#poseidon: hey percy come with me to atlantis
uselessnbee · 6 months
so the fandom always makes Percy's favorite Disney movie either The Little Mermaid or Finding Nemo which of course yes cool love that but also i raise you-
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this underrated masterpiece
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tsarisfanfiction · 1 month
The True Story of Atlantis
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Teen Genre: Family Characters: Will, Gracie, Poseidon According to Percy, Atlantis doesn't exist, despite that being the name of Poseidon's realm. According to mortal stories, Atlantis was destroyed after attempting to conquer Athens. But what's the real story? TOApril day 29 - Lost City. This had me stumped for a while, because all I could think of was "Atlantis" and finding a way to link that back to TOA and also make it fit with what we know of Atlantis in the Riordanverse was a challenge. I do, however, like what I've come up with - but I will preface this fic with a warning for discussion of genodical behaviour. Wiping out an entire civilisation is and will always be an inhumane act of cruelty, even when it's done by gods.
“Hey, Will?”
“Mmm?” he asked, only half-listening to his younger sister as he finished counting up how many boxes of band-aids they still had in the infirmary, and calculating how many more they would need to see them through the new summer.  “What’s up, Gracie?”
She’d only been back at camp for a few hours, one of the first of the summer campers to descend, but Will had welcomed her back already, so this wasn’t her angling her way in for a greeting the way some of his siblings tended to if he didn’t head that off – this was only Gracie’s first return to camp, and Will wasn’t going to let that become a game of hers while he was in charge if he could help it.
The preteen jumped up onto the desk next to his pile of counted boxes, swinging her feet.  They kicked against the furniture in a regular rhythm, because of course they did.  Gracie loved making anything into a drum, even if it was furniture with her own flailing feet as the sticks.
“Mom and I watched a movie last night,” she said, with none of the homesickness some kids had when talking about their mortal parents so soon after leaving them.  Will hoped that meant she was going to settle in well this summer – with no godly shenanigans (there had better not be any godly shenanigans) going on this time, Will was hoping for a calmer year for once.
He hadn’t had a calm year at camp since before Percy had crashed into his life with a minotaur horn and a missing mother.  He thought he was owed one, if the gods had any mercy at all.
“Was it a good one?” he asked, and she nodded her head enthusiastically.
“It was great!” she said.  “Will, is Atlantis real?”
Whatever questions Will had been half-expecting to come at some point, that wasn’t one of them.
“You know that’s a question for Percy, not me,” he deflected, and Gracie gave him a look.
“Percy’s not here,” she said.  “I’m asking you.  In the movie, Atlantis is an old city that’s still surviving because the Queen merged with a crystal and made an awesome barrier, and Mom said that was all fiction, but it was Greek, so is it really fiction?”
Will had no idea what movie she was talking about.
“I don’t know much about it,” he warned her.  “But I don’t think the movie is accurate.”
“Aww,” she pouted.  “But it was pretty!”
He smiled, shaking his head fondly.  “I’m sure Atlantis is pretty, or at least very impressive.  Atlantis is where Poseidon has his palace, which is why you should really be asking Percy this.  I think he’s been there.”
“Percy’s not here,” his sister reminded him again, rolling her eyes like she thought he was being an idiot.  “You are.”
Will sighed and set down his pen, realising that attempting to finish his stock order any time soon wasn’t going to work, not until Gracie’s question was satisfied.
“Okay, I’ll tell you what I know,” he caved, “but remember, I don’t know much.  I only know what I’ve been told.”
He didn’t remember which of his siblings had told him the story, originally.  It had been one of his sisters, during his first summer, but one of the much older ones, that he hadn’t got to know very well before she’d left camp.
“So, there’s a lot of different versions of the myth,” he started, grabbing the chair and pulling it around in front of the desk, so he could face his sister as he spoke – although he couldn’t resist spinning it all the way around, just the once, as he sat in it.  She giggled.  “It’s one of those ones where the mortals believe one thing, for some reason, even though what actually happened was pretty different.”
“Oh?”  She leaned forwards, almost over-balancing as her legs continued thrashing Will’s poor desk.  “Why?”
Will shrugged.  “I don’t know,” he said easily – it was a bit of a lie, because he didn’t think it was a coincidence that the mortal story involved Athens and by extension, Athena, while the true story was based around Poseidon.  He didn’t know the details, though, and he wasn’t stupid enough to start questioning godly intervention or motives where they could hear him.  “But the mortals think that Atlantis was a very powerful island that conquered everything until they tried to conquer Athens.  When they tried that, the gods got mad at them and flooded them out.”
“Why would the gods get mad about that?” Gracie asked.  “Athens was only Athena’s, right?  Why don’t they just say Athena?”
Will shrugged.  “I don’t know,” he said.  “I think there’s quite a lot of mortal versions of the story but I’ve only heard this one.”
She frowned.  “Okay.  So if that’s the mortal one, and you said that’s not the true one, then what is the true one?”
