#posting poetry sometimes feels a little intimidating bc it's way more personal
the-four-humors · 1 year
No hate towards the "make bad art because how else are you going to make art" mindset but I'm different*
*Genuinely obsessed with my own art so even if something isn't as good as previous pieces, I still love it and therefore none of my art is "bad" art
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byul-bit-arae · 6 years
Boyfriend Taeyong
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“When I fall in love, it will be forever.  Or I’ll never fall in love. In a restless world like this is–   Love is ended before it’s begun. And too many moonlight kisses, Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun."
*Silently slides this across the table and leaves* I'll just leave this here.
Ok but
Ok ok ok 
*Grabs tissues, blankets, desserts* gotta get real ready for this now
*Pushes up virtual glasses bc I always forget to wear mine shh we don't talk about that* boyfriend taeyong you say?
Ok jk come back ere I would die everyday for one (1) human being and that's Lee Taeyong
.. wait wat
This kid dude is literally t h e best bf you could ever have like what ????
You see all those shitty posts/texts/ads about perfect boyfriends??? Yeah just like that
Or maybe better
Way better
Taeyong would love you with A L L OF HIS HEART 
He's basically a five-year-old who only sees you, and like, nothing else.
Except for chocolate but like, nothing else
Like before you guys start dating
And that would probably be a GOOD while bc this pure lil child doesn't even know what dating is (no I'm serious have you seen that article)
Srsly tho 
Not just that but he seems to me like the type to take relationships very seriously 
Like blind dates and one night stands wouldn't be his thing, he wouldn't fancy them and just, no
He probably believes in those fictional perfect love stories
And is well aware it might take time to find the right person and is okay with waiting his whole life for it
He just secretly hopes it's soon k
And then he meets u
And wow Lee Taeyong the quiet cold-ish dude who?
When he saw you the first time he could swear he got like star struck or something
He gets all flustered at everything you do and he doesn't know why
Like you smile and he's a mess, you just sit there and he's a mess, you pout and he's a mess, you look at him and he's a M E S S ™
And he doesn't even know why bc he never felt like this towards someone
He'd probably meet you through one of the members
Yuta, your close friend, finally decided to introduce you to his 'brothers'
He calls them his brothers but then it took him like three years to introduce you guys bc he's one hell of an overprotective best friend, or mom, over you
"Hey guys I can't believe I'm doing this but this is my little cute precious best friend Y/N and no you can't talk to her"
"Um yuta pls calm down"
So the first meeting goes on great I mean the guys are all super kind and funny 
And so you start meeting them more often!!
And Taeyong--
istg this kid--
Like he sees you, and some fictional chibi monster starts gnawing at his insides
Like you noticed how he's kind of quiet around you and stuff but then yuta reassured you saying he's just a bit introverted and it'd take him time to open up
Bc tbh you actually thought he didn't really fancy your presence?? Since he looked really quiet and basically expressionless? and you'd like catch him glaring holes into your head from the corner of your eye??
So it'd take him some time to start being comfortable around you
Considering that he's an introvert; a whipped introvert to be exact
But eventually you guys will get friendlier
And that would make him know more stuff about you and wow he never thought he could like you even more but here we are ??
Also the way you take care of the dreamies just !!! Makes his heart go !!!!!!
You just find them really cute and feel the need to protect them from all evil
Also winwin, bc take notes, winwin invented cute 
And how you'd be especially close to mark 
And you'd be his fav noona too
And how you're so so kind w the older guys too
And Taeyong just-- admires you so so much
Bc he loves his friends so dearly and the fact that you love them too and take care of his beloved ones makes him so happy, he just appreciates it a lot
And legit keeps staring at you from a distance with a sweet smile as you put a scarf over jisung before he goes out or you hand winwin a new book about Korean poetry that you bought for him
And then probably Johnny passes by and lightly smacks his head to wake him from his day dreams and whispers
"Dude stop that's so creepy"
Oh btw
Everyone in the dorm knows about his crush on you
E V E R Y O N E .
Probably even their pets
This child is so bad at not getting flustered at the mere thought of you someone protecc
And the guys tease him the whole time omg
Like even the younger ones
He swears to ground them like ten times a day but ends up forgetting bc he'd be so flustered
You probably get left in the dorm alone w him
Don't ask me how yuta agreed to that ok I might be the author but evEN IDK K BYE.
And so you start chatting
Probably while cleaning the mess made by another seventeen wild horses
And you both find it funny how at first you were so so distant and awkward
And now here you are casually picking up chenle's underwear from the floor and throwing it with the laundry
And you tell him how you thought he was unfriendly at first and he laughs it off
And he tells you how he watched how you treated his brothers before opening up to you
And you're like ooOooOOoH so that's why, I thought you were glaring @ me and you actually hated me
And you're like wait what
And he's like wait what.
