#poor big eared mousie but you must die
arctic-hands · 6 months
Bad news: new mouse in the apartment. Again.
Worse news: we found this out because it was nuzzling @thetabirb 's hand as she slept
Worser news: after i had my initial freak out that made my heart melt and I feel bad that it has to die
Even worser news: I caught a glimpse of it as it scampered out of the bedroom to the kitchen and it had giant years and a short tail and now I feel really really bad about the fact that it has to die
Worst news: I can't capture it and adopt it
Good news: theta checked herself all over and no sign of biting or scratching (I was tucked under the weighted blanket so it couldn't get to me)
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grither55 · 4 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 103 - The Sadistic Scientist and the Emerald Bomber
The heavy metal doors opened up with a screeching metal creak while a blaze of intense flame lit the pathway ahead.
Just as the team burst through the doors with their weary eyes gazing ahead.
"I…I hope that there weren't any more prisoners trapped inside." Elle stated as she panted for air while she gazed forward with worried amber eyes.
While her highborn friends hurried out alongside her.
Only to find herself instinctively jumping when her princess's voice rang out in her ears.
"Enough about that servant! Focus on the task at hand." Azula barked in an overbearing voice with her strict golden eyes staring harshly down at her serving girl's speedily nodding face.
While she once more took great delight in how the younger girl so quickly submitted to her command.
"Y-yes princess." The handmaid squeaked in an obedient voice while her princess now smiled down at her in approval.
While Mai and Ty Lee suppressed a sigh behind her.
And Zoe wordlessly stepped ahead of the group with her stony hazel eyes surveying the area.
"Azula is right Elle. I am sure that was all of them." Ty Lee assured in a sisterly voice while she offered the younger girl a comforting smile.
In truth she wasn't so sure of that.
But she knew that the teenager had been through enough for one day.
And that there was no sense in making the poor girl worry anymore than she already has.
"I can only presume that the way out is through this tunnel. Judging by the chill that is blowing through the air." Zoe remarked as she marched on with her elbow covering her face while her companions shivered as they felt the temperature change.
"Ugh! Let's just get back to the gateway already. I hate this country!" The princess growled as she stomped through the increasingly cold tunnel while her servant scampered after her.
"The sooner we do that the better." Mai complained with a scowl on her lips as she held her arms to her chest in an effort to stay warm under her coat.
And with that the two firebenders cleared the flames that were obstructing the passageway.
While the team trudged to the end of the smoking escape tunnel as they all shivered when they felt the air become progressively colder.
Before the five females came to a stop to find themselves gazing up at a long ladder that led to an unknown location above ground.
"Up there." The captain stated in a composed voice as she began to climb the ladder while her comrades followed after her.
"Stay behind me Elle." Azula ordered in a domineering voice with her possessive golden eyes turning to glance back at her young girlfriend's exhausted face.
"Wakarimashita Azula-sama." Elle replied in a mousy voice while she scrambled after the much taller woman.
Just before the princess began to climb the ladder with her cold eyes gazing up above.
While her servant girl timidly ascended below her with her two childhood friends being the last to follow.
All the while as the teenager climbed the ladder as she gazed up through the hazy tunnel with the princess advancing above her.
And then about one minute later an escape latch was shoved open by the captain's hand.
While the Fire Nation women and their young friend quickly emerged from the tunnel only to find themselves savagely assaulted by a wave of frigid air.
And just like that the team stood up with their eyes widening as they gazed around them to find themselves standing in a military hangar of some kind.
While an inferno burned all around them with many army vehicles now ablaze from the flames.
And in the distance, they could see the vast encampment was covered in flames for as far as their eyes could see.
All while a chilling wind swept through the air as they were forced to linger near the blaze to keep their bodies from succumbing to the vicious elements.
And then the five females began to make their way through the flames.
Only for the highborn women to find themselves gazing ahead in unhidden fascination at the sight of a large airship burning to pieces right before their astonished eyes.
"Is that an airship Elle?" The princess questioned in an undeniably intrigued voice while the noblewomen stared at the burning aircraft in similar intrigue.
"That's so Azula-sama. I-it's called a jet." The handmaid informed as she held her coat close while her friends gazed at the blazing jet in wonder.
"I must say Elle. The people of your homeland have created some incredible technology." Zoe commented with her impressed hazel eyes glancing over the burning aircraft.
While Mai and Ty Lee stared back at the destroyed machine with looks of amazement in their eyes.
"We…. we created aircraft that can break the sound barrier and these jets can deliver nuclear bombs that have the power to destroy entire continents." Elle spoke up in a noticeably saddened voice while her highborn friends listened in a speechless silence.
While the Fire Nation women now gazed on with their eyes wide in shock.
All the while as they recalled the ominous words that their young friend had told them not even an hour ago.
 A weapon was released into the air that killed off a large percentage of the worldwide population.