“A good reason to remember to not anger Poseidon,” Will admitted.  “Atlantis was a powerful city, and a powerful naval city at that.  But they were also proud, and arrogant.”
“Pride comes before a fall,” Gracie nodded sagely, and Will grinned at her.
“Exactly,” he confirmed.  “They started to boast.  Said a lot of things, and some of them were probably true, but then they said that they ruled the sea, and that Poseidon did their bidding.  Which was pretty stupid of them.”
Even Gracie had winced at that.  “Gods don’t do mortal’s biddings,” she said, like it was obvious.  “They’re gods.  Even Dad doesn’t do as he’s told.”
Despite himself, Will laughed, remembering how impossible it had been to keep Lester under control even while their father had been mortal.  Bizarrely, he was actually more cooperative as a god, or was at least more likely to do what they asked, if he could.  Still, “no, he doesn’t,” he agreed.  “But the Atlanteans weren’t as smart as us and thought they could get away with claiming control over both the sea and Poseidon himself.”
“So Poseidon destroyed them?” Gracie guessed, and Will nodded.
“Poseidon destroyed them,” he said.  “But it was more than that.  He didn’t just raise the sea to swallow the island whole and drown every single Atlantean.  He also took it for himself, destroying all trace of the civilisation entirely, until it no longer existed, even beneath the sea.  Then he built over it, and even now, his palace is said to be on the site of the drowned island.”
It was pretty horrific, if Will actually stopped to think about it.  The entire eradication of a civilisation, and then creating his own palace directly on top of the ruins.  It would be considered defiling, if it was done by humans.  Genocidal, even.
But Poseidon was a god, and gods just did things like that, back in the Ancient times.  Will sincerely hoped none of them decided to pick those habits back up again in modern times.
Gracie frowned.  “That’s scary,” she said.  “I don’t like that.  I think I like the movie better.”
Will gave her a small smile.  “I think I do, too,” he agreed.
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nicostolemybones · 5 years
The Battle of Area 51
“This is not a game,” Nico lectured sternly, and Percy snickered. “This is no laughing matter, Jackson! Okay, let’s run through the plan one last time! Ares cabin, Clarisse, you’ll lead the charge, take down the guards, lay down cover fire for the Naruto runners! Poseidon Cabin, Zeus cabin, you guys whip up a storm to help the Ares cabin! Apollo cabin and Hunters of Artemis, you’re the snipers, I want you on high ground firing arrows at them! Aphrodite cabin, charmspeak those guards to let us past and to give us access codes to all the rooms and spill all the secrets! Hecate cabin, use the mist to make decoys! Nemesis cabin, remember, this is vengeance for all the imprisoned aliens and that’s why you’re here! Demeter cabin, slow the guards down with thick vines and poisonous plants! Athena cabin, you’re working on infiltrating and hacking all the computers! Hephaestus cabin, burn down gun stations, jam missiles, Festus can burn down doorways, I want to see you guys working on all the technology we steal and I want you all to figure out all the machines inside and use them for our advantage! Dionysus cabin, get them drunk, make them temporarily mad, weaken their defences! Iris cabin, use your abilities to disorientate and distract the guards! Hypnos cabin- CLOVIS WAKE UP- send the guards to sleep when you can! Hermes cabin, you’re stealing and sneaking in whilst the guards are distracted! Hades cabin- well Hazel- summon obstacles and summon weapons, shadow travel aliens to safety. The rest of you, just fuck shit up with your abilities! Romans; same rules apply, and follow the orders of your Praetors, do not go against orders unless necessary!”
“LET’S CLAP SOME ALIEN CHEEKS!” Connor yelled. Nico glared at him, whilst the younger campers plus Percy erupted into giggles.
“There will be no clapping alien cheeks,” Nico sighed in exasperation, “no alien cheeks will be clapped by anybody, by Olympus what the Hades is wrong with straight people?”
“Wait you’re gay?!”
“Yes but that’s not the point, just- go blend in with the mortals! Solace- you’re with me, we’ll go in with the Naruto runners and you need to make sure we don’t infect the aliens and they don’t infect us, and treat the wounded.” Percy wolf-whistled, so Nico summoned a skeleton to smack him round the back of the head. The group of demigods dispersed amongst the mortal army- which wasn’t much, but between the Kyles, weeaboos, tumblr trash, and Naruto runners, there was a fair few, and some cosplayers, DnD players, and medieval recreation nerds seemed to have a fair amount of weapons and armour- even if most of it was plastic light sabers, Klingon Bat’leths, and various other fantasy weapons.
Everything was quiet for a while, and the battle was more a staring down contest between the guards and the civilian raiders. Phones were beginning to live stream, and that’s when the Stoll brothers yelled the immortal battle cry “DO IT FOR THE VINE!!!” and the mortal crowd roared and cheered, repeating the battle cry.
