#posts?!?? in my blogue!?!?? surprising!
landgraabbed · 1 year
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invites a guy to his place, makes out w/ him, drinks his blood, laughs at him, then gets back to work
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W 2022 roku na moim blogu pojawiło się 4499 postów
O 2379 postów więcej niż w 2021!
244 utworzone posty (5%)
4255 zreblogowanych postów (95%)
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4491 moich postów w 2022 miało tagi
#reblog – 4214 postów
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#shitpost – 357 postów
#my post – 235 postów
#dracula daily – 212 postów
#tumblr – 181 postów
#encanto – 165 postów
#eoa – 150 postów
#elena of avalor – 143 posty
#writing – 141 postów
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and its not separate like in the previous seasons but its more of a spectrum where they lean more towards formality or casualnes when needed
Moje najpopularniejsze posty w 2022:
Nr 5
I can't stop thinking about just how much older than everyone Cupid is. I mean she herself said that she's 'as old as teenage love' which even if you ignore my crack theory is probably just an elegant way of dodging an answer, but imagine if it's true. She's been alive for most of human history, the world of the myths is probably one of the oldest in the land of stories, Ever After wouldn't exist without myths and Cupid has been there for all of this.
And now she just attends school like a regular teenager. Even though she's probably older than Grimm, heck older than his whole lineage. And sure, time on Olympus probably flows differently, she hasn't really felt all these millenias, and with how gods' 'biology' works she probably actually is this 16/17 (I wouldn't be surprised if a god's physical age depended strictly on their mental age, since they're immortal and can shapeshift) but even then think just how long has she been a teenager.
I wonder if she sometimes feels lonely because of that. Sure she takes part in her friends life, sure she experiences all the 'normal teenage stuff' but she also... will never grow up, not really, and at the same time she's already more grown up than they all combined, and she knows that she can't stay in one place forever, because her friends will age and pass away, and she simply won't, not anymore...
78 notek (opublikowanych w 8 kwietnia 2022)
Nr 4
Leaked photo of Cupid explaining her family tree in Blondie Branches Out
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79 notek (opublikowanych w 10 kwietnia 2022)
Nr 3
I'm in Cupid mood lately so another headcanon:
Since all her life before coming to EAH she had spent between immortal gods and undead monsters she has... no idea how mortality works. I'm not sure she even fully grasps the concept. She saw people spilling their guts all over and surviving being eaten and is friends with a girl who unattaches her limbs on regular bases what do you mean being stabbed with a knife is dangerous???
125 notek (opublikowanych w 4 kwietnia 2022)
Nr 2
174 notki (opublikowane w 4 listopada 2022)
Mój post nr 1 w 2022
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I wasn't the only one who thought about that while reading today's entry right
307 notek (opublikowanych w 5 listopada 2022)
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thecyrulik · 2 years
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W 2022 roku na moim blogu pojawiło się 1337 postów
O 250 postów więcej niż w 2021!
30 utworzonych postów (2%)
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900 moich postów w 2022 miało tagi
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#vampires – 120 postów
#cats – 46 postów
#vampire whump – 23 posty
#my chemical romance – 20 postów
#bats – 18 postów
#song for the asking – 17 postów
#disco elysium – 17 postów
#pathologic 2 – 17 postów
#the c the c the open c – 15 postów
#gerard way – 14 postów
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#and then i have the weirdest post-story hangover ever because the story was so good and so weird and so unlike what i thought it would be
Moje najpopularniejsze posty w 2022:
Nr 5
Writing Masterlist
I was pressured into being an organized human being in at least one facet of life, so now it's everyone else's problem. Behold!
Blue Monday (Egon and Simon story)
A workaholic vampire finds a human that's perfect for regular snacking, the human isn't a fan of that but he's not really the decision maker here. Cue months or years of them figuring out a compromise.