"Taeyong it's okay I like you too
It's actually really relieving since I thought you didn't feel the same so I was a bit gloomy"
And then he apologizes for the misunderstanding
And at that moment jeno barges in and he's like um sorry am I interrupting something
And before you say anything he's like oh shit I'm really interrupting something sorry BYEEEE
But then he opens the door again and he's like okay ONE last question hyung did you ask her out yet
And ty is like jeNO I SWEAR TO GOD
And then when jeno leaves bc he realizes he needs to run for his life or else he'll spend the night in the streets,
It's really awkward before you're like
"so uh.. how about we grab some coffee? Like a first date?"
And taeyong tries his best to muster up a good answer until the word "date" leaves your mouth and he's like 1010101010011101 error shutdown sorry.
Anyways so you go out to this cute coffee shop and that's your first awkward date full of tingling feels and chibi monsters gnawing on your insides.
You probably frequent that coffee shop a lot more often after that
Bc coffee shop dates w taeyong are just so adorable
And he's adorable
*mark silently dragging my crying whipped ass away*
Arcade dates are also your thing
Since he's a little bit too obsessed with games
He loves museums too so he'd bring you to a lot of them
Especially art museums
And you're like why should we go when I've got a whole piece of art in front of me
And he blushes and smiles
Late late night dates
Where you just walk around like fools at like three in the morning bc neither of you could sleep
And you probably grab some ice cream
Okay I'm making it sound like you'd be such an outdoor couple when you're not lmao
Okay not rlly
But my point is that you'd prefer cuddling in bed all day over any of those
Not only in bed but really everywhere
Y'all are just so cute and soft
Skinship skinship and a lot of skinship
He can't stay like ten seconds without touching you
idk like he has to grab your hand or hug you or have you hug him or juST BE IN PHYSICAL CONTACT W YOU OK LIKE HE MIGHT DIE OR SMG OK
But there are some small cute things you notice he likes
Like back hugging you when you're doing literally anything
Like you'd be cooking or washing the dishes or freaking wiping away the dust or just looking out the window and he'd waddle to you as if his skinship'o'meter is hitting a critically low level and he needs urgent recharge
He'd then slowly wrap his arms around you so so gently yet you still feel like his whole world depends on that hug
90% of the time he'd rest his chin on your shoulder
Okay not his chin but technically press his lips against your shoulder, crook of neck, neck, collarbones, hairline, the skin behind your ear, your jawline, basically anywhere he could reach
Like they aren't even kisses his lips would just ever so softly ghost around your skin and his nose would nuzzle your crooks
You're dead if you're ticklish
He also likes intertwining fingers
Like not even all fingers but two or three
He'd love link your index and ring fingers as you walk, lay around and whenever he holds your hand which is often
He love love loves when you play with his hair
Kittyong anybody?
Esp as you praise him
Or you cup his cheeks and then your hands slowly creep to his ears and then to play with the hair on the back of his head
Or simply when you're laying down as he rests on your chest
He looooves doing that
Like he doesn't even care if you're boobless he just really loves that 
Sometimes while having really deep conversations
Or when you're cheering him up if he's ever having a rough time
Like you'd gently caress his hair as you tell him all the things you love about him
If he's really really down he'd silently cry and hugs you tighter 
And then end up falling asleep to your soft soothing voice and touch
He's usually very cheerful and hyper though
You'd love spending time in the kitchen tgt
Flour fights aren't that common bc he's usually tidy but they do happen so watch out
He loves cooking for you
And LOVES when you cook for him
Like even the simplest things
You don't really have to be that good at cooking like you'd crack him an egg and he'd be as happy as if you've served him a full course meal
He'd teach you how to cook but wouldn't let you do it like tf
He says to use those skills when he's not home
Although whenever he's leaving for some time he'd stack up the fridge w food that would probably last a year
Very random kisses
Like very random listen to me
You'd be like watching TV or something and he'd suddenly turn and peck your cheek then go back to watching
And you're like ?????
And he's like nothing I just wanted to do it
And you're like ????? uwu
Man I could talk about him all day but no one can afford this 
This is already way longer than all my other boyfriend posts wsdswdsdwdswdws
He just wants to be loved okay give my boi some sarang
Just kidding give him all the sarang lmao
No really I'm serious.