“PEANUT BUTTER!!!” Tyson yelled as the crowd surged forwards. Nico screamed, Naruto running as fast as he could towards the guards, summoning skeleton armies of Naruto runners to back them up, but as soon as the guards opened fire, many Naruto runners gave up and turned away running back, or decided it best to run “normally”. One dedicated man had turned his electric wheelchair into some kind of turbo charged mini tank shaped like a Dalek. Fortnite dancers fortnite danced as they charged, Harry Potter fans desperately yelled out Unforgiveable Curses. Stargate fans dressed as Jaffa and Goa’uld warriors charged with staff weapons and pellet guns, some wearing “Free Thor” t-shirts- but not Marvel’s Thor or the Norse God thor- but rather the tiny alien guy Nico recognised from when Will made him watch Stargate. The Stargate Atlantis fans came dressed as Wraith instead. Marvel fans were clad in full superhero gear, although some fights had broken out between them and the DC fans. Star Wars fans dressed in Jedi robes. Clad in armour, the demigods didn’t look out of place. Nico was pleased to see the Egyptian magicians being lead by Sadie and Carter Kane, Magnus Chase and Samirah al-Abbass leading the Valkyries, Alex Fierro next to Frank Zhang shapeshifting into whatever they could. Alex stopped occasionally so she could spray mace into the eyes of Terfs.
Nico shadow travelled at the last minute, grabbing hold of Will and pulling him through the shadows. Will didn’t slow down when they emerged, and the image of Will Naruto running headfirst into a wall was going to be a source of laughter in Nico’s mind for many years to come. Thankfully, he didn’t do a Jason and knock himself out. “Ah fuck, I can’t believe you’ve done this!” Will gasped, and Nico raised his eyebrow. In the distance, they heard Grover cause a Panic- although it didn’t affect the guards about to shoot Will in the face, so Will let out a shrill whistle and Naruto ran for it.
“Dork,” Nico jibed, pulling Will into the shadows again. Nico meant for them to land inside an aircraft hangar- but it soon became clear that they were inside some kind of alien spaceship.
“Focus, Solace,” Nico warned, “we can do that once we get this back to camp. I wasn’t allowed to drive the sun chariot so I’ll drive this time.”
“I get the feeling I’m gonna die if I let you drive,” Will replied, and Nico huffed.
“That’s if I don’t kill your stupid face first,” he retorted proudly, and Will snickered, looking around the ship.
“DIBS THE RED ONE,” Nico yelled, rushing over and grabbing one, almost decapitating Will in his excitement.
“We should summon up a certain ghost,” Will grinned.
“Are you suggesting we prank call Castellan?”
“Nico, dude. You have to, for humanity. Do it for our children.”
Several runs to McDonald’s later and Luke Castellan’s ghost was confronted by Nico in pitch black armour and a light saber to speak the immortal words: “Luke, I am your father.” Luke’s ghost laughed. The gods applauded from Olympus. Will was unable to get up off the floor through his raucous laughter.
After several minutes of exploring the craft, the two demigods were armed with phasers and now possessed the infinity gauntlet- although they both agreed not to let Percy near it in case he dabbed rather than Thanos snapped at monsters. Nico shadow travelled a fair amount of the loot back to camp, where Chiron stood facepalming and shaking his head. This is when Nico learned that the Party Ponies had joined the raid and found out that Monster Donut were sponsoring Area 51. Nico returned to find Will making a flower crown for a baby alien he’d found hidden in the glove compartment. “Is that what I think it is,” Nico questioned, and Will smiled.
“An alien? Well yeah.”
“No, I meant a baby. Are you seriously holding a baby?”
“Yeah, a cute little alien baby, I made them a flower crown and put a bow in their hair! Well I hope it’s a baby otherwise I just told a whole-ass adult I’m their daddy now.” Nico choked- Will didn’t appear to realise the innuendo his words would have turned into if the alien was an adult. Will appeared to have adopted an alien child and that somehow melted Nico completely. Stupid son of Apollo being a perfect dad to an abandoned alien baby found in the glove compartment of a space ship.
“You can’t just raise a child, Will, the parents won’t pay child support and you’re like- fifteen and you look- you look twelve, okay, you look like a foetus!”
“Nico I’m only two months older than you,” Will laughed, “I’m still fourteen like you are, idiot. Although technically you’re ninety, you can be the grandpa.”
“I’m not going to be your daddy, Solace,” Nico replied, forgetting how it may have sounded like an innuendo, and Will choked and spluttered.
“That word is officially banned,” Will squeaked, and Nico quickly nodded in agreement. Thankfully before it could get any more awkward, the alien child started to cry. “Oh my gods Nico what do I do with it?”
“Does it have an off switch or batteries you can take out like the babies they give you in school?”
“Um- I can’t see any off switch, Nico, what do I do?!”
“You’re the doctor! Sing to it! Just don’t do a Hera and yeet it off a mountain or out of a window, I don’t need you Percying this into a worse situation than it already is!”