Cross-posted on AO3
Blue Monday (first chapter created, takes place years after the rest of the story)
House Visit
Second First Meeting
The Realization
Dinner Time
Pluto's Not A Real Planet (Pluto's Not A Real Human)
BBU, deals with universe-typical violence, non- and dubcon etc
Pluto's Punishment
Close To The Heart
Fun Swamp Vacation (a.k.a. Nicodem Kern's Tormentous Nightmare)
Fanfic story to @whumpy-writings's Of Vampires And Men story, can be read separately but her stories are sooo cool you should give them a try!
An insolent soldier in a vampire army is sent with some important papers through the enemy's lands. Accompanied by a vampire kid, their human bloodbag and a mule with Opinions, they suffer through the unfriendly swamps, surrounded by the enemy and plagued by all kinds of misfortunes.
Setting Forth
The Purring Vampire Story (Kosta)
Extracting Venom
Morning Surprise
Feeding Time
A Visitor
43 notki (opublikowane w 22 lutego 2022)
Nr 4
Last Line Tag
Rules: write the latest line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line
Make a new post, don’t reblog! Tagged by: @whumpy-writings
If only she knew, he thought and shivered for the last time before sleep finally got a hold of him.
Tagging: @hold-him-down @peachy-panic @afrosarah @orchidscript @ceph-the-writing-spook and everyone who feels like it - the sentence is too long to tag adhering to the rules
84 notki (opublikowane w 19 stycznia 2022)
Nr 3
Morning Surprise
Here's a continuation of Yet Another Purring Vampire story. Our poor little creechur keeps having a terrible time at the hunters' little settlement. In case anyone was wondering: the setting is mostly Earthlike in the 60s - they loved doing morally dubious experiments at that time so it seemed fitting.
CW: burning, captivity, vampires, blood, torture, discussion of experimenting, reluctant whumper, sentient creature treated like an animal (I'd call it dehumanization but Kosta isn't a human, after all)
Matt Morgan wasn’t exactly what you’d call a kind man. He wasn’t noble, and he wasn’t too generous either. And God knew he had every reason to hate the creatures that killed his wife, his sister, his fathers and one of his daughters, that much was obvious. Still, there were borders he tried not to cross. And right now he felt awfully close to one of those borders. He thought about the leech screaming like it was in agony when he pulled out its fang, when he punctured its lung, when he held it down for Dr Taylor, or when he watched it have its venom drained. He didn’t feel sorry for the beast, no. He still thought it inhumane to treat a thinking creature like that.
That’s why he ran towards the vampire’s cage as soon as he heard its screaming. It was such a miserable sound, Matt couldn’t help but feel a little bad for the vampire despite his general sentiment towards its kind. The beast was squirming now and then, trying to crawl the wall to escape the sun, obviously failing. Its struggles made everything worse.
“Hey! Stop moving so much, you’re not helping yourself!” he said, but the vampire didn’t look like it heard him through its pained gasps and whines. “Damn. Stay here, I’ll get something to shade you,” he added, aware that his command was a stupid one, as the vampire couldn’t go anywhere anyway.
He rushed to the hunters’ storeroom and frantically searched for a piece of cloth big enough it could cover most of the cage. It only took him a moment and he almost ran back to the miserable beast that was already shrieking – and in doing that, waking the whole village, it seemed – and threw the white cloth over the cage’s roof. The screams eased down as he walked around it, pulling it higher and unfolding the edges so it would cover more area.
The sounds the vampire was making as he was done with sunproofing the cage were more keening than blood-curdling, but it was still an awful noise. Matt wondered about throwing the last piece to the vampire so it could wrap itself in it just as the fucking doctor appeared out of nowhere.
“What the fuck did you do?”
“Someone forgot about making sure the vampire wouldn’t burn to a crisp, so I covered the cage a little. Just take a look, it’s pretty fucked up.”
He leaned back and pulled the cloth away a little so they could both look at the creature sobbing and muttering on the ground. It flinched when a ray of early sunlight caught its bare foot again, so Matt pulled the material back.
“Well shit, it looks bad.”
