#popular massage in shibuya
tokyo-massages · 6 months
Popular Massage in Shibuya
Foreign tourists are welcomed. 👉 
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shibuya-massage · 5 months
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katsuflossy · 4 years
Best Worst Night Ever?
Pairing: Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku x Black reader
Genre: Fluff
TW: Sexual assault, obscenities, Drinking, throw up, cops, um pubic lice?
A/n: This is my thank you for 500+ followers!! I sadly have limited time to do any fics but I squeezed in a day to finish a lil WIP I had which is this!! I just watched Hercules and couldn’t help making this so please enjoy!!
BIG PSA: I am in no way romanticizing or poking at sexual assault. The story is inspired by Disney’s Hercules. 
Taglist: @sunset-novice-writer @goatsenpaiultimate
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The Tokyo club district may be Midoriya’s most hated areas he has to patrol. Nothing attracted him here, in fact, the area repulsed him. The last time he stepped foot into the club was for Denki’s 21st. That night ended early for him due to an incident involving throwup that cost him his shirt, pants, and custom shoes. Ochaco still sends him apology gifts from that night. But even before the incident, the top pro-hero felt no pull towards club life. The music was so loud he couldn’t hear himself think. Someone always was pushing him in a shuffle to ruin their liver or to grind on strangers. Not to mention he is a pro-hero so there was a reason All Might never appeared in nightclubs – it’ll eventually turn into an unofficial meet-and-greet.  
So why was he assigned to watch over the district during one of the most popular summer nights? Simple, crowd control. Deku was one of the only pro-heroes who could sway a crowd to his will. His spirit could’ve reached anyone even if it was a simple crook or a drunk valley girl and his presence in the Shibuya would bring more foreigners to the club scene hoping to see the number one hero. 
A sigh escaped his lips as his fingers massaged his temples. Midnight announced its arrival through the train station nearby yet the soft pulsing from each club around collectively buzzed out the PSA automated message. His eyes strained to stay open as he passed the reds, blues, and greens of Shibuya’s active clubs. He stretched for the fifth time in the hour, the cracks of his back emitted little result to the weighty feeling on his body, like the humidity within the night. Tokyo was sure hot that night
Hot indeed it was. 
Izuku was on his twelfth attempt to suppress a yawn until his ears caught on to a female scream barely breaking through the night. He questioned whether the scream was fearful or...playful, remembering one specific night he interrupted a couple in an alleyway. However, the scream rang out again, pushing the pro-hero to the source and silently cursing himself for second-guessing. His ears led him three blocks up, beside the infamous Harlem. The red club light glared in Deku’s eyes as he tried to register the bodies in front of him.
Muted red scattered across your body front forward pressed against the bricks of the building. A tall, skinny man pressed his body against your own, restricting your thrashing from knocking him in the nose or somewhere much more sensitive. Your cheek pressed harshly against the rough texture you were forced upon as you glared at the perpetrator.
“Why don’t you just let me carry you home, babygirl?” The liquor and weed wafted from his mouth, singeing your nose hairs as you thrashed harder.
“Like fuck, you green bitch! Get the fuck up off me!” He sneered in response, ignoring your demand as his hand brushed your leg, trailing to the hem of your skirt.
“Stop! Let her go!” Your eyes snapped to the open end of the alleyway where the voice rang out. You wasted no time to take the distraction as you used your stiletto heel to stab his foot. He shrieked as he recoiled from your body. You took the time to turn around and kick him in his crotch, bringing the molester to the ground. 
“You fucking slut!” As he attempted to get up, Deku zapped in front of him, grabbing his elbow as he slammed him against the opposite wall. The man had his breath knocked out of him in an instant before passing out due to the impacting force. 
The alleyway stayed quiet for a few seconds, processing what just happened and how quickly the man crumpled against the wall. Your eyes furrowed and your fist clenched, walking up to the passed out body before commencing in a swift kick after kick adding stomps to his stomach. 
“That’s what yo filthy ass get!”
 “The next time I see you, I’m putting one ‘tween yo eyes cause you lucky I wasn’t packing tonight motherfucker!”
“If you had put your grimy hands on me further I would’ve bit your ear off like I’m fucking Mayweather in this bitch.”  
Midoriya, grabbed your upper arm, snatching you away from the bruising body on the ground, mortified by the profanities spilling out from your mouth.
“P-please stop, the police are on their way and they’ll deal with him.” His pleading stopped you momentarily. Believing that you were calm, he released the hand from your bicep only for you to get one more stomp in. He attempted to grab you again before you raised your arms and stepped away from the man, satisfied by the pain-filled groan he let out. 
Not saying a word to the pro-hero, you went to pick up your phone, which skidded from you as the molester wrestled you against the wall. The young hero also spotted your clear handbag at the corner of the alleyway, assisting you as you dialed your friends’ numbers on your phone. Your back faced him as he approached with your purse. You clutched your phone tight as you cursed into the phone, freezing Midoriya in his spot. 
“You fucking bitches! Not only did y’all not tell me y’all were leaving the fucking club, y’all not answering the phone and still posting ugly ass pictures on snap. I knew I should’ve never fuck wit y’all stank ass hoes in the first place. And Charlotte? Suck my fucking dick from the back! Hope that nigga you let hit tonight gives you crabs, dumbass bitch!” 