“Oh my gods I’m a single parent before I’ve had the talk,” Will whined, trying to hum a lullaby to the alien baby, which screeched, turned into a bug, and ran. Will shrieked and Nico accidentally summoned a pile of alien skulls. “Hey! My singing isn’t that bad,” Will protested, and the alien bug screeched again and shot some kind of web at Will’s face. Will squealed, trying clumsily to wipe the webbing off his face. Once Nico stopped laughing, he helped to pull the webbing out of Will’s hair, although once he managed to detangle the last of the webbing, he found himself enthralled by the soft bouncy texture of Will’s hair. It was curly like Nico’s, but dryer to the touch, probably a testament to the hours of sunbathing Nico figured Will had to do in order to stay tanned all year round. He didn’t realise he was obsessively caressing his best friend’s hair until he felt Will’s hand on his shoulder. Nico gasped, snapping his hand back and muttering an apology, but Will merely smiled and gods that smile melted Nico. “Fellas, is it gay to kiss your homie at Area 51,” Will asked to nobody in particular, and Nico found himself turning puce as Will leaned in, placing a gentle but certainly not platonic kiss on Nico’s lips. Nico’s brain seemed to short circuit, skeletal butterflies resurrecting down his spine and in his stomach.
When Nico’s brain finally managed a coherent thought, all he could manage to say was “that’s gay.”
Will snorted, resting his head on Nico’s shoulder as he laughed silently. “You’re gay,” he finally replied through giggles.
“Well you kissed me, you’re gay,” Nico retorted with a huff.
“Yeah, but is it gay if it’s your homie and you’re in Area 51,” Will asked with an impish grin, lifting his head and giving Nico a mishievous grin.
“We are gay, you dumbass,” Nico replied, lightly shoving Will’s shoulder.
“I guess we are,” Will replied with feigned thoughtfulness lacing his voice, “maybe we should make out just to be sure.”
“Don’t push your luck, Solace,” Nico said sternly, and Will pouted comically. Nico stood on his toes and leaned up, but he was too short to reach, so Will leaned down and Nico was finally able to place a rough kiss on Will’s lips.
And of course, that just had to be the exact moment to hear a chorus of “two bros, chillin’ in a space ship, five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay!” They broke apart immediately, startled by the presence of an Iris message showing Percy, Jason, Leo and Piper all grinning stupidly at them and Annabeth rolling her eyes.
“I’ll kill you all if you dare tell anyone,” Nico warned, raising skeletons to chase after them- although the skeletons were certainly not human. Leo and Percy screamed and ran, whilst Piper and Will laughed loudly. Jason merely raised his eyebrow, and Nico shrugged in response.
“So, that’s your type, huh,” Percy grinned, “I never thought we’d share a type!”
“What,” Nico snapped.
“Bossy blondes,” Percy replied, and Jason and Annabeth glared daggers.
“I agree,” Piper chimed in, “bossy blondes are worth the trouble.” This time, Jason and Annabeth both blushed.
Nico shrugged, looking back to Will, who seemed to be pre-occupied with the Stargate behind them. “Well, this one’s my bossy blond,” Nico replied fondly.
“Troublemakers are my type,” Annabeth replied, and Percy and Piper bowed proudly, “and Jason’s.”
“My type is pouty emo kids with long hair and sexy accents,” Will replied, and Nico blushed darkly.
“Your type is troublemakers,” Piper replied, “the ideal OTP formula is bossy blonde and troublemaking brunette, you can’t change my mind.”
“Whatever,” Nico protested. The Iris message cut off when a fight broke out between a Star Wars stan and a Trekkie.
“So,” Will began immediately, “can we be boyfriends now?”
“Only if you keep PDA to a minimum,” Nico replied, and Will beamed, glowing a warm amber light. Before they could do much more, however, a loud explosion ripped their attention away from each other. They both ran out to find the source of the explosion, and that is where they found Clarisse refereeing a battle between Shaggy and Thanos. The Stolls were running a betting ring, and Nico was sure they were all gonna die. But hey, it was a room full of Millennials and Gen Z, so nobody seemed particularly bothered by the danger of the situation, because this footage would certainly be legendary. Thanos snapped, and Shaggy disintegrated, only to reform using 1% of his power and steal the gauntlet. Shaggy dabbed, and Thanos was no more. Clarisse blew her whistle and the fight was over- the most epic showdown in human history and it had only taken seconds. Within minutes, lightening struck, and that was the moment Percy groaned loudly in realisation that the gods had been responsible for Area 51 all along.
“FUCK YOU, ZEUS,” Percy yelled, and the lightening would have struck him if it wasn’t for Shaggy eating the lightening bolt and letting out a loud burp.
“Do you have any wisdom, O mighty one,” Kayla asked, bowing at Shaggy’s feet.
“Sometimes you just gotta eat the enemy, man,” Shaggy replied, and the demigods let out a collective awed ‘ooohhh’. It was that moment that Shaggy burped out a heart-shaped arrow, and Nico realised that Shaggy had vored Cupid. Nico felt a smug grin break through his usually stoic expression, and Jason cheered loudly from the sidelines.
“Anyway, Shaggy said gay rights,” Will grinned.