“Obviously it looks bad, the sun burns them! But I wanted to know how bad while it’s still fairly well-fed, you dumb brute! Experiments are supposed to be done in set conditions and now I don’t know how long it was really exposed to the sun and the whole test is ruined,” the doctor explained, his voice dripping with disdain.
“Well, try a warning next time, then. Ungodly shrieks like that aren’t what we need here in the early morning,” Matt sneered as he considered the doctor’s words. His explanation made little sense. Weren’t scientists supposed to supervise their experiments? Taylor was nowhere to be found as the sun rose and started burning the leech, which was suspicious to say the least.
Still, the hunter said nothing. The last thing he wanted was to be accused of being too soft on vampires. He just pretended to listen as Dr Taylor grumbled for a little while about how his experiment was ruined and how he had to wait now until the vampire healed to start anew. He checked on the creature, still curled up, its arms and legs twitching in pain, but the noise coming from its mouth was much quieter, which Matt considered a good sign.
Finally the doctor was done complaining and simply left without a word of goodbye. Matt figured it would be okay for him to let the beast heal for now, given how Dr Taylor wanted it in good condition for ‘experiments’, whatever those were.
He slipped under the cloth covering the cage yet again. The vampire was just a trembling mess in the far end of the cage. The white material was far from opaque, so the beast was still burning slightly, but it seemed not to care much now that it wasn’t actively being set on fire. The whimpering was barely audible, actually.
“Here, bloodfuck. Cover yourself up,” Matt said as he threw the last piece of cloth at the vampire. It raised its head, staring at Matt with pure hatred. After noticing what was being thrown at it, it moved suddenly, much faster than the hunter anticipated it to. He stared in morbid curiosity as it curled up yet again, wrapped in white sheets slowly darkening with burnt skin bleeding slowly. The hunter felt a subconscious urge to pull out his gun despite the vampire being in such a terrible state. It couldn’t hurt him right now, that much was obvious, but still. He knew too well how an angry or pained vampire might wreak havoc on its surroundings.
The leech grabbed the cloth tight, wrapping itself as much as it could and curling up on the ground. It raised its head to stare at Matt and for a moment the hunter saw something like gratitude in the monster’s eyes. Its expressions were hard to understand, given the muzzle, but it seemed that it appreciated the material partly protecting it from sunlight. The hatred was gone and the beast seemed to be just lonely and miserable, and not particularly dangerous anymore.
He thought about grabbing the key to the cage. He knew where they kept it, and the vampire was obviously not a threat, charred and miserable as it was now. He worried about seeming too soft about the bloodfuck, yes, but if anyone was allowed to hate the vampires with the hatred he felt, it was Matt.
But there was no point in getting inside either way. If he wanted it hurt, all he had to do was to pull the sheets down again. If he wanted to help it – and why the fuck would he want to do that? – he already did much more than the vampire could hope for. Surely it knew it wouldn’t be getting out of here alive, right?
He stared at the creature bundled up on the ground. It seemed not to move at first, but looking closely, he saw fine shivers passing through its whole body. The now-familiar purring sound started again, the vampire quite obviously trying to self-soothe and calm itself down, results of that rather unclear. The smell of burnt skin was still quite intense and Matt wanted to leave, but the sight of this dangerous beast he was raised to hate captivated him. He thought about Dr Taylor and his experiments. The venom extraction made sense – it served as a pretty strong drug, working better than any chemical the weird doc had in his lab. Defanging the creature could only make things safer for them, too. But as much as he tried to convince himself he didn’t care, it was one thing to hunt vampires and another one entirely to keep them caged and tortured. There was also the audacity of keeping a dangerous beast like that, in the middle of their village. The men who raised him would never agree to such a risky thing – but they were dead now, and the doctor was basically ruling the whole settlement.
