#poor ong was choked to death afterwards
starryboyjae · 6 years
Coffee // Daniel
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So, I know that this is long overdue but tada! This is my first bulleted scenario so.....
Genre: Fluffy fluff, Barista AU
Without further ado...
So, you’ve known Daniel since you were 4
as you started nursery, being seated next to the hyper boy that was shorter than you, you instantly became friends yay
you and him became besties and never left each other’s side since day 1 basically
fast forward a lot of years
he’s a university student with a part time job at Wanna cafe
and you, well you couldn’t be bothered to get a job but you always accompany daniel to his work after uni and do your work there
since jisung and sungwoon own the cafe you’re welcome there anytime
and also because daniel’s older sister she’s basically your older sister as well is dating minhyun
you’ve become close to all the workers in the cafe, practically adopting daewhi and jinyoung
everybody at the cafe is your family even seongwoo who continuously says that you’re his rival for daniel’s affections
“sTOp SteaLInG DanIEl fRoM Me!”
“hE’s jUsT mY BEsT fRIEnD!”
“doN’t LIE tO ME!”
“I’M nOT!”
literally everybody can see that daniel has heart eyes for you
but like you don’t like daniel that way you sure mate
for the longest time, you both make time for each other so that nothing separates the two of you even through uni
but nothing goes as planned in life does it?
and so as you get swamped with essays and tests, you still try to make time to come to the cafe
but daniel’s not there
he’s taken shifts off to do uni-work and does different shifts and usually this wouldn’t bother you because,,,,,,
,,,, you’re fine
keep telling yourself that
fast forward two months
you still havent seen daniel
on this particular day you’re missing daniel a little bit more as you had a really bad day 
usually, he would bring you jellies whenever you were feeling down even though you hated jellies 
but like its the thought that counts
and the thought of daniel just makes you even more upset :(
you’re making your way to the cafe as you usually do,,,,
,,,and then,,,,,
,,,there he is,,,,
standing there taking orders and tbh you’re really mad at him for not making time for you at all
so you, being you
ignore him
like a normal human being would
now daniel is sad because he though that you would be happy and run up to him
but you ignoring him :(
*puppy daniel activated*
he knows u cant stand seeing him upset so he takes advantage of that and basically guilt trips you into forgiving him
“Daniel stop it...”
“forgive me!!” 
“please with extra sprinkles on top!”
And that was that
So of course you two started to spend time together again
him accompanying you to your classes, and you would like you used to, spend all your time either in the cafe or at daniel’s house
everything was going great
you had also become friends with a girl younger than you who frequented the cafe as well (hint hint, read Coffee for Woojin)
although something had changed, 
you’re not quite sure if it was you or daniel, or even both of you
but you both were much more closer
you practically lived at daniel’s flat, even though he shares with ong, who still yells at you
it wasnt until one day when you were lounging at daniel’s flat talking with seongwoo when you asked him why he yells at you all the time
its cuz you’re stealing my boy from me - ong
i dont it,, also, we were best friends first - you
i dont care, but that boy is my soulmate and you are interfering - ong
how tho, - you
duh, cuz daniel obvs likes you - ong
wHaT - you
OoPs - ong
dO NoT rUn aWaY fROm mE MiStEr - you
i WaS PossEssED i dOnT KnOW WhAt Im sAYiNg - ong
srsly tho, wth mate - you
im sorry but srsly you shouldve noticed by now, since you like him too - ong
eXCusE ME whAT - you
sTOp ChOkInG mE - ong
you discussion with ong got you thinking,
did you like daniel
did daniel like you 
did you like daniel 
did daniel like you
this happened for another hour before you realised 
that you,, mayhaps have a crush on kang daniel
your best friend
“I’m home guys!” 
hehehehhe you forgot that you were still in daniel’s flat and so when he entered you malfunctioned
“i could-” *slamming the door in daniel’s face* 
“what did you do seongwoo?”
“i told her that you like her”
wHaT - daniel
OoPs - ong
dO NoT rUn aWaY fROm mE MiStEr - daniel
sTOp ChOkInG mE - ong
daniel was annoyed now, his best friend found out about his crush
so he did what any logical person would do
he ran to your house  since he guessed that you only said you needed food as an excuse
knocking on your door out of breath, he waits for you to open the door so that he can explain that ong was lying no he wasnt to salvage your friendship
“hi y/n!”
“heyyy ...”
“I just wanted to tell you that ong was lying when he said that i liked you, he’s a bit of an idiot sometimes,,, HAHAHA!”
the smile from your face instantly dropped as the words left his lips
“whats wrong y/n?”
“i was kinda hoping that ong was right, because i like you.. but nvrmd i see you later danny, bye :(”
“pls dont tell me your joking.”
“im not why ?”
“because i was lying not ong”
“i like you too, and have like you for a very long time,,, im sorry i lied i just thought that you-”
no you didnt cut him off with a kiss, you werent disrespectful
you gave him a hug, a nice, warm hug
and of course he hugged you back 
and kissed you but like maybe next time
and you best believe it always brings you free coffee
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