“Actually, young man,” Shaggy said, gently resting his hand on Will’s shoulder, “I say gay and trans rights. And on that note, I think I might assassinate the president! Until next time, guys, gals, and non-binary pals!” And with that, and a wink to Alex Fierro, Shaggy dissipated into the wind, enraging the bigots and empowering the queer kids.
The raid continued into the night, the Stolls helping to take technology back to camp and Clarisse leading the charge against the military. It was only when Nico and Will made their way to the middle of the camp, all of the aliens freed and all technology liberated, that the end of the raid was in sight. Nico opened the final door, the entire raid party behind them, to find Rick Astley tied to a chair, singing Never Gonna Give You Up. It was then that they realised: they had been Rickrolled by the government.
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fireandseaweed · 6 years
Meeting Mary Jane || Caspian and Percy
Caspian and Percy enjoy the perks of smokers alley.
Caspian had been told to meet Percy by the fountain of Triton. He didn’t know much about the city but he knew where that was. Percy had told him that from there they’d go to a place where they could have some fun, and after the surfing experience, Caspian was definitely down for it. Besides, he didn’t want to seem uncool to his new friend and family member. He sat on the ledge of the fountain, watching civilians walking by. He thought to himself, how many of these people had to register? At least the Senate didn’t make them wear some sort of identification badge or a certain coloured shirt. Finally, he saw Percy appear through the crowd and shot to his feet. “Someone took their time.” He joked in Ancient Greek.
Of course Annabeth was busy on the night Percy tried to bring some extra joy into the world. He had finished all of his registration forms now and he found himself more stressed than before. Not that he could understand why but everything just felt wrong right now. Doing his best to ignore the stress and the worry that was threatening to consume him, Percy laughed at Caspian’s comment as his nephew and the fountain came into view. “Okay smartass,” he replied glibly before nodding for Caspian to follow, “come on, let’s go and have some fun,” he said with a smirk. Normally he’d have smoked in his apartment, but with everyone going on it didn’t seem safe to risk it. He didn’t want the senate to have an extra reason to hate them. “Have you seen the university yet?” he asked as he led his friend through the winding back alleys and lanes of New Rome, leading him through the eastern district, heading north towards the university of New Rome, just before they got there, he took a left down a street lined with benches which had an oddly herby smell to it. “We’re here,” he said as he looked at the mostly deserted Smoker’s Lane.
Caspian blindly followed Percy’s path. He had no idea where they were at that time, but he felt that eventually, he’d be able to find his way. He nodded as his uncle asked the question, “Yeah. I went to go look at all the classes there. I considered enrolling.” He remembered the day that he had tripped and dropped all his booklets, and then helped by a blonde woman. “I actually met Annabeth, she said you guys were ‘together’.” He followed Percy into the odd smelling street, and took everything in. “What are we going to do here?” He asked, confused. There was no place to surf, not enough space to play any type of land sport he’d heard of so far, no equipment to use. “And what’s that smell?”
Raising an eyebrow gently, Percy smiled and shook his head with a laugh. “You should go, I study here, I’m doing a masters degree in Marine Biology and it is great…” he trailed off for  a second before a smile spread its way across his face. “Annabeth? Yeah, we’re together, we’ve been together for almost as long as I can remember at this point, wouldn’t change it for the world….” his voice fell quiet and trailed off and shrugged. “We are going to smoke a joint, or do drugs, get the green, enjoy the mary jane, you know, weed?” he shrugged gently and pulled out the joint that he had pre-rolled earlier and slumped down onto a bench. Lighting his joint, he double checked that the street was empty and took a long drag. Exhaling a cloud of smoke that floated up and away from him, he spun the joint on its end and held it out for Caspian to take. “Do you wanna try some?” he asked quietly, “it is unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced.”
Caspian’s face lit up when Percy mentioned that he studied marine biology as that was the same course that he wanted to join. Of course a son of Poseidon would study that. “I was looking into that because I love learning about animals. But maybe I won’t because you take it.” He nodded at Percy’s comments on Annabeth and was going to ask more when the other took out ‘the joint’ and lit it. He wasn’t sure what it was, but Caspian had never smoked before. He hesitated, weighing if he should or not in his head. Finally, he took the joint and breathed it in, but burst into coughing. He had pulled too hard and inhaled too much smoke. He passed it back to Percy whilst trying to catch his breath. “I don’t think I did it right.” He finally said, stating the obvious. He had no idea what weed was but he was pretty sure it was no type of seaweed or pondweed for that matter. “Why do you breathe in smoke on purpose?”
Raising an eyebrow gently, Percy chuckled and shrugged. “Well, missing out on studying what you want simply because I am doing the same thing seems foolish to me, it isn’t even as if we’d really get to study together, I’ve been doing this for a few years and you’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” He was teasing of course. Smirking gently at Caspian’s coughing fit, Percy took the joint off of him and took another long drag of it, careful that it didn’t irritate the back of his throat. “You seemed to have done a pretty good job Cas,” he said with a smirk, “don’t worry about it though, everyone coughs up a lung on their first time smoking and considering they probably don’t really have tobacco in Atlantis this is normal…” he laughed gently and shrugged at Caspian’s question before passing the joint back to him. “To get high of course,” he replied as if it was the simplest explanation in the world, “it is like getting drunk, except a different experience, a different feeling. I’m sorry,” he said suddenly feeling guilty that he hadn’t filled Caspian in on what they were doing, he’d simply assumed that he’d understood what was going on, “I thought you got what we were doing, if you don’t want to, you don’t need to keep smoking.”