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fe14fiction-blog · 7 years
hi, mod lilith! :D do you think you could make a post listing the matchup requests you've gotten and will do? just so we know if you've received ours! it can be a hassle though, so please don't feel pressured to >
hi! could i have a matchup? im a gay boy and id like an awakening match please c: im very kind and i like being and caregiver to people. im really shy though, and it kind take time for me to open up. when i do open up however, im very loud and carefree and i like cracking jokes and messing around. i love singing and i have an interest in rapping and song writing, but im also an artist. i work very hard and i can get very serious and competitive. im also really sensitive and i cry alot and easily        
I'm 19, male, and straight. INFP and Sagittarius. On the bigger and taller side too. I'm mostly interested in gaming and anime, but I also read quite a number of books. I enjoy debating philosophy and religion, but to be frank, I'll debate anything that I can debate. Personality-wise, I have two outward expressions: stoic and emotionless, and smug half grin. I'm usually pretty antisocial, but I like the company of like-minded people. Basically, those I can battle my wits against, and vice versa. A bit follow up, as I ran out of room. I'd prefer a character from Fates, please. And don't let my profile picture make you feel biased towards Soleil. I just like the picture itself. I wish you luck with these, and I thank you for offering to do them! Keep posting all the great content! Good night for now!    
Hi!! Could I get a matchup please, if the mini event is still happening? I was thinking Awakening characters, and I prefer guys. I am an Aquarius and infp; I like people who are very protective, and usually calmer/level headed. I enjoy people who make me feel significant and treat me fairly, and with plenty of attention. Thank you!                
Could I have a match for Fates, specifically Conquest; preferably a male character? I'm a shy person around people I don't know; yet I don't show it too much as I feel I need to force myself to be out there to make others feel comfortable. I have a short temper and am a very sarcastic person by nature. I take things seriously if needed but tend to like to be the one cracking jokes to ease serious tension. I get nervous often in public situations etc. I enjoy reading and writing, I'm an Aries!      
Could I get awakening male match up? I'm a girl, pretty chill. I'm not the most outwardly social but I like talking to people more one on one and having kind of long conversations to really get to know someone. I do have depression though, and sometimes get days where it's bad, so basically just anyone caring and sweet is what I'd look for, but I'm okay with whatever. Thank you!!!!!!!!!                
May I have an Awakening matchup? I'm a female looking for a male. Logically minded, but creative. I like cooking and playing video games and I spend a lot of time taking care of my siblings to help my parents out. Also ridden with anxiety and ADHD, but I work through that by working out (I'm in the gym three times a week). Total cat lady. Happiest when I'm alone, but I dearly love my small circle of friends. Also, if it helps, I'm an INTP and Aquarius. Thank you!
For Match-Up; From the Awakening men, please! As for the person to be matched, he is kind and gentle with a soft, warm smile. Patience and optimism are his strongest points being he is never known to lose heart or give up. He does tend to lose track of his own health due to his diligence in his duties though. His mind is sharp however, and often used to devise new and clever approaches to things. He is also a Mage. ISFP-type personality, falling under the Lawful Good morality.                  
Sorry if I'm sending this through via the wrong method! I'd like to give your match-ups a try (if that's okay) Game: Fates (I don't care which path) MBTI: INTJ (more turbulent) Astrological Sign: Cancer What I like personality wise: • Someone that I can discuss intellectual (especially history-related things) with • Able to comfort/chill someone out • More "mature" (stoic is even okay) • Determined in one way or another • Doesn't mind cats • Does well with a busy partner • Is a guy Thanks! 😸Oh geez, it didn't occur to me that you wanted more info on us as opposed to what we like in relationships. Terribly sorry! It's probably too late, but here's some info on myself (I submitted my request prior to the deadline, but if it was too little info.  too late, I totally understand) I'm quite the worry wart use ten words when two would do honestly. I'm a major "dilettante", I dabble in many things but have mastered none. I don't handle extreme emotions all that well. Sorry, and thanks!                            
I'd like a match up for an awakening character please. No second gens though and preferably a guy. I'm a girl who likes art, reading, and crafting. I have an INFP personality type and I'm a Leo. I tend to keep to myself mostly so someone else would have to initiate conversation. I love animals but I hate bugs. My favorite genre to read is adventure because I find my real life about as interesting as a stale corn chip. True to my zodiac sign my pride is everything to me.                        
id like an Awakening matchup! Second gen is fine! im 5'8, pan, virgo, INFJ girl with long af brown hair and freckles around my nose and cheeks. im reserved when you first talk to me and its hard for me to really trust people sometimes even if im already close with them. i also make self deprecating jokes to cope w not liking myself a whole lot. im pretty spacey too and i have a hard time remembering stuff. i draw a lot digitally and traditionally and i write sometimes too. thanks in advance!                    
Hi~ I'd like to request a matchup please! Game: Conquest (all the guys I want to marry are in Nohr oops). Please skip the 2nd gen. Personality: Pisces, INFP, Gryffindor. Easygoing, affable, humourous, thoughtful, observent, affectionate, ambivert, shy but doing my best to put myself out there, introspective, openminded, I've been told I come across as mysterious and intense by people I don't know well. Preference: open/fair minded, loves to learn and travel, even a little romantic/affectionate.         
fates matchup please? 😁 i'm a straight entj girl. i'm an outgoing person and take up a lot of leadership roles, e.g. i’m stuco president. i'm a little shy around people at first but i open up quickly. people say that i'm funny and smart, although i am a little mean and a perfectionist... i'm also actually wildly insecure lmao... i also love reading and writing. i don’t enjoy sports but i like volleyball! going out is fun but i can't be around people for too long and like alone time. thank you!  
