#posting a couple days late bc I chose not to stay up to 3am to finish this like last year. character development 😌
airborneice · 2 years
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they’re getting ready to go trick-or-treating :) 
so this isn’t very canon-compliant…I don’t think any of these properties exist in the time-frame that Hilda and her sis are set in, but if they did these would be their costume choices. and i’m gonna ramble about why under the cut because I can
Arwen - Saoirse from Song of the Sea. the more I think about it, the more I think this would absolutely be Arwen’s favourite movie. she would see a lot of herself in Saoirse, with them both growing up on the coast and Saoirse being non-speaking for most of the movie, and she’d like being reminded of her home. this is definitely a regular comfort movie for her and her dad. her costume is just a robe that they glued a million sparkly gems onto but she loves it
Mattie - Matilda from….Matilda. they have the same name, both have magic, and if it existed in the Trolberg library this is absolutely the book Kaisa would’ve used to get Mattie into reading at a young age. Mattie would love the themes about kids standing up for themselves and breaking the rules to right wrongs - even if she’s personally more a fan of the rule-breaking itself than anything else. she probably complained to her parents that she didn’t have enough books to go with the costume until Kaisa caved and put a weightlessness spell on a whole stack so she could carry them around with her all night
Harvey - Ash from Pokemon. there’s nothing deep going on here, I just love pokemon so Harvey also gets to love pokemon, as a treat 😌 he’s already a fan of videogames and I think he’d identify with the idea of striking out on your own and going on adventures and meeting weird creatures, especially since that’s kind of his day-to-day life with his friends anyway. also since pokemon started in the 90′s and that’s broadly hilda-time-period-adjacent I think this could actually straight-up be canon for him lmao. the first time he sees a marra he tries to throw a pokeball at it
also Mattie’s trick-or-treat bucket is Hilda’s old one from my drawing of her last year, I just wanted to point that out :> and thanks for reading if you made it this far down :)
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