"Entire continents?" The markswoman breathed in a stunned voice as the flames burned around her while her little sister solemnly nodded her head.
'I must obtain a blueprint of this technology!' Azula thought with her golden eyes now agape in sadistic curiosity while pieces of the aircraft began to crumble to the ground.
"T-that's so oneesan. They…poison the atmosphere and the crops. So, that those that do survive will suffer disease and deformities for decades to come. It…it renders the land unusable." The handmaid answered in a sorrowful voice while her friends listened in disbelief.
"T-that's…horrible Elle." The acrobat spoke in a horrified voice while the princess listened with little pity in her callous gaze.
"It…really is. And before the great war…we even managed to create experimental space travel." Elle murmured with a far off look in her amber eyes while her companions listened in a riveted quiet.
The sheer concept of traveling through space was enough for the group to almost forget that they were standing under a rapidly crumbling shelter with very little protection from the frigid elements.
Almost but not quite.
"Space travel?" The captain inquired in a taken aback voice while Azula also gazed on with fascination in her eyes.
"Yes. We traveled to the moon. And we…. we even created automated probes that we were able to send out to collect data from galaxies far away." Elle explained in an informative voice with her amber eyes gazing into the hot flames while the older girls gazed on in marvelment.
"That's…phenomenal Elle." Ty Lee stated in an awestruck voice while she gazed on with astounded brown-gray eyes.
"O-of course that was all prior to the big war. I doubt anything will ever come of all of that now." The handmaid stammered as she shivered in her coat with her sensitive eyes gazing down at her feet while the fires crackles in her ears.
While the four Fire Nation women still gazed between the girl and the burning military base in unconcealed wonder.
"We…we had it all and then we threw it all away for a catastrophic war that nearly destroyed the entire planet. War…it's such a foolish endeavor." Elle lamented in an unusually glum voice with her companions listening in a bewildered quiet alongside her.
While her highborn friends turned to stare down at her with attentive expressions in their eyes.
"Are you alright kid?" Mai questioned with her tawny eyes taking on a concerned look when she took note of the girl's bothered expression.
"I'll be fine oneesan." The handmaid reassured in a meek voice as she tried to smile up at the woman's worried face while Mai frowned over her.
While Ty Lee too gazed on with a worried expression in her tender eyes.
Only for Azula to roll her eyes as she stepped past the smaller girl.
"You and your weak-hearted peasant musings." The princess snorted with her fists planted on her womanly hips as she gazed down at her pet's gentle face.
And that was all it took for the girl's innocent face to brighten considerably once more.
"You know me Azula-sama. I just can't help myself." Elle responded in a soft voice while she peered up at her master's cold face with the woman's icy eyes gazing back down at her.
"No. I suppose you can't." Azula sighed with a shake of her head as she brushed the hair from her sweaty eyes as she resumed her walk through the rumble.
While her ruthless golden eyes glanced about with her full lips already pursing into another regal scowl as she listened to the brutal winds whistle in the distance.
"The fires have raised the temperature of the encampment. Enough for our bending to continue unimpeded and avoid succumbing to the elements. But it won't last long. Likely only for a few hours at most." Zoe announced in a grave voice with her serious hazel eyes gazing out at the ruins of the burning fortress while her fellows gazed on in worry beside her.
While Azula glared out through the thick smoke with her cold eyes taking on an aggravated gleam.
All the while as her two childhood friends and her young girlfriend shivered in their winter coats behind her.
"What…what are we going to do Azula? We'll die if we get stranded out in a climate like this." The acrobat questioned with anxiety lacing her voice while she huddled underneath her coat.
"N-no kidding. It's really cold out here." The handmaid stammered as she quivered in her coat while the markswoman shivered in agreement.
While the princess stood scowling with her cold eyes glancing behind her in disapproval of the younger girl's discomfort.
"We'll find working transportation that we can use to take shelter from the cold. And then…" The princess replied in a rigid voice only to find herself trailing off when she heard a distinct mechanical sound carrying into the air.
And then the five females swiftly turned around while they gazed up from underneath the burning hangar.
Only for their eyes to widen in alarm at what they saw coming up from over the horizon.
It was a fleet…of military aircraft!
"F-friends! W-we need to take cover!" Elle cried out in a panicked voice only for the princess yank her by the collar of her coat.
And then the highborn women broke out into a run through the burning camp with the teenager being pulled along behind the sprinting princess.
Just before rapid gunfire began to rain down from the helicopters above while the older girls darted through the snow for cover.
"Damn these people!" Azula snapped with her ruthless eyes glaring ahead while Elle cried out behind her.
"It seems as if Cynthia was right after all." The captain commented in a stoic voice while her fellow noblewomen sprinted after her.
Just before the team ran through the flames with their guarded eyes scoping out the pathway ahead.
All the while as the sound of explosive gunfire and roaring winds split into the air.
And then they leaped for cover behind a large burning building as they took cold intakes of air in their increasingly pressured lungs.