The vampire didn’t seem to realize it was being watched, its fate being pondered on. In fact, it didn’t seem like it was aware of anything beside the burns on its skin and the sun seeping through the cloth, no doubt still causing some discomfort. The purrs were constant, growing and fading slowly, occasionally interrupted with sounds that were too close to actual human sobs for Matt’s comfort. He slipped from under the cloth and pulled it back, suddenly wanting to get far enough not to hear the creature’s misery.
Tagging the vampire gang: @ceph-the-writing-spook @whumpy-writings @whumpsday @hold-him-down @deluxewhump @aswallowimprisoned @melancholy-in-the-morning @wolfeyedwitch @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump
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87 notek (opublikowanych w 13 kwietnia 2022)
Nr 2
A Visitor
Chapter 4 of The Purring Vampire Story! Poor Kosta finally has some peace and quiet, and gets comforted, too!
CW: some slight dehumanization, restraints, fear of burning, starvation, otherwise pretty mild tbh
They left him in a room with a window, of all places. It didn’t look like a cell made to hold vampires specifically, so the unfortunate souls that were here before him probably found this tiny square of the sky a small mercy. What it meant for him, though, was that he had to keep changing place all day as the patch of sunlight followed the sun’s movement. It took him 3 days to give up and become diurnal for the time being. It was better than waking up all the time and maneuvering in his tiny cell to avoid the sun.
So here he was, sleeping in the night like the humans and trying to stay awake during the day, fighting the sun-headache and playing the slowest game of chase with the bright spot on the floor. Hungry, but not starving anymore, he had all the time in the world to think about all the things that ailed him. The removed fang was budding and itched like a bitch, for example, and daylight made him feel too hot regardless of the actual temperature in the damp basement.
He curled up in the corner, his forehead touching cold metal bars, his side almost glued to the concrete wall, trying to cool down. He managed to nap despite the discomfort, though he knew it wouldn’t last. He had to move soon, to crawl his way a few feet further like the days before. It was preferable to being left outside with only some thin material to protect him – partially – from the sun, but Kosta wouldn’t hesitate to call it torture.
His musings were interrupted by the sound of light steps at the end of the corridor. A door creaked and closed with a soft thud. The steps slowly got closer, and with them a quick heartbeat and a human smell. No metallic stink of guns, though, just plain human blood smell. This one was… green, like a barley field in May, growing but far from ripe.
“Oh. Wow.”
Ah, so that’s the reason the blood was unripe. A child.
“Uh, hi?” the girl stepped a little closer, still far from Kosta’s reach, but getting there.
“Hello, child.” He tried to make his words soft, but they still came out hoarse. The girl flinched, surprised.
“Oh, you can talk?” she asked, delighted surprise in her voice.
“Wh– why the hell would I not be able to talk? Do you know what I am?” Kosta was too stunned to say anything else.
“Uh, I thought you were a dog.” The girl sounded a little disappointed. “You have a dog mask. I wanted a dog for myself, and none of the other dogs can talk. And you use bad words!” She seemed thrilled by the last fact.
“Wait, what?” His voice was getting better and it looked like the girl understood him just fine with him still wearing the muzzle. “’Hell’ is a bad word for you?” Kosta snorted, which made the child pout, insulted.
“As it happens, my daddy says it’s a bad word and I can’t use it,” she explained, making it very clear undermining her daddy’s authority was not something she would stand for. She made a move towards the door.
“Wait! No, your daddy’s right, it is a bad word. I’m just very used to using bad words all the time and I forgot,” he said, keeping his voice low. “Please, come back!”
“Okay,” she huffed and returned, seemingly content with his apology. Still, she was too far for Kosta to reach her.
Reach her? What do you want to do, kill a child? She doesn’t have a key, you can’t even drink her blood with a muzzle on, you’d have to slit her throat and lick it off the floor, and still you would fail because the holes on the muzzle are too small, he chastised himself. Coming up with a strategy was difficult during daytime, his mind foggy and baffled with the encounter, so he tried to just buy some time:
“What are you doing here? How did you get downstairs?”