You slammed on the send button in the group chat, giving your ‘friends’ a piece of your mind, forgetting about the audience that was behind you. 
“U-umm…” You whipped around at the sound of the male behind you, still pissed off about your friends ignoring your call. 
“Yes?” Your attitude fell a little when you noticed how handsome the man in front of you was. Freckles peppered the tops of his cheeks, deepening the blush he sported in miscellaneous places on his face. Scars did nothing to deter your attraction, in fact, they made him more alluring, giving a rugged look to his chiseled features. 
“I believe this is yours?” He held out your clear mini handbag revealing the few yens you had and your Fenty Beauty lip gloss. 
“Thanks.” You took it graciously before reapplying some of the gloss that had come off due to your ‘encounter’ just as the pro-hero actually looked at your appearance. 
Your plump, glossy lips reflected the red club lights so sinfully. His eyes noted the beam of light shifted at the slight lift and drop of your lips. Your skin compared to the softest velvet and satin as the red light refracted on the shimmer of perfume you wore. May he mention that you smelled like euphoria? Or what he may interpret as that. His eyes traveled down your outfit, a pink skirt slit on the side peeking more of your thigh and leaving the rest to imagination. As for your top, the fluffy pink bikini top had his mind on haywire, noticing the sheen on the curves of your—
—He blinked, removing the haze from his mind. He had to say something to you, like his soul begged for a minute of your time. Denki’s voice popped in his mind, “Be cool guys, after a DID (Damsel In Distress), lay it on little by little. Ask her for her name, then if she’s safe, be a sexy gentleman.” Swallowing the thick ball in his throat, he went with the advice.
“Are you...a-alright Miss?” His hand went to his nape, rubbing the end of his undercut as a blush grew on his face. You smiled at his flustered attempt.
“(Y/n). My friends would call me (N/n) at least they would if I had anymore.” You couldn’t help your eyes to roam his physique, noting the rippling muscle under the black and green suit. 
 “So? Does a name come with my hero or should I start calling you Hercules?” A warm feeling traveled through his body, making its way to his face, burning his cheeks a brighter red. He bashfully chuckled. 
“I-I’m uhh...uhh uh...uhh” You raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at his brain malfunction, smirking to yourself at how cute this was. 
“Are you always this articulate?” His eyes widened realizing the babble was not coherent as he jumped to answer your question.
“Deku! My—” He coughed at the fine pitch in his voice, brain bringing up the “How to be Cool Manual” made by Denki as he readjusted his vocal placements.
“—My name is Deku.” A light chuckle escaped through the air as you smiled at his notably lower than normal voice. 
“Hmm, Deku? I think I prefer Hercules.” You joked before your teasing was interrupted by a loud groan coming from your forgotten assaulter.
“So? H-how did you get mixed up with the...uh?”
“Nigga who don’t know what the fuck rejection is?” You looked at the crumpled man again, having the thoughts to step on his globe head again. Deku’s eyes widen as if he read your mind, holding his arms out to stop you. You raised your arms, showing no harm before retelling the night’s events.
“Some bitches and I decided we were going to go to Harlem and I was the designated driver even though it wasn’t my car. Haven’t stepped into the club yet and they already drunk off of the entrance drinks. Lightweight bitches but they wanna chug down all the martinis in there. So one of them got a hookup and left without saying shit to anyone and the other was fucking faded—”
Deku flipped through his brain to remember what the definition of faded was.
“—my guy, like bitch was puking up in the stalls. So the third girl, almost as drunk as the other bitch, took the fucking car and ditched me. Didn’t tell me when I could’ve left this place cause in there was lowkey trash. All fucking mainstream pop, and few trap songs. But anyway, this pants-suffocating-my-balls ass nigga was preying on me the entire night and you know how men are. Saying 'no' means 'yes' and 'fuck off' means 'take me I’m yours'.” Your hands clasped together as you bat your lashes up into the sky. You quickly dropped your dreamy acting gig as quickly as you made it. Deku stood confused, chivalry and respect rolled off of his body as he did not know what the female interpretation implied.
“Don’t worry, ask rock-a-bye-baby here when he gets up.” Deku’s laughter halted as the sounds of sirens rang through the air. 
“Well, thanks for everything, Mr. Deku. It’s been a real slice.” You waved at him before turning to leave. Deku panicked, rushing to grab your forearm. You raised a brow at his actions.
“W-wait! U-um the police would like a victim report so he can g-get full repercussions for what he did to a l-lovely lady like you. Heat flooded your cheeks as you mulled over what he said, lovely lady?
“U-um sure, it’s still fuck 12 though cause they didn’t do shit.” You turned around again only for the pro-hero to turn you back around, completely facing you. 
“W-what?” You looked at him, wide-eyed at his boldness as he cupped your cheek. His finger swiped the side of your soft lips, almost dipping into the shimmery, inviting pool before retracting from your face. 
“Y-you had s-some lip gloss smudged on your face.” Deku’s eyes remained on your own as you tried not to melt on the spot. All you could do was simply nod as the police cruiser pulled up by the entrance.
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“Well thank you, ma’am, he won’t trouble you any further.” You nodded as the officer went back into the car, the man in the back sleeping quite peacefully for someone who’ll wake up behind bars. Your fingers typed in the address for your apartment, which was a 20-minute walk from your current location. You sighed as your feet, sore from standing in heels all night long, trudged down the street. However, a certain green-haired hero refused to let you go. Thanking the officers in the car, he rushed to your distancing figure.