While they warily watched from over their shoulders as a heavily reinforced helicopter transport lowered into the snow just behind them.
Until the helicopter landed with the sound of its spinning blades still resonating into the air.
All the while as numerous similar craft landed behind it with scores of armored soldiers rushing out with rifles in hand.
Just as the group began to back up in a defensive circle when the soldiers began swarming around the corner.
As they glared on with narrowed looks in their eyes while they held their respective weapons out before them with their young friend quivering in fright behind them.
"I suggest you fools get out of our way unless you want to join your friends in the rubble!" The princess hissed with fire spewing from glowering lips while her cold golden eyes glared at the approaching soldiers.
While she stood firm on her booted feet as she shielded her petite serving girl behind her larger back.
Only for the older girls to spin around when an indescribably eerie laugh flowed into their alert ears.
Before they turned to find themselves staring back at a foreboding man's unnervingly smiling face.
The first thing that they noticed was that his skin was ghostly pale and that his hair was a strange shade of white.
He was dressed in a well-groomed black uniform and he was striding confidently toward them with his hands clasped behind his back.
And his eyes…were an unusual color of red!
And most frightening of all was the fact that unlike the others he had a horrifying aura!
And just like that Elle's amber eyes grew wide in fear while her mouth dropped open in alarm.
While her cold hands shook on the straps of her backpack as her friends turned to gaze at her in concern.
"I-it's…it's him. Naoki showed us his face on a poster. He's the one that she told us to stay away from." The handmaid stuttered with her teeth chattering from the chill while her companions glared daggers back at the pale man's smirking countenance.
"There is no point in bluffing. I have been studying you firebenders for quite some time now. And I know well enough that your abilities are crippled by the cold." Nero spoke in a diabolical voice with his lips entrenched in a smile while the princess's golden eyes glared through his skull.
While he approached with his gloved hands falling to his hips.
All the while as the Fire Nation women's eyes flashed with unease as they stared coldly back at the unsettling man.
'What does he mean by that? Is he implying that there are firebenders in this land?' Azula thought with her golden eyes glaring dangerously back at the man.
While her lips remained pursed into a regal scowl with her subordinates exchanging concerned glances behind her.
"Azula…there is something horrible about him. His chi…it feels monstrous. He…doesn't feel human." Ty Lee whispered with a trace of fear in her voice while she slid back beside her glowering friend.
"T-Ty Lee isn't wrong Azula-sama. I don't like him. He scares me." Elle spoke in a timid voice as she hid behind Azula's armored back.
Only for Nero to let out a demented chuckle that sent a shiver down her spine while the highborn women stared warningly back at his smiling pale face.
"I caution you against taking us too lightly. We are warriors and we can adapt to any conditions." Zoe stated in a rigid voice with her hazel eyes glaring back at the man and his soldiers.
While Azula held her head high in agreement as she stared icily back at the advancing man.
"Indeed. It is going to take more than a cold wind to bring us down." The princess remarked in a callous voice with her burning fists clenched at her womanly hips.
All the while as the bizarre man smiled coldly back at them.
Before he came to a stop with his red eyes glancing from one member of Team Azula to another.
Only for his cruel gaze to momentarily settle on Elle's gentle face while the young girl's friends glared furiously back at him.
"We shall see. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Nero, and I am the most illustrious scientist to ever live, and the head of this fortress's research division." The geneticist announced in a conceited voice with a twisted smile on his lips.
And that was all it took for the five girls' eyes to widen in alarm while they once more recalled the old sage's words.
 A deranged scientist.
 I can tell you that four of you have already met him. And you don't even know it.
And just like that an unnerving realization swept over them.
Then and there they understood that they were staring down the monstrous scientist that Mava had foreseen in her mystic flames!
"He…was the one that the old woman was talking about." The markswoman muttered with her tawny eyes widening in understanding while she took a defensive position beside her scowling leader.
"It would appear so. Although I don't recall ever meeting him before today." The captain remarked in a stony voice with her boots crunching in the snow while her hand rested on the hilt of her blade.
Just before the group turned to their princess when the monarch let out an arrogant scoff of dismissal.
"The most illustrious scientist to ever live and you couldn't even hold us captive? I am not impressed." Azula scoffed with a taunting smirk on her crimson lips while she held her fists on her armored hips.
Only for her golden eyes to narrow into yet another frigid glare when the researcher released another insidious chuckle.
While Mai and Ty Lee shared an unnerved look with one another while they tried to suppress the shudder that was traveling down their spine.
"Arrogant princess. You think too highly of yourself. I purposefully delayed my arrival so that I could see your powers first hand for myself." Nero declared in a devilish voice with his blood red eyes staring back at the highborn women's taken aback faces.
"And why would you do that?" Zoe questioned with a curious edge to her voice while Nero's lips curled into a demented smirk.