Caspian shrugged, “You’re doing it, so how bad could it be?” he took the joint and tried again, copying what Percy did. This time he managed to hold it in a bit longer but it began to irritate his throat, causing him to let it out in an attempt not to cough. He finally took a seat next to his uncle and passed the joint back to him. “Yeah I guess that’s true. Maybe you’d be able to help me at times.” He looked down at the cobblestone road, talking about marine biology reminded him of home, something he missed dearly. “I’m sorry for interrupting you down at the lake the other day, but I’m also glad I did. If you hadn’t met me, that Hydra could have killed you. I saved your life.”, a cocky smile appearing on his face as he looked over to Percy. “Annabeth seems nice, does it make her my aunt?” He found that asking people about their lives made for the easiest conversation, and the closer he got to people here, maybe the less out of place he’d feel.
Laughing gently, Percy flexed his shoulders into a shrug and nodded. “I suppose that you have a point there, but just because I’m doing something doesn’t always mean that it is a good idea, in fact often it means quite the opposite.” As Caspian slid down next to him and handed the joint back, Percy flicked it to his lips and took another long breath sucking the smoke into his lungs and releasing it a few seconds later. Raising an eyebrow gently, Percy laughed. “One if you hadn’t met me down at the lake then I wouldn’t have been at the beach surfing, so there would’ve been no hydra to eat me…” he paused gently and shook his head before sighing, “I mean, I don’t think it does, we’re not married or anything so there isn’t a legal relationship there, but if you want to call her your aunt then that is something that you should check with her about.” He paused for a second and shrugged gently. “What about you?” he asked, “Tell me about you, cause I realise I don’t really know a thing about you.”
Caspian smiled foolishly at Percy, “eat you.” He repeated, for some reason, he found that amusing. He held out his hand, a silent ask for the joint. “You aren’t married? What are you then? She said that you’re not dating, you are ‘together’.” Regardless if Caspian had realized it or not, the weed had already started to affect him, causing him to become a lot more amused by everything and having a smile glued to his face. “I’m Caspian, My mom ditched me in a river, a Nereid raised me, my dad told me to fuck off, and now I’m here. I’m staying with this guy Kol, he’s pretty cute but that’s about it.” He shrugged, looking at the other, “ I don’t know a lot about modern technology, but when it comes to marine wildlife, I’m your guy.” He took another drag of the joint, holding it in longer this time than before. He felt good, less stressed and home sick. He liked it.
Although Caspian seemed to do odd and unexplained things, Percy couldn’t help but find it oddly endearing, as if he were learning about life for the first time ever, which in a way Percy guess that he was. “It is complicated, we’re together, we live together, we’ve been together since I was sixteen, but I’ve just not got around to marrying her yet.” He shrugged, his head starting to feel fluffy as the weed settled into his neurons and the THC that he’d inhaled slowly started to affect his brain. Raising an eyebrow, Percy wondered what to say. He decided that honesty was probably the best policy here and so he nodded along and smiled. “Well, your parents are idiots and if it makes you feel any better the one time I ever met your dad I thought that he was a bit of a dick, we were in the middle of this giant battle and he still had to look better than me, and who needs two tails?” he scowled gently before taking the joint from Caspian and inhaling a deep breath. “Hey, I’ve met Kol, he seems nice, nice enough to let you stay with him at least, although we should look into setting you up with your own place, if you wanted…”
“Are you promised to her? Like, have you promised to marry her or is it just expected?” Caspian was interested in how it worked here, but it didn’t seem too different. A sour taste formed in his mouth as the other spoke about his dad. “He’s not pleasant. It’s not my fault he slept with a human. Don’t hold it against me.” He realize that Percy probably didn’t want to hear about his family issues. “How’s your dad?”. Kol was kind enough to let him stay at his place, and sure, the couch wasn’t amazing, but he enjoyed the time spent with Kol. “I don’t think I’d like my own place. I have claustrophobia and I feel trapped inside apartments. Kol being there helps.” He shrugged and tilted his head backwards. When he did so, the whole world seemed to spin, but not in the dizzy kind of way. He moved his head forward and backwards a few times, loving the feeling. He then looked over the the other and sighed. “I appreciate everything dude. You’re the closest thing I have to family.”
