#posts brought to you by that tiktok of the woman ranking how things get crushed in a hydraulic press
comradekatara · 10 months
atla ships ranked solely by name
reminder that i am basing this off of ship names i have seen frequently enough to be established and therefore judged. the actual makeup of the ship is irrelevant here.
zutara: 1/10. horrible. should be “katuko”
azutara: 0/10. even worse! should be “katzula”
harutara: 2/10. also not good. should be “kataru”
kataang: 8/10. now there’s a ship name!
sukka: 10/10. very jewish name, i love it
zukka: 5/10. i have no objections to it, but i don’t find it particularly inspiring either
zukki: 5/10. meh. not inspiring. i would’ve gone with “sozuki”
yukka: 6/10. pretty nice. “sue” would be funnier though
taang: 10/10. such a great ship name
tokka: 8/10. apparently this is the name of a teenage mutant ninja turtle character. cool
toko: 7/10. short and sweet. i like it
zukaang: 8/10. sounds fun and appealing. a good ship name
zuki: 6/10. it’s fine
tyzula: 7/10. i like that ty lee’s name is first
maizula: 9/10. manages to nearly fit both their names in there! good job
mailee: 6/10. good, but also kind of sounds like it could be another character entirely instead of a ship name
maizulee: 9/10. sounds very fun and exciting. i enjoy this one
ty luki: 8/10. very fun sounding. i know the kids these days are calling it “tysuki,” but i think that’s worse
azuki: 8/10. sounds very fun indeed!
maiko: 9/10. a cute, fun name.
maikka: 3/10. unfortunately this ship name does not spark joy. i would’ve gone with “sokmai” personally
sokkla: 2/10. azula’s name is barely even in there! “azukka” would be even worse though (see: the azutara problem) so maybe “sokzula”?
bakoda: 7/10. a solid ship name.
sutara or sukitara (i’ve seen both): 3/10. haven’t we learned by now? katara’s name should always be first!!!! (i propose “katsuki”)
katoph: 7/10. that’s better
yuetara: 6/10. yue’s name is too short not to come first, so i’ll make an exception for this one. and it sounds pretty
jetara: 6/10. i don’t like that jet’s name comes first, but i do enjoy that he and katara share the T
jetko: 4/10. not actually sure what else it could be, but this name does not spark joy.
jetkka: 0/10. sounds like someone hacking up phlegm.
yueki: 7/10. cute ship name. although again, might i recommend “sue”
urzai: 8/10. surprisingly fun name
jinzula: 8/10. love this name. very cute
jinko: 8/10. also a cute name
not atla but shoutout to both makorra and korrasami for being 10/10 perfect ship names
and then of course, the best ship name of all: mohawk (momo x hawky): ♾/10.
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