"For scientific research. You see I have a passion for studying…gifted individuals." The geneticist informed in a heartless voice while he held out a gloved hand before the team's stunned faces.
While his crimson eyes still gazed uncomfortably over their shoulders back at Elle's increasingly fearful face.
"S-study? What does he mean by study?" The handmaid stammered in an unsettled voice while her big sisters glared back at the man's smiling face.
"It means that he isn't going anywhere near you kid." Mai stated in a tone of finality as she held a blade in hand while she glared back at Nero in disgust.
"If it's power that you want to see. Then I'll show you more power than you could ever handle." The princess boasted in a sanguine voice while she stared coldly at the researcher's delighted face.
"We'll make certain not to disappoint you." The captain spoke as she sunk into a combat stance with a smirk on her lips while her fellow noblewomen prepared for battle behind her.
All the while as the inferno still raged behind them with its intense flames serving to heat the air around them.
"I once sought you two for research. There was a time when I would have been ecstatic to cut into your flesh." Nero admitted in a casual voice as he held a finger under his chin while the team stared back at him with revolted eyes.
While the acrobat shuddered yet again with her brown-gray eyes expressing her fear as she slid another foot back.
"As you should. My bending is like no other." Azula commented in an egotistical voice with her golden eyes shining in a prideful gleam.
While her two childhood friends resisted the urge to sigh.
"However, that time has passed. I have since concluded studying firebenders. I no longer have any further use for you two." The geneticist stated in a voice devoid of emotion while the two firebenders stared back with insulted expressions in their eyes.
"No further use for us? So, you were watching us after all." Zoe snorted as she glared back at the man with stony hazel eyes.
"What a creep." The markswoman muttered with revulsion in her voice while the man smiled back at them.
"That is correct Zoe. I found two suitable replacements. Two young commoner girls…that are just as talented as the two of you." Nero purred with his gloved fingers uncurling from his chin while Azula's golden eyes burned in offense.
"T-two young commoner girls…" Elle trailed off as she swallowed down her fear while her friend's eyes flashed with similar thoughts.
"You dare to compare the Princess of the Fire Nation and a peasant in the same breath." The princess snarled with her golden eyes glimmering in anger while the researcher just smiled back at her.
"I can only assume he is talking about Naoki." The captain spoke with a reflective look in her hazel eyes while the princess scowled beside her.
"Hm. But on the other hand…I am very interested in you Elle Turner." The geneticist cooed in a twisted voice as the small girl gulped while her protective friends narrowed their eyes into slits.
"I-interested in me?" The handmaid squeaked while her friends glared at the man.
"Come with me child. And I will show you the purpose behind that rare power of yours. And when I experiment on you, I promise that I will even use anesthetic." Nero assured in a monstrous voice as he extended his hand while Elle's innocent eyes grew wide in horror.
While the Fire Nation women stared back in utter disbelief over the sheer monstrosity of the scientist's 'offer'.
"Azula-sama!" Elle cried out in fright as she stepped back behind Azula's back while the princess now glared mercilessly back at the researcher.
"You beast! You won't be laying a single finger on my little sister!" The acrobat shouted in an infuriated voice with her kind eyes overflowing in anger while the younger girl shook in appreciation.
"Damn right you won't." Mai stated in a firm voice with her repulsed tawny eyes glaring back at Nero's undaunted face.
"Most certainly not." Zoe commented as she held her fists up before her face while the teenager calmed down behind her.
"Our servant isn't for sale! Go find another peasant! We have already laid claim to this one!" Azula barked in a spoiled voice with her cold eyes glaring imposing back at Nero while her serving girl blushed beside her.
All the while as her two childhood friends turned to stare pointedly in her direction.
"Elle isn't some piece of property that we own Azula." Ty Lee scolded in a disapproving voice with her hands on her hips while Azula just waved a hand in dismissal.
"T-that's my princess charming. She's a dream come true." The handmaid gushed with a dainty hand on her cold cheek while she swooned like a lovesick schoolgirl.
While the princess held up her smirking head high with her three subordinates gazing on in a comical quiet behind her.
"Tell me something that I don't already know peasant." The princess huffed with a hand on her shapely hip while she felt her girlfriend's small hands touch her back.
All while she narrowed her eyes into yet another domineering glare with her gaze never leaving the man's still smirking face.
And then Nero wordlessly raised his gloved hand above his head while the sound of a mechanical door opening resonated into the air.
Just before the four highborn women and their young servant turned to gaze in the direction of the first helicopter.
Only for the older girls to find themselves gazing up in confusion to see a teenage girl in metal bonds being led down the ramp.
She was wearing a facial cage and her bright golden eyes gazed out from underneath her bonds.
The girl had brown hair that was spilling out from underneath her face cage.
And she wore green robes that were blowing about in the arctic winds.
Elle's mouth dropped open in shock while she gazed up with widened amber eyes.
Just before her four friends turned to her in surprise to see her dart out from behind them.