“I dunno…” Percy had never really considered whether or not he considered himself to be promised to her, after so long, he wondered whether Annabeth expected it to happen or what her feelings on the subject might be. His plan to ask her to marry him wasn’t exactly going well, considering the failure of what was meant to be the perfect build up to the perfect proposal. “I don’t know what we are, I just guess I always just assumed we’d do it sometime in the future and now I’m wondering if now actually is the time…” he trailed off, shocked by the honesty, maybe that was the weed. “I guess my dad is cool…” he shrugged, “he was never there for me, like at all, but I guess that is kinda how it is with demigods so it is hard to be mad at him for that, I dunno, it is a weird relationship, definitely not healthy but then again none of us seem to have healthy relationships with both our parents.” He nodded along as Caspian explained about his fears, leaving the rest unsaid. “You should meet my mom,” he said, a sudden moment of realisation dawned on him, “I think that you would really like her. She is the best.”
Caspian nodded, with the Bill and everything going on, it definitely made things harder and made it harder for people to concentrate on their social and personal lives. “I want to help Percy. I know you said I should complain about it and write a letter, but I feel like letters can just be thrown away. I’m here for you all.” He didn’t really include himself, he could leave if he really wanted too, although the trek back might be super deadly. “Jason said that you shouldn't count on your godly parents and that they’re all real assholes.” He shrugged, he couldn’t really feel angry at the moment. He noticed how Percy didn’t make any further comments and decided to keep quiet about that from now on. “Your mom?” He asked, his heart slightly aching, knowing that he hadn’t really had one and that his choice to abandon him. In the end, Caspian was unwanted. Unwanted by his mom, unwanted by his dad, unwanted by New Rome. “I think she would be great.” trying to keep the conversation upbeat, he continued, “Tell me about her man? What do you love about home and your mom?”
Taking a final drag of the joint, Percy flicked the dead roach away and exhaled a lungful of smoke with a sigh. “I agree with you,” he muttered, “I feel like letters are a waste of time but right now they are the only thing that I can think of doing and I can’t just sit around doing nothing. I’ve never been good at it and I’m not going to try and do it now….” he trailed off, this was the only way that he could fight this, at least the only way that he knew of and he wasn’t about to just let it all go. Shrugging gently at Caspian’s comment he nodded. “Jason is more cynical than me but I wouldn’t go into this with high expectations of your godly parent, I’d hate for them to let you down.” He had been let down too many times. “Have you ever met someone that is kind and funny and makes you feel like you might well be the most important person in the whole wide world, well that is how my mom makes me feel and I think she does that for everyone. Other than that? She is funny, a great cook…” his head spun from the THC rush and he blinked gently as he tried to get a hold of himself.
Caspian wished he could agree with Percy, he wished that he could say that he knew someone that made him feel that way, but even Nylisa didn’t make him feel that way. Everything felt hazey to him and he felt dazed. It wasn’t a bad experience, but at the same time, he felt like he should say things to Percy that he didn’t actually want to say. He felt almost out of control of his own space and body, but he knew that it was just the drugs and in the end, it would be okay. “That’s amazing dude. Your mom sounds so cool. I really wish that I could meet her too.” He lay his head back like before, watching the clouds pass by. With all the negativity that had just passed through his mind, he couldn’t help but smile at them, the fact that all it was, was a collection of water vapour, and alone, one drop wouldn't make a difference, but together, you could see them from miles away. “Greeks should be like clouds.”
Leaning further back on the bench, Percy looked at the sky above him and shrugged gently. “It really is, she managed to be a mother and a father in a way that I’d never have been able to do,” he sighed happily as the high really started to set in, his fingers scratching at the pattern on the armrest, following the geometric shapes over and over. He sighed gently and pulled out a bottle of water, taking a drink from it, he pulled a thin strand of water out of it and carefully began knotting it over and over itself in a perfect looping shape. He twisted it and turned it absently as he basked in the feeling of the drug rushing through his system. Smirking absently, Percy giggled at Cas’ reply. “Incorporeal and slightly moist?” he asked curiously about the statement, “I think that Greeks should be more like waves, strong and consistent.”
Caspian felt the presence of water and tilted his head slowly to observe Percy before returning his eyes to the sky. He furrowed his eyebrows at Percy, “What no? I mean that alone, we won’t be noticed, but together, we can make a bigger impact.” He giggled at the slightly moist part. “Moist.” He repeated. “I think Greeks should be like water, adaptable, changeable, strong, consistent, invisible, visible. And yes, moist.” He laughed gently to himself. He sighed, not sure what to talk about next. He couldn’t think of anything meaningful and didn’t want to be sappy anyway. He felt a weird pulsing at his wrist, looking down, he was pretty sure that for some reason he could feel his blood pulsing through his veins. “The fuck.” He muttered, almost inaudible. He placed his other fingers over his wrist, but couldn’t feel anything physically. He wrote it off as the drugs and took a few heavy breaths, a bit creeped out. “Do you do this a lot?” His sentence a bit slurred.