“(Y/n), wait for me!” Deku waved you down, not breaking a sweat as he reached your figure.
“Deku, I’m sure you have somewhere else to be, so thank you and–” 
“I’m a hero. My job is to make sure everyone is safe, including you. So please, let me walk you home.” His eyes were unyielding. He refused to take any other answer than a yes. You nodded your head, smiling at his chivalry before walking again.
“Alright Hercules, tell me why did you become a hero?”
And so the 20-minute walk seemed like only five as you and Midoriya talked about your childhoods, struggle, and funny memories. Your feet finally touched the doorsteps of your apartment after Deku carried you halfway through the journey. 
“Thank you so much for saving me, even though I had it in the bag.” Laughter broke from the pair into the twinkling sky of the night.
“I’m sure you did.” The lighthearted atmosphere trickled into the sewers of the streets as the pair realized that their time was coming to an end. Deku began to panic, he wanted to see you again, there was no doubt as Denki’s voice invaded his head once again, “Go for the kill bro! Go for the kill!” The young hero grabbed your arm before you turned to leave.
“Umm (Y/n), I know you had an awful night but I- I would like to see you again!” His forwardness stunned you, not expecting the man to be this bold. Your heart sped up and you attempted to keep your cool.
“Sure, you got your phone on you?” He pulled out his phone, handing it to you as his excitement built. A smile stretched across your face, unable to contain your happiness as you returned the phone to its owner.
“Alright Deku, Imma fuck wit ya.” You fist-bumped the hero before leaning into his face, making the daring move to press a kiss against his cheek. 
“Bye Deku.” You unlocked the door of your apartment, entering the vicinity before waving at the scarlet faced hero, who, still absorbing what just happened, waved back aimlessly. As you closed the door, your knees finally buckled for the first time in the night. You slumped against the door, smiling to yourself, not knowing the number one hero was doing the same thing. 
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scribblestatic · 5 years
Remember how I said I make AUs from watching something, like, once?
I have...another AU.
I’ve been mulling on this one for a while, but I’ve never actually written it down.
Basically, Izuku discovers early on that he can’t be a hero. He decides to accept it, but still wants to have independence, and still wants to help the world in some way.
First thing’s first, he wants to move out. He can’t stay in his mother’s house and keep being a drain on her.
So he searches for people who will illegally hire him. Restaurants, bookshops, toy stores, anywhere. He keeps going until he finds Tea Cats Cafe, a maid cafe in one of the alleys of Shibuya’s shopping district. The leading woman there is dressed in a suit, her hair tied back from her head. She’s called Black Tea, since each of the girls in the cafe have a “tea” they correspond with. Initially, Black Tea rejects Izuku because he’s a boy, but after a lot of grovelling and begging on his part, she decides to have him try.
She dresses him up the first time. Gives him the makeup, the lip gloss, the dress, everything. He doesn’t quite recognize himself at first. Black Tea smiles, saying she can work with this.
She shows him the ropes. The scripts, the way to dress and walk, how to tilt his voice the right way and sound more feminine and babyish like the other maids. He absorbs it all, and after two weeks, he’s becoming more popular. He gets paid more and can finally get his own apartment. He’s finally becoming independent!
Fast forward to a few months later.
Izuku’s the Matcha maid with the name ‘Kobayashi Chouko’ with his own little section in the shop, outlined and decorated with green. He wears a brown maid outfit and a long-haired wig with bangs long enough to cover his eyes, brown stockings, and little red shoes with a strap around his ankles. He’s practiced a lot to be the kind of maid he needs to be, but he’s in a silent battle with Black Tea now.
She’s been telling him to do more things. Things off the menu, like sitting beside the patrons and giving them massages, or telling them their fortunes and play-slapping them. Izuku is very uncomfortable with this and has been resisting so far. He knows it’s a slippery slope now that he has more life experience.
He didn’t know how sheltered he was before. Now that he does, he wishes he hadn’t left his mom’s house to live alone in an apartment, especially with him being Quirkless.
And yet, he also enjoys living alone. He’s learned how to cook on his own, and he cleans up his little area however he likes. He can spend all his free time when not doing work just writing on heroes and creating different forum posts on analysis. On the web he’s known as ‘9-3’, his signature for ‘Kyuu-san’, quite a bit different from his previous ‘AllMightR0cks101′ handle.
He also enjoys living alone because he finds some personal enjoyment in dressing up. Even when it’s not for work, he’ll still wear the chest pads and the wig. Sometimes he’ll practice with the makeup. He generally finds enjoyment in making himself look cute.
Somewhere along the line while he first was employed, he started making the connection that being a Quirkless boy made him unlovable, but being a Quirkless girl made people be nice to him. Given, he never once told any of the patrons he was Quirkless, but he remembers some of the things they would say like ‘You won’t tell anyone what your Quirk is, but even if you were Quirkless, I’d protect you with my life!’ or ‘If you’re Quirkless, your cuteness makes up for it’.
No one has treated him as kindly in his life as when he started dressing more feminine.
What is this inspired by?
Strangely enough, Kakegurui.
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Manga the Week of 4/27/22
SEAN: The end of April means the end of innocence, getting ready for the boys of summer, and other things that are not Don Henley songs.
