#poo poo kaka head
fuckbebi · 7 years
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@vinnya cool epic sweet awesome so what's it like hating untransitioned/femme trans men
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mcrmadness · 4 years
Misheard DÄ lyrics thread
Okay so me starting this might be bit weird for you all because my native language is Finnish so there’s plenty of explaining I need to do in order to make people understand what it’s all about, and I don’t know if it will still make any sense, let alone funny. But I will try. Maybe you all will laugh me out of court but in that case... no can do.
And also - I am still learning German and with most lyrics I have absolutely no clue what is going on in the song. So of course my mind will look for the closest Finnish words I can find because that German does not exist in my head yet. And lots of these I have heard during my first years of being the fan when I yet didn’t speak any German at all.
I’ll start:
Goldenes Handwerk Right: Als meiner Mutter klar wurde Wrong: ...mutakakku... Explanation: A chocolate cake, literally a “mud cake” but in English Wikipedia uses the Swedish name which is “Kladdkaka” which alone is already hilarious because “kaka” is very close to how you say “poo” in Finnish. So me and my siblings still today laugh at any Swedish translations of cake names. Nazareth Right: Mein Nasenkotelett macht garantiert nicht fett Wrong: ...makkaratikku... Explanation: lit. a sausage stick which you use to grill sausages over an open fire. Very common in Finland. N48.3 Right: (Ach) Ist der Papst katolisch und schon waren wir bei ihr Wrong: ARGH PASKA TULEE!!! Explanation: lit. ARGH SHIT IS COMING / meaning: I’M GONNA SHIT, the shout before this part really is the cherry on the cake. Dos Corazones Right: Hablas con alguien, el esta aquí Wrong: Alasko näkee, edestä tulee Explanation: “When one sees down, it comes from the front”, “alasko” is “alas kun” in some Finnish dialect(s).
Sommer, Palmen, Sonnenschein Right: Sommer, Palmen, Sonnenschein, was kann schöner sein? Wrong: Sommer, Palmen, Sonnenschein, PASSSSKA... Explanation: Shit. Because apparently that’s all I have in my head.
That’s all for now, at least the ones I can remember - feel free to add your own and don’t worry about the language. I’ll reblog this with more stuff once I remember them.
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Hey everyone!! I am having a shitty birthday!!
I am ok now, I have to go to my doctor this week. Guess who fainted literally mid purchase of their coffee machine !!! I whacked my head on the floor !!! I do not have a concussion though, thankfully, I just feel like kaka poo poo pee pee
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you are sick???????? i will come fight your illness for you. like. metaphorically. anyways... kakashi for the character impressions? because, duh.
I am sick :( I’ve got a cold and the world’s most horrible migraine, and life is pain, nausea, and congestion atm.  But these are sufficiently distracting.  I am imagining you punching my illness in the face, and it is satisfying.
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First impression
…your name is Poop Death.  Kaka = poop in Greek, Shi = death in Japanese.  He is either the deadliest poo, or poo’s grim reaper.  Nice hair though.  I like the way it flops 
Impression now
Some days I think I am Kakashi.  Other days, I want to marry Kakashi.  I think I am in love with myself.  That must mean I have great self-esteem.  I also love his giggle.  Most fun character to write, because there are so many versions of him.  You could write him a hundred different ways, and I would still call each of them in character.  He’s just super well flushed out and dynamic.  I still love his hair.  It’s super fun to draw.
Favorite moment
This is tough.  Can I choose every moment?  No? Um… I really liked when Kakashi died, went to the afterlife and spoke with his dad.  I mean, I was dying because he died he can’t die what the hell he can’t be dead not after Jiraiya I’m still crying about that! but it was such a satisfying interaction.  You see him grow in that moment, and honestly, any moment where life stops shitting on Kakashi for five minutes and gives him a break is a good moment to me.  Second best is a tie between this giggle and this Hot Blooded Rival Challenge.  Third is his fight with Obito (so beautifully animated, it was stunning.  One of the best fights in the anime, if not the best).
Idea for a story
SO MANY IDEAS.  Let’s see, one that I haven’t mentioned yet…honestly I am sort of writing a story where Sakumo lives.  Canon gets thrown on it’s head, because Papamo is here to be the World’s Best Papa and honestly that’s all I want for Kakashi.  The Adventures of Papamo and Kakachibi, where everyone is Loved and Nothing Bad Happens (or I kill you.  Nothing bad better happen).