"Katsu! Are you hurt?!" Elle yelled out with urgency in voice while the older girls' eyes widened in realization.
"This is Katsu?" Azula asked in a cold voice as she arched an elegant brow while Katsu's golden eyes darted about below.
"As I said before. I already have a firebender." The geneticist revealed in a sadistic voice while the Fire Nation women gazed up at the restrained girl in shock.
"That girl is a firebender?" The captain inquired in a curious voice while her princess also gazed at the girl in interest.
"W-what did you do to her! Why are her eyes so despondent!" The handmaid demanded with anger in her voice.
While the scientist smiled cruelly back at Ty Lee and Mai's repulsed faces.
"Oh, nothing much. Just a few behavioral modifications." Nero answered with a demented chuckle while he smirked back at the young girl's unnaturally incensed face.
"Whatever you did you better undo it now!" Elle shouted as she glared up at Nero while the man just grinned monstrously back at her.
"You never told me that this girl was a firebender Elle." The princess remarked in a refine voice with her callous eyes turning to gaze at her servant girl's fretful face.
"I…I didn't know that she was a firebender. I never saw Katsu bend a flame Azula-sama. I only saw her make explosive green light." The handmaid replied in a distraught voice while the older girls gazed back up at Katsu's restrained face in growing bewilderment.
"Explosive green light…that almost sounds like…" Zoe trailed off with her brows furrowing in contemplation.
"We're going to help that poor girl. Aren't we Azula?" The acrobat pondered in a suggestive voice while the princess turned to glare at her through the corner of her eye.
While the markswoman let out a snort over the mere concept of the princess being a freedom fighter.
"Do I look like a slave liberator to you Ty Lee?" Azula snapped in a pompous voice with her golden eyes glaring back at her childhood friend's frowning face.
Only for her regal scowl to deepen even further when she caught also Mai directing a stare her way.
While she tapped a boot in frustration before she turned to glare over her shoulder plate down at her girlfriend's dismayed countenance.
Just as she released an aggravated groan before she turned her harsh gaze back to the researcher's sadistic face.
"I have a much better idea. Why don't we see how you two compare against my berserk bomber?" The geneticist spoke in a delightfully cruel voice with his crimson eyes staring back at the two firebenders intrigued faces.
"Berserk bomber?" The markswoman queried with a curious edge to her monotone voice.
While the princess stepped forward beside her captain with a confident smirk on her beautiful lips as she gazed back at the bound firebender.
"There is no firebender that can even begin to compare to me. You'll find that out soon for yourself. You and everyone else in this wretched land." The princess spoke in a lethal voice with her frigid eyes glaring imposingly back at the scientist's smiling face.
"Be assured Nero. The princess and I are plenty strong. I promise you that you won't be disappointed with what we have to offer." The captain retorted with a smirk of her own as she slid her boots back in the snow while the man smirked back at her.
While Ty Lee and Mai stood poised in battle positions with Elle gazing on in worry behind them.
All the while as the blaze continued to rage around them with the many soldiers aiming their rifles at them.
And then not a moment later the two mighty firebenders auras flared to life!
Zoe's hair blew in the wind as her orange flames spread out underneath her feet while she gazed on with stony hazel eyes.
All the while as tiny red embers emanated off her body once more.
While an explosion of the princess's flames surged forward into the surrounding ruins.
And then not an instant later the monarch's hot orange flames began to transform into a searing azure inferno!
While Azula smirked confidently from behind her wall of blue fire with her arrogant golden eyes staring back at her enemies.
While their three companions covered their faces as they stepped back.
All while they gazed on at the two firebenders with awestruck looks in their eyes.
And that was all it took for the soldiers to begin to back away in intimidation while the princess and the captain smirked back at them.
While Nero gazed on with a smile still adorning his lips while he fearlessly stared into the growing inferno.
"Impressive. There is no doubt that you two are the greatest of your warrior class." Nero commented with a methodical smirk on his lips while the two firebenders' eyes flashed with unmistakable pride.
All the while as Katsu stood on the ramp with her golden eyes widening as she stared back into the princess's blue flames.
While she her mouth fell open underneath her facial cage as she gazed hypnotically into the burning azure inferno.
The longer that she gazed into the blue fire the more she found herself being overcome by the painful memories of the past.
While one particular memory continuously played over and over again in her mind.
 The traumatized child sat huddled in a pitch-black cell.
 While her frightened golden eyes watched in silence as a mechanical blowtorch protruded forth from a hole in the wall.
 And then she before she knew it a blue flame ignited from the barrel of the torch while it drew closer and closer to her face.
"Stop! Please stop!" The child howled in a shrill voice while the blue flame mercilessly approached her terrified face.
 And before she knew it her terrified screams were soon echoing all throughout the halls of the facility.
And then without any warning whatsoever the teenager screamed out at the top of her lungs while Team Azula turned to her in surprise.
