#portugal residence permit
visaconnect1 · 1 month
Invest 500,000 Euros into Portugal Equity Funds for the Portugal Golden residence Permit, in 2024!
Contact our Immigration Consultants for assistance with your Portugal Golden Visa application Now!
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gazette-immigration · 2 months
Are you wondering how to get a Portugal PR visa and how you should apply for one? Check out the blog that explains it all.
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elkonsolonline · 3 months
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ezeevisae · 5 months
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Whether you're considering moving to Spain for work, study, or to embrace the Spanish way of life, EZee Visas is your go-to resource for Spain residence visas. Our dedicated consultants will walk you through the application process, ensuring all necessary documentation is in order. With our support, you can embark on your journey to Spain with confidence, knowing that your residence visa is in good hands.
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trivialchapter1 · 7 months
Profitable Portugal Real Estate Investment Opportunities
Invest in Portugal Real Estate Investment with Trivialchapter.com - the trusted source for secure, reliable investments. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with our expert advice and guidance.
Portugal Real Estate Investment
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smartvoyager · 11 months
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credasmigrations · 1 year
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Find the perfect temporary resident visa consultant for your needs with our ultimate guide. Learn about visa types, the qualities to look for, and the services offered. Get expert assistance and increase your chances of success.
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evolvecolving · 1 year
Plan your move to Portugal as a digital nomad with ease! Discover the Portugal digital nomad visa and residence permit options through Evolve Coliving and find your perfect home on the digital nomad island of Portugal. Visit now!
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A Guide to Portugal’s Different Residence Permits (D1-D9)
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The Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program, which is also famous as the Portugal Golden Visa Program, is offered by the Portugal Government. It is a five-year residence and investment program that permits non-EU nationals to live, study, and work in the country.
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Portugal shows off a thriving and distinct culture, Mediterranean environment, and stable and safe setting best for putting up families, traveling and conducting business.
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visaconnect1 · 5 months
Portugal Golden Residence Permit
Become a Resident of Portugal in 2024! Invest in Funds to acquire Portugal Residence and you only need to visit for 14 days every 2 years!
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justenjoythegossip · 6 months
Immigration questions, truths, lies and speculation: a few random thoughts…
Use of her immigration status to discredit the wedding…
Abba’s legal status is a topic that has been brought up so much by Team PR blogs, especially to discredit the fact there was any marriage at all, that it’s interesting to ask ourselves why. Although I won’t pretend to answer any of those questions. I know absolutely nothing about her legal status but I am pretty sure that neither do those mods that pretend to. Unless they have a source or informant at the immigration bureau, but I seriously doubt it. 
Truths, lies and speculation…
I’ll do my best to sum up what have been said on the subject. Allegedly Abba has used a tourist Visa to enter the US, that’s why she goes back to Portugal very often and is never seen in the USA. She couldn’t have a work visa because she is not shooting any movie or TV show on US domestic soil. She couldn't have an Einstein Visa because she has no talent. She couldn’t have petitioned for a fiancée visa neither because she would have had to stay put and wait a few years for her citizenship and so traveling abroad for her second kinda wedding would have been out of the question. Also they added that this information was on the public record.
There’s some truths (like always), some wild speculation and some clear lies. 
First of all, someone’s immigration status is not really public information. Sure there is a number you can call to check an immigration status but you do need some personal information like name, date and place of birth which are easy to find for sure but also… a 13-character receipt number from your application or petition. She did share a shower porn with the world, but I don’t think she ever volunteered information regarding her travel documents or petition. So how would people know anything regarding her legal situation? 
Where has she been?
An important topic of discussion has been about her whereabouts. Interesting enough, that girl has been mostly MIA for the last couple of years. Has she been hiding in a basement or is she a ghost? We know she sort of pops out for certain events used for PR purposes (papwalks, a fashion show, the ghosted premiere, the GQ event) but she was not even seen for their alleged first wedding, nor for their alleged second wedding.  
Also interesting, she deactivated her location on Instagram a while ago so that no one could actually know where she is. The last time it was active was when she was shooting a movie with Anne Hathaway in Germany. It’s safe to assume that she doesn’t want people to know where she is because this way, she can be placed anywhere… anywhere where Chris is of course. 
What could her legal status be?
A dual citizenship is unlikely, for sure. She wasn’t born in the US and although we know she has a sister who lives there (and maybe she even has other family relatives who knows), she would have had to reside in the states for years to get it. 
But is a work visa out of the question? Of course, she hasn’t and is not shooting anything on US soil. But if there is a PR contract, doesn’t PR work qualify as… work? There are the papwalks of course, but also all the trips she had to take in order for them to shoot the material they needed (pictures and videos used for ridiculous cringy photo montages that were posted on Instagram stories). CAA (or another entity) could have very well sponsored her for a work visa and have her do all kind of stuff. We know how powerful this company is, how shady it is and how much pull it has. It is out of the realm of possibilities? 