We start with Yen On, who have Cross-Dressing Villainess Cecilia Sylvie 2, In the Land of Leadale 5, and Orc Eroica 2.
Yen Press has a whooole lot. We see A Certain Magical Index 25, Days on Fes 5 (the final volume), Dead Mount Death Play 7, Goblin Slayer 11, Golden Japanesque: A Splendid Yokohama Romance 5, Hinowa ga CRUSH! 6, I Was a Bottom-Tier Bureaucrat for 1,500 Years, and the Demon King Made Me a Minister 3 (also a final volume), In Another World with My Smartphone 5, I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level 8, Laid-Back Camp 11, Love of Kill 7, Please Put Them On, Takamine-san 3, Plunderer 9, The Royal Tutor 16, Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts 15 (also also a final volume), Sasaki and Miyano 5, Shibuya Goldfish 10, and Toilet-bound Hanako-kun 13. I am getting… well, two of those.
MICHELLE: I’m at least getting Sasaki and Miyano!
ANNA: Not much there for me, since I’m not super into bureaucrats for the Demon King killing slimes after their levels are maxed-out.
ASH: I really ought to catch up with Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts; I’ve enjoyed the volumes that I’ve read. Also Toilet-bound Hanako-kun!
SEAN: Tokyopop debuts Yagi the Bookshop Goat (Honya no Yagi-kun), a BL title from Chara about a goat boy who loves to read books… and eat books! No one trusts him in a bookstore, can he convince the wolf manager to give him a shot? Honestly, this looks damn cute.
ANNA: I don’t care how cute it is!
ASH: Tokyopop keeps trying to tempt me.
MELINDA: Must… not… look… no. no.
SEAN: Tentai Books has a print light novel debut. You Like Me, Don’t You? So, Wanna Go Out With Me? (Kimitte Watashi no Koto Suki Nandeshou?), another high school romance between a mopey guy and the perfect girl. This genre has gotten popular lately, though usually with more irony than this has. The author also writes Are You OK with a Slightly Older Girlfriend? and When Supernatural Battles Become Commonplace.
Square Enix has a 4th volume of Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!.
MICHELLE: I need to resume this series; the first volume was very good!
ASH: It’s true!
SEAN: Seven Seas debuts The Most Notorious “Talker” Runs the World’s Greatest Clan (Saikyou no Shien-shoku “Wajutsushi” Dearu ore wa Sekai Saikyou Kuran o Shitagaeru), based on the light novel also released by Seven Seas. It’s one of those “everyone says I’m weak but I’m secretly strong” series, and runs in Comic Gardo.
Seven Seas also has Cat Massage Therapy 2, The Dangers in My Heart 4, The Dungeon of Black Company 7, Headhunted to Another World: From Salaryman to Big Four! 3, Kingdom of Z 5, Our Teachers are Dating! 4 (the final volume), Skeleton Knight in Another World 8, and Time Stop Hero 4.
KUMA has two new titles. sick is a BL oneshot about a young college student. He’s handsome, popular, has all the girls he wants. So why can’t he stop teasing the shy boy in his class? This ran in Takeshobo’s Opa.
Also one volume is Boys of the Dead, which KUMA describes as ZOM-BL!, and I can’t top that. It ran in Canna.
MICHELLE: I am potentially here for ZOM-BL.
ANNA: Me too!
ASH: Honestly, I’ve enjoyed most of KUMA’s releases, so far.
MELINDA: Okay, also count me in as possibly here for ZOM-BL.
SEAN: Kodansha has some print debuts. First we see Blackguard, a horror series from the creator of Devils’ Line. A mysterious virus called shojo is attacking people and… no, it’s not turning them into shojo manga, it turns each person into an identical carrier. Presumably our hero fights back. Also, given the title, presumably he’s not very nice.
ASH: Count me as curious.
SEAN: We also get A Galaxy Next Door (Otonari ni Ginga), a new series from the creator of Sweetness and Lightning. A young manga artist struggling to feed his family finds himself a new assistant, who’s almost otherworldly… and also says they’re engaged. This runs in good! Afternoon.
MICHELLE: I can’t say I’m wild about the premise but there’s enough residual goodwill left over from Sweetness & Lightning that I’ll check it out.
ASH: Sweetness & Lightning was such a delight.
MELINDA: Hm, yes maybe.
SEAN: And then there is Sensei’s Pious Lie (Sensei no Shiroi Uso), an 18+ series that ran in Morning Two. A young teacher is raped by her friend’s fiance, and struggles to keep it from her friend and also connect with her students. This has won awards, but as you might guess, is pretty intense and not for everyone.
MICHELLE: Sounds heavy but good.
ANNA: Way too heavy for me.
ASH: I’ve heard very good things about this series.
MELINDA: Cautiously interested.
SEAN: Also out in print: EDENS ZERO 16, Hitorijime My Hero 12, and Something’s Wrong With Us 8.
The digital debut is WIND BREAKER, a new manga from Magazine Pocket. I can’t believe, 20-odd years after WORST bombed in English, we are finally getting another delinquent manga about beating the shit out of other students. Awesome.
ASH: Ha! I’ll admit, I do like delinquent manga.
MELINDA: I mean.