The firebender thrashed in her bonds like a rabid animal while her golden eyes began to take on an increasingly maddened gleam.
All the while as her shrieks split through the air as she snarled viciously in her restraints.
And most baffling of all was the fact that the girl was staring down at the bewildered Azula with rage in her eyes.
While Nero watched with a cruel smile growing onto his pleased lips.
"K-Katsu! What's wrong?" Elle blurted out in a worried voice with her kind eyes staring up at the thrashing girl in confusion.
All the while as the highborn women gazed up with bewildered expressions in their eyes as they listened to the girl roar like a wild beast.
While the soldiers that were surrounding her started to back away in fright when a bright light began to emanate from underneath her bonds.
And then an explosion of green energy burst forth from the teenager's restraints.
While the broken pieces from her shattered bonds now rained down below before the astonished eyes of Team Azula.
The group now stared up with stunned looks in their eyes while the teenager now stood panting on the ramp.
And for the first time since they were able to get a clear look at the girl.
Katsu stood trembling with her fists gripped at her hips while her green robes blew in the cold winds.
While a long pony tail of brown hair now hung behind her as she panted with her bangs sticking to her face.
And most noticeable of was that a steel collar was wrapped around her neck.
All the while as her maddened golden eyes now stared right back down at the princess's puzzled face.
And then a few fleeting seconds after that another explosion of light lit up the air.
While the soldiers that were unfortunate enough to be standing near the ramp were sent flailing into the rubble.
All while Nero smirked from the sidelines with his red eyes staring up at the raging bomber.
And then before Team Azula could react the girl was charging down the ramp towards the speechless group.
While Azula and Zoe stared up with their eyes widening in shock as they watched the girl's green energy flicker with a barely perceivable emerald flame!
"Is…that a green flame!" Azula exclaimed with rare disbelief in her voice while her spellbound golden eyes watched the roaring girl charge at her.
While her subordinates stood rooted in their spots with their eyes still gazing up in shock.
Just as another round of bright combustionbending exploded above their startled eyes.
All the while as a bright green light lit up the sky over the burning military base.
While Naoki watched from in the far distance from where she sat in the wreckage with her scarlet hair blowing before her emotionless eyes.
And then mere moments later a concurrent series of explosions rumbled throughout the landscape while an explosion of blue firebending rang out in retaliation.
All while as the animalistic roars of the bomber echoed throughout the ruins of the fortress.
0 notes
Into the Woods: Chapter Two
Summary: Merle and Daryl pick up Charlotte and Robin for their weekend getaway.
A/N: This story is co-written by two authors, @ladylorelitany and myself. She writes the sections for Robin and Daryl, and I write for Charlotte and Merle.
Word count: 2,668
Warnings: Swearing, sexual innuendos.
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By the time I put the truck into park, Robin and Charlotte have already left their apartment with their bags in hand. Daryl pulls up on his motorcycle behind me as I step out. I grin at the two of them as they welcome me. Damn, how often do a couple of guys our age get a couple of attractive young women to suggest going out into the woods for the weekend? Alone and secluded, away from all the bullshit of nosy townsfolk. It’s like the devil forgot I owed him in the afterlife and I accidentally got sent to heaven.
“Let me take those fer ya, ladies,” I say, gesturing to their bags. They give them to me, and I take a quick moment to check them out before turning towards the truck. Even though they aren’t in anything revealing, the two look absolutely stunning. I’m hoping it won’t take too much longer once we get there for them to start dressing down. I told them about the lake so they’d hopefully bring their bathing suits, after all.
“You’re such a gentleman, Merle,” Robin calls out as I toss the bags into the truck bed.
With a laugh, I turn back to her and lean on the truck. “Believe me honey, I’m all kinds of gentleman once ya get to know me,” I say, adding a wink for good measure.
Daryl snorts next to me, and I glare at him. He’s still sitting on his bike, insisting on wanting to ride it up to the cabin today. It was fine by me; thought it would get me some extra time to schmooze with Robin. I figure with the way she keeps flirting with me, she’s looking to spend some alone time with me in the truck while Charlotte rides with Daryl.
I squint suspiciously when Daryl motions Robin over to him. She stands close, dropping her ear down to his mouth and squeezing his bicep like she’s gonna be all over him later. Hm. Maybe she’s into both of us. Daryl’s definitely the prettier brother, but everybody knows that I got all the personality.
I hear him ask, “Ya wanna ride up with me? On the bike?” He immediately gets red because he realizes that he’s sitting on the bike and probably didn’t need to mention it. My brother ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but to be fair, neither am I. I’m less awkward around people, though.
I wait for Robin to say no, but she can’t resist teasing my precious Darylina. “Do I get to hang onto you the whole way?” she wonders coyly, squeezing his arm again.
“Unless you wanna fall on your ass,” Daryl replies matter-of-factly. I pinch the bridge of my nose between my fingers and shake my head. My brother has got no game at all. Robin doesn’t answer and walks back over to her sister, whispering something I can’t hear in her ear before tugging her to the truck.