He tried to make his voice sound curious and not interrogative, but the girl seemed happy to chat anyway.
“Well, as it happens, I simply took the key and opened the door. I was bored.” There was an air of pride to her voice and Kosta was willing to admit she had the right to feel it.
“The key? Is it still in the door? You should bring it here, or someone will see it and know you’re here. And you shouldn’t be here, otherwise the door wouldn’t be locked, right?”
She made a face, but seemed to accept his reasoning. She ran up and down again, the key in her hands. Kosta’s heart dropped when he saw it was just the one.
“Good job,” he praised her anyway, “now you can stay here and no one will bother us and tell you to leave.”
“Why are you here? I don’t like this place. Can’t you go upstairs with me? We could play outside, it’s fun there.”
“I can’t,” he shrugged. “This–“ he shook the barred door with bound hands –“is locked.”
“Oh! I’ll tell daddy to come and let you out, then! He probably has the key!” She sounded ready to run up the stairs and get her father there, which was the last thing Kosta wanted, so he shouted “No!” 
The girl almost jumped, a little scared.
Well shit, he thought, and added out loud, “I’m sorry I shouted at you. But you can’t tell your daddy you met me. First of all, you would get in trouble for being here. Second, he was probably the one who put me here, him or his friends.”
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114 notek (opublikowanych w 24 kwietnia 2022)
Mój post nr 1 w 2022
Yet Another Purring Vampire?
Hello friends and foes, recent talks about the concept of some vampires' ability to purr in various situations gave me no choice but to join with this little piece. I am unafraid to admit this is quite self-indulgent and written for a very specific audience of me and about 5 other whump blogs I saw enjoyed the concept.
Tagging at the beginning of the post so you can see what's this about quickly and decide if you care about the piece at all (also tagging some of my vampire squad and the people I know have their own purring vampire OCs - ignore as you wish): @hold-him-down (thank you for helping with this nightmare of a language) @whumpy-writings @whumpsday @deluxewhump @ceph-the-writing-spook @wolfeyedwitch - I apologize for random tags, but consider me a toddler running up to people on the street, showing them a drawing they made and were super proud of while the parent is 2 steps behind and a little embarrassed. LMK if you want off the list if I ever write part 2
MIND THE WARNINGS ON THIS ONE: mouth whump, defanging, dehumanization, restraints, forced drugging, it's not intended as torture but it is, collars, lab and med whump of sorts.
The metal parts of his cage clinking in irregular intervals have brought him onto the edge of madness. He wanted to snarl and hiss and bite at the humans who put him in his cage, who chained him and muzzled him and bound him in silver and brought misery upon him, but he couldn’t do anything.
They dragged him to gods knew where and it took ages and he wanted to snarl and hiss and snap but no one paid him any mind. The cage bumped with every other turn or change of terrain and he was as miserable as could be without being directly tortured, for now at least.
Kosta hissed as the carriage bumped and made him hit his head on the silver cage bars. Hissing didn’t help him at all, and he imagined none of the other protests would work better but he still couldn’t help himself. Maybe that way he would prove to his captors he was a thinking, intelligent being?
Heh. Hunger made him foolish and naïve, it seemed. It was obvious the hunters wouldn’t care about his thinking abilities at all. Kosta knew they all thought vampires were all half-feral beasts that killed every time they fed and left an awful mess behind. They would also do everything they could to keep thinking that way. He had no way of making them see either, especially now when they kept him starving and in pain. He’d love to drain any of them right away. If they really want a beast, he’ll show them a beast, he thought, full of simmering rage.
“Goddamit, Jim, pull it down, down!” the wide-shouldered man at his side shouted. Another one, Jim, whose blood smelled like fresh hay, returned to Kosta reluctantly. The vampire snarled again, struggling hopelessly against his restraints. Jim grabbed at the chain attached to a metal collar on his neck and pulled sharply. Kosta let out a strained sound, panic rising in his chest as he was being choked by the thing.