SEAN: Also digital: Back When You Called Us Devils 12 (the final volume), Bootsleg 2, Even Given the Worthless “Appraiser” Class, I’m Actually the Strongest 4, Getting Closer to You 2, and Harem Marriage 16.
Kaiten Books has a digital release, the 3rd and final volume of My Dad’s the Queen of All VTubers?!.
J-Novel Club has the 9th and final volume of Can Someone Please Explain What’s Going On?!, Fantasy Inbound 2, Maddrax 3, and Saint? No! I’m Just a Passing Beast Tamer! 2. On the manga side, we see Der Werwolf: The Annals of Veight -Origins- 6, Villainess: Reloaded! Blowing Away Bad Ends with Modern Weapons 4, and Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! 5.
Ghost Ship has a 3rd and final volume of Shiori’s Diary, as well as Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs 19.
Cross Infinite World gives us a 2nd volume of I Reincarnated As Evil Alice, So the Only Thing I’m Courting Is Death!.
Finally, Airship has the print debut of The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior, as well as Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear 9, Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship! 4, and Reincarnated as a Dragon Hatchling 3.
And we see early digital volumes for Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear 10 and The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior 2.
Want to buy manga? Or all you want to do is dance?
By: Sean Gaffney
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Travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Tokyo via plane was around 7 hours, we travelled with Air Asia for a second time. We arrived in the evening of 20th December 2016. Very little research was done before we arrived, Japan was not one of our planned destinations. Our next venture was supposed to be Australia but due to visa issues, we decided to be spontaneous and travel somewhere random. Japan was totally different to what we imagined and exceeded our expectations. What an amazing little country! We hopped into a taxi transfer to our small apartment, we had rented for several days, little did we know and not until we reached the highway, that we was in a chauffeured hat and suit taxi and the meter was going up very quickly, when we arrived it was equivalent to £112.00, we felt sick and reluctant to pay the guy but it was our own faults for just jumping in, we may still have been in Asia but it was not as cheap as Thailand and actually quite an expensive city.
Tokyo is the capital city of Japan, with 37.393 million residents all residing in this one city. Tokyo was originally known by the name Edo, the city was founded by the Edo clan in the late twelfth century, they went on to build the Edo Castle. Japanese currency is known as Japanese yen, their seasonal weather is identical to the UK. Although it does get much warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter months. Spring is one of the most popular months due to the cherry blossom season. Japanese love cherry blossoms, it symbolizes human life, transience and nobleness. They hold flower watching parties known as “Hanami”. We would have loved to have visited the cherry blossoms but unfortunately it was mid winter when we arrived. 
Me and Tom were literally lost in translation in Japan, obviously we had not learnt any Japanese language apart from Hai which meant yes and Arigato which means thank you. When we went into the shops, locals would spiel off full conversations and all we could reply with was Hai, we could have been agreeing to anything. Occasionally we would come across a local who spoke broken English which was a god send, but some how we made our way about Japan winging it. At the train stations the places and locations had English spellings underneath which did help us and they usually had English speaking person on the information desk. The trains were always rammed with people, doing their daily commutes. The Japanese are very reserved people, so trains were busy yet so quiet. It was forbidden to make loud conversation on the trains.
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Spending Christmas in Tokyo felt right as it was their winter too, we come prepared with clothing as in Malaysia we decided to buy coats and winter accessories to keep us warm. It was the first time we had experienced cold weather in about 5 months so it was actually quite delightful. We spent Christmas in Tokyo in our little apartment. We had traditional Japanese style beds on the floor, which consisted of a wooden mat and padded cushions. It was actually really comfortable and has better benefits for the back allowing you to sleep in a more firm supportive position. we purchased our xmas gifts to one another from the 100 yen shop, which is like their pound shop. We got each other essentials like gloves, back massagers and chop sticks and of course Christmas hats. In Japan their traditional Christmas dinner is a KFC take out. 3.6 million Japanese families enjoy KFC on Christmas day. People have to prebook their meals due to the popularity and demand at Christmas time, otherwise they have to face long ques. We managed to scrape together some ingredients to make a Christmas meal. Going back to the part about getting lost in translation, what we thought was a traditional gravy was actually a soy sauce so when our meal was prepared we covered our meals in soy sauce and that pretty much cremated the meal.
There is so much site seeing to be done in Tokyo, our feet were aching most days from the amount of steps we put in. The city has arcades splashed all around, from photo booths, to teddy crane machines. Japanese are not allowed to gamble with actual money so they all play a game called Pachinko. It is a type of mechanical game used as both recreational and gambling. Purchasing Pachinko balls in the hope to win double back. Its like a loophole into gambling. watching them all fixated on the machines was crazy, there was even some areas where it was legal to smoke and play. Some of the players would sit there hours on end. 
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A lot of the locals walking round were wearing wacky clothing or fancy dress, Japanese love to bring out their inner child. There is a street in Tokyo called Takeshita Street. It is a pedestrian shopping street, lined with fashion boutiques cafes and restaurants. The street is mobbed with people in fancy dress, the shops are full of the latest gadgets and accessories, full of colour and character. Tokyo has the best crepe shops filled with your desired choices. Definately a must try whilst here!
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Dressing like childrens toy dolls is popular in Japan, there is even a barbie cafe, where female Japanese would dress up as their favourite dolls and take a long their toy dolls, they would all meet up and enjoy afternoon tea together. Back home people would think it was a bit weird, but it was something that made them happy and reminisce been a child. 
