety attack tw) the big fish know that presley ended up transferring to cornell after her first year. but they don’t know how bad it got. and presley intends to keep it that way. after all, nobody likes the wreck sobbing on the floor of the dorm bathroom; they all preferred the usual her, the self she was crying to cling to. 
presley doesn’t wanna grow up because then that requires not only picking a career path but leaving her family again and she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to do that so. 
uhhhhh her favorite things include m&ms, her rubber boots, fancy braids, video games, the new duck tales series, tik toks, and making people laugh. 
speaking of tik toks, i spent twenty minutes finding some: 
this is basically her tinder bio
mit is really testing her
pres when fucked up 
she’d do this and like... idk how to feel abt it 
anyways i have a pitiful amount of wanted connections here but like i kinda wanna plot on a case by case basis y’know????? lets get DEEP 
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islennon · 4 years
hey  !  i’m  saph  &  i’m  so  excited  to  write  with  u  all  &  introduce  my  spitfire  lennon.  i'm  probably  definitely  going  to  send  out  some  messages  on  discord  to  get  some  things  going  uhh  asap!!  after  i  catch  up  on  everything!!
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lennon  keely  . . .  find  me  under  the  bleachers  .      twenty  .  nonbinary  she/they  .  sasha  lane  .  downtown  elmridge  .
so  first  things  first  !  lennon  is  nonbinary  &  goes  by  she  or  they  pronouns.  they’ve  been  super  outspoken  about  their  identity  since  probably  ?  middle  school  ,  so  this  is  nothing  new!!
lennon  has  a  younger  half  sister  ,  they  were  both  raised  by  their  dad.  he  did  the  best  he  could  by  himself  ,  but  struggled  with  his  mental  health  ,  really  hard  !!  
they’re  very  protective  of  their  family.  they  live  downtown  elmridge  and  lennon  works  at  jimmy’s  pizza.
since  a  young  age  ,  lennon  has  struggled  a  lot  with  their  anger  .  they  probably  introduced  like  half  of  your  muses  to  their  first  cuss  word  kghsdkhgs  and  probably  picked  a  fight  with  the  other  half.
their  temper  is  short  &  they  don't  put  up  with  anything.  lennon  is  mad  at  the  entire  world  and  every  person  in  it  ,  at  some  point.  they're  quite  a  violent  person  too,  which  has  definitely  gotten  them  in  trouble  more  than  once.  but  lennon  was  lucky  ;  in  elmridge  ,  people  knew  them.  they  learned  how  to  handle  it  and  often  cut  them  slack  that  they  didn't  deserve  (  but  needed  ).
unlike  so  many  of  their  friends  ,  lennon  didn’t  leave  elmridge  after  graduation.  they  stayed  to  take  care  of  their  family  ,  and  work.  
but  we  know  it’s  also  because  they  are  scared  to  be  in  their  own  and  start  over.  and  scared  because  part  of  them  wants  to  leave  and  pursue  sociology.  lennon’s  roots  are  here  in  elmridge  ;  everyone  here  may  not  like  them  ,  but  they  know  them.
this  summer  is  going  to  be  bittersweet  for  lennon.  everyone  is  back  ,  but  come  the  end  of  summer  they’re  going  to  depart  from  their  family  and  their  friends  to  go  to  college  in  brooklyn.
aka  :  good  luck  dealing  with  lennon  ,  yall.
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