“Okay, good. Hold it down like that. I need it still for a couple of minutes,” the wide man – a doctor? A scientist of sorts? – explained, his annoyance palatable. Jim grunted somewhere under the table Kosta was lying on, and the pressure on his neck eased just a bit.
“Stay down, bloodfuck, and I won’t have to choke you again,” he said, a little out of breath. Kosta hissed, but stayed still – for now, of course.
“I don’t get it. I gave it so many sedatives it should be barely able to breathe on its own, so why is it still fighting?” The doctor seemed like he didn’t really expect an answer as he prepared… something, on a metal table next to the one Kosta was bound to. The vampire felt the slurred way his thoughts moved in his mind, so the drugs definitely worked partially. He kept still, now hoping he could make them believe he was out of it so that they’d get careless, giving him an escape opportunity.
The doctor returned to his side, strange tools in both his hands. Kosta stared with more confusion than fear as the man nodded to someone in front of him. Before the vampire realized there was another hunter at his other side – fucking wonderful, you didn’t notice a human standing next to you, for this kind of sloppiness you deserve everything they do to you – a sharp piercing pain started on the left side of his chest. He gasped, his head lifting against the metal collar, his fangs jumping out without any decision on his side. At the same moment, the doctor was pushing one of his tools inside his mouth. His fangs locked on the metal parts, and he couldn’t move his jaw at all.
“Pull it out. No point in it bleeding out on my table,” the doctor said and Kosta felt as the sharp thing was being pulled out of his chest, metal scratching on his ribs. He could barely breathe, his lung punctured, freeing the air and collapsing when deflated. Even if he didn’t have that strange metal bit in his mouth, he wouldn’t be able to say anything at all, so he just glared and tried to breathe slowly as the wound in his chest healed slowly oh so slowly.
“Ah. Lovely. Perfect access, and on the first try!” the doctor sounded disgustingly pleased with him. He leaned over Kosta’s face as he inspected the inside of his mouth. “Listen to me, vampire. I’m going to collect your venom now.”
When Kosta didn’t answer, the doctor raised his eyebrows in pleased surprise. He seemed to have forgotten the bite guard – because that’s what the metal thing had to be – or maybe he expected the vampire to snarl or hiss anyway.
“There’s two ways it can go. One, you do as I say and let it flow like a good little beastie. Two, you fight me and I drain your venom glands with a syringe.”
The vampire felt a low grumbling rising in his throat. There was some shuffling behind his head and then the young hunter’s face appeared just above him.
“What is this noise? Is it the vampire?” Jim asked with a hint of disbelief.
“What did you expect, son? It’s a beast and it wants to get free. Come on, hold its head down, I can’t see anything like this.”
Kosta felt a warm human hand push one of his shoulders down to the table just as the metal band started pressing on his throat once again. Another one – the stabber – brought a lamp that shone brightly in the vampire’s face, forcing his eyes closed for a moment.
“So how’s it gonna be?”
He growled again, sure that his sentiment was clear without words.
“We’ll see about that. Morgan, push his chin up?”
Another two hands, one on his jaw, the other one on his forehead, pulling his head back, baring his throat to the doctor. Kosta felt dread pooling in his stomach like icy water, burning and paralyzing at the same time. The man’s hands smelt of his blood, sourdough-like and warm. Kosta stopped his growling and braced for whatever was coming.
The stab of pain was white and blinding when it finally came. Kosta’s body tensed, but the drugs in his system and the hands on him kept him down and unable to escape as the doctor searched for his gland with a needle. Quiet hissing and weaker, more bearable stabs told him that the doctor found this task harder than anticipated. Every time the needle got close to his gland, he shivered and whimpered.
“Fucking finally.”
Kosta sighed with relief as he felt the change of pressure in his mouth. The pull of the syringe was uncomfortable and humiliating, but not terribly painful. He closed his eyes again and breathed a little easier. The tears stayed at bay for now.
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174 notki (opublikowane w 6 kwietnia 2022)
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