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We visited one of the Maid cafes in Tokyo, in these particular cafes the staff dress up in maid costumes and act as servants, treating the customers as their masters in their private homes. This was definitely even a bit weird for me, it was a place for fetishes. The clientele was predominately old creepy men. As we sat down in the cafe, we was each given animals ears, and when we wanted to order we had to make animal noises. It was all too weird for me, you was not allowed to video or take pictures until your designated time where you would pose for a picture with one of the cafes maids. 
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Tokyo is so noisy and busy at night time, venturing the streets at night is amazing. Shibuya crossing is the famous and most busiest crossing at the peak times. When the lights turn red and green for pedestrians, people from all directions cross the road at the same time, you literally cannot stop in the middle as people would just stamp all over you.
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There were even tours which you could join, where you could ride real life Mario go karts around the city. The gadgets in Tokyo are  on another level, the toilets are amazing, you could literally loose 20 minutes just playing with each toilet function, the heated seat was my fave especially on a winters morning. 
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In Tokyo there are love rooms which can be rented by the hour, for people who would like some privacy for a few hours. The rooms usually come equipped with jacuzzi tubs, complimentary condoms and mirrored ceilings. We rented a room for the experience, we mainly just wanted to sit in the jacuzzi, nothing seedy about the visit.
It was essential that we didn’t leave Tokyo without seeing the sumo wrestlers. Sumo is a form of competitive full contact wrestling, where the wrestler “Rikishi” attempts to force his opponent out of the circular ring. Japan is the only place where the sport is practiced professionally and considered a national sport. The sumos wear a Mawashi which is a 30 foot long belt that they tie in a knot at the back. The thickness of the belt will cover the nether regions, the belt can be grabbed by the wrestler and used to assist them during the tournaments. Living a sumo life sounds very regimented, certain behaviours have to be followed, for example growing their hair into a top knot, they are also expected to dress in Japanese traditional wear, the type and quality of their dress depends on their hierachy status. Their strict eating regimens state that they should skip breakfast and have a large lunch, they will then have a siesta after this. This time allows them to gain the weight they need. Rich diets of meats, fish, and veggies washed down with a beer. The lifestyle of a sumo impacts their health as they usually only have a life expetancy of 60-65 years of age, as they usually develop health conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure. In the neighborhood of Ryogoku, there is a training facility for sumos, we was able to visit one morning and watch them in training through the window. They even ventured outside afterwards to pose for pictures. The stance and stretches that they can get into is unbelievable. with all that weight and they are still so flexible. 
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Tokyo's famous landmark is the Sky tree, it is a observation and broadcasting tower. It became the tallest tower in 2011 at 634 metres high and the second tallest structure in the world after the Burj Khalifa. 
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Our 6th year anniversary on boxing day was celebrated in Tokyo. We visited Meji Jingu Shrine. This is one of the most popular shrines in Japan. Nestled in the heart of the city and a bit of an escape from the busy city outside. It is located just outside the Harajuku Station, and there are approximately 100,000 trees in the surrounding area. The shrine is dedicated to the derifed spirits of the Emperor Meji. Inside the shrine was a station where visitors were writing down their wishes before posting them into a sealed box. We wrote down our wish and placed it into the love box. The shrine was vibrant and beautiful, a great little visit if your in the area. 
We absolutely loved Tokyo and we would definately return in the future maybe in the spring next time. Our next venture was to Hakone to visit the Yunessun Spa via train.
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Daily Tokyo Sex Guide concerning VIP Foreigner Escort Service
Tokyo escort Viral Tokyo Sex Guide explaining VIP Foreigner Escort Service Tokyo escort services have come to be popular over the recent years. Probably, this can be attributed to the beauty and also dedication of girls that use escort solutions in this area. Men on their vacation in Tokyo or those stopping over on their means to various other locations always employ escort services Escort companies in Japan fee quite high rates for girls. It is little less expensive to employ an independent companions. Hooking is illegal in Japan. However, enforcement is lax, and also the legislation especially defines prostitution as "sex in exchange for cash". Simply puts, if you pay for other "solution" and proceed to have sex by "exclusive arrangement," the legislation does not identify it as hooking. Because of this, Japan still has one of one of the most lively sex industries on the planet. Tokyo has a rather popular and also common sex and prostitution scene all throughout the city. You could get talked to different working women and could anticipate them to provide you with companionship services associated with adult enjoyment. You shall never run out of options, a minimum of in this issue if you remain in Tokyo. Places like Kichijoj, Harajuku and Shibuya would certainly be optimal for the younger group. On the other hand, the much more fashionable and also exclusive crowd can check out Toyama, Daikanyama and Ebisu for pertinent outcomes. In modern times, Tokyo's prostitution profession is well pertained to for its high class of services and also large customer base. As a result of Tokyo's setting as a top 5 worldwide service as well as profession city, hooking remains to flourish in Tokyo. Customers on company journeys or trade conventions, in addition to traditional vacationers, continue to supply needs for Tokyo's sex industry, offering financial benefits. Caution: Never comply with African men anywhere. They are informing you to have a fun time in a bar with packed with women. Nevertheless you will certainly wind up paying huge amount of cash just for a drink or more in a dubious bar. This