And guess what, you can travel abroad under a work visa for business purposes (to shoot a movie in Germany for ex) or for a vacation (to the Bermuda for ex), you just need to have your travel permit approved. 
I am not saying she has a work visa btw, just that it’s possible and that there is no actual proof to say otherwise. It’s pure speculation. Like those mods are doing and passing for actual truth. 
I will add that I once asked one of those so-called Team PR blog for some precisions about this topic. It was someone I had very cordial talks with (I even provided them with material they used for their blog). They never answered those questions of course. Sidenote they blocked me after my pinned post defining who those blogs are and what they were doing without ever naming anyone and when they had never followed me in the first place. Make of that what you will. 
The (apparent) absence of marriage license and the fiancée visa?
A marriage license is actually a lot easier to find though because the public records are a lot simpler to access. Of course, there are a few exceptions, if you filed in California for example (but not realistic in their case) or if you filed a special request in front of a judge to have the records sealed. Up until now, no one has found their marriage license. 
No publication (no TMZ, not anyone) published it when we had trillion articles about their wedding but no confirmation from either of their teams for more than a month… until Chris’ appearance at the NY con. Also we can assume that a license would have probably popped out on one Team Real blog if such proof existed (faking a yoga certificate is one thing but faking such documents would be a federal offense).
By the way, Chris told us that he and Abba are NOT legally married. The words he used at that Con were so very specific: "kinda ceremonies". KINDA... Go Portugal! So he definitely put an asterisk to the marriage narrative. And I should add that no rep confirmed their marriage, another confirmation of their non-marriage.
But then again you could speculate that they had a kinda sorta spiritual Buddhist non-binding ceremony. I think team real blogs have supported this theory at some point if anyone wants to believe it. But in that case, if she wouldn’t petition for a dual citizenship and stay in the USA with her work visa, she wouldn’t face legal issues and she could pop in and out of the country with her approved travel permit. 
Again I am not saying it’s the truth, just that those immigration questions are very complex and are very unlikely to shed any light on that shitshow. 
Why use speculation (or even a blatant lie) to discredit another lie?
The question remains. Why would you need to bring up this topic to discredit a wedding when actual facts don’t add up? Some mods have done a fantastic job pointing them out. 
What purpose do those alleged immigration issues serve? Do they discredit Team PR blogs? Do they serve as an actual diversion? Because one thing is certain we don’t need those to question their kinda ceremonies, do we? 
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ezeevisae · 5 months
Welcome to EZee Visas – Your Gateway to Seamless Travel and Work Abroad!
At EZee Visas, we understand the excitement and challenges that come with planning international travel or pursuing work opportunities in foreign lands. Our dedicated team is here to simplify the visa application process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for you.
Our Services:
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Switzerland Work Permit:
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Spain Residence Visa:
Whether you're considering moving to Spain for work, study, or to embrace the Spanish way of life, EZee Visas is your go-to resource for Spain residence visas. Our dedicated consultants will walk you through the application process, ensuring all necessary documentation is in order. With our support, you can embark on your journey to Spain with confidence, knowing that your residence visa is in good hands.
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On 3 December 1966 the 12-3 incident began in Macau when a protest outside the Portuguese colonial governor's palace turned into a riot. Left-wing residents of Taipa Island had applied for permission to demolish to abandon buildings and build a school. The local government had agreed with the use of the site, however some officials delayed processing the relevant permits because they had not received any bribes from the residents. So, residents took matters into their own hands and began demolishing the abandoned buildings themselves. Colonial authorities then sent police to the site to attack the workers and clear the building site, injuring and hospitalising several people. The sight of the wounded workers caused mass outrage, and protests began outside the governor's palace. These escalated until December 3, when student protesters demanded to meet with the governor and tried to ascend the stairs to his office. Rumours of further police brutality brought an even bigger crowd, which was then confronted by riot police with water cannons and tear gas. This provocation sparked rioting, with protesters attacking public buildings, Portuguese colonial monuments and attempting to storm the police headquarters. The government then declared martial law brought in soldiers and tanks, killing several people and injuring and arresting dozens more. Macau residents launched a mass campaign of non-cooperation, known as the "Three Noes": they would not pay taxes, provide services or sell to Portuguese. The Chinese government also cut off supplies to Macau and sent warships into Macau waters. Portuguese authorities then swiftly caved in. The officials involved in the school building permits were removed from the city, the government paid millions of patacas compensation for those killed and injured, and while Portugal retained nominal colonial control, in reality from that point on the Chinese government was put in charge of the everyday functioning of the city. https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2150910775094061/?type=3
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smartvoyager · 1 year
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