Unpopular opinion
I really hate how Kakashi is always saving Sakura.  I mean, I love Kakashi.  I love that he looks out for his comrades, but I think it steals from her own potential as a character.  Lots of people say ‘look he’s always there for her, such a great bond, go KakaSaku they’re soulmates’ but I see it more as ‘look, Kishimoto is stealing another moment for a female character to visibly demonstrate being successful in any sort of battle.’  Kishi tried to make Sakura popular by making her more beautiful, and by giving her a bunch of written qualifications that rarely get demonstrated.  And Kakashi, not being Naruto or Sasuke and thus being stuck somewhere between a supporting role and a main character, gets his glory shots by saving Sakura.  All.  The.  Time.  Half of his BAMF moments are him rushing in to save poor Sakura.  
And honestly, it just feels like he’s stealing from her. Kakashi’s character does many a disservice to Sakura, from not training her properly as a genin, to not training her at all when he’s lying on a bench reading Icha Icha while Naruto tries to split leaves, because there is no point to helping her at all, apparently, even though she is there every day trying to be useful by making millions of medicinal balls or whatever the fuck those gross things are called for Naruto because she wants to help dammit Kakashi get your head out of your ass and pay attention!  Like, she couldn’t be more desperate for attention, you oblivious neanderthal.  Get your head out of your book, stop being lazy, and train her! (ok this isn’t the most unpopular opinion but it bothers me so here we are). 
Favorite relationship
While I love the Rival Challenges with Konoha’s Green Beast, I have to go with Kakashi’s relationship with Sakumo.  Maybe it’s because I grew up watching Full House, or maybe it’s because I have a stereotypical stoic father who I had to force cuddles on until he stopped being embarrassed to be seen displaying any form of affection, but nothing is more special to me than a father who is open about his love for his children.  No “manly” bs, no “he was tough, but I could tell what he meant in what he didn’t say,” no “looking back, I realised he was a dick because he loved me,” none of that garbage.  
Sakumo adored Kakashi and he showed it in everything he did.  Kakashi was his sun and his moon and his stars and his sky and his earth and his air…I love, well, love, what can I say?  There are issues I have with the relationship—Sakumo teaching Kakashi ninja skills and letting him join the academy at four, or the thought that, since Kakashi was a Chuunin, he’d be better off without a dad, but these are things borne from the universe and less from the relationship.  
Favorite headcanon
Kakashi is Sarada’s touchan (daddy) while Sasuke is her otousan (father).  It doesn’t have to be a KakaSaku thing, but that girl deserves a dad, and since Sasuke is out of the village and presumably never speaks to her, Kakashi comes in, helps Sakura through her pregnancy, and helps to raise Sarada.  She just randomly starts calling him touchan one day, and Sakura cries privately later, but they all go with it (even Sasuke, when he finds out.  Sasuke is relieved that there’s someone there to love Sarada in the ways Sasuke cannot express, because he is just too shattered still, and it hasn’t been long enough for the sands of time to blunt his sharp edges).  Sarada still loves Sasuke and knows he’s her bio-dad (it’s hard not to love your biological parents, even if they’re not the best) but Kakashi is the one who takes her for ice-cream (even though he hates it himself—too sweet) and Kakashi is the one carrying her around on his shoulders (her little hands buried in his hair—he keeps it short because she complains that tickles her nose when it’s too long) and Kakashi is there when the kids at school tease her for her glasses, or because her biological father isn’t around (he wipes her tears and teaches her little, harmless jutsu to get back at them—the kids stop messing with her).  
Kakashi is an awkward potato, but he remembers his father, and remembers Minato, and he finds a way to love a little lost child, with a legacy too big for her little feet to walk in (he remembers how he felt, walking in his father’s shadow when Sakumo was no longer there to block the stares, and he wants to keep her safe from that responsibility.  She’s too young and no one should turn out like him).  
And in doing that, part of him heals. Breathing comes a little easier, and everyday isn’t just for the village, it’s for the little girl with stars in her eyes when she looks at her touchan.  He is always over to read bedtime stories (even if he has to keep a clone working overtime in the office while he skips away to tuck her in).  
Again, there doesn’t have to be a romantic connection between him and Sakura, but I think that a sort of blended family comes around, where Sarada has one mom and two dads and (as mouse and I have discussed in the past) Inojin and Boruto are jealous because ‘Why does Sarada get to have two dads? I want two dads!’ and everyone is loved.  Sasuke comes back eventually, or maybe not at all.  But he is always welcome.
This ask meme is here.  If you want to send in a character (canon or OC) or a ship, I’d love to answer this for you! (coming up next is Shino, then Tenzou, Gai, and Genma, Hidan, Adult!Obito, Rock Lee, and Ino but I’d be stoked to answer this for anyone else!)
Already done: Madara
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