may take place in Kabukicho or Roppongi location. There are countless sex workers from all over the globe in Tokyo. You can discover working girls from Europe, Africa, South America and Asia. Usually foreign woman of the streets set you back less than neighborhood Japanese elegances. In Japan, there is a law forbidding hooking. According to the law, a prostitute can not have any type of sort of sexual relations with her/his consumers. There are fantastic technicalities for that. For example to make it legit, the companion firm will just have to set up a "blind date" for you with your chosen working lady. After the date, you are now a "couple" and also you 2 can do business. Currently, you 2 are considered to be making love as a couple, instead of as a customer and also prostitute. You may discover woman of the streets and also sex employees operating in different palces like soaplands, beauty parlors as well as day spas. You could check out these palces in order to figure what exactly what's in shop there. If you find that the working ladies are readily available with their variety of extra services; select your favorite service wisely and expect to delight in the offerings of the working massage women over there. But beware sufficient to see and validate whether the massage parlors and also soaplands you are checking out are risk-free. You can take exclusive areas on rental fee in order to take pleasure in massage solutions provided by the functioning ladies at those places. Escort agencies in Tokyo have a sensational variety of different kind of girls. You can order generally any type of type escort you could visualize. There are Russian, European, African, Asian etc., you call it! You can obtain enough choices in this matter. Both in telephone call and out call companion solutions are readily available. If you surf the internet, then you will be able to discover lots of alternatives and pointers relating to escort companies and company readily available around Tokyo. Freelance working women supplying companion solutions can be discovered also High class out-call solution for foreign nationals in Tokyo searching for an English speaking Japanese prostitute. Free Delivery to all 23 wards of Tokyo/ Narita/ Yokosuka/ Yokohama.Native English speaking staff offered to answer any of your questions from 12 to 4 everyday of the week. The biggest escort agency providing solely to foreigners in Japan. We concentrate on "girl-next-door" types, recruited for the love of the work. We assure to offer you specifically what we guarantee, every single time. No bait and also switching, no concealed costs.
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kpdaydreamingabout · 7 years
4 April 2017
For a guy my age, I’ve seen a lot of the world already. Different climates, terrains, animals, people, cultures, colors, perspectives; I soak it all in and take bits and pieces back with me.
I had the opportunity to choose where my friends and I would travel to next. Instead of choosing Australia and South America (the two remaining continents outside of Antarctica I have yet to touch), I chose Japan, one because the tickets were dirt cheap, and two because the last time I went, I had a life-changing experience, and I wanted my friends (Bruce, Cam, and Jimmy) to have that opportunity as well.
The first city we visited was Shibuya, the city known in the US as the setting for Tokyo Drift. Shibuya is truly awe-inspiring, with a culture and beauty that leaves you speechless. Like NYC and Las Vegas, Shibuya is a city that literally never sleeps. As a reference, I stayed at a bar that remained packed until 5 in the morning! And the lights….don’t even get me started on the lights. They are the lifeblood that keeps this city humming. My personal favorite activity in Shibuya is people watching at night (sounds simple, I know). Climbing a ten-plus story building to the top and peering down at the hordes of pedestrians below, going about their everyday lives under the bright lights. There is a feeling of peace that the view provides. Very few activities in this world that can match the bird’s eye view of Shibuya. 
If you know me, when it comes to Japanese food, you know that I love yakitori (I would eat skewers everyday if I could), while maintaining a weird relationship with ramen in San Diego (in the States, I can count on my hand how many ramen bowls were worth the price, and I have had  A LOT of ramen bowls). Where the yakitori in San Diego is amazing, it is on another level in Japan. It was so good that we made it a mission everyday to find yakitori joints around Japan. And Oh my god, the ramen. I’ll say this; the WORST ramen I’ve had in Japan would match, if not exceed the taste of the BEST ramen I’ve had in the States (and that is because they used a style that is common in the States). That is not an exaggeration. We visited one of the most well known ramen shops in Japan, and it was literally Heaven in my mouth. It was so good that I had two bowls in the span of an hour for breakfast. 
The next destination after Shibuya was Osaka, my third favorite city in the world after my hometown San Diego and Dubai. The nightlife is insane, I’ll just start there. Where Shibuya is a place where the popular thing to do is find a restaurant and babysit beers with your friends after a long day of work, Osaka was a place known for letting loose and drinking for hours after work. 
One of the first places we happened upon on our first night was a place called Milk Bar. The owner/bartender has shelves of vinyls all over the bar, and plays said vinyls of rock music from the 60s to the 80s all night long. I really liked the vibe, and felt it was a great way to kick off our first night. It was also the first time that I really went out and drank with Bruce, Cam, and Jimmy, so it was a hilariously fun time wandering the streets of Osaka drunk with them (Bruce and Cam usually black out at their parties, Jimmy usually smokes). 
The second night after spending a day trying new foods and treating ourselves to massages, we found a nice food court(?) where locals come to have beers and eat finger foods all night. Again, it was a great time drinking with my friends as I got to see a side of them I never really knew about (They’re relative lightweights, but I tricked them into matching me on drinks). So for a solid three hours or so, we chilled and talked over piles of skewers and multiple rounds of beers. 
We then decided to go to this place where the whole second floor was made up of at least ten different bars. At one of these bars was where we met a bartender named Kanaan, a Japanese girl whose last night living in Osaka happened to be that very night (she allegedly began drinking four hours prior to our arrival). 