Giggling in response, Percy shrugged gently and smirked at Caspian’s reply. “Well, I see what you mean and I hope that we’re able to live up to the lofty expectations that you’ve got of us,” he smirked gently and shook his head before laughing again, “I’m just kidding, the Greeks and the Romans, I know that we’re going to get better than this, we’re going to pull through and before we know it this will seem like a bad dream that we used to have.” He chuckled and tried to believe the words that he had just said, but yet somehow, there was a bad taste that sat in his mouth, like he knew that he was lying, or at least that things might not ever return to the way that they once were. “Not so much anymore, I’m too busy with university work and training and everything else, but when I first started college I used to do it quite a lot, I don’t know, things were different then. Easier, less stressful.”
Caspian didn’t fully believe Percy’s words. The Atlanteans had stories about the original romans, ruthless beings in a state of constant war. Although, the Atlanteans at the time weren’t so peaceful either. “You’d think you’d do this to get away from the stress…” He trailed off. It was true, he no longer felt homesick or worried about the future, the drugs made him concentrate on the here and now. He tapped his feet on the ground, a weird sensation buzzing up his leg as if it was the first time he had really touched the ground. “You said you don’t know a lot about me. Ask me something and I’ll ask you?” He paused, a question popping into mind, “I’ll start. What is your biggest secret? I swear on Poseidon's trident, I won’t tell anyone.”
As his head swum in the moment, Percy found himself swaying backwards gently and he tried his best to stay upright with the movement that was being simulated within his own head. “I mean, I try not to, I don’t want to develop a relationship with weed where I only use it for stress relief because that isn’t about to help me or anyone else, I don’t want to become dependent.” His mother didn’t even know about his drug use, he wasn’t about to start using it frequently enough for it to be a problem, but still, it was an interesting enough conversation. “Sure,” he paused and scratched his stubble, “At the moment?” he asked slipping his hand into his pocket and pulling out the small engagement ring he’d been keeping hidden there. “I’ve been thinking about asking Annabeth to marry me, but everytime I try and ask something goes wrong.”
Caspian’s eyes grew at the sight of the ring. “Dude what!” He exclaimed, face lighting up. “I’m so happy for you! I mean, it sucks that fate keeps preventing it, but I’m sure that it’ll happen soon you know?” He placed a hand on Percy’s shoulder, his movement feeling weird and even the touch of another feeling different than normal, as if his senses had enhanced. “I haven’t known you for long but I definitely know that you deserve happiness.” His voice trailing off at the end. He took his hand off Percy’s shoulder and returned to his original position, hands fidgeting. “I guess that the truth is, life isn’t going to just give you time to propose. Not when your dad is a god, not when we all have godly parentage. The only time you will get to actually get to propose, is the time you make. Carpe Diem.” He paused, “and I can help you make time if you even need me too.”
Shrugging gently, Percy honestly didn’t know what to say. Despite all of the shit that they had been through, despite everything that they had done, despite everything that was happening to them right now. Percy just knew that despite all of that, this was the time to propose to Annabeth. He just needed to actually make it happen. “It just feels right I guess,” he said shifting his positions and fidgeting gently, “Thanks for being positive about this, it is nice to know that not everyone thinks we’re murders…” he laughed, but it felt hollow. “I’ll work it out somehow, and I don’t know, I guess this means that all the other times haven’t been the right times. If it was meant to be then I guess it would’ve happened. Although that is a bit unlikely.”
“If it’s meant to be, it will happen.” Caspian had said what he wanted to say and shrugged. He didn’t feel like doing anything and considered sitting there in silence, thinking his life out for the rest of the time spent there. He was lost to be honest. After the bill restrained him from being able to join the legion, he was at a crossroads. Should he wait until the bill is abolished and join the legion then, or should he start studying at the university? He would have normally asked his friends back at Atlantis, but they weren’t here now, he was truly by himself. Which wasn’t a normal issue, he had no problem with being by himself, exploring, but right now, he needed some guidance from someone. “Percy.” He began, not sure how to continue. “If you were your mom, and I came to you with a problem, that I had to make a decision between waiting to join the legion or studying, what would you say? “
“I guess that is true,” Percy said with a tired nod, placing his forehead in between his palms. Percy shifted on his bench before running his hand over his stubble as he tried to think of how this was going to work out. As Caspian asked for his opinion, Percy considered his conundrum and shrugged. “The Legion is just an army,” Percy replied thoughtfully, “and it is an honorable and noble profession, but at the same time you’ve spent your whole life living for yourself. Going to college is living for yourself, you develop new skills, you make new friends…” shrugging gently he sighed. “I guess the reality is that there is no way that I can make this decision for you, but think it through carefully and follow your heart. Or at least, that is what my mom would say. At the end of the day, the choice is yours.”
Caspian stared at the floor again, it was just an army, an army he wanted to join simply to prove to his dad that he was worthy, but not for himself. One thing he had learnt lately is that you have to put yourself first and not depend on other people. He felt that he had slipped up a bit, coming to New Rome, thinking that he could count on other people more than himself. “You’re right. It’s a big decision so I’ll have to think about it a bit more.” He nodded, agreeing with his own statement. “Your mom seems wise, It would be nice to meet her sometime. Maybe we can go together?” He then realized what had happened last time they had left camp together. “Or maybe not. Don’t want to danger your mom.”
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