May I please have match up for a male Fates character! Thank you! You're a doll for doin this! I'm generally a calm, if a bit moody kind of girl who adores cute things and nature! I always aim to please and I act sweet and innocent when really I'm only pretending so that people will like me. In reality I'm much more down to Earth and lonely and can care way to deeply about keeping up appearances when all I really want is for someone to look past my façade.
Can I get an Awakening Match-up please? Female, 5'9", strawberry blonde hair and grey eyes, INTP. Looking for a guy who's more of a sweetheart and would never raise his voice to me, long hair is preferred. I need someone who will be strong for me when I can't, and enjoys being showered with affection in return. I enjoy reading, drawing, and cooking. Please no second gen characters. Thanks a bunch!
Please could I ask a match with somebody from awakening. I do not mind which gender you choose. I'm a happy, bit cheeky, kind and caring person, it takes awhile for me to get angry and I will show sympathy to people who needs it. I like other people showing kindness to others and being friendly. I am a Taraus and I own Awakening, Birthright and Revelation      
I'm a Taurus whom has a love for food, music, and poetry, tries to keep things orderly in his life for the most part, and yet also loves to flatter those whom I love with compliments and gifts. No gender preference, Fates character.  
fates matchup? male please!! i'm an infp gemini,, i'm p outgoing and try to make friends w everyone (which can also be a bad thing bc rejection is the Worst) but i love making people laugh most of all!! i play sports solely for the team aspect (soccer n softball) so i'm also p athletic. but i also do love to write and am v easy-going!! thank u v much for doing these!  
Matchup for Fates! I'm an ace girl with romantic interest in everyone, 21 and only 5'3" and I'm kinda shy due to being Autistic. I love horses and archery though, with more interest in writing and drawing. I'm a Cancer, and my favorite time of day os the mid afternoon. I used to be a sport swimmer and diver, but now I enjoy the pool for fun. I can be a little overprotective of those I care for when new people come around as well!    
fates/conquest, preference male (anyone BUT Leo, Xander & Laslow), cancer & INFJ Tiny, quiet girl. Doesn't like war or fighting and just wants to make her friends and everyone around her happy. Enjoys music and can play almost every string instrument (except the viola) including the piano. She's very timid yet enjoys talking, especially about different lands and myths. She's kind of sick though and has medical issues that affect her ability to go out a lot. Has no preference for males.           
Match-up please! I'm a male who enjoys creative writing, animals, baking, fashion, and nature. I'm playful and tend to tease those who I'm close to. I'm pretty nerdy and I'm scared pretty easily. I also love terrible puns. I'm a Gemini, and I'd prefer a female from Fates! Children are fine, too!      
  Hi I'm hoping the matchup are still open, thank you for this!! I'd like someone from awakening and preferably one of the dudes pls :) I'm an istp, gryffindor and a Scorpio, I've been told I'm a bit intimidating as well as bold and a bit blunt, but also funny. I prefer to hang out with people who are honest and have integrity, people who start shit for no reason piss me off to no end. It doesn't matter if I don't share similar interests with people so long as we get along and have a good time c:  No Kid Characters      
For matchup I'd prefer Fates Second Gen characters except for anyone younger than Kiragi, I have no preference for Gender or Personality. As for my personality I'm a very lazy hermit who likes literature and I have a good memory. I can be shy and my mood changes a lot between pessimistic and optimistic. I'm also someone who likes to try new things a lot as long as it doesn't require much of physical activities. I also get lost a lot in my thoughts.      
Matchup if still open! I'm five foot 3 and INTP in personality. i don't mind either BR or CQ guys. I'm somewhat distant at first glance. I'm kinda moody and irrational, but try to hide that with jokes and silliness. I'm a pessimist at heart. Very picky about things too, whether it be food, clothes, friends, etc..   
Can I have an Awakening matchup? I'm a bisexual ESTJ 5'1 1/2" Pisces girl with too many things to say. I've been told my best traits were my charisma, imagination, consideration, and articulation but that I was stubborn and feisty and I can't be intimidating due to my height. I love engineering, history, and hands-on projects and people say I can never stop smiling. To my s/o I can offer comfort, humor, and perspective. They'd just have to deal with my strange sense of humor, unorthodox way to do things, and when I'm mad, a sharp tongue. But after any fights if I'm not blinded by my own stubbornness, I'll be the one to give in and ask for forgiveness. In the relationship I need someone as willing to hold it up and be a part of it as I am.                                                    
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