She was probably one of the most down people I have ever met. This girl took me completely by surprise.
First of all, I never expected to meet a Japanese girl who was as cute as she was chill (And I mean chill as fuck! The first two words she taught me were “oppai” aka boobs, and “kanpai” which is the equivalent of cheers or DOWN YOUR SHOT BITCH depending on the context). Second, never expected said chill Japanese girl to be able to drink like a sorority girl (I have never seen anyone who can down tequila straight without flinching as much as I saw her do it, AND SHE WAS STILL FUNCTIONAL ENOUGH TO POUR DRINKS). And lastly, I never expected someone who was okay with getting deep with a complete stranger from another country (not a single boring or awkward time with her).
As you can tell, this girl had me sprung like a damn slinky.
Anyways, back to the story. So my friends decided to sneak home, leaving me with a bunch of drunk Japanese people. So, it being her last night and all, I asked Kanaan to show me around after her shift, not expecting her to be down because who in their right mind would hang out with a complete stranger in the middle of the night, right? BUT THE GIRL SAID YES, and I ended up having one of the best nights I have had in awhile. 
She introduced me to places in Osaka that only the locals knew about (none of that Trip Advisor or Yelp shit), had the best whiskey I have ever tasted, and bonded with a bunch of random Japanese people (have some new drinking buddies for the next time I go). I walked her home, and despite the fact that my place wasn’t far away, she wanted me to come up. 
It was crazy to me, because where did she come from? This girl came out of nowhere and showed me the time of my life. 
Waking up next to her the next morning was a strange feeling. I knew and understood that the moment I say goodbye and walk out that door, that that was it. (Poof) I would never see her again.
That’s the beauty of life, though, I guess. Sometimes, whether it be fate or pure coincidence, you come across amazing people whose purpose is to help you re-calibrate and get you back on the road you were meant for, disappearing as fast as they came in. I will never have the chance to create moments with her again, and that’s okay, because the few I was able to have were incredible. 
So one long tangent later, a toast to Kanaan, a girl who defied all reasoning and expectations (chugs beer).
Sidebar: so this may not be funny to you, because you had to be there, but that very morning after leaving Kanaan’s house, my friends and I prepared to see the cherry blossoms in Tokyo (the full bloom was expected for the week after we left, but the blossoms were still a sight to behold). I suited up, so I was looking as fresh as a five star sushi restaurant (had to bust out a Japan simile heh heh heh). I was getting double takes from both females and males all day long, just sayin’. Anyways, getting off track as usual. So, we boarded the subway and were making our way to the outskirts of Tokyo, our next destination. There were these two girls in our car that would not stop checking us out! Like literally, they were staring as if they were peering into our very souls. (And I am pretty sure they were staying longer on that train than they intended to, because our commute was a solid 40 minutes). So, as they were eye-fucking us, we were texting each other joking about what they were planning on doing to us once we got off the train (I know it’s a little fucked up, but I am dying while typing this by the way. One of the girls will forever be known as the Amish Snape). Again, i don’t expect you to find this funny because you weren’t there, but the memory will always be funny to me. End sidebar.
So our next destination after that was Kyoto which, don’t get me wrong, is a beautiful city with plenty of history laced within its roots, but we weren’t in that “let’s take pictures of touristy shit” kind of vibe (what makes it worse is that we knew that Kyoto would be a boring destination WEEKS in advance, but still decided to go because we booked an AirBNB there). We really wasted a day here as all we did was take a hike up a mountain shrine, ate, and then went home to take a nap that in turn morphed into a 10 hour sleep (granted the room we had was great with three separate beds). 
So we returned to the outskirts of Tokyo, namely to buy gifts and see the Sky Tower (the largest tower in the world), before getting bored and ultimately deciding to return to Shibuya to explore further (It took literally a week, but we were finally able to get karaage chicken and Steins from a very exclusive restaurant, and oh my goodness was it worth it). We packed shopping, drinking (we literally drank at least twice a day), and finding new spots to eat all into that last full day. 
The very next morning, I woke up really early and decided to take a stroll to soak it all in before leaving. I happened upon an empty park that was full of cherry blossom trees (the parks were usually packed with picnic goers during the cherry blossom season, so this was an anomaly and a blessing). I was extra thankful for that, because I was allowed time to meditate by myself, feeling the energy of the nature around me.
Anyways, I’m sure I’m forgetting some moments from the trip, but that’s all the word vomit I could come up with at the moment. And, as has been the case with my blog logs in recent weeks, my ass is not going to edit this shit, BECAUSE I AM TIRED AS FUCK! In summary, we ate a lot, drank a lot, and truly had a great time. The highlights for me are obvious (cough Kanaan, cough food). I plan on coming back by next year for sure. 
I bid you adieu Tumblr. Let’s make this year’s birthday month legendary, yeah?
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tokyo-massages · 5 months
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tokyo-massages · 5 months
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tokyo-massages · 5 months
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tokyo-massages · 5 months
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tokyo-massages · 6 months
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tokyo-massages · 6 months
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tokyo-massages · 6 months
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Yoshi, the manager of the Shibuya branch speaks English making the atmosphere welcoming. The massage was great!
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tokyo-massages · 6 months
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Toshi was excellent and very friendly, works very well and outstanding technique. Thankyou very much!
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