As the girls walk over, I go around the truck to open up the passenger door. Figure it’ll get me some bonus points with Robin, not to mention I’ll get to stare at that nice ass of hers when she climbs in.
“I’m sure you are a gentleman, Merle Dixon,” Robin practically purrs as she walks up to me… only to walk past the open door and make her way over to Daryl on the bike. Daryl looks surprised, but she just slings her leg over the bike so she’s straddling it and presses those amazing tits of hers against my brother’s back. Daryl turns on the motor, getting ready to kick off, and with a wink she calls out, “That’s why I’m going to let you take care of my baby sister for me!”
With that, they’re off. I stand there, mouth gaping open like a fish outta water. It isn’t until I see that mousy brown hair walking past me that I notice Charlotte climbing into the open door and avoiding my eyes. I slam the door and press my tongue against my cheek, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. Was Robin playing hard to get or something?
With a sigh, I make my way to my side and slide in, starting the truck up and pulling out after them. They’re pretty far ahead now. As quiet as my baby brother is, he still can’t help but show off around a pretty face.
Speaking of pretty faces, I manage to sneak a look at Charlotte. She’s plenty young, early twenties, must be. Her curly hair is tied into a side ponytail, trailing down her chest and giving me a good view of her pouty little lips. Her cheeks are bright red though. Damn, she’s a shy little thing. She barely makes eye contact with me before looking back out the window again.
“Yer sister always pawn you off to the company of strange men, or is this your first time?” I ask, trying to break the silence by getting her to talk to me.
She stifles a laugh, but still doesn’t look at me. “You’re hardly a stranger,” she replies softly before giving me the silent treatment again.
I give her a sly smile and decide to tease her a little bit. I have to admit, I’m curious how much redder her face can go. “Okay, maybe I’m not a stranger, but she doesn't know what I could do to ya,” I say.
It’s like her breath hitches in her throat when I say it. I grin as she turns her face into the glass, trying her best to not look at me. Dammit, I want to see how flushed she gets. It’s still an hour or so until we get to the cabin, and I have plenty more time to see that adorable blush crawl up her cheeks.
We sit in silence for awhile, nothing but the low singing of the classic rock station to focus on. When she isn’t paying attention, I steal glances at her. Her legs are crossed, but I can still enjoy the curve of her perfectly thick thighs. Not to mention how her big tits push together in that tight shirt when she crosses her arms like that.
Fuck, I’m actually a little jealous of Daryl right now. Finally, a girl even shyer than him and she’s got a nice curvy little body that I’d die to get my hands on. Lucky dog. And what am I left with? Robin playing the tease, leaving me alone with her baby sister who’s probably sick of my games at this point.
As I chew the skin on the inside of my mouth and try to put out the thoughts of Robin’s arms feeling up my brother as they sped off from my mind, I hear a soft whisper beside me. It’s barely loud enough to hear, but when I do, shit starts falling into place rather quickly.
“What would you do to me?” She isn’t asking me, just whispering the words as quietly as she can to try out how they feel on her lips. Like she wants to challenge me, tease me back, but is too nervous to.
And then it hits me. Robin doesn’t give two shits about me. Charlotte is the one that’s into me. Why else would she be in the truck with me right now? Blushing at all my little comments, not meeting my eyes when I look at her. She’s shy and embarrassed because she wants me.
Another grin pulls onto my lips and I glance over to her. Without missing a beat, I tell her, “Oh sweetheart, that’s a dangerous question to ask if ya don’t think ya can handle what I’ve got to give ya.”
For the first time, her head swivels to face me, her mouth open and searching for a response. Her face is beet red, and those pretty eyes of hers are wide behind her thick-rimmed glasses. “How did you…?” she manages to sputter out before I continue.
“Sweetheart, I got ears like a tiger,” I respond, giving her a wink.
She stares at me for a moment until she finally replies, “That’s not a real saying, you know.”
“Believe me, I’ve got plenty of more interesting things to say about ya if you’d rather hear that,” I tease, glancing over at her as she struggles, at a loss for words.
With a huff, she turns back around to the window, trying her best not to take another look at me. I smirk as I watch her chew her bottom lip. Fuck, if that isn’t hot. Poor thing can’t handle goading me on anymore.
I turn my attention back to the road, pleased with the new revelation I’ve just discovered. It isn’t until a few minutes later that I look over at her again when I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. She’s switched the legs she crossed, and ever so subtly shifted her position and pressed her thighs tighter together.
I have to look away and focus on the road, holding back the groan building up in my throat. Is she getting horny right fucking now? It’s a possibility, though it could just as easily be my dirty mind perverting the picture. But just thinking of her needing to press her thighs together because she’s getting all wet is driving me up the wall.
This weekend is going to be fun.
I drive down the road as fast as I dare, glad I chose to ride the bike. Not only do I get to feel Robin’s very attractive body pressed against me, but it’s impossible to talk on the bike, and I need time to think.
I was honestly surprised that she got on it with me at all. I’m still processing the fact that she’s not after Merle. I never would have guessed that Robin’s sister had a thing for my brother. She’s so shy, and he’s so, well… not. Merle is loud, annoying, vulgar, disgusting, and a giant pervert. I mean, I love him because he’s my brother, but all of that is true. It doesn’t seem to match Charlotte’s personality at all.
Then again, maybe that’s why she likes it.
Maybe that means I really do have a chance with Robin. She did get a little quieter that day in the diner once she realized that I was paying more attention to her, and I saw her staring at me in class yesterday too.
Initially, I’d just assumed that she was interested in Merle, so I was trying not to interact too much. It takes a lot for me to like a person, and the last thing I wanted was to fall for someone who wasn’t into me. Of course, I’d already liked her quite a bit from knowing her in class, so at that point, I was just trying not to take the extra step.
But now that I know she’s available, all I can think about is how funny and smart she is. I like her confidence too. It’s a quieter confidence than Merle’s, and she still seems respectful of boundaries, unlike my brother, who has none.
And beautiful really goes without saying, of course. Short, curvy, great eyes, great smile. She doesn’t seem to care that her chin-length wavy light brown hair is getting mussed by the wind, either. I like that carefree attitude.
The problem is that I’m not sure what to do next. I don’t know if she’s going to hit on me. She might be thinking about it. She did say yes to getting on the bike, after all. But maybe that was just so Charlotte could be alone with Merle.
I’m not really confident enough to say anything, either. Yesterday, when Merle assumed that Charlotte liked me, all I could wonder was how anything would have ever happened if that had actually been the case. We would have just sat next to each other awkwardly not saying anything until the end of time.
Plus I can’t help wondering if I’m interesting enough to get her. She and her sister both graduated from college, and they own their own business in town. They sell books, and there’s a little coffee shop in the front where they sell gourmet drinks and food that they make themselves. That’s about as classy as it gets here, and Merle and I are definitely not classy.
I mean, I’ve got nice arms, sure. But I bet I can’t hold a conversation the way she can. Maybe she won’t say anything because she’s already figured that out.
Her arms tighten around me and I realize that I’m going just about as fast as the bike can go. I’m not worried about crashing it; I could drive this thing in my sleep. But I don’t want to scare her. I just got lost in my thoughts.
We’re almost to the cabin anyway, so I slow down to take the turn, parking the bike in front of the house. Merle is only a minute or so behind us and pulls up as we’re getting off of the bike.
As he jumps down from the truck cab, he leers at me. “Showing off for the hot chick, little brother? I see what you’re doing.”
I blush and run my hand self-consciously through my messy hair. I didn’t really mean to show off, but I guess I did.
Merle helps Charlotte down from the truck and grabs all the bags, smacking her ass while he does it. She turns redder than me and makes a tiny squeaking sound as Merle leads her inside. “Your sister’s gonna go swimmin’!” he yells at Robin. “You gonna join in?”
“Give me a minute, horndog!” Robin hollers back, winking at her sister. They go inside and we’re left alone.
“Well, somethin’ musta happened in the truck,” I mutter. It’s all I can think of. I don’t have the armor of the bike anymore, so I have no idea what to say to Robin.
Luckily, Robin seems to notice and she rescues me. I guess she can probably recognize shy cues really well, considering her sister.
“Thanks for the ride, Daryl,” she murmurs sincerely, gently kissing my cheek. I breathe in sharply and she reaches up, squeezing my biceps in her delicate hands. “I know you weren’t showing off, but either way, I liked it.”
“Take ya again anytime ya want,” I mumble, shrugging.
She grins. “I think that would be fun.” She hesitates. “I’m going to put my suit on, okay? Will you be swimming?”
“Dunno.” I chew on a few of my fingers nervously. I can’t think straight when she talks to me, so I am telling the truth. I have no idea what I’m going to do.
“Well, I hope you do,” she tells me. “I’ll be back out in a few minutes, all right?”
I nod, watching as she heads inside, still chewing my fingers. I light a cigarette, smoking it slowly while I try to clear my head.
I mean, I think she likes me. All that stuff she said about the bike ride and swimming means she likes me, right? I’d ask Merle for advice, but he’d just tell me to jump her bones and get it over with, and that’s not what I want to do.
I see some wildflowers growing near the lake, so I put out my cigarette, toe my boots off, and wander over to start picking a few. Girls like flowers, right?
Once I have a nice bouquet, I roll my jeans up and sit at the end of the dock with my feet in the water, waiting for Robin to come back out.
I may not be as demonstrative as my brother, but if I can do little things like this to show her that I like her, maybe she’ll do the rest and come to me.
Thanks for reading, and let me know if you’d like on or off of the taglist! <3
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